Wicked Temptation / l.h ✔️

By nessathebutthole

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I stared at her and was sure I could do so for much longer. "You're not looking at the stars." She said softl... More



2.1K 63 8
By nessathebutthole

~Delilah's POV~

I twiddled my thumbs as I sat on my bed by myself, looking down at the floor. My bedroom had grown quiet, so quiet that I could hear the sound of the running water in my bathroom, letting me know that Luke was still in the shower.

It wasn't for another ten minutes or so until I heard the bathroom door open and I glanced up as Luke stepped out, dressed in the pajamas that I had gotten for him. The sweatpants and t-shirt belonged to my dad, but I didn't have anything else for him to wear. Besides, dad probably wouldn't mind anyways. I looked at Luke as he flicked off the bathroom light and stepped out a little more, pulling at the t-shirt. Everything looked a little bit too small for him, as my dad was a rather short man, and Luke was exactly the opposite. Somehow, though, he still managed to look unbelievably handsome, even in a shirt that was so small on him that he had to continuously pull it down over his pelvis and lower stomach. "Delilah, I feel like an idiot in this shirt. And these pants are too tight on my balls." He complained, causing my eyes to widen in surprise.

My face burned as I stared at him, watching him come closer as he shifted in discomfort from the tight clothes. When he was close enough, I could truly see just how tight the shirt was, and the way that his sweatpants just clung to his hips, among other more private places. "U-Um..." I cleared my throat awkwardly and avoided looking directly at him, glad that he either didn't notice my staring or just decided not to point it out for my sake. "It's the biggest thing we have. I-It really doesn't look that bad, though." I said, glancing up at him.

He hummed and looked down at himself, gently tugging at the fabric of his shirt. "But it does look a little bad?" He asked, frowning slightly as he glanced up at me, letting our eyes meet. I giggled softly and scratched the back of my neck, a blush creeping up my neck. "N-No!" I assured hurriedly, shaking my head. "I-It doesn't, I didn't mean it that way." I said softly, clasping my hands in my lap. For a few seconds he just looked at me, seemingly in thought. The silence that settled between us slowly grew heavy, making it hard for me to keep on looking at him, so I ended up just staring at the floor instead.

"Um," Luke cleared his throat all of the sudden, trying to break the awkward tension in the air. "Where am I going to be sleeping tonight?" He asked, causing me to glance up at him.

It was this question that had my eyes widening in realization, my lips parting as I gazed up at him. "Well, we..." I rubbed the back of my neck and could've cringed. "We don't have a guest bedroom." I admitted, earning a baffled look from him. I knew this was something that probably wasn't very common in many people's houses, but we never had any need for a guest bedroom. Nobody really visited our house or spent the night, and I was an only child, so there was never any need for more than two bedrooms. "What?" He asked, dumbfounded.

A sheepish smile grew on my face. "Yeah, I know." I said. "You'll have to sleep in here with me." I told him, and he just lapsed into another silence, staring at me intently. There was a look on his face that made it clear he wasn't too sure about these sleeping arrangements. "Delilah..." He ran a hand through his hair and sighed deeply. "I'm telling you right now that's not a good idea. You want to be just friends but I don't know how to be friends with you." He said, looking me in the eye. At first I was a little bit hurt, thinking maybe he just didn't like me still, but I realized rather quickly that that couldn't have been the case. "Why not?" I asked weakly, furrowing my brows.

"Look, I'll make this abundantly clear for you, okay?" He muttered, taking several steps closer to me. Once he came to a stop just in front of me, I had to crane my neck back just to be able to look up at him. He was so large. "I want to fuck your brains out. Every time you look at me with these pretty brown eyes," Luke reached out and gently grabbed my chin, leaning down until he was dangerously close to me. "All I can think about is what it'd be like to have you under me, naked and writhing for me." He confessed. My face immediately flamed bright red and I quickly leaned away, placing my hands on my cheeks in hopes that he wouldn't notice the color there.

"I-I can't, Luke. You know how I feel about you." I said softly, and he clenched his jaw before curtly nodding his head. "That doesn't mean it stops me from being attracted to you." He muttered, standing up straight again. I tilted my head back once more, studying his face. "It's not fair. I like you and you just... like my body." I whispered, making him snap his eyes down to meet mine. He looked utterly baffled at what I had said, blue eyes wide with surprise. "If I didn't like anything but your body, I wouldn't even talk to you, bubbles. I like you, just not romantically." He said, making me lower my gaze. I already knew this, but I hated hearing it each time he said it.

"If you don't feel comfortable sleeping in here with me, then you can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep in my parent's room." I suggested, unsure what else I could do in this situation. There really weren't very many options.

"No, no, no." Luke shook his head adamantly and I furrowed my brows slightly, eyeing him closely. "I can share your bed, I'm not going to kick you out of your own room, Delilah." He said, shooting me a look as he plopped down on the other end of my bed. I bit my lip and hummed softly. "And you won't try anything with me?" I had to make sure, feeling a little bit uncertain. He'd made it clear that he was attracted to me, so I wanted to be sure that we were on the same page. It seemed as though we were because, although he rolled his eyes, he gave me a confident nod of his head. "I won't try anything." He assured me, holding his hands up as if he were surrendering.

I weakly nodded my head and then stood up, playing with my fingers. "Do you wanna order pizza for dinner, then?" I asked, realizing only now that it was beginning to get a little bit late. He agreed and, luckily for me, decided to place the order so that I didn't have to. He even answered the door when they got here, which I was happy about because it made me feel anxious to think that I'd have to answer.

"Thank you!" I chirped when he came walking back into my room with box of the boxes of pizza, mine being Hawaiian and his being pepperoni. I sat down in my bed and made a little more room for him, smiling at him when he came and plopped beside me. On TV we had a movie on to watch while we ate, which I thought that he was watching with me, but I realized that wasn't the case when I caught him staring at me. I frowned, swallowing the bite of pizza that was in my mouth. "What's wrong?" I asked, furrowing my brows. "Do I have something on my face?" I asked, wiping around my mouth just to be sure that I hadn't gotten the tomato sauce on my cheek somehow. It wouldn't have been the first time.

His lips twitched and he just shrugged his shoulders. "I was just looking at your god awful taste in pizza." He said, causing my jaw to drop, slightly offended. "Hawaiian pizza is delicious!" I frowned, not appreciating the fact that he was picking on me for my choice of pizza. I didn't see anything wrong with it. It tasted good to me.

"Maybe if you haven't eaten in six months, yeah." He retorted, snorting in amusement as he took a big bite of his pepperoni pizza. "You get basic pepperoni, you can't pick on me!" I exclaimed, and he smiled in amusement, glancing down at the half eaten slice of pizza in my hand. "I can because pepperoni actually tastes good." He grinned. I pouted and looked down at my pizza. "Hawaiian tastes good." I grumbled, dipping my pizza into the small bowl of ranch that Luke had brought upstairs with the pizza. "Taste it." I demanded, holding it out to him. He scrunched his nose up and leaned away, shaking his head. "Absolutely not. Pineapple doesn't belong on pizza, bubbles." He said simply, pushing my hand away.

I frowned, shrugging as I continued to eat. "I like it." I said, glancing up at the TV again. I thought that maybe our conversation was done, but then he spoke again. "Delilah." He said my name and the sound of it sent shivers up my spine, making me look his way.

The second my face was turned towards him, Luke swiped his fingers against my nose, leaving behind red tomato sauce on the tip of my button nose. I gasped and leaned away even though it was definitely too late for that now, wiping it off with my pointer finger. "Why'd you do that?" I huffed, sucking off the sauce from my finger as I looked up at him.

He glanced down at my mouth and then met my gaze again, smiling slightly. "Just felt like it." He said simply, shrugging his shoulders. I frowned and watched him turn away to focus on the TV again, a furrow in my brow as I scanned my eyes over the side of his face.

I wasn't really sure what to think of his playful behavior, or the secretive smile on his face.

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