And All the Prince's Men (hai...


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"Oikawa!" Iwaizumi Hajime calls, voice tinged with annoyance as he kicks his horse faster. He can hear the distant laugh of the first Prince of Aoba Johsai egging him on. He grits his teeth.

"Catch me if you can, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa sings, having his horse dash out expertly through the trees. Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and follows close behind, equally as skilled. Hoof beats tear up the dirt path, mere seconds apart from each other, winding through trees, leaping over roots and dodging around rocks. The air is filled with horses breath and beautiful princely laughter. Iwaizumi would deny joining him in his laughter, but his face is a painting of carefree joy as the breeze blows on his face and courses through his short hair.

Oikawa is finally forced to halt his ride when he comes up to an incredibly dense patch of forest. He pulls on his reigns, letting out another laugh. He turns his horse around as Iwaizumi comes to stop in front of him and he raises his hands in surrender.

Iwaizumi rolls his eyes, "Come on, we need to start packing."

"I don't even want to go." Oikawa whines, sinking into his saddle dramatically, the complete mood shift making Iwaizumi's eye twitch, "Especially if Father's coming."

"He'll only come as far as Karasuno, it won't be that bad." Iwaizumi assures, turning his own horse around, "So stop whining. Come on, it's your grand debut."

Oikawa snorts, "What a stupid tradition." He brings his horse to a walk, heading out of the forest with Iwaizumi by his side, "Sending fourteen year olds to neighboring kingdoms just to watch them suffer."

"It's practice," Iwaizumi says, his tone a tad defensive.

"Who's side are you on?" Oikawa whines.

"Definitely not yours," Iwaizumi smirks, "Plus, it's my first time visiting these places."

"Who says you're coming? I think I'll have you replaced, you've been so mean to me all this time."

Iwaizumi punches his arm weakly, "Everyday I long to be granted freedom from dealing with your bullshit."

Oikawa laughs, sincerely, "You're so cute, Iwa-chan," he murmurs, flicking his tail at his face. Iwaizumi swats it away, feeling his face redden at the complement and touch.

They ride back into the castle grounds, leaving their horses in their stables and making their way into the Great Hall. The servants are in a rush, packing last minute gifts, clothing and supplies. Iwaizumi dips away to help them, but Oikawa follows after him, talking to the servants.

Iwaizumi helps load the wagon, noting where everything is being stored. Once the wagon is stocked he heads up the steps, dragging the Prince right behind him and shoving him into his bed chambers.

"Pull out all the stuff you want to bring. And don't take all day."

"Yes, yes, I know! You're no fun when you're stressed." Oikawa sighs, flinging open his wardrobe to dig around his clothing options, "While I'm picking stuff out, write this down, alright?"

Iwaizumi sighs, sitting down at the desk chair and pulling out a sheet of parchment, "Ready."

"Aki Reina, a new scullery maid apprenticing under Ahana. Straight black hair, brown eyes, a mole near her nose to the left. Soft voice. Loves apples."

"This is so creepy." Iwaizumi groans, writing the information down dutifully regardless.

Oikawa throws another outfit onto the bed, "Information gathering is not creepy. It's necessary."

"Nothing you do is necessary." Iwaizumi retorts, corking the inkwell shut.

"Hold on, I have a letter I need you to write." Oikawa calls at the noise, and Iwaizumi lets out a sigh as he ready's himself, popping it open again.


"Dearest Makki-chan--"

"I am not writing to Lord Takahiro." Iwaizumi snaps, dropping his pen down, "My hand writing is crap and you know it."

"Don't be self conscious, Iwa-chan. Come on, it's a short one." Iwaizumi groans but lifts his pen again, waiting. Oikawa smiles, "Dearest Makki-chan, I hope you are doing well! I for one have been assigned the arduous task of introducing myself to every royal family bordering us due to an archaic tradition, that neglects the fact it is all such a pointless endeavor, especially when given the fact of my specific circumstance, that, as you unfortunately bore witness to, the King has sold me out to another Kingdom, making my ascendency impossible and my place at diplomatic tables moot, and given this context I'm sure you can readily agree of just the kind of farce my life has unfortunately become. All this to say, please do kindly send me letters these next few weeks, for I will surely be in need of the entertainment. With love, Prince Tooru.

"Did you get all that?" Oikawa asks once he's finished reciting.

"Of course not!" Iwaizumi snaps.

"It was three sentences!"

"I couldn't spell half of the words you were spewing out of your mouth." Iwaizumi grumbles, crossing his arms. He hopes the anger in his voice hides his embarassment, "Write your own damn letter, I'll pack your clothes."

They switch posts, working in tandem at their tasks until the Prince is fully packed, and the letter written and sent. While sending it off through one of Matsukawa's messenger birds, Iwaizumi is given his own message from a butler.

"Where's your dinner outfit?" Iwaizumi asks, as he hurries back into the room.

"Packed, why?" Oikawa responds, putting down the pawn he'd been moving on the chess board.
"You're dining with your family, now."

Oikawa groans, sinking further into his seat, "Must I?"

Iwaizumi digs out the outfit, laying it on the bed and turning to the Prince. Oikawa stands up with a sigh, holding his arms out as Iwaizumi frees him from his garments in favor of a new, fancier outfit, "We'll be gone for a while. They want to see you."

Oikawa snorts, "I'm going for mom."

"Prince Tobio's going to miss you." Iwaizumi reminds, helping the Prince with his cuffs.

"Good. I hope he drowns in his tears while I'm gone." Oikawa spits out.

Iwaizumi glares at him, pinching his arm hard enough to earn a pained squeak, "Don't talk like that, come on."

"He's the worst, Iwa-chan. He's got dead fish eyes and he copies my every move. Oh, and, did you forget? He's stealing the Kingdom from me."

"He's just a kid who wants to be like you. And you can't blame him for all that."

"I hate him."

"No, you don't," Iwaizumi insists. He takes a step back, "Sit down so I can do your hair," He orders, and the Prince acquiesces with a sigh, closing his eyes as Iwaizumi carefully brushes his hair. It had taken him weeks to learn the exact process, to understand which hairs are swept which direction, to master how to avoid horns sprouting in his way.

"He's going to make a terrible king. Prodigy my ass," Oikawa glowers as he is brushed, eyes closed.

"He's like, nine years old. All nine year olds make terrible kings."

"Whatever, why are we still talking about him? Come on, let's just get this dinner over with."

The pair descend down the steps, through the Great Hall into the dining room. Oikawa makes his way into his seat beside his younger brother, across from the King and Queen. Iwaizumi helps him into his gloves before taking his place by the wall. He stands beside Prince Tobio's new attendant, a young boy with tall spiky hair.

Iwaizumi nods at him, and the boy waves awkwardly back, face reddening at the attention. He must be nervous, Iwaizumi thinks.

"Tooru, it's nice of you to join us." The King says, as he cuts his chicken breast.

"It's nice of you to invite me." Oikawa spits back, taking a sip of his wine.

"Tooru, are you all packed?" The Queen cuts in, before the fight could escalate any further.

Oikawa nods, "Iwa-chan and I just finished."

"Are you excited for your trip?" She continues with a smile.

Oikawa purses his lips, taking his fork in his gloved hand and stabbing it into his food, "I guess."

"It's an important trip." The King reminds, "You'll be the face of Aoba Johsai."

"It's for the best, then. I'm the prettiest face we've got." He smirks, tilting his head slightly and batting his eyes. The King does not seem impressed, but the Queen can't hold back her giggle.

(Iwaizumi rolls his eyes, but there's a smile on his face.)

"You have to take this seriously."

"I am taking it seriously." Oikawa groans, sinking into his chair, "Maybe I'd take it more seriously--if that's even possible because I'm definitely taking it seriously--if I wasn't being shipped to another kingdom in a few years never to see the light of day."

"Tooru, we are done talking about this."

"Tooru, at least give it a chance. Prince Wakatoshi is a sweet boy, and Shiratorizawa is a powerful nation to have on her side."

"Powerful but inelegant. And Ushiwaka is so boring! All he ever talks about is his stupid farming policy he helped his father implement."

"Tooru, this discussion is over. Now eat."

Oikawa stands up, peeling his gloves off and throwing them at his meal, "I've lost my appetite," he announces, bumping his leg on the table as he turns away. His silverware rolls to the ground and Prince Tobio picks up the fork, "Wait! You're leaving in the morning!"

Oikawa pauses, shoulders sagging as he turns back around to face his little brother, "Yes, Tobio, I'm leaving tomorrow. We've known this for weeks."

"Will you bring me something back?" The boy asks, his arms waving as he speaks because he's too awkward to know what to do with them otherwise. Oikawa watches the silver fork flying about the air cautiously.

"No," he answers easily, "Too busy. I have to take all of this very seriously, don't you ever listen?"

Prince Tobio blinks at him, "Ok. Will you bring me something next time?"


"Ok. What about the time after that?"

"Goodbye Tobio." Oikawa responds instead, "I'm going to bed."

He leaves the dining room, and Iwaizumi means to follow but pauses in front of the youngest prince, "He just wants your gifts to be a surprise. We'll bring you something, don't worry." He offers, but Prince Tobio's expression doesn't change. Eyes big and wide, blinking up at him.

It is unnerving. And they do look like fish eyes, Iwaizumi hates to admit. He quickly bows to the royal family before following after his own Prince. He finds him climbing the stairs, and he falls in step with him easily enough. They make it back to the Prince's chamber in silence, before Oikawa collapses into his chair.

Iwaizumi digs in his wardrobe for his pajamas, laying them out on the bed before turning back to Oikawa, "Will you relax?"

"I am relaxed."

"Your claws are ruining the arms of your chair."

Oikawa flicks his tail in annoyance, gritting his sharp teeth, "What if I just, don't come back? Just. Just leave."


"That's what he wants. What he wants me to do, that is. Disappear. Then his problem is gone."

"Do you want to give him what he wants? Stand up so I can dress you."

Oikawa stands up obediently, "Of course not."

"Well, there's your answer." Iwaizumi replies, unbuttoning his shirt, "Stop thinking about it. Here, let me quiz you."

Oikawa sighs, arms drooping, "Ok."

"Hamacho Dayu."

"He's the head gardner. His favorite flowers are lilies. He has a wife and two kids younger than Tobio."

"Aizawa Sumiko."

"Um, hold on. Uh, she's, oh, she's the blonde! The, uh, cook's apprentice! Who's father is a butcher in town, yes."

Iwaizumi helps Oikawa put on his slip over his horns, "Futakuchi Kenji."

Oikawa opens his mouth and then narrows his eyes, "You tried to trick me! He's the first Prince of Datekou."

Iwaizumi smiles, "Just keeping you on your toes." He straightens back up once he is finished, "Want another one?"

"No, I'm tired," Oikawa yawns, crawling onto his bed. He lies down, raising his arms up and making grabbing motions with his hands, "Come, come Iwa-chan!"

Iwaizumi rolls his eyes, slipping out of his tunic and folding it neatly on the ground, "You are so annoying, you know that?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Oikawa teases, "Did you want to sleep on your floor? Go right ahead."

Iwaizumi huffs, crawling in beside the Prince because it's true. But not completely, because he honestly does like sleeping next to Oikawa, who might as well be a human campfire, keeping him warm all night. He doesn't remember the last time he spent the night in his own room. Years ago probably.

Oikawa nuzzles in close to him, wrapping his arms around Iwaizumi's, "Iwa-chan, I have a new assignment for you."


"Help me find the library at every castle we visit. I want to look for books on demons."


"So I can learn how to put curses on my enemies."

"Go to bed, Oikawa."

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