The Prodigy's Twin (Avatar Th...

Door Deotakukids

256K 6.1K 1.9K

You are Fire Lord Ozai's second son and Azula's twin. Azula is a prodigy as she can bend blue flames. But you... Meer

The School and A Friend
The Runaway
Searching the Earth Kingdom
Meeting The Team
Ba Sing Se
The Date
Things Are Looking Up
The Fall of The Earth Kingdom
The Aftermath
The School
The Beach
A Friendship Tested
The Puppet Master
Nightmares and Daydreams
The Day of The Black Sun [Part 1]
The Party
The Day of the Black Sun [Part 2]
Q&A answers
The Western Air Temple
A Time To Learn and Relax
The Boiling Rock Pt.1
The Boiling Rock Pt.2


22K 501 364
Door Deotakukids

No One's POV

It is a warm summer day in the Fire Nation. In the streets people were buying and selling all kinds of wonderful goods. Children went to school while men and women went to work or stayed home to clean. Meanwhile in the palace (Y/N) was also in class, but it was not like every other classroom that other boys his age attended. He was still learning how to fight from masters across the fire nation. It's been a year since (Y/N) came back (making him ten) and ever since his father saw how well he was in hand-to-hand combat. The boy has been training and learning to get better ever since. For six days a week he would train, gaining bruises, cuts, and burns for when he would fail or be out of his place. Fortunately he was able to have Sundays off, but that was when he would learn about politics and about the fire nation with his sister and brother.

(Y/N) however did get certain days off from everything, and those days were when he would go on a "date" with Mai. Once both of their fathers learned how well they fought together they arranged for (Y/N) and Mai to be married at once of the right age. (Y/N) was currently in Mai's room as the two were sitting at a table drinking tea. The two were sitting across from each other for the two to wait until they did not hear much from outside the door. When they did (Y/N) went to grab a blanket as Mai opened her door to see the usual guard standing outside of her door. The guard looked down at her, "May I help you miss?" "Yes, may you make sure that no one enters my room. You mustn't let anyone in until sundown. Not under any circumstances." "But what if you parent-" "No one." The guard hesitated for a second, "You have my word."

Mai then closed the door and locked it to turn to (Y/N) who created a rope by tying the blankets together. He tied one end to the bed post while Mai threw the other end out the window. Mai was first to climb out the window and slide down the blankets, with (Y/N) soon following. When the two were on the ground Mai made (Y/N) look at her, "Remember, be back by sundown. If you're late, then we are both in trouble." (Y/N) nodded for the two to separate and go their different ways. (Y/N) did his best to not be seen or caught by anyone to soon reach his destination. In her room Ty Lee was practicing her acrobatics to stop when an acorn hit her in the head. She picked it up to walk to her window. When she looked down she was filled with delight, "(Y/N)!" (Y/N) put his finger over his mouth for Ty Lee to put her hands over her mouth, "Oh right."

She looked around to jump out of the window, grab a tree branch, swing of to spin facing the other direction, grab another branch, and swing off to do a flip in the air, and land on her feet next to (Y/N). (Y/N) held up rags of clothing for Ty Lee to take one to put it on as (Y/N) did the same. They were able to sneak their way through the palace and into the city. They ran around laughing and giggling as they passed by multiple peoples who were buying, selling, working, or just walking by. he two laughed and giggled as they did childish things. Like messing with people by tapping their arms and hiding, which made whoever they tapped confused. As they ran Ty Lee's stomach growled making the two stop as Ty Lee held her stomach. (Y/N) looked around to point at a stand unoccupied catching Ty Lee's attention. The two walked over to the stand and grabbed an apple. Before they walked off though, a man grabbed their wrists, "You got money to pay for that?" (Y/N)and Ty Lee checked their pockets for Ty Lee to give a shy smile, "Sorry sir, we left our money at home." 

Hearing this the man seemed to get angry, "So you're trying to steal it! You little thieves!" (Y/N) shook his head. "What no, we just-" "I won't let you get away with this! I am-" A man's voice then stopped him, "Is there a problem sir?" The salesman turned to the figure, "Ah general Iroh. These children are trying to steal from me!" Iroh held a bag as he looked at (Y/N), "Oh that is my nephew and his little friend." The man then became fearful as he let the children go who ran behind Iroh. The salesman began to plea, "General Iroh I am greatly sorry. I did not know that he was your nephew. I-" Iroh brought his hand up, "It is fine. How much for the apple?" "Two copper pieces." Iroh reached into his pocket to hand the man the money. He then looked at (Y/N) and Ty Lee, "Come now children."

Iroh began walking for the kids to follow, as they were scared of the man, but also that Iroh had found them. As they walked they got closer out of the city for Iroh to begin humming. They made it out of the city to go up a hill were the grass was short and swayed with the cool wind and trees that provided shade from the sun. As they walked up Iroh would pick up big rocks until he found a spot to sit down. He looked at the children who still looked nervous. He them for them to sit, "Come and sit with me. I won't tell anyone about where you two were." With this the two eased up to sit across from Iroh who took out a little stand, a teapot, multiple packets of tea, tea cups, a pitcher of water, and tea snacks. He set the rocks in a circle to start a fire, set up the stand, poured water in the tea pot, and set it on the stand  for it to boil. 

He looked at (Y/N), "Would you like your favorite my nephew?" (Y/N) nodded for Iroh to then look at Ty Lee, "And what would you like young miss?" Ty Lee shook her head, "I've never had tea." Iroh became surprised, "Never had tea?! That is such a terrible crime." He then looked at Ty Lee to grab a tea bag, "You seem like a chamomile type to me." Iroh put a teabag into the pot when it was boiling to go back into his bag and pull out wrapped treats, "Do either of you want rice cakes?" The two children quickly nodded their heads for Iroh to give them one each. The two began working on the cakes for Iroh to look at (Y/N), "Now, I thought that you had a date with Mai today." (Y/N) looked at Iroh, "I did." "Then where is the young lady?" "She's with Zuko at the" The boy then stopped himself as he looked away, "I wasn't suppose to tell you that." 

Iroh began to pour Ty Lee her cup, "I see." He then added some honey to the tea to pass it to the young lady, "Here you go." Ty Lee to the cup to blow on it cooling it down. She then took a sip to smile, "Wow. This is really good." "I'm glad you like it." He then began to make (Y/N)'s tea, "So you don't like Mai in that way and she doesn't like you in that way." (Y/N) looked up at him, "Yeah, but father says that I should. So is it wrong to not feel hat way?" "Of course not." "Really?" "Of course. You like her as a friend, you should never of been forced to go on a date with her." Iroh then poured (Y/N) his tea, "Black tea with milk and honey." (Y/N) took it to take a sip, "Delicious." Iroh began to make his Jasmine tea, "Now enough talk about that. Let us play Pai Sho." 

A couple hours passed for the sun to start setting. (Y/N) soon remembered what Mai told him, "Uncle Iroh, I need to get to Mai's place. Mom will pick me up soon." Iroh began to pack everything up, "Then let us get going. Ty Lee, would like to be walked home?" Ty Lee nodded, "Yes please." Iroh led the two through the city and back to Mai's home. (Y/N) began climbing the rope of blankets, "Bye uncle. Bye Ty Lee." Ty Lee waved, "Bye bye." (Y/N) went through the window for Mai to begin pulling up the blankets, "You are really pushing the time." (Y/N) began to undo the knots, "Sorry I lost track of time." Mai put the blankets on her bed as she tried to straighten the sheets, "They will arrive any minute." (Y/N) unlocked the door for the two to sit down on their knees in front of the table in the middle of Mai's room. The doorknob began to turn for (Y/N) to spot a bracelet on Mai's wrist that said "Zuko + Mai". (Y/N) quickly whispered, "Bracelet!" Mai quickly took it off and put it in her sleeve for the door to open showing Mai's mother, "Did you two enjoy yourselves today?" Mai nodded, "Yes, the date was lovely." "Wonderful. (Y/N) do you want to be walked home?" (Y/N) got up, "Yes ma'am." 

As (Y/N) was being walked home Iroh brought Ty Lee outside of her window, "It was a pleasure to meet you today young Ty Lee." Ty Lee nodded, "You too Mr. Iroh. Your aura is a very bright goldish pink." "Why thank you." The young girl ran up the tree to grab a branch and swing up, land on a higher branch, and jump through the window and into her room. Iroh began walking towards the palace, "What a nice girl." He made it to the palace to see Ursa, "Good evening Ursa." Ursa was happy to see her brother-in-law, "Iroh it is good to see you. How have you been holding up since you have returned?" "I am doing wonderfully. It is nice to be back and talk to the people in the city again. And of curse to make proper tea." "Well that is wonderful." Iroh then gained a disturbed look, "But there is something that I have noticed." "What is it?" "Why is (Y/N) working harder and has to train more than his siblings?" Ursa sighed as she looked saddened, "Because that's how his teachers teach. Most of his schedule is decided by them. He can't fire bend well so Ozai wants him to be the best fighter." Iroh thought for a while as he brought his fore finger and thumb down his beard, "I am going to speak to my brother." 

Ursa watched Iroh walk to the throne room for her to begin walking down the halls of the palace. She soon arrived outside of (Y/N)'s room to open the door. She saw (Y/N) quickly jump into the bed and pull the covers over him. Ursa smiled from (Y/N)'s attempt to try and stay up. She walked in to sit on the left side of (Y/N)'s bed to begin running her fingers through his hair, "Having trouble sleeping?" (Y/N) realized that he had been caught, "Yeah." "Why? Did you have to much fun with your little girlfriend?" "Oh yeah, didn't Mai's mom tell you?" "Oh she did. And  I'm sure that Mai and Zuko had a fun day. But what about you and little Ty Lee?" (Y/N) looked at his mother for her to chuckle, "A mother always knows." (Y/N) laid back down, "It was nice. Uncle gave us some tea and let me teach Ty Lee how to play Pai Sho. And she isn't my girlfriend." "Well that sounds like a fun day, but you must be tired. It's getting late." "I don't want today to end though." "Why?" "Because if I sleep, I have to wake up and train." Ursa's sad look came again for her to pat her son's head, "Well that may not be true." "Why?" "I just have a feeling." Ursa got up to kiss (Y/N)'s forehead, "Goodnight my little Turtle-duck." "Goodnight mom." Ursa walked out to close the door to then go and tuck Azula and Zuko in as well.

In the morning (Y/N) got up to stretch and yawn. He looked out the window to see that the sun was up making him fall out of the bed. He instantly got dressed to put his boots on while going out the door. He ran outside to the training area to tie his boots, "I'm sorry for being late. I didn't know that I was supposed to wake myself up." He then heard his uncle, "What are you talking about? You're early." (Y/N) looked up to see Iroh, "Uncle Iroh, what are you doing here?" "Well who better to train you than a well known general. Plus it's free." "You're my teacher?" "Yes. Now lesson one, a good night's rest will allow a man to be at his best." "Okay, so what are we doing this morning? Running, fighting, or studying?" "We are going to do something better." Iroh began walking for (Y/N) to follow him to the garden. Iroh went near the small lake in the middle, where Turtle-ducks lived, to sit down with his legs crossed, and his hands together as he closed his eyes, "Come, sit with me my nephew."

(Y/N) sat down next to his uncle while imitating what he was like. (Y/N) had his eyes closed for a while until he got bored, "Uncle what are we doing?" Iroh stayed the way he was, "We are meditating." "What is that?" "Meditation helps us calm our spirits and it is where we can find ourselves. But you must be quiet and concentrate." (Y/N) went back to closing his eyes for some time to pass as Mai, Azula, and Ty Lee had come to the garden to hang out. Some time passed for Iroh to open his eyes, "And we are done for the morning." (Y/N) looked up at him, "What?" "That was it for this morning. Later today we will learn the proper stance for defense." "Well what do I do until then?" "Be a kid. Go have fun. Do whatever you want." 

(Y/N) stood up to hug his uncle, "Thank you uncle Iroh." Iroh patted his back, "It is nothing my nephew." (Y/N) ran off for Iroh to smile watching him run free. Zuko was walking with Ursa to be surprised to see (Y/N) run up to him, "Zuko let's play!" Zuko raised an eyebrow, "I thought you had training?" "I have the rest of the morning off. Come on let's play." Zuko looked up at his mother for her to nod, "Go on honey." Zuko followed (Y/N) for them to stop in the middle of the halls confusing Zuko, "What are we doing?" (Y/N) then touched Zuko's shoulder to say, "You're it." He then booked it as Zuko figured out what just happened. It did not take long though for Zuko to chase after him.

The two made their way to the garden as Zuko could not catch (Y/N). They ran through the garden for Zuko to tag Ty Lee on her stomach as she was doing a backflip, "Your it!" Ty Lee got on her feet, "Huh?" She then realized what was happening to tag Azula's shoulder, "You're it." Azula watched her run to instantly chase after her. She chased her brothers and her friend until she finally tagged Mai. She tagged her head, "You are it." Mai did not look up, "Tag is for children." She then looked up due to the other four making noises at her as Azula put her hands on her hips, "Scared that you won't get anyone?" Zuko was next, "Come on Mai." Mai let out an exhausted sigh to immediately get up having the book hit the ground. She began chasing the four around to get (Y/N). The five went back and fourth for a while. Ursa was walking down the halls as she was going to past the garden. She heard giggling and laughing though making her go into the garden and see Azula, Zuko, (Y/N), Ty Lee, and Mai all playing. She was overwhelmed with a feeling she had not felt for a while as she saw her children playing together once again. As she felt her eyes water Zuko and (Y/N) were running from Azula and they happened to run close to their mom to see her, "Are you ok mom?" Ursa wiped off her tears, "I'm fine. Go on and play." Azula quickly touched Zuko to run with (Y/N) next to her. 

They ran near Ty Lee and Mai for Zuko to go after Mai. An hour later the five were on their backs as they were all close together looking at the sky. Azula, Mai, and Zuko were talking about something while Ty Lee and (Y/N) were having their own conversation. Ty Lee to sat up, "So what do you want to do?" (Y/N) thought, "Oh, wanna learn a song that my uncle taught me?" "I would love to." (Y/N) sat up, "Ok so this is how it goes." He cleared his throat, "It's a long, long way to Ba Sing Se, but the girls in the city they look soo pretty! And they kiss so sweet that you've really got to meet the girls from Ba Sing Se!" Ty Lee did a little clap, "That sounds like fun to sing." "Now you try." Ty Lee took a breathe, "It's a long way to Ba Sing Se, but girls in the city are so pretty! And they kiss so sweet that you got to meet the girls in Ba Sing Se!" Ty Lee then put her finger on her chin, "I don't think that was right." (Y/N) thought of something, "I know how you can remember." For the next half hour the two created a little dance together, by just using their arms and hands, to remember the song.

When they were done they went through it once more to sing together. When they were done Ty Lee got really excited, "We did it! I remembered the song!" (Y/N) clapped, "Yay!" "Let's do it again!" The two started the song once more, but was interrupted by a guard walking up to them, "Miss Ty Lee your parents wish for you to come home." "Why?" "They need your measurements for your dress." Ty Lee hung her head as she stood up, "Bye (Y/N). I'll see you tomorrow." Ty Lee walked away for Iroh to walk up to (Y/N), "Did you enjoy yourself this morning?" (Y/N) stood up as he nodded, "Yes I did." "Good, now come. We must eat before training." (Y/N) got up to follow Iroh to the cafeteria.

One Week Later

(Y/N) and Iroh were walking through the market as Iroh needed tea for dinner. (Y/N) tugged on Iroh's arm for the man to look down, "What is it nephew?" "Why did you bring me here today?" "Because the market is where you meet many kind and wonderful people. And you never know what you may find. It could be something that you never even realized you needed." "Oohhh." As they were walking (Y/N) had another question, "Mom said something about going somewhere for dinner. Where are we visiting?" "We are going to your little friend's establishment for dinner." "What is the occasion?" "It is Ty Lee and her sisters birthday. I thought that you would know."(Y/N) shook his head, "No, Ty Lee doesn't really talk about her birthday that much. She says that she doesn't feel special on her birthday." "Hmm, well maybe you can get her something while we're here to make her feel special ." Iroh led (Y/N) through the market to gather ingredients and some other necessities. As they were returning home (Y/N) tugged on Iroh's sleeve, "Can I have two silver pieces?" "Why of course." Iroh gave (Y/N) the money for him to run off and come back with something wrapped in his hands.

The day went on for it to soon be afternoon. Iroh, Zuko, Ursa, and (Y/N) were all being greeted by the Ty Lee's servants as they entered their palace. They were soon welcomed by Ty Lee's parents with the father speaking first, "Ah thank you all for coming. It is an honor." Ursa bowed a little, "It is a pleasure. Sadly my husband could not attend and my daughter was busy with her studies." "I understand." His seven daughters then came out all wearing the same dress and they looked nearly identical. Zuko looked at them all, "Which one is, which?" The mother of the children looked at the seven, "Say thank you to them for coming." All seven bowed, "Thank you for attending our birthday dinner." They were then led to the dining room where they all sat at a table with plates and utensils laid out. (Y/N) took a seat between two of the daughters. He looked to his right, "Happy birthday Ty Lee?" The girl looked at him, "I'm Ty Lin." "Oh, sorry." The girl to his left tapped his shoulder, "I'm right here (Y/N)." (Y/N) turned to her, "Oh, sorry." "It's ok, it happens a lot." Ty Lee looked sad when she said that to which (Y/N) noticed.

The food then came out for everyone to begin eating as the parents talked about the future of their families and other political issues. While the kids did not talk that much as they did not want to interrupt their parents when they were speaking. After dinner (Y/N)'s family stayed for a little while longer before they left. While they were still there Ty Lee decided to show (Y/N) around her home. As they were walking (Y/N) saw all of her sister's rooms and then finally went into her room, "All of your rooms are very similar." Ty Lee looked a little saddened once again, "Yep, nearly everything is the same between us all. Just like a match set." (Y/N) felt bad for her as he gained a sympathetic look, but regained his smile. He pulled out a small wrapped box out of the back of his pocket to hand it to Ty Lee, "Here, so you can be different from the match set." Ty Lee unwrapped the gift and opened the box to see two long pinkish red ribbons. (Y/N) took them, "You put them in your hair like this." He wrapped and tied a ribbon at the top of her braid making it stand up as if starting like a pony tail, and then the second at the bottom of her braid to keep the ends together. Ty Lee looked in her mirror to see her hair the way it was for (Y/N) to ask, "Do you like it?" Ty Lee responded by hugging (Y/N), "I love it!" 

As the two hugged Zuko to appeared in the doorway, "(Y/N) come on, we're leaving." (Y/N) let go of Ty Lee as he walked to the door and waved goodbye to his friend, "Bye Ty Lee." The girl did the same, "Bye (Y/N)." Zuko and (Y/N) walked down the halls for Zuko to rub the back of his neck, "So, are you two dating now or-" (Y/N)'s face became red as he looked at Zuko, "What?! No! We're just friends!" Zuko looked at (Y/N) and then away, "Oookay." (Y/N) and his family left to thank Ty Lee's family for having them. As they left Ty Lin looked at Ty Lee's ribbons, "Where did you get those?" "Oh, (Y/N) got them for me." All of her sisters looked at her to smirk, "Ty Lee and (Y/N) sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Ty Lee became flushed as she stomped her foot, "It's not like that!"

Meanwhile (Y/N) made it home with his family for it to be dark when they made it. The children were sent to bed. (Y/N) got dressed and got in his bed for his mother to tuck him in and say goodnight. (Y/N) slept happily as his life was good, but everything can change in just a few months.

8 Months Later

(Y/N) was now twelve. He was walking down the halls of the palace as it was an early morning and he was in his uniform. The palace air was filled with grimm, despair, and the winds blew throughout the entire building as if it was empty room with it's windows up. (Y/N) looked depressed as Zuko was tricked into an Agni Kai with their father. Ozai burned Zuko's left side of the face near his eye. He was then banished until he found the avatar. Iroh decided to go with him, which made (Y/N) sad but he understood why he must go with his brother. He wished the two luck with Zuko not even looking or saying anything to him. His mother vanished without leaving anything of sorts that said where she was going or why she left. His best friend Mai was constantly upset with how Zuko was banished and she could not do anything about it, so she became distant. Ty Lee he barely saw as his old teachers returned and trained him every day all day. Whenever he had free time Ty Lee already had to go home and she seemed to stop visiting for a few days now. He walked past the garden for it to be empty and abandoned while all of the flowers had withered up and died.

He let out a sigh of despair as his heart was empty and his child-like ways were dead. He dragged his feet to the training area to where his teacher for the day was waiting, "Your late. Ten laps around the entire palace now." (Y/N) did not say anything as he did what was told of him. The day went on for it to be dark and it was time for dinner. In the dining room it was just (Y/N) and Azula sitting across from each other. It was silent with the sound of utensils hitting the plates when the children went to take a few bites. 

(Y/N) was eating slow for Azula to notice, "Tired from training today?" "Yeah." "Well maybe don't wake up late and they may go easy on you." "Well I like to have enough sleep instead of collapsing while training." (Y/N) looked around the room, "I miss everyone." Azula did the same, "Well it's finally quiet." "It's lonely." "Well look on the bright side. No more annoying big brother that constantly wines and goes running to mommy." (Y/N) looked Azula in the eyes, "Don't say that about Zuko." Azula stared back, "Oh he deserved what happened to him?" "Why are you so cold?" "I'm smart, not cold. There's difference. You however are an ignorant child who wants to friends with everybody. Just waiting to get your back stabbed." The two's voices began to rise, "Well at least I didn't smile when my brother got his face scarred by a cruel man." "You backed away frightened like a coward." "What if it was you?" "It would never be me." (Y/N) stood up, "And why is that?!" Azula stood up to slam her hands on the table, "Because I would never speak out of turn during a war meeting like a moron!" (Y/N) tilted his head a little, "I bet that you wanted him gone since you could think." "You know what, your right. I'm glad Zuko's gone and I hope that the same thing happens to you." 

This hurt (Y/N) as whatever love he had for his twin sister vanished before him. He walked away for Azula to sit back down and continue eating. (Y/N) walked to his room to go into his closet and push away some clothes. He pulled out a bag full of clothes and some money. He put it under his bed as he was going to wait until later tonight to leave. He went to bed to wait for two hours until a guard checked up on him to see if he was sleeping. He closed the door for (Y/N) to open his eyes and go to the door to hear the guard walk away. He grabbed his bag to swing it around his shoulder and opened his window to look down as he was high up from the ground. A tree was a few feet in front, so the boy jumped to grab a tree branch, swing a little and let go, and roll on impact. He quickly made his way to the palace wall to reach into his bag and pull out two kunai knives that he stole from his teacher today. He ran up the wall as high as he could to pierce the wall where the bricks met. The kunai stuck for him to begin climbing the wall by continuously stabbing the wall while going up.

When he reached the top he quickly made his way down as guards were going down their patrols. He reached the ground to put his knives back in the bag and pull out a cloak. He put the cloak on and walked into the city towards the docks. When he reached the docks he saw a few men putting many crates onto the ship and under it for storage. It seemed like they were delivering a few goods to other Fire Nation villages and cities. (Y/N) managed to sneak towards one of the boxes, open it, and get in. As he closed the lid a man saw it to walk up to him and bring the lid up. He saw (Y/N) for the young boy bring his finger up to his mouth. The man looked around to hunch over, "Now why should I stay quiet?" (Y/N) reached into his bag to pull out a gold piece, "This is yours if you get me on and off that ship." A man called out to him, "Chang! Is there something wrong in there?!"Chang shook his head, "It's nothin'!" "Then quit staring at it and put it on the ship!" "Yes sir!"  Chang took the money, put the lid back onto the crate, picked it up, and put it onto the ship. As the ship set sail (Y/N) attempted to get comfortable as he tried to sleep. 

A few hours passed for Azula to open (Y/N)'s door, "Are you awake yet?" No response so she walked in, "Well it doesn't really matter anyways. I had your teacher take the day off as I asked one of the guards for a favor. And I made you breakfast, well I had the servants do it but it still has the same thought." Still nothing, "Are you really gonna make me say it." Silence, "Ugh fine. I'm sorry for what I said last night. There you happy?" There was still no response which made Azula irritated to walk up next to the bed, "And this is why you are so annoying!" She then raised the sheets to see nothing but pillows making Azula confused as she looked around, "(Y/N)?"

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