Fate grand order maxus

By TheWolfsFury1420

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This is fate grand order, but with the Right of the King universe being a cannon existence to summon servants... More

Begining a new way
Alcaeus's status as a servant within fare lore ( think of Zero or strange fake)
Alcaeus Dialogue
Quotes of Alcaeus
Changes and Upgrades
The Orleans Singularity
The Orleans Singularity part 2
The Orleans Singularity part 3
The Septem Singularity part 1
The Septem Singularity part 3
Alcaeus's Interlude 1
The Okeanos Singularity
The Orleans Singularity 2
The Orleans Singularity part 3
The Big 5 Support Casters part 1
The Big 5 Support Casters part 2
Alcaeus Valentines day return gift
Buying your Soul (break the 4th Wall)
London Singularity part 1
London Singularity part 2
London Singularity part 3
Camalot Singularity part 1
Camalot Singularity part 2
Camelot Singularity part 3
Confrontation with the Lion King
Interlude Artoria (Saber)
Dream 1
Artoria (Lancer) Interlude 1, round table meeting
Waifu Situation
Dinning of the Kings and Queens
Another Day in Chaldea
Weekly and Daily Rewards
Who to Grail
What do you think of him
Alcaeus's Interlude 2
Master's training (romance advice)
E Pluribus Unum part 1
E Pluribus Unum part 2
E Pluribus Unum part 3
Alcaeus's Dungeon (event run)
Alcaeus's Dungeon Part 2
Alcaeus's Dungeon part 3
Alcaeus's Dungeon part 4
Babylonian soldier's (Enemies)
How to be a Proper King
Las Vegas part 1
Las Vegas Part 2
Artoria's Redemption
Alcaeus's Dialogue 2
Alcaeus's wish for the Grail
the Lacedaemon Singularity
the Lacedaemon Singularity part 2
Alcaeus's prank
Babylonia Singularity part 1
Mystic Codes

The Septem Singularity part 2

131 1 1
By TheWolfsFury1420

now a Berserker, his stats were like this to help in their fight.

Cost: 16 (cannot be grailed)

ATK: 1,051/11,565 (cannot be grailed)

HP: 1,119/11,985 (cannot be grailed)

Attribute: Sky/Star

Growth Curve: Linear

Star Absorption: 28

Star Generation: 9%

NP Charge ATK: 1.10% NP

Charge DEF: 7%

Death Rate: 85%

Alignments: Chaotic・Neutral

Gender: Male

Traits: Brynhildr's Beloved, Argo-Related, Divine, Existence Outside the Domain, Greek Mythology Males, Humanoid, King, Male, Riding, Servant, Threat to Humanity

Command Card Deck: QABBB Hit Count: Quick- 6, Arts- 5, Buster- 3, Extra- 7

skills (in-game use)

first skill (7-5 cooldown)

Mad King EX

applies Curse, Burn, and Poison for 10 turns (Stackable) (each one reduced enemy HP by 5%) to an enemy once attacked for 5 turn's
Increases own Buster Performance for 3 turns (45%- 95% based on level)
Increases own damage and defense against humanoid enemies for 5 turns (50% - 100% based on level)
Increases own damage and defense against divine enemies for 5 turns (50% - 100% based on level)
Increases own damage and defense against evil alignment enemies for 5 turns (50% - 100% based on level

second skill (7-5 cooldown)

Dragon's Invincible Armor A

remove debuffs to self
apply invisibility for 3 hit's every turn (Stackable)
Grants On-Attack-Activate buff to self for 3 turns (Charges their NP gauge when normal attacking with Buster Cards) ( 10% - 25% Based on level)
Increase critical damage of Buster Cards to self or 3 turns (50% - 100% based on level)
Increase critical star absorption of Buster Cards to self for 3 turns (3000% - 5000% based on level)

third skill (5-3 cooldown)

War King's Determination A+ 

apply a self gut's for 3 times (30%- 75% HP based on level)
apply gut's buff to Increases own attack and Increases own damage against enemies with a buff or debuff for 3 turns (25% per guts) (AKA the more you stack gut's, and the more buff's or debuffs your enemies have, the stronger your attack and crit's will be)
apply restoration (15% - 30% based on level) to self for 5 turns (Stackable)
remove own debuff's
Increases own critical star absorption for 3 turns (2000% - 5000%)

Passive Skills

Magic Resistance A
Increase own debuff resistance by 20%

Independent Action: B
Increase own Critical Damage by 

Divinity EX
increase own Damage by 250

Entity of the outer EX
Gains 2 critical stars every turn
Increase own debuff resistance by 12%

Beast Form (Armor)EX
applies immunity to all attack debuff's
Increases own Buster performance by 10%
Charges own NP gauge by 3% every turn
Increases own damage by 150
Reduces own damage taken by 150

Riding D+
Increase own Quick performance by 5%

Append Skills

Extra Attack Finesse Improvement
Increases own Extra Attack performance ( 30% - 50% based on level)

Mana Loading
Starts battle with NP gauge (15% - 25% based on level)

Anti-Servant Attack Damage/Defense Aptitude
Increases own attack and defense against Servant type enemies (25% - 50% based on level)

Noble Phantasm

King of Destruction

type: Buster

card hit count: 15

Rank: EX

Class: Anti- Unit

Effect: apply ignore Invinsability, Increase Buster Damage for 3 turns, Increase Noble phantasm Damage for 1 turn, Active first, and deal heavy damage to one enemy on the field, and apply curse, curse dmg up, and stun for 1 turn when hit and apply NP and Skill seal for 5 turns after the stun is gone

NP Level 1 2 3 4 5
Damage + 1400% 1500% 1650% 1875% 2000%
Overcharge Effect to burn DMG
Charge 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%
Overcharge Effect Deals extra damage to all Servants except Enuma Elish Nullification Servants
Extra Damage + 150% 175% 195% 205% 225%
Burn Damage + 5% 6% 7% 8% 9%


strength: EX
endurance: A
agility: EX
mana: D-
luck: EX
Noble Phantasm: B

bond craft essence

King's Dragon Armor (apply restoration of 30% per turn to self while on the field, apply a 10 times gut's (100%) to self, and apply self On-Guts-Activate When Guts status is activated, increases own Buster performance by 15%)

Bond 1

Alcaeus Achilles Lycaon

Berserker class

Height/Weight: 198cm/125kg

Source: Legend of King Alcaeus of Babylonia

Region: Babylonia, England, Europe, Uruk, Egypt, East Africa, Southwest Part of the Arabian Peninsula, Rome (due to being the king in all these area's after claiming the lang in these lands, his origin place is in all these part's in our world)

Alignment: Chaotic/Neutral

Gender: Male

Solomon:" wow, this is a servant I wouldn't want to mess with- HEY WAIT, HOW'S A BERSERKER GOING TO HELP US, GOING MAD IS GOING TO HARM US, IS IT NOT"

then in his dragon-like armor, he took off the helmet to talk.

Alcaeus:" it's not that big of a deal, in fact, I feel calm, all my negative energy goes to my berserk, and technically speaking, I don't have that passive skill now"

De Vinchi:" what do you mean, your saint graph show's you have it"

Alcaeus:" well... that skill isn't in me myself, it's in my armor"

everyone:" your armor"

Ritsuka:" so... you have berserk, but you don't go berserk"

Alcaeus:" all the benefit's, none of the downsides, I'm somewhat of a grand berserker at that, however, that's only with my armor on, otherwise, I'm a berserker who can't go berserk"

Kid Gil:" that's a massive contradictory, a berserker who can't go berserk, that just makes you a powerful man then"

Alcaeus:" I have impulses, but nothing more, either way, let's get going, we have a long road ahead of us and we can't stop, but first, as we are in Rome for now resting till we attack, Ritsuka, it's time you are told"

Ritsuka:" told what"

Alcaeus:" everything, the reasoning behind the incineration of humanity, the origin's and upbringing of Chaldea, Solomon and why he's involved in this more than anyone else, and anything else you'll need to know"

that would be the day everything was bared to Ritsuka and there would be no more surprises from then on, the temple of time, the grail's, the corps of Solomon being used, everything, and else, so now Ristuka was aware of what he was up against, and his answer would be made.

after a long day of talking and teaching about what this was all about the grand order, Ritsuka learned about everything, and after it all, a question was asked to him then and there.

Alcaeus:" do you wish to save humanity, even with all of humanities flaw's, ugliness, and evils, even when you will not be remembered for any of your deeds here, even if the world itself will possibly turn on you after you save them, do you wish to save humanity"

Ritsuka:"... even with all of humanities so called flaw's... that doesn't mean they deserve to die, there are plenty of innocent and good people in the world as well, flaws are in everyone, but it's those flaw's that make us people after all, isn't it, that is what it is to be human, to live"

Alcaeus:" that's right, perfection is an idiotic ideal to pursue, it's flaw's that makes someone human and mortal, it's that part of us we can never part from, and it's that part of humanity that makes us strive, we will never be perfect, but that's perfectly fine, as long as we have a future, everything and anything is possible, and it's also flaw's that make us strive to become better, isn't that right"

Ritsuka:" Alcaeus... yeah, no matter what, humans are just fine as they are, so what if there are a few bad apples, that doesn't mean you cut down the tree and start over from scratch, so let's save humanity and help save everyone"

with knowing everything and given even more reason to solve the singularities, Ritsuka now has no doubt what he's doing is the right thing, and he heads to solve everything, though Alcaeus brings him to bed since it was late and with that, Alcaeus helped ease Ritsuka's burden even if just a little, giving him more than enough reason to help his master.

Alcaeus:" never lose that spirit of your's Master, it's what will represent humanity, yes, it's better this way"

Alcaeus's thought's:" though, having about all but 9 of the other master's killed when I could have easily saved them, I am just as bad, aren't I, but humanity cannot be saved by someone with amazing talent and skill, no, it can only be saved by one who knows he's weak and flawed, none of the other master's though they had any flaw's, and if they did help, we would have been screwed by  the first singularity, it was better they all die, and if not from the explosion, then be dragging the number of them to the explosion site itself should have done it, I kept 9 around to make sure, but still, as they are forced into a coma, I'll make sure they don't cause us problem's, one way or another"

holding out a blade, he made sure to steel himself if a time were to come, and he figured once the smoke cleared, the master's will no longer have use, in fact, them staying alive at that point would have been troublesome, so he would kill all but one of them after it was over, since there was use for one of them at least. in the morning, a force was made as Nero was about to head out and fight, however, the next day they arrive, the battlefield is already a bloodbath of men dead and faint servant reading's around.

Solomon:" what happened here, it's a massacre"

Alcaeus:" growl (I have no idea)"

Nero:" our enemies were whipped out, but by who, and are they friendly or enemies we should be wary of"

Ritsuka:" what servant could have done this"

????:" that would be my doing"

then a mysterious woman with fox ears and tail wearing specially made armor came holding a strange bow, she gave off massive amounts of power and was clearly a first-class servant (5 star) and her presence made even Nero quiver and back off.

Nero:' this immense power, this presence, it's unlike anything I've seen"

Olga:" GUY'S, GET OUR OF THEIR, that servant is much stronger than we can hope to fight now, even with our ace, she will-"

Alcaeus stood in front of this woman as he then took off his helmet to be able to talk and show his face and called a name as if he knew this woman already.

Alcaeus:" Christine, is that you"

the woman then shocked for a moment then got on her knees in a kneeling position in front of Alcaeus.

Christine:" I was not aware I was in your presence, my king"

Olga:" king, you mean-"

Alcaeus:" yes, she's someone from my world, but that's impossible, I thought I was the only one, though, I guess if I was summoned here, it's not to off the mark to say other's from my worlds can't be either, tell me Christine, what do you remember"

Christine:" sadly, not much, all I know is that one day I was summoned, the next, I'm wiping out an army attacking innocent people"

Ritsuka:" then can you help us"

Christine:" I see no reason to aid you child, I hardly know your intention's and will not just help anyone without a good reason"

Alcaeus:" this child you are speaking to Christine is my master and you will respect him as you do me"

Christine:" aww, then sorry kid, I don't just trust people I randomly meet so openly, but if my king trust you, then you must be nothing short of a righteous person with wholehearted ambition, dedication, and the inability to look the other way when someone needs help, otherwise, he would have killed you on sight without hesitation"

while she was joking, she did have a good warning in her words, making them understand who Alcaeus is a bit more, but before they move to the capital where they find Romulus, Christine says that there is a goddess they need to meet first and see what she can do for them since it seemed she would be useful somehow and also since it might come in handy to know her, so they set sail, Christine took the sail of the ship as Nero wanted to, and Alcaeus said if she wanted a smooth ride, they'd let Christine sail for them, a very wise decision indeed.

Alcaeus:" it's good to see a familiar face even in another world"

Christine:" the feeling is mutual your majesty"

Alcaeus:" please, were both servant's now, just call me Alcaeus"

Christine:" alright, though I am not as good a sailor as Frederica is, but I won't fall behind her in mean's of sailing since I spent my retirement on a few ships"

Alcaeus:" well... anything will be better than Nero sailing, so what is the goddess, please tell me it's not who I think it is"

Christine:" I'm not sure, all I know is that they are a divine being of some kind"

getting to the Island, they meet Stheno, Alcaeus immediately dragged her, Tamamao cat, and Elizabeth into the ship as he didn't care for Stheno's games, and due to him having his high divinity to be a greater deity than Stheno, she didn't argue one bit as she felt like she was being dragged by a god like she was before she went to the shapeless Isles with her 2 sisters, and they 3 were now going to help them fight.

Stheno:" I don't know what use I can be"

Alcaeus:" I'll find something, now then, let's put you in a place where you will work since you'll have an idea what is in mind if you don't help us'

with that, they spent a few hour's scouting out the area, Stheno was in a cage with only her head above the cold water as she was freezing to the point of hypothermia, and then she gets pulled out and asked to help or she can stay in the cage, she agreed immediately as the member's of Chaldea are terrified and worked harder in fear of a similar thing happening to them, after the scouting, they did update the stat's, Mash also got her training near complete, and her abilities are as follow as of now.

Cost: 0 (same as before, a 4 star from the start, cannot be grailed)

ATK: 1,538/8,284

HP: 2,296/15,105

Attribute: Earth (needed to do this to get these changes to her)

Growth Curve: Linear

Star Absorption: 10 (she is a support, she shouldn't be getting stars at all)

Star Generation: 10%

NP Charge ATK: 0.35% NP (needed to do this so she can get more from her Def charge)

Charge DEF: 10% (this is so she is getting more taking hit's than attacking, which should be her role from the start)

Death Rate: 35%

Alignments: Lawful・Good

Gender: Female

Traits: Demi-servant, Female, Humanoid, Living Human, Riding, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish

Command Card Deck: QAAAB Hit Count: Quick- 6, Arts- 4, Buster- 3, Extra- 8 (need's to focus more on NP gain and generation than attacking really, her low Atk NP gain is tough, but this help's it out somewhat with a guaranteed 20% charge to self)

Skills (due to Mash being the base, she was very hard, but Alcaeus got it eventually with some tweaks to her, though, he did have a catch that he would tell her, but Mash accepted it anyway)

First Skill (cooldown 6-4)

Shield Made From The Round Table A+

Increases party's defense for 3 turns ( 20% - 30% based on level)
Reduces party's damage taken for 3 turns ( 250 - 575 based on level)
Increases party's attack for 3 turns ( 20% - 30% based on level)
Increases party's damage for 3 turns (250 - 575 based on level)
Charges party's NP gauge by 10%

Second Skill (cooldown 7-5)

Ball of Purity and Innocents A++ (this was a joke, but it fits well with her)

Remove party debuffs
Recovers party HP (10% - 75% based on level)
500% Chance to draw attention of all enemies to self for 3 turns
Increases own NP generation rate for 5 turns (50% - 100% based on level)
Increases own defense for 3 turns (10% - 30% based on level)

Third Skill ( cooldown 7-5)

Demi Servant Body A+

Grants Party Solemn Defence buff for NP attacks for 3 turns
Grants party Invincibility for 1 turn
Increases party's NP generation rate for 3 turns (25% - 40% based on level)
Recovers party's HP every turn for 3 turns (2% - 8% based on level)
increase party's critical star generation rate for 3 turns (25% - 50% based on level)

Passive Skills

Independent Action EX
Increases own critical damage by 12%

Magic Resistance A
Increases own debuff resistance by 20%

Homunculus C+
Increases own Arts performance by 6.5%
Increases own debuff resistance by 6.5%

Riding C
Increases own Quick performance by 6%

Noble Phantasm

type: Arts

Lord Camelot
Fortress Walls of the Kingdom of Camalot

Rank A

Noble Phantasm Type: Anti- Evil
Hits: 0
Effect: Reduces party's damage taken for 5 turns, Further increases party's defense for 5 turns, Increases party's attack except herself for 5 turns, Recovers party's HP every turn for 5 turns, Charges party NP gauge by 5% every turn for 5 turns

NP Level 1 2 3 4 5
Damage Taken - 100, 550, 775, 890, 1000
Overcharge Effect
Charge 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
Defence - 20%, 23%, 25%, 28%, 30%
Attack Increase -
20%, 23%, 25%, 28%, 30%
Health Regeneration - 1%, 3%, 5%, 7%, 9%

Strength: B+
Endurance: A
Agility: C+
Mana: B
Luck: C

she has indeed been hard to improve since she isn't a hero, but Alcaeus worked with what he had with her, and he also sent her to train since it would help, as well as him not wanting her to do to much to soon yet, for reasons.

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