The Rogues

נכתב על ידי _kaywrites

265K 7.3K 13K

Control. It's what Evelyn's known her whole life...being controlled by a croupt government run society called... עוד

1- Intro to Detra
2- Control
3- Matched
4- The Bride
5-No Mans Land
6- Stitches
7- The Test
8- Bullseye
9- Fists out
10- Heads up
11- Bruises
12- The Woods
13 - Moonlight
14- The Girl
15- Smoke
18- Mind Melt
19- Rooftop
21- Trapped
22- Fury
23- Five Hours
24- Armor
25- A Weapon
26- Jailbreak
27- Power
28- Crimson
29- Heavenly
30- The Martyr
31- Breathe
32- The light
33- Forget Me
34- Don't Look Death in the Eye
35- When the Alarm Sounds
36- Let go
37- The Rising
38- Deception
39- Touch
40- The Gates
Chapter 41- Her Power

20- The Twins

7.1K 172 491
נכתב על ידי _kaywrites

12 years ago

"Kyler, be quiet! They're gonna hear us!"

"Sorry Cel." Kyler replied, "You know I talk a lot when I'm nervous!"

"Well for once can you just shut up!" My whisper grew louder as I demanded in his face

" You're the one who's yelling, not me!" He fired back at me

"I'm not yelling!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not, I'm- humph" Kyler shoved his hand on top of my mouth, blocking my words, his eyes widening as he heard the noises nearing us in the distance,   "Shh..." He said, " I hear them."

As much as I wanted to shove Kylers hand off my face, I didn't move a muscle. My body froze with fear as soon as I heard the footsteps of troopers trailing in the distance.

I lowered my head, rustling under the pile of plastic cups and cans that sat in the trash underneath the shadows of the alleyway, attempting to hide myself better. "Stop moving so much!" Kyler scolded at me.

"Sorry..." my voice softened as my head sunk deeper. It wasn't ideal to be hiding from troopers under a pile of trash in a dark alley...but when you have nowhere else to go, your hiding spaces become limited.

" Have you seen them anywhere?"  A dark voice echoed on in the distance

"Who?" Replied a woman who must have been walking on the streets.

"The twins."

"Oh, I think I saw them run down that way!" She pointed her finger down the alley in our direction

"Over here!"A sea of troopers entered the abandoned shadows

Kyler and I froze...trying to hold our breaths as long as we could so the troopers didn't hear a single sound.

Running from troopers was a routine we were used to...but they've never been this close to catching us before.

We've done this most of our lives...moving from street to street in a constant chase with Detra troopers. For the past five years, me and Ky have been on our own. Sleeping nights in the alleys of the city, and scraping up as much food off the streets we could find.  It's a struggle...but we've gotten used to it. Besides, we'd rather be living off the streets than locked in the Chamber.

The footsteps of troopers grew nearer, Kyler and I bracing ourselves under the pile of plastic cans. I tried my hardest not to move an inch..but I felt like everytime my chest rose for a breath, rustling could be heard from a mile away.

My heart raced rapidly, feeling the sense in my whole body and being the only thing my brain could listen to. I was so afraid...they couldn't catch us...not now.

A herd of troopers entered the alleyway, shining their bright flashlights under each pile of trash and through every crack of the buildings between us.

"We know you're here! Come out now and no one gets hurt." A dark voice bounced off the narrow walls, as flashlight gleams barley brushed over my face.

The clicking of the troopers' feet echoed down the alley, growing closer and closer with every step they took. And with each step I closed my eyes tighter, hoping somehow they would just go away. Kyler reached down and grabbed my hand, squeezing it in his grip. I clenched on to his fingers, feeling a bit of comfort in the warmth of his skin. Though it may come across as we fight a lot, we were very close. Ky and I have stuck together our whole lives, I don't know what we'd do without each other...what I feared the most was the troopers separating us.

Suddenly the steps seized, and I could no longer see the luminescent gleams from the flashlights. The troopers  had to be gone.

"I think they left." Kyler whispered to me

I peeked my head up, and saw they were exiting the alley at last. They were just about to leave when I moved over my hand the slightest bit, causing a plastic can to slip off the garbage pile, and fall to the ground. It bounced on the street...hitting the ground with a clunk that echoed right into the troopers ears. They turned heads immediately and stuck their flashlights in my face.

"I found them!" One yelled, pointing in our direction.

My eyes widened and I looked frantically at Kyler in panic...hoping he'd know what to do. He looked back and tugged my body out of the garage pile.

"Run!" Kyler yelled

He picked up his feet and suddenly he and I were stampeding down the darkness of the alley, the troopers following our tracks.

"Get them!" One shouted

All I could think about was the pace of my feet, hoping I was running as fast as my legs could take me. I couldn't see a thing. Other than the sudden gleams of light from the troopers' flashlights, it was total darkness. As if I were running endlessly down a black void, not knowing where it would take me, but not caring.

I couldn't see him, but I could hear the rapid breaths that gasped out of Kylers lungs, and the fast treading of his feet. At least I knew he was with me.

We ran and legs burning with heat, feeling as if they would collapse any moment. I wouldn't give up though, I would run until my legs fell off if that's what it took to escape from the troopers.

My running suddenly ceased when my body slammed into Kylers. He stood stationary as I blinked my eyes in shock, rubbing my head with my hand.

"What the heck!" I yelled

"We're trapped." Kylers voice trembled with fear, as I peered up. A giant brick wall stood tall in front of us, blocking our way.

I whipped my head around as two troopers ran towards us.

"What do we do?"

"I don't know." Kyler gulped

The troopers approached us, my eyes lighting up with fear, and my back pressed stiffly against the brick wall.

"There's nowhere to guys are coming with us." The trooper growled

I glanced at Kyler and he looked back. We were I did the only thing I could think of.

I grabbed Kylers palm, rushed forward and ducted my head down, sliding my body swiftly under the troopers legs and sprinting down the opposite way of the alley. The troopers looked at each other in surprise, one shouting, "You little..." with a grunt.

They picked up their feet and rushed after us. My hand wrapped around Kylers, leading his path behind me as I pelted down the alley as fast as I could. The troopers grew annoyed, and raised their guns. I heard the slight click of a trigger, and a flash of a bullet followed.

My heart beat immediately picked up...I didn't think it could get any faster...but it did. Kyler and I braced our head with our arms, ducting down while still sprinting ahead. Two other gunshots echoed down the alley, strobes of lit gleaming of the darkened buildings.

As I was running, My body was tugged back by Kyler, who suddenly ceased and stood as still as a board.

Why did he stop running?

"Ky..." my breath paced in and out rapidly, "...Common!"

Kylers stood stiffly with his mouth open, breathing in hurls of air as his eyes widened in shock. He slowly twisted his body to the side, revealing a pool of blood trailing down his shirt. He then looked back at me...the fear in his eyes grew wider and he collapsed to the ground.

He was shot.

"No!" I screamed, immediately falling down by his side. I picked his head up and held it with my one hand, the other slid under his body and pressed tightly onto the bullet wound that pierced through the lower right side of his back.

Blood seeped through my fingers, as I pressed tighter...trying to do something though I knew there was nothing I could do. Kyler flashed in and out of concessions...trying to stay awake though I could tell the pain was just too much.

I pressed my head to his chest, so I could be sure his heart was still beating. As I listened to the rapid thumps of his heart, my eyes filled with tears that cascaded down my cheeks. My dear brother...This can't be it...he can't die. I needed him.

The heads of two troopers peered down over my body as I hugged Kyler in my arms.

"I said no one would get hurt if you just came out. I hope you learned your lesson." He said

I stared coldly at him, the whites of my eyes red from my tears. The trooper shook his head and crossed his arms, "So after all these years we've finally got you two...the infamous twins that went rouge." He laughed, "If only your mother had turned one of you in instead of abandoning you would never have had to live like this."

It was mother abandoned Kyler and I when weep were five. She was absolutely mortified when she found out she was having twins, and couldn't live with shame of having them. If you gave birth to twins, you were supposed to give one up to Detra gov when they were born. Having twins though was my mother's biggest secret...she didn't want anyone to know, not even Detra gov. She kept us for five years, until she couldn't handle it any longer.

She was so ashamed of herself, all she wanted to do was forget about our existence. One day, she drove us out to the middle of a field and told us we were going to play a game. The game was to close our eyes and count to sixty. Kyler and I held our hands over our eyes, and started, "one two..."

I soon heard the slam of a car door and the start of an engine. I peeked through my hands, watching my mother drive down the road, away in her car. And just like that...

...she was gone.

How were two five year olds supposed to live on their own? We shouldn't have lived...that was my mother's plan. She hoped we'd starve ourselves to death or something. But Kyler and I...we were smart for five year old, ahead of most people. And now at ten, I feel as if I am smarter than my mother herself.

Playing sheep in a world full of wolves can teach you a lot. After years of living in fear, the sheep eventually learn to outsmart the wolves.

I don't know how we did it but Kyler and I managed to survive. We picked up enough scraps of food to get by, and we jumped from house to house, being brought in by a few immune people who would catch us on the streets. When we weren't staying with someone...we were on the run. My mother ratted herself out...admitting to the government that she gave birth twins and abandoned them. So when word of, two children, one boy, one girl, seen stealing food out of a local shop went around, Detra troops knew exactly who they were looking for.

We've been chased after for years...but I didn't think the day would come when they finally would catch us. So cradling my brother as his blood seeped through my finger tips while two troopers pried my arms off of him and stuck my wrists in handcuffs, felt unreal.

As soon as I left his body I felt a sense of coldness. I couldn't leave him...not like this. I screamed and rustled out of the trooper's grip,slipping out of the handcuffs falling right down besides Kyler, hugging him tightly in my arms. I held his chest to my ear...he was still breathing.

Thank god.

My tears dripped onto his shirt as I held him tighter...I didn't want to leave him...we were a team, we needed each other to survive. I didn't know what I would do without him.

The trooper stuck his hand down towards me and gripped my shirt, ripping me off of Kyler and tossing my body hard onto the cold street.  My head bounced off the ground, and sharp pain rose in my forehead and tingled throughout my body. Flashes of colors strobed in my vision as the world around me became a blur.

This was it...the troopers finally got to me and there was not going I could do.

I take back when I said being separated from Kyler was my biggest fear, though it does come close. I think my biggest fear is going to the Chamber...

...and that's where I'm headed to right now.

Present time

I folded my arms over my chest, impatiently tapping my foot on the ground, occasionally peering around the area looking for Dominic. I glanced over to my right, noticing Celestes back pressed firmly against a tree, lifting one leg up against the bark as she spun a blade effortlessly between her fingers.

Kyler and Cassian stood next to her, conversing about something. Knowing Cassian it was either about people he found attractive or food.

We all were waiting for Dominic and Lani, and we were starting to grow impatient. I did as he said...I got everyone I could find and brought them to the courtyard for this time. So Where the hell is he?

As I scanned the area for Dominic, I felt the warmth of a body linger behind my back. I turned around and smiled. It was Kyler.

"I'm surprised Dom didn't kill you up there" He laughed

"I'm just as surprised as you are." I shook my head

"Ya he gets like that sometimes..." said Kyler

Believe me I know

"He's been through hell..we all have. And we all heal differently... Just, his way of coping is through anger, that's all."

"I get it." I said.

I looked down at my feet, then back up at Kyler, as the thought burned through my head. I know it's not my business...I was just so curious.

"If you don't mind me asking..." I said shyly, "How'd you and Celeste end up here?"

"Well..." Kyler peered at Celeste. She looked back at him, twirling the knife in her finger as she nodded her head, letting him know it was ok to tell me. "Our mother abandoned us when we were five. She didn't want to give one of us away at first but eventually couldn't handle the shame of birthing she left."


I hadn't realized Celeste and Kyler were twins! Twins were looked badly upon in Detra, all pairs are never seen together, because one is taken away at birth. I couldn't believe there was a real live pair of twins standing in front of me.

"We lived off the streets for five years, but were eventually captured by Detra troopers. They sent us to the Chamber, and we lived there for four years, training as Detra troopers. Celeste and I were separated...not knowing if the other one was alive for years. Cel met Dominic, and together they planned to escape the Chamber. Dominic found me, and we all broke out together. We ran straight into the woods...not knowing where we were going, though we didn't care. We just wanted to leave Detra. Fred saw us wondering and took us in...and that's how we became a part of the Rogues."

"Wow..." I said " you guys have been through a lot...I'm so sorry."

" Don't be sorry." Celeste turned her head over to face me, the moonlight gleaming on half of her soft brown skin, "What can't kill you, makes you stronger."

I smiled at her and looked back at Kyler. A smirk lined his lips as he crossed his arms in front of me, his ember eyes meeting mine, studying me carefully.

Kyler was very intelligent...he always knew the right words to say and when to say it. He looked at everything like a piece of artwork, a picture waiting to be carefully painted. Though I knew he was angry with Detra...he never showed it. He always had an almost elegant and sophisticated personality, I don't think he'd distract with anger. I found it hard to believe he and Dominic were friends...they were so different.

"Hate to ruin the moment..." Cassian interrupted my thoughts, " But where the hell is Dominc and Lani, we've been waiting here forever!"

" Cassian's right..." Celeste stood up, ceasing her blade from twisting around her fingers, " Why did he even want to bring us here?"

" Well I think we have a get into Detra."

"We?" Cassian gasped

I rolled my eyes as Celeste interrupted, " He still wants to break into Detra!" She laughed, "Well I'll be damned. It's about time we do something!"

"I agree." Kyler nodded

"Ya... I don't feel like dying, so count me out." Cassian shook his head

"Oh don't be a baby Cass!" Celeste walked over and playfully punched his arm with a giggle, "You don't even know the plan yet! Actually...what is the plan Ev?"

"Well I guess since he's not here yet..." I glanced behind my shoulder seeing if Dominic somehow would be walking his way towards me. He wasn't. "I'll just tell you guys."

"So..." I said as everyone's eyes hooked on me, " First we-" as I spoke I stepped my foot back, unknowingly placing it against a log that laid on the ground.  My foot slipped, tripping over the bark.

Oh shit. 

My heart raced in shock as my body stumbled backwards, and I lost my balance. I closed my eyes tightly, bracing myself from my fall.

I bolted towards the ground..about to reach the grass when I felt a hand grip around my wrist and cease my fall.

I opened my eyes, seeing Kylers hand wrapped around mine as he held my weight up in his grip. He slowly pulled my body forwards, my feet standing straight, back onto the grass. The warmth of his hand traveled up my body as he gently tightened his grip, placing his other hand on top of mine reassuringly.

"Are you alright!" His deep eyes looked sincerely into mine, causing me too lose track of my focus as I stared back.

" Uh ya..." I shook my head, " I'm fine."

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart beat as Kyler gazed at me. His soft hands held tightly onto mine, as I watched his eyes travel down, and back up my body.

"Thanks." I smiled.

Oh god...are my cheeks hot?

"You should be more careful, darling." A charming smirked plastered aross his lips, lifting a slit dimple on his cheek.

Damn...there's something about hearing the word darling in an English accent that sends butterflies swarming in your stomach.

"I'll try." I laughed

He smiled back at me, my hand still wrapped in his when a husky voice lingered behind my back.

"Am I interrupting something?"

My eyes widened in shock as I quickly swung up my hand, removing it from Kylers as he shyly rubbed the back of his neck.

I grasped my hands together behind my back and I turned around to find Dominic standing stiffly behind me, his arms crossed over his chest and an angry expression painted on his face. Lani trailed behind him, and quickly made her way over to Celeste.

"What the hell took you so long?" I scolded

"Does it matter..." he said sternly, "You seem occupied anyways."

Is he serious? He's the one who took so damn long!

"Lighten up Dom" Kyler pushed himself forwards and laughed, " She tripped over her feet and I saved her fall...that's all."

"Well maybe you should watch where you're stepping." Dominic looked coldly at me, "It's  a bad trait to be clumsy." He rolled his eyes.

God he made me want to toss my head into a wall. One moment he's open and caring towards me, the next he hates my guts. It's infuriating. I don't get him...not at all.

"You know what!" I stood on the tips of my feet, staring angrily into his cold eyes. I clenched my fingers in my palm. I wanted to toss my fist across his pretty little face so badly.

"Enough!" Celeste yelled. I'm glad she did...I wouldn't want to know what would have happened if she didn't interrupt my thoughts.

" Oh Common!" Cassian tossed up his arms, " I was enjoying the show!"

Celeste rolled her eyes and looked at Dominic, "Can you just tell us why you brought us out here?"

He took a deep breath, calming his anger and moved his attention away from me, " Ok..." he said, " I know this probably sounds crazy but...I think we should try and free those people in Detra. I can't live with myself knowing they're suffering...knowing we can possibly help them. I say it's time we finally do something."

" I agree." Lani nodded

"Me too." Said Celeste, " But we can't just walk into the Chamber. What's your plan."

Dominic cleared his throat, " We find some troopers wandering around the woods, and take their armor. We disguise ourselves as troopers and go to the Chamber gate...hoping they'll let us in. Kyler knows his way around so he can lead us to where they keep the the Immune. We just need to get past the troopers guarding their cell,  steal the keys, and get the people out. Once they're out, we sneak them through the building and out the back, where they can make a run for the woods."

What about my plan? Weren't  we going to do that? He just totally ignored what I said.

"I know how it is there Dom..." Kyler shook his head, "...they won't just let us in like that. We'd need a reason to be there."

"Ky's right ." Lani crossed her arms and turned to Dominic, " We'd never be let in."

"You don't know that. There's always a chance they could let us in. We don't really have another choice."

"What about my plan!" I bursted as everyone's attention was engaged on me.

"No." Dominic said coldly

"Why not!"

"Because it's too risky."

"But it could work!"

"I'm not arguing about this Evelyn. It's not happening."

"But I-"


When we were on the rooftop...he said it could work. Why did he suddenly change his mind? What's gotten into him.

"Now I'm curious." Kyler raised his eyebrow, "Might as well listen to what she has to say...what was your plan Evelyn."

At least someone wanted to hear me out.

"Well...Detra gov has been searching all over for me, so why don't you guys disguise as troopers, and act like you're turning me into the Chamber. If they see you guys with me in handcuffs, they'll have to let you in. Instead of bringing me to a cell though, I follow you guys and we carry out the rest of Dominics plan."

"That's actually not a bad idea." Celstes eyes lit up

I glanced up and smirked at Dominic. He stood angrily with his arms crossed over his chest, glaring at me as if he wished I hadn't spoken a word.

Good. If he was going to act like this all of a sudden, I hoped he was mad.

"That could work!" Lani nodded and looked excitedly towards me

"Since when did you get so spontaneous Ev?" Cassian laughed

"Since I learned about the shit that goes on in Detra." I replied, " I want to put an end to it...and I know you guys do too. We can start by freeing some of those them a chance at freedom. I don't know if my plan will work or not...but I think it's worth a shot to try."

"Okay..." Kyler walked towards me and smiled, "I'm in."

"Me too." Celeste nodded

"Same!" Lani gawked

"As long as I don't have to go in and I'm the only the lookout." Cassian reassured us, "I'm in."

"I don't know about this." Dominic shook his head

"Common Dom...I know you want to free those people more than any of us. Trust Evelyn." Celeste turned to him

Dominic took a deep breath, his pale blue eyes shining through the darkness of the night, his face lit by the luminous moon. He looked at me, scanning his eyes up my body...I could almost see the thoughts flying though his head.  Though I couldn't understand what about my plan he was so afraid of, I knew he wasn't going to say no this time.

My sincere eyes looked deeply into his...reminding him how bad he wanted this. I hoped I'd finally get my answer, and I did.

Dominic shook his head, running his fingers through his dark messy hair. For a second I caught a glimpse of the red scar that hid  on his forehead.

Thoughts of the rooftop suddenly filled my thoughts. I was so distracted I almost forgot about what happened...the kiss. He was so confusing...why did he kiss me if he hated me so much?

After how he opened up to me on the balcony the other night, and the rooftop tonight...I thought he was finally seeing the good in me. Seeing someone other than Verena. But after the way he acted just moments ago...I knew his heart was still filled with hatred.

It didn't matter. I didn't care...did I? As much as I didn't want to care...I did got some reason...and I hated it.

"Well Dom?" Celeste bugged, as we all waited impatiently for his reply.

"Alright." He glanced down at me and rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"I'm in."

המשך קריאה

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