
By glenn_rhee_supremacy

169K 5.1K 1.7K

Author: Melanie Gipp Cover by: @sygmys HP FANFICTION, Finished: 3/3/21 Edited: 28/9/21 "You're like a dove... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
End credits <3
Song credits continued
Last part of song credits!
2k reads <3
4K reads
12K reads and music update
For those that have finished Endgame...
50K reads
a thank you/announcement
Getting a little bit political

Chapter 13

2.3K 72 16
By glenn_rhee_supremacy

A few days had passed since Hallie had fainted and it was now Tuesday. George, who had stayed by Hallie's side, had grown increasingly worried as he didn't know how long it would be until she woke up. Plenty of people had came to visit her, including Susan Bones, a kind Hufflepuff girl who thought very highly of Hallie, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione. George, probably from the lack of sleep, became irritated very easily which led him to be quite snappy around anyone who visited.

"How is she then?" Ron asked, looking down at her sadly. Hermione had grabbed her hand, and was now trying to hold back her tears. Harry awkwardly patted her shoulder.

"Oh she's fine and dandy," replied George, who was sitting on the other side of her bed. "Really spectacular."

"I'm sure she'll be okay soon" Hermione said, before giving Ron a look that indicated not to say anything back to George, who would most likely use a stunning spell on the next person who bothered him. "Madam Pomfrey is brilliant at taking care of everyone, she doesn't get enough credit."

Harry thought he saw a smile appear on Madam Pomfrey's face, before she turned to sort out another patient in one of the other hospital beds. "Hallie's tough, George," he reminded him.

"Guess who's back," Fred said, bringing in a better atmosphere to the gloomy room. "I've brought chocolate. Georgey why don't you go and change your clothes and stuff, we'll be watching Hals."

Before he could respond, however, Hermione let out a gasp. "Her eyes twitched! I saw them!"

George grabbed her hand again and clutched it. "Come on Hals, it's time to wake up" he said imploringly, "come on."

Her steady breathing remained as her eyes continued to stay close. She then said something inaudible, that sounded a lot like George's name.

"She's trying to say something!" Hermione said, looking down and clutching Hallie's other hand very hard.

"George," she said weakly, still not opening her eyes.

"I need George," she said, beginning to get louder.

"I'm right here, love," he smiled. Everyone noticed he was close to tears.

"Where's Freddy?" She asked, with a little more clarity. "Can't have one Weasley twin without the other."

Fred walked over to Hallie and smiled. Hermione decided to move out of the way to let Fred in. She then gave Harry and Ron a look that told them all three of them needed to go. Harry nodded and walked first. Ron followed and so did Hermione.

"Are you okay, Hals?" George asked. "We've missed having you around."

"Yeah, I'm okay," she said, trying to sit up but with no success.

"Oh goodness, is she awake? You two, please move out of the way while I give her some medicine," Madam pomfrey said before running over and fluffing up her pillows.

"This isn't going to taste very nice," she said to Hallie, while Fred and George stared.

"I honestly don't know how you two expect me to concentrate with you two staring down my neck. Now please, leave while I sort Miss Blackwell out."

Fred and George smiled at Hallie, who returned one weakly. They left the hospital wing without another word to show how grateful they were that Madam Pomfrey had helped their closest friend.


"Yeah, Freddy. That's true, but don't you think it's a little bit extreme?" George said, while talking to Fred about a prank.

"You sound a lot like Hallie," he joked. "Alrighty then we'll tone it down a bit, how about fireworks?"

"Yes," he said, sounding a lot like himself. "That's better then gun powder."

"We have a few months to plan this," Fred said, with confidence. "We really have to go out with a bang."

"Didn't know you were into puns, Freddy," George joked and they laughed.

"Don't tell me you're planning something without me?" Hallie said, standing at the door of the portrait hole, looking at them sitting beside the fire in the Gryffindor Common Room.

"Hals!" George shouted and ran over to her. He threw his arms around her and lifted her up in the air, before putting her down. "Oh I'm glad you're back!"

"Nice to see you Georgey," she laughed, pecking him on the cheek.

"And what am I, the Bloody Baron?" Fred said, with his arms crossed. Hallie ran over and hugged him too. He embraced her, thankful to have his friend back.

"So how was your trip to the underworld then?" Fred asked after letting her go. Hallie sat down beside George and he put his arm around her. She smiled and looked up at him, before turning around to Fred.

"Ghostly," she joked. "I didn't make it there, just yet."

"When I fainted, there was these voices in my brain, like warning me about something."

"God you're nearly as bad as Loony love good, maybe we should call you Batty Blackwell," Fred added, taking in the warmth of the fire.

"And maybe you sound better with a silencing charm on you, but hey we never get what we want," Hallie raised an eyebrow at him, which both him and George laughed at.

"Anyway," George said, interested to hear more. "What were the voices saying?"

"That I must help save something," Hallie shrugged. "While I was unconscious, I had a vision of something. Well, not a vision, it happened in the past. My mother was in it, there was a figure in the background saying the same thing I heard; danger."

"Do you think the figure was your dad?"

"No, his voice didn't sound like that I don't think. I've heard it on old recordings played on our tv, this voice was silkier, a lot more reformed. I saw myself in my mother's arms though, then it ended."

"It's weird isn't it?" George said. "The way this happened just after you found that photo."

"The photo," Hallie said, thinking of Malfoy and the truth. "What day is it?"

"Tuesday," George answered.

"I need to speak to Malfoy," she said, standing up. George and Fred blocked her way. "What are you doing? Let me past please."

"You aren't speaking to any slimy little ferret like Malfoy," George said. "Not after the past few days you've had in the hospital wing."

"Georgey's right, Hallie," Fred backed him up. "Malfoy is a very strange little boy, you don't know when he's ready to curse or hex you and that's all you need."

"Alright," Hallie listened to them. "Can I at least go tomorrow?"

"Not without one of us," George said.

"I can look after myself," she reminded him.

"We know you can," he added. "However, I wouldn't trust Malfoy as far as you can throw him."

Hallie sighed. "I hate it when you're right."

They all started to laugh when Hermione entered with Ron and Harry through the portrait hole

"No, Ron, I don't understand-"

Before she could finish her statement, Hermione's eyes lit up. The books that were in her arms dropped beneath her, almost causing Harry to trip over them. She ran over to Hallie and gave her a hug.

"Oh thank the heavens!" She said, still holding onto her tightly.

"Alright Hermione, she won't want a broken rib," Fred said, noticing how much she was squeezing her. "Let her breathe."

"Sorry Hallie," she said, quickly. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm good," Hallie reassured her.

"Hi Ron" she said, looking over at him. Before she said hello to Harry, she stared at him as if she'd seen a ghoul.

"Hello," he said awkwardly. "Er- hope you're better."

"Your scar," was the first thing she said."It's been hurting you recently, hasn't it?"

Hermione and Ron looked at each other without her noticing. Harry nodded, "yes."

"How did you know that?" Ron asked obliviously.

"I could sense it," she added. She was going to ask Harry if he had ever heard voices like her, but she didn't want to seem crazy to those around her. She decided to change the subject, even though she worried that these voices were actual warnings. "So, er-are you ready for your next quidditch match?"

"Yeah," he said, sensing Hallie wanted to say something else to him. "It's this Saturday."

"Trust me, I know," she laughed, turning around to Fred and George. "These two don't make me forget it!"

Word had got out about Hallie's recent brush with death as Lavender Brown had called it, and before she knew it, it was all anyone talked about in her dormitory.

"Did it hurt?" Parvati Patil questioned while braiding her hair back. "It must've. Fainting like that would've caused a bump to your head."

"Did you not hear her story? George caught her in his arms, so romantic!" Lavender giggled. Hallie couldn't help but laugh along with her.

"No, Parvati it wasn't really painful when I fainted" Hallie admitted."When I woke up, though, I felt like I had a huge migraine coming on. That was probably the worst thing."

"Well we're glad you're okay now," she smiled. "The room felt kind of empty. Hermione doesn't really come up here as much now that she's been studying non-stop for her OWLs."

Lavender walked over from the other side of the room and put an arm around Hallie. "Glad you're safe, now do you want me to paint your nails?"

"Sure," she smiled at her, "why not."

"Great! Red is my favourite colour so that's what I'll use."

"I thought your favourite colour was pink?" Parvati asked.

"Gosh I wish some people would stop assuming things," she rolled her eyes and made a large 'tut' sound. "What on earth made you think I liked something as plain as pink?"

"You wear it on a lot of your bracelets," Parvati added.

"Yes, because it's paired with red. Not because it's my favourite colour," Lavender sighed, finishing Hallie's first nail.

"Sorry for snapping Parvati," she said quickly, after realising she had been too harsh.

"No I get you, it's alright," she smiled. "People think it's easy being a girl, don't they?"

"Yes!" Lavender shouted, finally glad someone else understood.

"Boys want you to be chatty, but if you're too loud, you're annoying," Lavender sighed.

"You can't be pretty and like quidditch," Parvati added. "Like seriously?"

"And if you study too hard, you're unattractive," Hallie found herself joining the debate.

"The audacity of some of these guys" Lavender shook her head. "Expecting us to look like girls from planet babe all the time while they run around in clothes they've worn for three days? I don't think so."

"Or the ones that think when they call you pretty, it merits them a date," Parvati said disgusted.

"Sometimes, you get lucky," Hallie thought, thinking of George."You find a diamond amidst the stones."

"Or, of course, you get stabbed with a thorn," Parvati rolled her eyes and everyone laughed.

As Lavender continued to paint Hallie's nails, Hermione entered with her normal load of books in her hands. Hallie thought she looked like she could buckle at any second, both from the weight of the books and the pressure of exams. Before she could fall, she sat on her bed with a large groan.

"Hello to you too?" Parvati said, laughing. Hallie smiled and looked over at Hermione.

"What's up?" She asked calmly.

"Ron Weasley."

"Are you two arguing again?" Hallie asked. She couldn't understand what they had left to argue about. It could be as simple as an orange juice is better then apple juice debate, and they'd firing out words left right and centre.

"As the Gryffindor prefects," she started to say, "we have responsibilities around Hogwarts."

"We were both due to help first year students from the Herbology classroom to the Great Hall, as their normal pathway was blocked with 20 more decrees that Umbridge is putting up."

"So he didn't turn up?" Parvati asked.

"Nope!" Hermione said, now red in the face. "He tried to say that I take these things far too seriously."

Hallie knew better than to get involved with her and Ron's drama. She knew if she took any side whatsoever, Hermione would snap at her too. As much as she loved her, Hallie could see that she was completely unwilling to compromise herself and her intellect, which sometimes left her in these dire situations. Instead of saying these words, Hallie came off with something a lot more general.

"Oh dear, that's awful."

Hermione was convinced by this statement, to Hallie's advantage.

"Boys," Lavender said, and the whole dormitory exploded into laughter.

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