By oluwayanmife__

21.2K 8.5K 961

Meet Jemima, a christian and a lover of God. Born by Christian Ministers and raised in the way of the Lord. B... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 28

309 147 15
By oluwayanmife__

The New cover was designed by my very special friend. TheOfficialSemiloore
The cover is really beautiful, right? Help me appreciate her 🙏

I stepped out of the hostel, to see Semiloore giggling about something she was watching on her phone, while Mo' was sitting in the car absent-minded.

I walk towards them as I greeted, slapping Mo' gently to bring her back to normal.

" How are you doing guys, where are we going?" I asked.

" We are celebrating my victory Nah" Semiloore responded.

I smiled and replied. "  I know, I meant where are we going?"

" We don't know yet, when Ephraim gets here we will decide" Mo' said coming out of the car.

"Ephraim is coming?" I said as I shiver. Making my words come out as a stutter.

" Yeah, he should be here any minute from now" Mo' replied as she stared at her watch.

Just then Ephraim appeared, he was walking briskly towards us. Hands in his jacket pocket as he approached us.

" Hello girls" he greeted as he hugged Mo' and then Semiloore. He looked at me and muttered a dry "Hi".

I felt my heart flutter and my throat crack at the sound of his voice. His eyes felt like they were digging through my skin and assessing my thoughts. I coughed as I broke the uncomfortable stare. " Ephraim, Good morning".

He nodded as he walked towards Semiloore.
"Wait what's going on here?" Semiloore asked as she wrapped her hands around his. She was already fond of doing that.

" Like what?" Ephraim asked.

" The air between you guys is choking. What's up?"  Semiloore said.

" Nothing," I said almost immediately.

" So how are we celebrating our, Miss Fresher" Ephraim asked giggling.

How could he giggle, how could he be so cool and comfortable? While I was having the most intensely weird time of my life. I thought to myself.

"We don't know yet. Do you have any ideas?" Mo asked.

"How about we go to, Davis' lounge" Ephraim suggested.

Davis' lounge was a lounge located outside school,   we had visited there before and it was a fun place to be, with blazing music from a live music band.

The girls didn't contend with the decision as I kept mum all through the conversation. Ephraim could drive so he slides into the driver's seat, Mo' and Semiloore sat at the back. Leaving me with no choice but to sit with Ephraim in the front.

"Wait! Why am I sitting at the front?" I asked, placing my hands on my chest, standing by the door.

I got no answer as the girls were busy pressing their phones in the back seat. Ephraim was staring at me, but I couldn't read the expression on his face. After seconds of being completely ignored, I opened the door and entered the car.

My eyes fixed straight as Ephraim fixed the key in the ignition and started the engine of the car.


" Toni, Toni, Toni" The nurse who Toni had got to know her name to be Temidayo called, as she tapped her trying to wake her up.

Toni opened her eyes lazily and stared at the woman standing and smiling at her. She felt better and stronger as she sat up.

"Pele," Nurse Temidayo said in Yoruba as she patted her shoulders. "It's time to leave now, we need the bed space and you've gotten better. I'll get you some drugs you can use".

Toni nodded as she bowed her head, tears dropping from her eyes. The Nurse sat beside her and tried to console her.

" Ma, I don't have anywhere to go. I can't go back to the market, I don't know where to go". Toni said tearfully.

Nurse Temidayo felt sorry for her, she could only imagine how she must be feeling. She took a deep breath, as something dropped into her heart. She tried to drop the thought but to no avail, this only happens when the Holy Spirit is trying to get her to do something.

But this particular thing was scary to do, she didn't know this girl from anywhere and she could only wonder if she was as harmless as she looked.

After minutes of wrestling in her spirit, she succumbed to the will of the father.

"Toni, how about you follow me home. You can work for me and I'll pay you".

" What?!!" Toni asked surprised.

" Yes, at least till you put to bed. After that, we'll know what to do, okay?" She added.

" Huh?" Toni was so clueless, she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

" Don't worry, my husband is away in the UK, while my daughter is at university. Her younger brothers are away in boarding school. It will be just you and I "

" But, but, You just met me". Toni asked looking up to her.

" Yes, we just met. And it's not like I do this on a daily. But I feel it strongly in my spirit to take you home, you know Toni. We, humans, are made for each other, to help and look out for each other. This is me just doing my duty as it pleases God".

Toni let out a deep sigh as she wondered how someone could be so nice, she wasn't so sure of the genuineness of her offer. The world, they say, is terrible. But did she have a choice?

" Okay ma, thank you ma. I'll follow you home" She uttered as she smiled faintly.


" You guys are hilarious," I said as laughed heartily along with the others.

The atmosphere was chilly, and my eyes seemed to find Ephraim too often. I was so self-conscious all through the day, checking if I wasn't laughing too loud and being careful so I won't chew loud. I had worn a cute outfit that was a little above my knees, I found myself trying to look pretty very often.

The hang out was going great enough, we had toasted to Shemmy's success. Somehow, I felt bad that Ephraim was acting all normal and cool, while I was having a tough time trying to look cute every second. Somewhere in my heart, I was feeling I was just overthinking things and that he didn't feel that much for me.

The hangout was cut short when the two girls somehow had to leave.

" Err, guys. I can't stay longer than this. I have to go" Mo' announced.

"Same here, I need to take care of somethings". Semiloore said.

" Why! Why do you guys have to go?" I said as I faked a cry

"We are sorry," The girls said as they stood up to start going.

" You guys can continue without us, see you later" Mo' said.

I had the urge to ask that I go with Mo' but I had a feeling she wanted to go somewhere I wasn't supposed to know about. So I had to resign to fate, the fate that had me bounded with Ephraim for the rest of the hangout.

" Bye!" I said lazily as I watched them leave. I stared for minutes at the direction they took, not moving a muscle, as I could feel Ephraim's eyes hovering over me.

I felt him stand up and walk towards me, I felt him so beside me but I could move a muscle. I felt extremely nervous and sweaty all over.

" Hey," He said in his ever beautiful voice. " I'm sorry". He added, I turned to look at him only to see him looking all sober.

" Why? Why are you sorry" I asked

" I'm sorry about what I said yesterday. Now your acting weird towards me" he replied.

A brief silence passed as I started feeling bad, my actions had put those ideas in his head.

" I'm sorry Ephraim, I was just nervous" I muttered.

" No problem, I shouldn't have. Listen, I don't want to lose your friendship. Please forget about all I said if it's going to affect it". He said hurriedly.

" No, Ephraim". I muttered. And managed to look him in the eye.

"The truth is, I like you too".

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