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They spend a few days at the Karasuno castle. Prince Tobio responds to his father's letters and awaits a response. Oikawa smuggles him letters to send to Ushijima and Lord Takahiro from his hiding spot a few miles from the castle grounds where he stays with Iwaizumi, Yahaba and Kyoutani.

The letters themselves are short and vague, written by Yahaba to mask their true author. The one to Lord Takahiro who, Iwaizumi assumes, is still likely stuck in the castle if the lock down rumors are true, is only a sentence long, "See you soon."

Ushijima's is a little longer. Oikawa feels a bit safer divulging more information. He doubts his father could intercept it coming from Karasuno. He writes, "Ushiwaka-chan, I'm on my way back. If things go my way, I'll need back up. Where do you stand?"

"What the hell can he do if the country is closed off to everyone?" Iwaizumi points out, reading the words over his shoulder.

Oikawa clucks his tongue, "Iwa-chan, it's all about future planning. If I am to take the throne like this, I will need all the support I can get. You said it yourself. I'll need him to vouch for me on the international scale. I don't think the word of a 14 year old is going to mean much. So called 'Sun Prince' or not."

Iwaizumi snorts, "There's something in that kid's eyes. He's going places."

Oikawa nods, "Scary isn't it? I can't imagine the trouble he'll cause with Tobio-chan at his side. Karasuno might be becoming less of a joke after all."

Iwaizumi lays back down in the grass, hands coming to pillow the back of his head as he looks up at the stars. Oikawa lies down beside him, snuggling close. Iwaizumi sighs, but he scooches closer as well, "You really think this will work?"

"No idea," Oikawa replies honestly, and the words are tired as they leave him, "But it's all I got left in me."

Iwaizumi turns himself onto his side, bringing one hand up to rest underneath his head and leaving the other to lay against his side. He faces Oikawa now, who doesn't budge from his pose, gazing up at the stars. Iwaizumi's eyes take in all of the Prince that he can, following the line of his profile, along his perfect nose to his chin, down his long neck. His fingers dig into the grass beneath his head, his heart clenching painfully in his chest.

He murmurs, quietly, almost too quietly, "I'm sorry I left you alone for so long."

Oikawa's eyes widen, face turning to look at Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi quickly rolls over and away, face flaming up at his own words.


"Go to bed. We're leaving in the morning."

Iwaizumi isn't facing him, absolutely refuses to do so, but he can still feel Oikawa's smile on his back. And the warmth of it makes him curl up and bury his face in his hands. Because he's a knight, god damn it.

But he's always been weak to his Prince.

By morning Prince Tobio has arrived at their secluded camp with the carriage in tow. The three royals and Iwaizumi climb into it, while Yahaba and Kyoutani climb atop Lady and Pumpkin respectively.

Iwaizumi sleeps through most of the journey, bored by royal chatter and exhausted from his months on the road. He leans against Oikawa's shoulder, closing his eyes. He stirs occasionally, whenever Oikawa shifts or when his hands comb through his hair, but he never minds enough to bother waking up.

The journey takes a few days but is relatively uneventful. They pause before the border in order for Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kyoutani and Yahaba to hide amongst the carriage luggage. Oikawa focuses his aura on pushing gazes away to keep them hidden. Prince Shouyou chats up the border guards, and Prince Tobio shows the letter from his father granting him permission to return.

They pass through with little investigation, the guards greeting the returning Prince with stiff nods. Traveling through Aoba Johsai is tense. Oikawa keeps his hood up and his face down. Yet, most people pay them no mind. Many are preparing for winter's arrival, probably only days away at this point. They keep to their work, chopping wood and stowing away food for the coming cold long months.

Winters in Aoba Johsai tend to be mild, milder than Datekou's and Karasuno's, at the very least. But there is always the chance of unexpected blizzards, and so the people prepare all the same. The last few winters had not been the kindest.

By the time their ensemble finally reach the castle gates, the first snow drifts downwards from the sky, fluffy and light. The sky is gray, the wind chilly and the entire world feels like it has stopped for the moment. The guards at the gate greet Prince Tobio with little fanfare, faces haggard and pointed downward.

Iwaizumi longs to speak with them, his longtime friends, and ask what has happened to bring them such gloom. The grounds as they pass through, are unkept, and there is no sight of any servants milling about the area. It feels...deserted.

The two native Princes share a look when they pry their gazes from the carriage window.

"Are you ready?" Iwaizumi asks, as the castle looms ahead of them.

"I have to be," Oikawa responds, but there's a tinge of a tremor in his voice.

And All the Prince's Men (haikyu)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin