An Italian's Conceited King (...

By MedievalTomboy

165K 10.1K 555

"Why don't you consider shutting up and mind your own business. It's just a wise suggestion though." Ah there... More

Things to Know
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 28

2.4K 157 7
By MedievalTomboy

Valentina Point of View

Four days; it has been four days since we were back from the business trip and thankfully I was left alone from any calls or text messages from royal pig.

Everything went back to normal. Agustin is back to the same naughty kid who loves to climb everything he sees fit, Aerial is busy taking care of him in my absence, Javier, although, was put here in charge of my son's safety.

Leo had his own issues with Sienna to take care of so now that I'm free and have enough time to plot against the people standing in my way, I'm making necessary arrangements to trap the enemy with the upcoming engagement performance.

Everything is going just the way I wanted.

Just that, I'm worried about what the royal pig might do ignorantly to ruin my plan. The day I realized Pig pretended to cheat on me to keep me away, I was stumped!

I didn't know if I should cry or laugh at the sudden turn of events. I was disappointed and mostly that realization itself got me betrayed.

I may sound unreasonable but I could still be friends with the pig if he really cheated on me but the pretense is what made me felt even more betrayed than the lie.

Trust is one thing, but underestimating and keeping things from your spouse just because you want her safe is nothing but useless male ego.

Chauvinism, if I should put it precisely.

And that is the very reason I'm doing all the work and planning by myself. At this moment, I'm filled with very useful female ego.

His so called love for me can go and fly kites for all I care.

I don't think any amount of wooing on his part can calm the anger and betrayal I'm feeling right now.

With many thoughts and many things to do on my plate, I slowly proceeded to organize the setting for the engagement.

After all, by tonight I will be someone's fiancée, I have to do enough arrangements in my fiancée's honor.

"We will leave now, Queen. Not to worry, I will lay my life to protect the prince." Javier informed coming into my study room along with Aerial and my son in her arms.

"Hmm, then I will trust my son with you. Keep a keen eye on him or else he might run into trouble. Once tonight's party is done, I will give you a call and you can bring him back." Javier nodded and took the bag full of necessities for Agustin.

The engagement party will be held in Bianchi mansion and so it is dangerous for my son to be here in between many people. Arran owns a small summer cabin in the west end of the city so I asked Aerial and Javier to keep Agustin there until the performance tonight is done with.

It is safe and none will suspect my son to be there if worst case of revelation happens.

Hours flew by quickly and evening came faster than I wished for. The whole mansion is decorated like a new bride and the guests started to arrive slowly. Since Leo is out to deal with his personal issues, I had to take care of everything required for the ceremony.

I was sitting in my room all decked up and looking as beautiful as ever. I wore a long Maroon color fishtail sequin dress adorned with elegant thread work and pearls arranged here and there giving it a very regal look.

A perfect dress to mask my intentions of trampling the villain, if you say!

"You look absolutely stunning, dear." Ah, Tia Matias, wife of Tios Matias, announced as she came into my room.

Tia and Tio Matias shall be elders from my side seeing as Leo is currently unavailable and well, my parents might have already taken their next birth somewhere.

They liked the idea when I proposed it and immediately agreed, which is all matters. They had always like me so they are going with my choice even though Tia clearly wished I to be with her pig nephew.

"Thank you, Tia." I replied with a shy smile. She smiled back at me and patted me on my back.

"Your Tio is busy welcoming guests and in few minutes you can come down. Regio family is already here and let me tell you this again; Arse is much better looking than the person you chose." She clicked her tongue in utter disappointment and disbelief.

It made me chuckle at how Tia is still shipping me with her nephew when I am soon going to be someone else's wife. Her love and confidence in her nephew is something that cannot be deterred with time or circumstances.

"He doesn't deserve me, Tia. I want to start a new chapter of my life with whom I can be friends with despite our feeling towards each other is mutual or not. Demetri is just the right person."

Tia tsked and shook her head as amusement took over her beautiful features. "I don't think you will have a safe sail tonight, dear. You know Arse well. He loves you or not, even though he cheated on you, he cannot see you with someone else. My intuition says his silence is what you experience before his storm."

That is exactly what I'm worried about as well. His silence is much annoying than his noise. Pig is more of biter than a barker.

"Alright, your Tio texted me. It's time to present yourself in style." She smiled and leaving me in the room to make my entrance exactly in two minutes.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes as I collected myself and masked my emotions with the readymade fake ones.

Just as I was about to go out into the party, my phone rang and Arran's name displayed on the screen. I picked the call in hurry looking forward to hear good news from him.

"Arran, are you there yet? Did you find something?" I asked in worry.

"Yes but the security is too heavy here and they are not ready to reveal anything to me. The details can only be given if someone very influential demands them. Also, there is a huge risk that they alert the baddie about our digging." This is the only time when we can get the information.

Everyone is busy in the engagement party and no one will know if we attempt to gather the proofs and documents. Like Arran said, with someone capable handling the issue, it will be easy to cover up everything about our investigation.

But who can do it!

Leo is not here to do the job for me. Since this is my party, I cannot go over there.


It is important that the job should be tonight itself. What should I do now? Who can go there and get what is needed.

"Arran, why don't you break into the house and see if you can find anything? I will see which influential person can do the rest of the job for us." I cut the call and rubbed my head as the already present ache started to increase.

Whom to send there now!

I have to go down in a minute and I have very less time to think and act. With no other option available, I decided to something which I would've not done even if there's a gun point at me.

I texted the Pig!

I texted him to come and meet me secretly in the party and received a cocky smirk emoticon in reply.

I cannot leave such a golden opportunity just to satisfy my ego and anger. The facts should be retrieved by tonight in any way possible and if pig can get them then so be it.

With that in mind, I finally showed up gracefully in the midst of hollers and applause. Everyone present in the ceremony has their eyes fixated on me. It took me not more than two seconds to find Demetri in the lot of well dressed men.

A spotlight followed me as I walked down the stairs and when I reached the last stair, Demetri took my hand with a smile and lead me into the crowd.

There is still half an hour time for us to exchange rings so we disappeared in the crowd greeting the guests together.

It was tiring to greet each and everyone present not to forget the painful stilettos but it is all for good. I should drag the event before pig comes here which came sooner than later.

Looking around, I moved towards the outer window when no one is noticing me. The window is far by the corner which is just the right place to meet the pig in shadows.

Pig was there already, right on time, wearing his usual Armani suit. I don't know which part of coming in secret disguise he not understood!

"Changed your decision already, darling?" He whispered in my ear from behind. I turned to him with a glare and stomped on his clean boot.

"Shut up and listen carefully, you have to go to the Phoebus Hospitals and get information about Maya Regio. If you use your influence and charm appropriately you can even meet her. Get everything from her and on her by tonight."

Pig turned serious hearing me and before he pose any questions I told him he will know everything once he gets the information in hand.

Leaving the rest in his hands, I walked towards the crowd to fulfill my duty towards Demetri Regio.


Hello Sweeties,

Next chapter is here. Enjoy!

What do you think about the chapter? Boring?

What the hell is happening with the whole Demetri Regio's engagement with Val?

What the hell is Val planning?

Do you guys think Val is right in her views about her pig?

What will Arse find out in the hospital and why did Val send him there?

Who is Maya Regio and why should she be investigated?

Please shower me with votes and comments.

Share my books with your friends.

Lots of Love

Lady Prim

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