Town Witch

Od Tasergirl

212K 6.5K 4.2K

Bonnie Bennett: Daughter, High school student, best friend, and last but definitely not least Town Witch. Aft... Více

The Begining
The Invitation
The Ball
The Unexpected Meeting
Arguments and Broken Furniture
Lines In The Sand
Dreams and Destinations
New Orleans Part 1
New Orleans Part 2
New Orleans Part 3
Best friends
Always And Forever
Catch up
She's Stronger Than Us All
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Wreak Havoc
She Dreamed Of Paradise
Making Plans
Making It Work
Hanging On
Find Me
Believe Me
Dinner With The King
Draw Your Swords
Maybe More
What To Do
War Zone
Soul Bonds
Never Be Free


1.9K 77 24
Od Tasergirl

Bonnie sighed happily when she finally flopped on her bed. After dealing with demons and angels she was more than happy to be home, or well at the abattoir. Dean smiled at the small witch, watching as she stretched out on the bed.

"We have to leave first thing in the morning, I want to get into that book as soon as I can" Bonnie said as she laid on her side, looking up at the Winchester. Dean nodded at her, smiling, though his mind was far away.

Seeing her like that, he'd had a vision. Almost like the dreams he'd had, but in real time. As fast as someone flashing a picture. He saw Bonnie, or Hathor, laying in the bed happily. Staring up at him, with a large smile, and asking him to come closer.

"We're so close to figuring everything out" Bonnie said as she looked up at the hunter. She was becoming more and more comfortable with him, even going so far as to motion for him to sit on the bed beside her.

"Are you going to read it all?" He asked her softly, wondering just how much she wanted to know. Bonnie frowned up at him.

"We" she said, narrowing her eyes at him. Dean looked at her in confusion. "We are going to read it, we're a team" she told him seriously.

Deans eyes softened as he looked at the small witch. His heart warmed at the thought of them actually being a team. Bonnie coming on hunting trips with them, using her witch powers to help them take down monsters. Yet he knew she wouldn't. She wouldn't leave her home or her family. Not for him. He'd never let her.

"Alright so are we going to read the whole thing?"he amended, a small smirk on his face as he looked at the small woman. Bonnie shrugged.

"I'm not sure, why?" She asked, closing her eyes as she laid back on the bed. Dean shrugged a shoulder back at her. He liked that the memories came back slowly, he liked that instead of reading about his past life he was slowly remembering. It felt more like a part of him.

"I'm not sure I want to read everything" he said softly. Bonnie looked up at him and sighed.

"Alright, maybe not everything, we're remembering enough on our own anyways, so how about just the weapons and how to defeat Ra" Bonnie said smiling at him. Dean looked at her with a small smile, nodding with her.

"Alright" he agreed.
Bonnie looked out at the sea, feeling it's mist as waves splashed against the small cliff. The sunset was causing the water before it to sparkle in ways Bonnie could only describe as magical.

"We're a long way from home" Bonnie heard. By now she'd become accustomed to it. Dean, or Horus, was behind her. When Bonnie turned she was more than a bit surprised to find what she did.

(Let's just ignore the sword lol)

The sky god was more dressed up than she'd ever seen him. The ceremonial robes were a good look on him and she committed it to memory, knowing she would never again see it unless it was a dream.

"He is ready for us" Horus told her. Bonnie felt her face break out into a large smile and had to wonder what this was for. She took the hand that Horus offered her, rubbing his arm softly as they began to walk further along the cliff.

Bonnie saw a man in white robes at the end. A high priest, her mind supplied. He held a book in his hands and looked at them with so much joy Bonnie thought he might explode from it.

As she passed the water she saw herself briefly. The witch was in a long lace gown, which flowed far behind her, she was surprised she didn't notice before now. Her hair was loose around her shoulders with jewelry atop her head.

"Before we begin I want you to know something" Horus whispered as we walked, slowing his pace slightly. Bonnie looked up at the god, her gaze soft as she looked at him.

"There is nothing on this earth that could separate us, this marriage ceremony means much to me but it is not needed for I love you so much not even death could separate us" he told her. Bonnie's eyes widened at his words. This was their wedding. This was where they got married.

Bonnie felt Hathor smile at him softly, but inside she was sad. He was right. Death didn't separate them. They found each other even after death. Yet because of Ra they were still separated. It hurt her heart to think of it. Instead she focused on Hathor's words.

"You will never be without me my love, I am glad for this ceremony for it binds us in the way my God intended, but it is not needed, for our love transcends all, that even should we die I would find you again" Hathor promised him, her voice filled with so much conviction Bonnie would have believed her even if she didn't know what she did.

Bonnie frowned at her words though. Bonnie realized Hathor emphasized my God. As if they had some special connection. Dean had explained that God created the other deities because humans began worshiping things like the sun and the sea, so he made them to take the blame for the bad that happened in the world. He didn't seem to like them very much so why did Hathor say his name with such fondness?

"And has He blessed this union?" Horus asked, his tone light as he asked her. Hathor nodded her head happily, practically skipping at the thought.

"He did, He is glad that in these uncertain times I found something so beautiful" she said happily. Bonnie smiled at the thought, though she wondered what happened. If God himself blessed their union why did it end the way it did. If He loved Hathor as much as Bonnie suspected why did so much happen to her. It seemed Bonnie had more to look up than she originally thought.

"I am sorry that Bastet and Shai are not with us" he said, his voice low as they walked. Bonnie, or Hathor, looked up at with a small smile.

"All is well my love, this is what is right, they are where they're meant to be and so are we" she reassured him, putting a hand on his cheek. "we shall truly celebrate when the war is done" she said with a small smile. Horus smiled at her softly.

"I love you, I will always love you and I am so happy that we will be joined together in the eyes of God" Hathor told him, her voice gentle as she smiled up at him. Bonnie could feel her happiness, the excitement and even the love she felt for both Horus and God. She couldn't help but wonder, just what the hell happened.
Caroline frowned as she looked at what looked to be an abandoned building. She knew it wasn't, she could hear footsteps inside now. There were multiple people in there, they could only hope one of them was Benny.

Caroline turned to Stefan, who was next to her. Damon and Tyler were patrolling the area to make sure their weren't any more vampires coming their way. Everyone agreed Damon wasn't the best at first impressions. Or second for that matter.

"Ready?" She asked making him nod an affirmative to her. Caroline looked around as they walked towards it, feeling eyes on her.

They walked into the house quietly, noticing that all movement stopped when they did. Caroline looked around curiously, it was dark and a bit cold but apart from some simple home decorating it didn't seem too bad on the inside. She supposed they just wanted it to look abandoned outside.

Nodding at each other once they split up, Stefan going upstairs and Caroline moving into what looked like the living room. The couches were facing each other in front of what looked to be a small fireplace. Seeing a picture above it she touched it gently, smiling when she saw what looked to be a couple, very much in love.

"Now what's a beautiful girl like you doing in a place like this?" Caroline heard an accented voice say. Turning around she was greeted with bright blue eyes.

"Well if you think I'm beautiful you must have good taste" Caroline says with a small smirk, causing Benny to smirk back at her slightly.

"Well I was never one for home decor but I know a beautiful woman when I see one" he responded making her smile at him. Had he been anyone else he would have been disarmed by her smile. As it was he's been to purgatory, he knew the dangers of a pretty smile.

"What do you want?" He asked the smile slipping from his face instantly. Caroline sighed as she walked towards him.

"I'm looking for Benny" Caroline said as she stopped a few feet in front of him.

"Well you found him" Benny told her, crossing his arms over his chest. He didn't exactly have many people looking for him these days, everyone he knew was either dead or thought he was.

"I'm a friend of Dean Winchester" Caroline told him, making the other vampire look at her skeptically.

"Dean Winchester kills monsters, he doesn't make friends with them" he told her. He knew what Dean was, one of the best hunters in the world if the stories he heard were true. Legendary amongst both human and monster alike.

"Well I'm not like other vampires" Caroline said defensively, causing Benny to smirk at her. Sighing she shrugged. "Besides he told me to tell you something, in case you didn't believe me" she said her voice softening.

"And what's that?"


The male vampire stopped. There weren't many that knew him and even less that knew her. Dean was probably the only one left alive that did. He could only hope that what she was saying was true and nothing terrible happened to Dean.

"Alright, you have my attention chere" he responded making her smile. It was only a moment before the smile was wiped from her face at Stefan's scream.

"Stefan!" She yelled running towards where she heard the sound come from. Instead Benny grabbed her.

"He's fine" he assured making the blonde rip her arm from his hand. She turned on him angrily, her eyes bleeding red.

"If you hurt him-" she begins angrily but is cut off by his laugh.

"Look you're cute when you're angry but what are you really gonna do cher?" He asked causing Caroline to smirk at him, one he recognized. She had accepted his challenge.

Before he could blink the blonde had him against the wall, her hand wrapped around his neck. Benny narrowed his eyes at her as his feet dangled from the ground.

"You're different" he commented, his voice low as he looked at her. Her strength was off the charts. Stronger than a normal vampire, she was faster too, not to mention her fangs were different.

"You have no idea" she stated narrowing her eyes right back at the Louisiana born man. "Now call them off my friend!" She yelled at him. Benny smirked slightly at her and nodded.

"Alright, Andrea! Markos! Let him go" he yelled up the stairs. Immediately Stefan was falling down the stairs, causing Caroline to rush towards him.

"Are you okay?" She asked him as she helped him up gently, careful not to hurt him further. Stefan nodded, only wincing slightly as he stood straighter.

"Yea I'm good" Stefan told her, running his eyes over her to be sure she was okay. The blonde smiled at him quickly before turning back to Benny and the 2 extra vampires that accompanied him.

"Hi there" Andrea said, her voice husky, as she waved her fingers at the pair. Stefan narrowed his eyes at her, she'd been more brutal than Markos, she was probably older.

"Sorry, Andrea is a bit protective of us" Benny said apologizing for the dark haired girl. Andrea rolled her eyes affectionately at him before turning to the newcomers.

"Well when someone walks in uninvited and snoops around, I just want to know why" she asked her eyes narrowing at them. Benny put a hand on her arm, Caroline noticed she immediately calmed down. Instead of charging at them again, Andrea stepped back, moving closer to Markos.

"They have a message from Dean" Benny told them softly, Andrea frowned but nodded her head, silently telling him she'd cooperate. Markos nodded as well but they all knew he'd listen to Benny.

"Now what does he want?" Benny asked Caroline, his eyes softer than before but still cautious. Thankfully neither Tyler nor Damon barged in yet, they didn't need to deal with a full on fight.

"We need your help and you're not gonna believe what we have to tell you" Caroline told them, causing them all to stand straighter, wondering just what the hell was going on.
Klaus looked at Joseph, or Joe as he preferred to be called, tend to the fire. The large man set up a campfire in the back, in front of a large barn. The rest of his family and some of his pack members surrounded them. His wife Sofia was inside with their daughter and Zoe, who he had Elijah bring to meet them.

After the disastrous first meeting Joe explained that they've had problems with a nearby pack, and while it hadn't been an all out war they were prepared for anything. They weren't extremely worried because the rival pack was small but they knew better than to underestimate an enemy. Klaus could sympathize with that.

He looked around, watching Rebekah and Elijah talked with Joe's grandfather Lorenzo, getting filled in on their lore. Their laughs something he was grateful for.

Erica sat beside Derek, forcing him to eat a s'mores, Klaus couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. Beside them was Boyd speaking with a member of Joe's pack, Belle. She was excitedly telling him how her mother named her that because of the Disney princess. Apparently that had been her parents first date. He'd think her adorable had her story not been so sweet it nearly made his teeth rot. 

Klaus turned to Joe, who was already watching him. The mans dark eyes were piercing, almost as if they could stare into someone's very soul. The pack leader smiled suddenly, erasing any tension within Klaus's shoulders.

"It is good, to have Ansels true heir back in the pack" he said smiling at the hybrid. "Now we shall be a full pack, no longer missing a member" he said making Klaus smile gratefully. He was happy to have been accepted so fully, though it did worry him.

"You realize I cannot stay, not completely" Klaus clarified, albeit reluctantly. Instead of angering, like Klaus would have guessed he would, Joe simply smiled at him.

"I already suspected, though I knew for sure the moment Zoe stepped through the door" he reassured the hybrid. Klaus nodded at him, happy he understood. "Though I have to ask you stay with us till the full moon tomorrow, so we can roam the woods as a pack, linking you to us"

Joe had agreed to help them with the threat, stating he had no use for a world over run with gods. Though it would be about 2 weeks before they would be in Mystic Falls, moving an entire pack was no easy thing after all. Klaus understood and Boyd even offered to stay behind and help in anyway.

"I can do that" Klaus agreed, knowing that this would determine wether he fit with his fathers pack. Joe smiled reassuringly. Something in the alphas gut telling him this would be good. Before either could say anything else Sofia walked out with Zoe and Hayley, holding trays of food and accompanied by a girl he didn't recognize.



Klaus stood with Joe, taking the trays from Zoe and Haley while Joe took the other from his wife. Joe also greeted the other woman with a large hug, obviously happy to see her.

"Erin!" He yelled out as he happily picked her up. Sofia laughed at the pair as they separated, sitting next to her grandfather in law.

"How are you feeling" Klaus asked Zoe softly, his voice low as the girl stood beside him.

"Pretty good, I like these people" Zoe says looking around with a smile. It was the first time in a long time she felt comfortable around such a big crowd. "They seem genuine" she adds making him smile at her.

"Well they should be, we're all family" he said give her a meaningful look. Zoe smiled shyly before moving to sit beside Haley and Belle. Klaus's smile faded slightly. He hoped he could trust them, he wanted to, yet after all he'd been through his paranoia held him back.

Rebekah was right when she said he was cursed. Damned to live eternity in constant paranoia, looking over his shoulder and unable to trust even his own kin. Instead of having his mind wander down that path, he looked over to see Joe pulling Erin over to Klaus, the girl laughing at his side.

"Klaus this is my sister, Erin" Joe said happily introducing them.

"Niklaus Mikaelson" he said grabbing her outstretched hand. Erin shook his hand, her grip stronger than expected. The woman smiled at him softly.

"So you are the hybrid" she greets him. Lorenzo walked up to them happily greeting his granddaughter.

"This is the true Alpha of our pack mi reina, show respect" he said kissing her cheek, the smile on her face widening exponentially.

"Hola, abuelo" she greeted melting into the old mans arms. According to Joe their father died and Lorenzo had been their father figure most of their lives. "And I wasn't being disrespectful, I was just observing" she said causing Klaus to raise an eyebrow at her.

"I am the hybrid, I am also changed" Klaus told her, though the smile on his face was changed, grew more stiff. It seemed she knew of his reputation.

"Yes I heard rumors, I wasn't sure if I should believe them" she said, her eyes softening as she takes him in. It appears she saw something she liked, because her smile became genuine.

"Come on old man, how about you tell me about this big evil bad guy we're suppose to be fighting that could take over the world" she said pulling him towards the fire.
Bonnie smiled as she looked at Dean, her eyes lighting up when she was what was in his hands. Jumping off the bed she rushed over to him.

"Oh my God! Is that gumbo from Rousseau's?" She asked happily. Dean laughed at her, happy that she was so excited after the long ass day they had. Her eyes lit up as she grabbed the bag from him.

"Come on, Sammy said we have to all eat together" he said rolling his eyes at his brothers antics. Sammy was always trying to get Dean to eat right but since he was never able to do it, he settled on eating together so he could give Dean the puppy dog eyes of disappointment.

"Is he gonna give me the puppy dog eyes that he always gives you?" She asked pouting slightly. Dean had to force himself to look away from her lips, focusing on her eyes instead.

"Well we'll face it together alright, come on let's go" he said grabbing her hand softly and tugging her towards the small kitchenette. Bonnie smiled at Sammy as they walked in, hopping on the counter while Castiel tended to Megs more serious wounds.

The demon watched as Bonnie sat, Dean sliding up next to her. It seemed to Meg they didn't even notice how comfortable they were, the goddess leaning towards him slightly while his glances lingered on her. Instead of commenting on them like she wanted she focused on Cas, knowing she did the right thing when he sent her a grateful smile.

"You know Clarence, this might not be so bad, at least I have entertainment" Meg told him quietly, a smirk on her lips as she ran her hand up his leg suggestively. She couldn't help but enjoy the way he jumped, before his eyes landed on her, looking more than ready to reprimand her. Oh yea she was going to have fun here.

Bonnie's eyes landed on the demon and angel at the table, noticing things she hadn't expected to. Like the way the demons eyes softened when she thought he wasn't looking. The way he reacted to seeing her in the first place said more than enough.

"What's going on with them" Bonnie asked pointing to where Meg was trying to get under Castiel's skin. Sam looked at them before shrugging while Dean frowned at the sight.

"Something unnatural" Dean grumbled stuffing his face with a burger. Bonnie smirked up at him, holding back a laugh.

"Aww what's wrong? Jealous?" She asked him, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. Dean balked at her suggestion before laughing.

"Dude he's family" Dean said making Bonnie laugh at him. Sam chuckles as he watched the pair, they were getting closer, he wished it didn't make him so nervous.

"Alright children" Kol said walking in, clapping his hands dramatically as he did so. Meg raised an eyebrow at his theatrics, she had to admit she liked his style. She'd heard of him, the ex witch. Granted the entire original family had been witches but this one in particular had the gift. A true protege. Shame.

"Hello little witch, feeling better?" Kol asked the short girl. He wouldn't admit it but he'd been becoming increasingly worried about her. This wouldn't be easy. It wouldn't be easy for any of them but especially her. He'd heard stories of Ra and Set, they'd be out for blood. Everyone's blood.

"I'm alright, I have food" she says slapping his hand away from the gumbo. Sam chuckled at their antics, noticing the familial bond they shared. Their playfulness almost reminded Sam of him and his brother.

"Alright that's good, we leave in the morning, the sooner we get to that book the better" he says and for once everyone in the room agrees with him. "I'm going into the city, I have something I hid here a few centuries ago" he told her with a wink. Bonnie rolled her eyes but kissed his cheek quickly before he left.

"Come on Pizza Man, time for you to put me to bed" Meg said as she tried to stand, winking at Castiel as he helped her up. Bonnie smiled at the pair, watching as Meg sent the angel a saucy wink.

Bonnie looked to Sam who smiled, albeit confused, at the pair who just left. He wasn't entirely sure what was going on with them but after everything they went through, Meg nursing him while he was dealing with Lucifer, it wasn't surprising.

"Pizza Man?" She asked making Sam's eyes widened as he remembered what happened. Chuckling he shook his head at her.

"You don't want to know" he told her chuckling as he sat back down at the table, sitting in front of his laptop. Bonnie smiled as he opened a tab that looked suspiciously like an Egyptian Mythology website, dedicated to Horus. Seeing what his brother was looking at Dean sighed, leaving.

Dean was tired of his brother worrying about him, Sam was the younger brother, Dean was the one that was supposed to be worried not the other way around. Seeing their silent irritation with each other, Bonnie slid next to Sam at the table, bringing her food with her.

His smile was supposed to be reassuring but Bonnie saw right through it. She saw the worry in his eyes, she saw the dark circles. He'd probably been up all night, every night, since the day he found out. Bonnie rested her hand on his gently, bringing his eyes back to hers.

"We'll get through this" she told him, her voice soft as she reassured the big man. Sam sighed at her words.

"We've been through a lot, angel wars, leviathans, hell, even the damn apocalypse, but this is just so weird" he confessed to her, remembering everything they've had to deal with. He can't believe he'd ever thought he would be back at Stanford that Monday all those years ago.

"Hell?" Bonnie asked with a raised eyebrow. Sam chuckled at her but nodded, if he hadn't been there he wouldn't exactly believe it either.

"I was actually possessed by Lucifer" he told her making the small witch's jaw drop. Her eyes widened as she looked at him.

"You were possessed by the fucking devil!" She asked making him laugh at her. He couldn't remember the last time he laughed like that, it felt good. Bonnie's shock subsided as she watched him laugh, not even embarrassed that he was laughing at her.

"We've been possessed by everything" he told her making her shake her head at him. "We've actually gone against some gods, never thought one of us would actually be one" he said softly as he looked at the door his brother walked out of. Bonnie nodded in understanding, knowing what it was like to worry about someone's safety at all times.

"Sam" she said calling his attention back to her. "I promise I won't let anything happen to him" she promised the big man who nodded at her. He believed her, he just wasn't sure he could count on her if it came to Dean's life or someone else's.
Dean frowned up at the sky, the sun was setting over the city and he couldn't remember the last time he saw something so beautiful. He just couldn't focus on it. His mind was on his giant little brother and the small witch a few rooms over.

His brother was self explanatory. He would always worry about Sammy, Sammy was his entire world. Dean couldn't even think of a life without him. Maybe he was selfish, all those times he risked everything for his brother but it didn't matter because he'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. He was his brothers protector til the day he died.

Then there was Bonnie. He could honestly say that he never thought he'd be on friendly terms with a witch, let alone begin having feelings for one. He had to say even if it didn't start out so great she was was a breath of fresh air. She was strong but so caring, and even then he could still see she could be dangerous as hell. He never met anyone like her before, in this lifetime at least.

"You okay?" He heard behind him. Turning to see the girl he'd been thinking of he smiled. She'd changed, no longer was she in the body suit she wore to the meeting. Now she wore a simple oversized sweater that almost reached her knees.

"Oh I'm just peachy" he said, his voice gruff as he watched her walk towards him. The small witch was barefoot as she stepped onto the balcony, causing him to frown at her. "Don't you know it's bad to walk outside barefoot" he asked. Bonnie chuckled at him in response, shaking her head slightly.

"If walking barefoot is what takes me out I win" she told him with a smirk. " besides I'm on a balcony not in the street" It was true, she could think of a thousand ways she could die and not one was under normal circumstances. All of them ended with her dying young.

"I feel the same way about bacon" he told her with a smirk. He could definitely understand the sentiment, he was a hunter after all.

They were silent for a moment, as they watched the sunset, basking in each other's presence. Bonnie finally feeling herself calm slightly for the first time in a while. She missed Elijah in moments like these. While Klaus made her feel fired up and passionate, Elijah made her feel calm and safe. She needed that desperately now.

Somehow, though, Dean still made her feel better. In a lot of ways she supposed it was Hathor, the goddess inside her called out to the god inside Dean. Even if Hathor spent years hating him, no one could ever doubt how much she loved him. Bonnie could still feel it. Then again there was something about Dean, simply Dean himself, that put her at ease.

"Do you think we'll ever get back to normal?" Bonnie asked suddenly, immediately getting a raised eyebrow from the hunter. Chuckling she shrugged. "Well normal for us" she amended. Dean sighed as he thought on her question.

"Well, I think this might be the new normal, me and Sammy never really recovered from the apocalypse" he told her with a shrug. Bonnie wanted to comment on how he so casually mentioned the apocalypse but kept her mouth shut. That was a question for later.

"Everything just kept escalating until the apocalypse just drifted from our mind" he said softly, his eyes getting a faraway look in them that Bonnie could understand. He was being sucked in by the memories.

"I don't want things to keep escalating, this is a war of Egyptian gods, where would we go from here?" She asked genuinely curious. Dean looked at her in shock, and disappointment.

"Don't you know that's the perfect way for the universe to mess with you?" He asked making her laugh. She shoved him lightly as she moved around, ready to go back inside.

"I am already a joke to the universe" Bonnie told him with a smile, shrugging it off as a joke even though they both felt the statement in their gut. "You coming in?" She asked softly making him sigh.

"In a minute" he told her, watching her smile at him softly. He couldn't help but commit that one to memory. Something was brewing and it would come out soon, he was sure of it. Until it did though, he'd remember every good thing he could.

Underneath them stood a woman, her long hair flowing in the wind as she looked at Dean. It'd been so long since she'd gotten a good look at him. She hadn't seen him since ancient times. He still looked the same. They would reunite soon, she promised herself.
Klaus looked at the pack around him, feeling more conflicted than he thought normal. He felt good in the midst of the pack, like he belonged. Yet because of that he couldn't relax, he'd never felt like he belonged anywhere, not even in his own family.

"It is strange isn't it" he heard, turning to face Erin. The woman smiled at him, becoming much softer around him when she saw how he was with Zoe. "It's weird having a pack after such a long time being a lone wolf" she clarified with a small smirk. Klaus chuckled nodding at her slightly.

"You've probably seen it many times in this life?" He asked making her shrug at him.

"Yea I've seen it but I lived it too" she confessed making him turn to her in surprise. "I'm actually older than Joe, had I been raised with him I would've been the alpha" she told him making the hybrid look at her in surprise.

"And how did that come to be?" He asked her, curious. There were many ways after all. Erin shrugged as she warmed her hands, putting them closer to the fire.

"Me and Joseph share the same father, he met my mother about 2 years before he met Joe's mother and married her, though according to mom they had a whirlwind summer romance" Erin told Klaus with a wink, happily recalling the times her mother would tell her about her father.

"They met in NYC, Dad was visiting family, helping them move while mom was a dancer who'd just moved to the city, they ended it on the agreement that no matter how much they cared about each other it wouldn't work, it was months after he left that she realized she was pregnant and by then there was no way to find him" Erin told him, recalling her mother's words.

Klaus nodded at her story, he couldn't say it was the first time he'd heard of something like that. Usually though, they'd at least leave a number. Then again they'd agreed it wouldn't work, why prolong the heartbreak.

"So how did you find them?" He asked making her smile at him.

"A few years after mom died, I was attacked by some men, I accidentally killed one of them" she told him. Klaus had to admit the thought of her, his family, being attacked made him angry. Maybe it was the effects of being inaugurated into the pack.

"A few years later, I saved a witch who told me to come here, apparently Joe knew right away. He could feel it" She explained as they watched Joe smile at his wife. Sofia was wrapped in his arms and Klaus couldn't help but envy him. He missed Bonnie.

"I see" Klaus muttered as he looked in the fire. Seeing the look on his face, Erin smiled.

"So I told you my story, how about you tell me who's on your mind?" She asked, smirking when he looked back at her. "You've got love struck written all over your face" she explained happily, glad to have caught the hybrid off guard.

Klaus frowned slightly, unsure of wether he should tell her of Bonnie or not. She would eventually meet her, when they were all in Mystic Falls. If Erin could tell when Bonnie was states away he could only imagine what she'd notice when Bonnie was in from of them.

"Her name is Bonnie, she's a witch" he told her, watching as Erins eyes softened slightly. So the big bad hybrid really did have a heart. "When we first met she was planning on killing me" he said making her laugh.

"Oh I couldn't imagine why" Erin said sarcastically. Klaus laughed along with her, catching Zoe's eye from across the fire, where she sat by Elijah. The small girl smiled at him, Klaus sent her a conspiratorial wink, making her laugh at him and pull a face.

"And how does Zoe fit into that, is she Bonnie's?" Erin asked softly making him chuckle.

"She might as well be" Klaus told her softly. Rarely had he seen someone take to someone else like Bonnie and Zoe took to each other. They were a little family and he'd fight to the death, hell Klaus would fight Death himself, before he let anyone take them from him.
Kol walked the streets of New Orleans happily, taking in the changes and smiling at the things that stayed the same. He had the weapon on his person and was happily on his way back to the abattoir. Who would've thought that he'd be back in the city, with a witch/goddess reincarnated. He chuckled to himself at the thought.

Turning the corner, Kol stopped as he laid eyes on the young witch he saw with Marcel earlier. She was alone now, her smile wide as she looked at the shops and cafe's around her. She was completely unaware of the two warlocks that walked behind her, following her every move.

Kol would have let it be, had he not been so curious, and so sure Bonnie would have his head if she ever found out he'd left the girl to get attacked. Instead of walking home like he wanted he turned to follow them all.

It wasn't long before the young witch realized she was being followed. Swiftly, she turned the corner, and began running. Kol raised an eyebrow as he watched the warlocks run after her. By the time he turned the corner they had the girl backed into a wall. Kol rolled his eyes at the predictability of it all.

Before he could rush over and rip out their hearts, the girls eyes hardened. Her worried and scared expression gave way to pure determination and something he was surprised to see she possessed. Hatred.

"Fluctus inpulsa" she yelled holding her hands up towards one of them. One of the men fell to his knees, pain coursing through him. "Ad somnum" she said simply knocking the other out quickly.

Kol raised an eyebrow as she looked at the warlock still on his knees in pain. She smirked down at him as she walked closer. The man looked up at her, a glare on his face as he looked at the witch who took him down.

"You will pay for your sins Davina" he told her angrily. Davina smiled down at him, an unpleasant smile, leaning down a bit so she could look at him fully in the face.

"And you will knock out from pain in a few minutes, did you know you could even die from pain?" She asked, a satisfied smirk on her face as she looked at him.

"You bitch" he said angrily as he looked at her. Davina stood to full height, smirk never leaving her face. In fact it looked to Kol like it got bigger.

"You have no idea" she said walking away as the warlock fell unconscious. Kol raised an eyebrow as he stepped out of the shadows and into her path.

"Hello love, do you remember me? We weren't properly introduced, name is Kol Mikaelson" he said when she froze at the sight of him, her blue eyes wide as she looked up at him. "We should talk"
Bonnie felt fire around her. It felt like the entire world was up in flames. She could feel herself fighting, slashing at people, cutting their throats. Not all of them were gods, some were human, some were.... something else. Maybe demons, Bonnie wasn't sure but they weren't human or gods.

Hathor kicked a man aside, twisting so that she blocked a sword with her own, her gold clashing against their metal. Battle wasn't like in the movies. There was no heroic music or sexy moves, Bonnie could taste the blood in her mouth, adrenaline coursed through her, she heard the screams around her. War was hell.

Bonnie saw Klaus, or Khonsu fighting across from her, his sword never faltering. He never missed either. Bonnie felt herself wanting, trying desperately to call out to him, but Hathor was busy.

The goddess fought with everything she had, no matter who the opponent. She never underestimated any of them. Underestimating someone often lead to death. So many slain gods thought they were untouchable, just to be cut down by mere mortals.

She kept going, kept fighting. The battle never let up. Hathor looked up at the sky to see Horus soar across it, cutting down whatever minor sky gods got in his way. She also saw someone flying beside him, protecting him. A woman, one that Bonnie felt connected to. Before she could try to make out who it could be she heard a particularly blood curdling scream.

Turning she saw him, his entire body covered in blood. Their eyes met, his wide and crazed as the bloodlust fueled him. He held Yara, her subordinate, with a knife to her throat, a wide smile on his lips as he did so.

His smile got wider when he saw the anger on Hathor's face. Quickly he sliced Yara's throat, throwing her to the ground as if she were little more than a bug.

"I'm tired of playing with you princess" he spit out at her. The goddess didn't have time to react to his next move. Before she could blink the god pulled out his bow and arrow, shooting into the sky. Following the arrow she felt her heart drop.

The arrow whizzed past them all. All of the minor sky gods, all the warriors. Hathor screamed as she saw it hit Horus. Tears streamed down her face as she watched Horus fall, his wings wrapping around him.

Turning to the god before her Hathor let out a loud battle cry, charging towards him, killing anyone who got in her way. The anger she felt was indescribable, the pain even more so. She could only focus on one thing.

All she knew was that she would kill Set.
Bonnie woke up with a gasp, sitting up straight in her bed. The tears flowed down her face freely. She could feel sweat dripping down her face as she took in deep breathes. Before she could take anything door burst open, causing her panic to grow.

Before she could stop herself, or think of what she was doing, she pounced on the person who ran in, producing a knife from nowhere. Holding it to the mans neck she said something but even she couldn't understand herself.

"ma hu eamalik huna"

Faster than she could blink she was on her back, the knife flung far away from her. She got ready to flip them over once more, and produce another weapon when she saw their face.

"Sammy?" She asked in surprise. The hunter nodded, trying to smile at her but found himself too worried to make it convincing.

"Hi Bonnie" he said breathless, he didn't expect an attack when he rushed into her room. Then again, given his line of work, he should have.

Hearing footsteps they look up to see Dean running down the hall. After nearly colliding with the wall he reaches them with his gun in hand. Looking down at the pair he raised an eyebrow.

"Um what's goin' on here?" He asked, the gruffness in his voice letting them know he'd just woken up. Bonnie looked up and realized Sam was still on her, laughing she shoved him off.

"Sorry" Sam said chuckling awkwardly as he stood, helping her up, the small witch shrugged it off.

"I'm sorry if we woke you" Bonnie said softly as she tugged on the sleeves of her sweater. She couldn't help but see Horus fall from the sky when she looked at Dean. The eldest hunter nodded still confused on what he walked in on.

"I heard her scream when I went to use the bathroom and ran in, apparently it's not a good idea to scare a witch because she attacked me" Sam explained seeing his brothers face. Dean nodded finally understanding before he looked at Bonnie, his eyes soft.

"Did you see the war too?" He asked her, his voice low. Bonnie looked at him in shock. He saw it too, the battle. Wrapping her arms around her she nodded softly.

"I saw you fall" she said her voice breaking as she looked at him. "I saw Set shoot you down"

Hello lovelies🤗
Alright so this chapter wasn't as exciting to me as the others but we got Benny omgg I love Benny
We're learning more about the gods which is super important and we saw Set  which is super important we're also about to be introduced to another major player
I already have the next chapter basically ready and when I say I am so excited I am so fucking excited the next chapter is freaking lit a part of me wants to put it up now but I have to pace myself lol I promise it'll be out right after I update The Chosen which will be updated soon like with a day or 2 soon
As a little teaser for the next chapter I'm just going to let you know that a person you have all been waiting to actually do something is finally going to make his move
Also We'll be meeting the rest of Klaus's pack
We'll also have a Bonlijah moment and after the next chapter everyone will be back together which I'm happy about but also worried about I've added so many characters and it's necessary they're all important I just hope I can do everyone justice
I hope you guys are all well please be safe be happy and be kind ❤️

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