And All the Prince's Men (hai...


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Iwaizumi Hajime does not see the Prince, nor any member of the royal family for another week. instead, he is passed from servant to servant, room to room, as they 'clean up the last one's mess'.

Every boy before now has not made it.

They were words spoken by the Prince himself, that Iwaizumi had almost completely forgotten. But each worried glance his direction, each apologetic smile, each mention of it is so troublesome to get blood out of the sheets, keeps the words spinning in his brain.

Just what had happened to the previous attendant?

No one will tell him. That's the first lesson he learns. No one answers any of his questions unless they pertain exactly to the task at hand. And so he decides to keep his mouth shut, not to push, and go with the motions.

It's weird work. Work he's never really done before, and he had started helping the Sister's with the field by the age of five. He had four years worth of training in planting, animal husbandry, and general manual labor. All seemingly useless to him now.

"Come along Iwaizumi, you won't need to do this for long." The laundry maid calls from over her stack of clothing. Iwaizumi pulls his gaze away from the knights in training, running laps around the grounds. He shifts the heavy basket in his arms and follows after the woman.

They stop at the drying lines and Iwaizumi begins handing the maid folded clothing with newfound practiced ease. It feels as if he has spent the whole week learning how to fold anything and everything correctly. He hadn't even known there were wrong ways to fold things! He had bruises on his palms to prove it now.

"When you take on your responsibilities you will not be in charge of the young Prince's laundry. But you will have to keep everything organized and operating smoothly. It is important to know how it all works and check in from time to time. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am," Iwaizumi responds quietly.

She smiles at him, pinning some sheets to the line and pulling them nice and taught. She steps over to the next empty space. Iwaizumi lifts out another sheet, seeing the pesky stains of blood, faded but still present on the linen.

Every boy before now has not made it.

Iwaizumi tries not to think about it and gives the sheet to the maid. She tsks in annoyance, "There's just no way to get it out." She sighs, but then eyes the boy beside her, "Well, this may be lucky for you."

Iwaizumi looks up at her curiously at the comment.

"These sheets are no longer fit for the Prince but it would be a waste to throw them out. Have you seen your future room yet?" She asks.

"No, ma'am. I have been staying with the butlers in the servants wing."

She continues, "You'll be moved to the room attached to the Prince's chamber soon enough. It's very small, but you will have it to yourself. No bed, just straw and a few rough sheets."

Iwaizumi nods. He had been told probably every day this week of his future living arrangements. How lucky he is to have a whole room to himself.

"Now, how would you feel having some silken sheets as well? What a wonderful homecoming present I've thought of!"

Iwaizumi forces a smile despite the nausea circling in his stomach. His eyes keep being drawn to the horrid stain. His predecessor's blood. He feels sick.

"Iwaizumi, you're such a sweet boy. I'm sure you'll be fine." The maid pats his head, and Iwaizumi doesn't feel very comforted.


The sweet boy in question turns around immediately, stiffly, "Yes, sir?"

The guard comes trotting over, "The King has called for you to start your duties tonight."

"Tonight?" Iwaizumi repeats, feeling sweat slick his palms, making his grip on the sheet in his hands tenuous as best, "I still have weeks of training."

"Orders from the King." The guard repeats. The maid takes the sheet from his small hands and Iwaizumi can feel her hand squeeze his arm. It doesn't comfort him. The guard continues as he comes closer, "Your training will continue, do not worry. Now hurry, you need to be bathed."

Iwaizumi is passed to the next butler he and the guard come across. The guard whispers instruction to the man's ear who nods and takes Iwaizumi's forearm in hand to drag him back inside from the castle grounds. Iwaizumi much prefers the grounds to the interior castle. He had dedicated his minimal downtime the past few days to exploring it in detail. He had barely scratched the surface.

There was an orchard on the grounds, myriads of flowers and courts. To the west he could see a beautiful forest he was antsy to run through, but the tall imperial gate surrounded the grounds and barred him from leaving without certain permission. One day, he promises himself.

Inside the castle is loud and hectic. Servants run back and forth from rooms in mild panic. Actually, much more panic than usual, Iwaizumi thinks, as he presses himself against the butler attached to him to get out of the way of a running maid.

"What's going on?" He asks.

The butler gives him a glance, bites his lip and tugs him up the stairs. It's quieter here, as they get closer to the servants quarters, with all of them being out and about. He's shoved into the bathroom and the butler closes the door behind him.

"Hurry now, undress. One of the maids should have drawn you a bucket already." The butler hisses, hurrying over to confirm the action.

Iwaizumi slips off his hand me down slip. He had already had a thorough bathing when he first arrived. Years of grime had been scrubbed off him. His dark skin lightened somewhat and his hair felt smooth running through his fingers.

There was less dirty this time to scrub off himself, but there also seemed much less time.

"Now listen," The butler begins, helping the boy clean his back, "You asked what's going on correct? Well, I feel, perhaps its best you know so you're ready tonight." Iwaizumi stares at him, "His Majesty and the Prince had a disagreement. It's best not to talk about it. They're both in a foul mood now. His Majesty believes an attendant can keep the Prince calm and quiet his tantrums. Anyway, I know it's sudden, but I'm sure you'll be fine. Just be aware not to step on the Prince's toes. He's already very upset."

"Is this what happened to the other attendants?" Iwaizumi can not help but ask, quietly, into his bare knees.

The butler seems to stiffen, his scrubbing motions falling still. He lets out a sigh, "No one knows what happened to them." He confesses, "The Prince is always torn up about it but you can't help thinking..." The butler seems to catch himself, fingers digging into the block of soap. He swallows, "Just, be careful and be smart tonight. Now hurry and dry yourself, the tailor has finished your uniform just in time."

Iwaizumi dries off quickly, passing into the neighboring room where his uniform has been laid out. He slips on the pale blue leggings first, easily. He looks at the rest of the uniform, a simple white tunic, but the nicest thing he's ever worn. He is immediately terrified to stain it. Why must white be one of the kingdom's official colors? The tunic falls to his knees, a bit big but not enough to warrant the effort to change. A corded light blue sash ties along his waist.

The butler nods, "Alright, head up to the Prince's chambers. He should be retiring soon."

"Where is he now?" Iwaizumi asks, trying to distract himself.

"Sparring practice."

Iwaizumi blinks, stopping mid stride, "Still?"

The butler swallows, pulling him along, "Yes."

"He started practicing before lunch! It's almost sundow-"

"It may be what the argument was about." The butler cuts in quietly, pushing the boy back through the main hall. This time they climb the ornate main stairs, heading toward the royal chambers.

"Won't the Prince be having dinner soon?" Iwaizumi asks, as the chamber doors come into view.

The butler doesn't look at him as he pushes open the door to reveal the opulent room. It is Iwaizumi's first time in here and he gasps. He did not know beds could come so large! With four grand posts at every corner and a beautiful silken blue canopy draped above. A window overlooks the beautiful forest that tugs at Iwaizumi's heart.

A table and chair sits to the side, set up for an untouched game of chess. To the right a tall book case filled with books, and to the right of that, a writing desk. Iwaizumi isn't given the chance to explore as he is shoved into the side chamber, revealing a closet sized room with a slit of a window.

His room.

There's a pile of sheets on the floor, hay stuffed beneath them. There's an old wooden wardrobe in the corner next to the window. The butler opens it, nodding, "Good. You have a second uniform in here. You are in charge of washing your own garments, remember."

Iwaizumi nods, pulling at the sleeves of his outfit. The butler keeps talking, "You will hear him as he comes down the hall. Be in his room and await instructions from him."

Before Iwaizumi can ask anymore questions or beg the man to stay a little longer, he leaves. Iwaizumi takes a deep breath, sinking down into his sheets, feeling the walls moving too close to him. He had not been alone in a week. Not truly alone, like this, in a cell awaiting his imminent sacrifice.

He had spent the week fearing this day, with the worried whispers shared between all the servants.

What a sweet boy.

What a shame.

The Prince is always so upset, it can't be his--

Who else?

The Prince is rotten, we all see it!

So lazy, complains about every task, so dreadful. No wonder His Majesty is so hard on him.

But what a sweet boy, Iwaizumi is.
If only he could have been a knight.

Iwaizumi pulls at the straw beneath him in a sudden fit. He tries to calm down, tries to empty his mind of other words and remember what he had seen. Seen with his own two eyes. A boy, his age, beautiful but stubborn but just a child. Not a monster. The only monster he recalls from the scene is the King himself, and his silver ringed fingers.

Iwaizumi takes another breath, but it hitches in his throat as he hears stomping coming closer, and a shrill voice pierce the silence, "I don't care what he says! I'm done! No one is to bother me until morning do you hear me? Get out!"

Iwaizumi stands up, remembering the butler's words, be in his room, await orders. He fumbles with his door knob before scrambling to stand in the Prince's chamber. He takes another breath before straightening at attention--hands clasped behind his back--and waits.

The door is thrown open and the Prince storms in, slamming it shut behind him. Iwaizumi had not seen the Prince in days, and his beauty floors him. He's stunning, as he runs his fingers through his hair, sweat dripping in torrents down his face.

That can't be right.

The Prince before him is soaking in sweat, breath coming in ragged puffs as his chest heaves. He looks close to tears, Iwaizumi realizes, as their eyes lock. The Prince rears back in surprise, mouth opening in shock.

Iwaizumi feels himself flame up, realizing he's not sure what he's supposed to say, "Hello, sire, I don't know if you remember me but I--"

"What are you doing here?!" The Prince screeches, backing into the door with a loud thud.

"His Majesty-"

The Prince's eyes seem to widen, "You have to get out. Get out! Get out right now!"

Iwaizumi blinks, not expecting this turn of events at all, "Are you sure?"

The Prince looks like he wants to rip his head off, teeth clenched, hands digging into the wood behind him, "GET OUT RIGHT NOW!"

Iwaizumi wastes no more time, scrambling behind as the Prince screams, and screams, and screams. Iwaizumi does not turn around as he shuts the door to his chamber behind him, diving into the pile of sheets and wrapping himself tight.

The Prince's screams continue, guttural and pained and desperate. There are thuds and screeches and cracks in the air. The wall connecting them shakes and Iwaizumi covers his ears.

Iwaizumi knows tantrums well. Living in an orphanage full of sad forgotten children accustoms you to them. He had never heard of a tantrum like this.

He hears glass shatter.

He wonders if he's supposed to stop this. If he was not supposed to leave the Prince to his devices and instead help him through this. But get out seemed as good an order as any to follow. Nevertheless, worry gnaws at his stomach, especially as screams and blows seem to give way to sobs and heaving.

He waits until the quiet returns to the air. He's not sure how long it takes, but the moon is high in the night sky when he finally stands up from his pile of sheets. He opens his door softly, peering into the darkened room.

"Prince Tooru?" He whispers into the air.

"Go away." Comes the muffled plea. Iwaizumi can tell it's coming from the bed.

Iwaizumi takes a brave step forward. He can't see anything in the dark, and he knows the room has probably changed a lot since he was last in it. So he treads carefully, using his arms and legs to feel out as he ventures in, "Are you hungry?"

"What?" The Prince responds, and he must have lifted his head from his pillow, because his voice is less muffled.

"You skipped dinner." Iwaizumi explains, "I can bring you some food."

The Prince seems to consider this by the pregnant pause in the air, "I'm too tired. Please don't come any closer."

Iwaizumi stops mid step, eyes adjusting to the darkness. The Prince has cocooned himself in his silken sheets. A lump in his bed, a mouth, nose and eye peeking out at him. Even in the darkness his eyes seem to shine.

"Are you sure?"

The Prince squints at him, fingers digging into his sheets, "Are you not afraid?"

Iwaizumi pulls at his own fingers, "I am." He decides to be honest, "But," Iwaizumi adds, bringing his eyes up to look at the young boy lying before him, "Aren't you?"

The Prince's visible eye widens, before looking away. He turns himself, completely around, so Iwaizumi can only see the lump of his back surrounded in silk. He wonder's if he's crossed some sort of line, scrambling in his head to figure out an apology.

"I'll eat a snack." The Prince mumbles, before Iwaizumi can respond, "But then you'll leave me. I'm too tired to talk and eat."

"Yes, sire." Iwaizumi nods, padding carefully out of the room, picking his way through the minefield on the ground. He can't figure the details but he knows there will be a huge mess to clean up in the morning.

He returns from the kitchen with some bread and and warmed up soup. He places the plate on the nightstand, taking a match he borrowed to light the candle. A soft light illuminates the dark room. The Prince has not moved from his cocoon, and Iwaizumi waits a moment before realizing he isn't going to move at all.

He steps back over to his chamber door, gives a parting "Goodnight, sire," before slipping into his tiny room.

He slips into his makeshift bed, tired, but can only fall asleep once he hears the quiet crunching of a boy eating a late night meal.

He has pleasant dreams.

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