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"Oikawa!" Iwaizumi Hajime calls, voice tinged with annoyance as he kicks his horse faster. He can hear the distant laugh of the first Prince of Aoba Johsai egging him on. He grits his teeth.

"Catch me if you can, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa sings, having his horse dash out expertly through the trees. Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and follows close behind, equally as skilled. Hoof beats tear up the dirt path, mere seconds apart from each other, winding through trees, leaping over roots and dodging around rocks. The air is filled with horses breath and beautiful princely laughter. Iwaizumi would deny joining him in his laughter, but his face is a painting of carefree joy as the breeze blows on his face and courses through his short hair.

Oikawa is finally forced to halt his ride when he comes up to an incredibly dense patch of forest. He pulls on his reigns, letting out another laugh. He turns his horse around as Iwaizumi comes to stop in front of him and he raises his hands in surrender.

Iwaizumi rolls his eyes, "Come on, we need to start packing."

"I don't even want to go." Oikawa whines, sinking into his saddle dramatically, the complete mood shift making Iwaizumi's eye twitch, "Especially if Father's coming."

"He'll only come as far as Karasuno, it won't be that bad." Iwaizumi assures, turning his own horse around, "So stop whining. Come on, it's your grand debut."

Oikawa snorts, "What a stupid tradition." He brings his horse to a walk, heading out of the forest with Iwaizumi by his side, "Sending fourteen year olds to neighboring kingdoms just to watch them suffer."

"It's practice," Iwaizumi says, his tone a tad defensive.

"Who's side are you on?" Oikawa whines.

"Definitely not yours," Iwaizumi smirks, "Plus, it's my first time visiting these places."

"Who says you're coming? I think I'll have you replaced, you've been so mean to me all this time."

Iwaizumi punches his arm weakly, "Everyday I long to be granted freedom from dealing with your bullshit."

Oikawa laughs, sincerely, "You're so cute, Iwa-chan," he murmurs, flicking his tail at his face. Iwaizumi swats it away, feeling his face redden at the complement and touch.

They ride back into the castle grounds, leaving their horses in their stables and making their way into the Great Hall. The servants are in a rush, packing last minute gifts, clothing and supplies. Iwaizumi dips away to help them, but Oikawa follows after him, talking to the servants.

Iwaizumi helps load the wagon, noting where everything is being stored. Once the wagon is stocked he heads up the steps, dragging the Prince right behind him and shoving him into his bed chambers.

"Pull out all the stuff you want to bring. And don't take all day."

"Yes, yes, I know! You're no fun when you're stressed." Oikawa sighs, flinging open his wardrobe to dig around his clothing options, "While I'm picking stuff out, write this down, alright?"

Iwaizumi sighs, sitting down at the desk chair and pulling out a sheet of parchment, "Ready."

"Aki Reina, a new scullery maid apprenticing under Ahana. Straight black hair, brown eyes, a mole near her nose to the left. Soft voice. Loves apples."

"This is so creepy." Iwaizumi groans, writing the information down dutifully regardless.

Oikawa throws another outfit onto the bed, "Information gathering is not creepy. It's necessary."

"Nothing you do is necessary." Iwaizumi retorts, corking the inkwell shut.

"Hold on, I have a letter I need you to write." Oikawa calls at the noise, and Iwaizumi lets out a sigh as he ready's himself, popping it open again.

And All the Prince's Men (haikyu)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz