A Werewolves Twin

By PotterGirl201

9.6K 402 102

My name is Alexandra, I am the twin sister of Remus Lupin, he was turned when we were only toddlers, I remain... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three - You Take My Garbage I Take Your Soul
Chapter Four - You Take my Chocolate I Steal Your Ear
Chapter Five - The Sorting Hat's and the Tapioca Pudding
Chapter Six - Classes are Cheese Puffs
Chapter Seven - Why Can't I Have a Penguin
Chapter Eight - Making New Friends
Chapter Nine - Hogwarts Time
When in Need of a Lily - Chapter Ten
Lies, Secrets and Surprises... Oh my! - Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve - Jumpy
Chapter Thirteen - Lake Side Lies
Chapter Fourteen - What to Believe
Chapter Fifteen - Haunted

Chapter one

1.1K 42 1
By PotterGirl201

I sat on the bench kicking my legs back and forth banging them on the bench each time I did so. I heard some words of anger and some saddened tears. That was my life once a month, "Alexandra sit out side" they would say, "Alexandra don't do that" they would say, "Alexandra I'm disappointed in you" they would say, well maybe I don't care what they say anymore. Because of this 'mistake' I get to go to school with my real best friend, my hero, my life long secret teller, my twin brother, my werewolf.
He was changed when we were young, I don't remember the main events... Just the blood... The blood and my mums tears... I remember the screams to... I thought my twin was going to die.
That was eleven years ago, I'm now fifteen, play beater on any Quiddatch team, sing and... Oh... One more thing... Prank.
Pranking has gotten me into a bunch of trouble, hence me me being expelled form England's Witchcrafts Fine Arts Academy. I sat outside of the study now waiting for my mother, Hope and my father Lyall, to decide where to send me with two years left in my education. It was only a few short minutes later when my mother and father called not just me but my twin brother into the study.
"Alex... Me and your father have been talking, and we..." My mum started, my dad spoke next.
"We think it's a good idea for you to be transferred to somewhere we know better..." My dad said, mum started to speak once again.
"Somewhere were we have someone to keep an eye over you." Mum clarfied, I nodded hopping it wouldn't be a school where one of my dads old chums worked.
"So we contacted Dumbledore." Dad said, I screamed.
"I'm going to Hogwarts!!!!" I cheered jumping around the room, my mother yelled for me to sit down. "I am going to Hogwarts right?" I questioned, my father nodded. I was about to scream and jump when he kept speaking.
"You can go on two conditions, you will keep out of trouble... And that Remus keeps an eye on you." He said, I was offended.
"You don't trust me! You have to give me a body guard! What are you going to do on full moons!" I demanded, my father sighed.
"Your registered aren't you?" My mother asked me, "you were so excited when we took you down and you became a black dog?" My mum asked, I was in shock.
"You trust me?" I asked in amazement, my mum nodded.
"Keep him safe Allie, I can't lose you or Remmy." She whispered tears forming in her eyes, I squealed and jumped around more.
"I'm going to Hogwarts! I'm going to Hogwarts!" I yelled, I ran out into the yard and started doing flips and cart wheels and all sorts of tricks, mum sighed.
"Allie! Sweetheart go to bed! You and Remus are going school shopping tomorrow... Your letters got here tonight..." She said, I screamed again.
"Hogwarts! Diagon Alley! Yes!"
I didn't sleep much, I was to busy thinking about how awesome Hogwarts would be.

Sorry for the short first chapter

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