Mikaelson Twins

By Rambo9106

6.8K 128 3

Hope is heart broken after MG killed landon and she is sitting in the library alone because she has been clos... More

The New Girl
Another Mikaelson
Moon Light
I'm Sorry
Let them go
Home Again.

I'm Back

176 2 1
By Rambo9106

Rebecca POV

"Go over there she misses you. Ya know ever since you left she slept in your room everyday." Hope says she must have noticed I was staring.

"Maybe I should just stay with Alycia." I say as I turn around to Alycia and Erick.

"No Becca go we are fine here. Go." Erick says to me I nod and turn around and I walk over to Josie. She has her back turned towards me I walk up beside her and she turned to look at me we lock eyes and my eyes glow yellow.

"Congratulations on graduating." I say as she still hasn't said anything to me Lizzie and Dr. Saltzman walk away to give us some space.

"Sorry for leaving for so long it's just I didn't really have a choice of when I left I'm really sorry." I say I could feel my eyes are still yellow and she still hasn't said anything.

"Josie are you okay? Do you want me to leave?" I ask because she still hasn't said anything.

"Yeah I'm okay and no please don't leave sorry it's just I'm really surprised you are here I never thought I would see you again." She finally says.

"Yeah to be honest I never expected to come back. Sorry I didn't say anything." I say as I look to the ground.

"Its okay umm so there is this final party thing at the old mill tonight do you wanna come? I'm pretty sure Hope is going and you can invite your friends." She says and it surprises me.

"Yeah of course I would love to go and I will ask them. I should probably get back to my family but I will see you tonight." I say

"Yes you will it starts at 9 by the way so don't be late." she says with a smile.

"I will be there" I say then I walk back to Hope and the others.

"So what happened?" Hope asks

"Nothing really I just said hi and she invited me and my friends to the party." I say as Hope smiles

"Good." Hope says.

"One sec." I say as I walk over to Erick, Taylor, Robert, and Keenen Erick was still holding Alycia.

"She looks a lot like you." Robert says.

"I know that just means she looks good imagine if she looked like Erick." I said as all the boys laugh except for Erick even Alycia laughs.

"Anyway we got invited to a party tonight at 9." I say as the boys faces light up.

"Yes thank god a party." Taylor says

"What are we going to wear because we cant wear short sleeves or shorts and its summer we are going to die" Robert says He is not wrong we have gotten a lot of scars from the past 2 years that are very noticeable luckily we are all wearing sweatshirts and pants right now but we are dying in this heat.

"We will find something. Wanna leave Alycia with my family while we go shopping and look for a place to stay?" I ask they nod we give Alycia to hope and go shopping.

Becca's Outfit

Keenen's Outfit

Robert's Outfit

Taylor's Outfit

Erick's Outfit

we finished shopping it took us about an hour to get out outfits. After we start looking for a house in mystic falls because Erick and I want Alycia to go to the Salvatore school when she grows up we have been looking around for hours and it's 5 and we haven't found anything this was our last stop until we were going to get something to eat and we walk in it's 2 bedrooms perfect for Alycia and I because the boys are staying at hotels till they find homes for themselves it had 3 floors including the basement the kitchen was nice and everything we got it and I compelled movers to make the house look nice and put everything in it by the time we got back it was 7 so we stop by the grill to get something to eat before the party we find Hope and Landon here she waves us to come over so we pull a table over. We start talking and we order food. Her and Landon are going to the party as well I gave Hope my new address then we head to the school we arrived at the mill to see people dancing and having a good time the boys look at me because they wanted to join and so did I.

"Guys were free let's have fun." Robert says as we run into the crowd Mg and Kaleb were having a dance off but Robert jumps in and pulls out his moves and everyone is surprised.
We all stat cheering him on then we join him and it's ends up being us 5 vs Kaleb Mg and 3 of there vamps everyone was gathered around us and I could see Hope laughing. The battle ends and of course we win and everyone just starts dancing.

"Where did you guys learn those dance moves?" Hope asked

"Well when you have a lot of free time it's just something to do." Robert yells over the music.

"He is right." I say I see Josie and her sister walking threw the crowd over to us everyone was kind of huddled around us.

"Wow Mikaelson you get a lot of attention." Lizzie says to me.

"What can I say I guess people just love me." I say as the boys pull me away to get some drinks.

"Becca we are dying in these cloths." Taylor says as he gets all of us drinks.

"Well we just have to deal with it." I say as Josie walks up to us.

"Hey Becca this your girlfriend right." Robert says as he punches my shoulder lightly. I gave him a look as I saw Josie blush and get uncomfortable.

"Aren't you guys really warm?" Josie asks

"You have no idea it's like we are going to die." Taylor says as he trust falls into Keenen and they both laugh as well as Josie.

"Come on guys let's go dance." Erick says as he pulls the other boys away.

"Erick doesn't seem to like me." Josie says as she takes a drink.

"He doesn't get close to people or like people that much." I say as I take a drink.

"You should take off the jacket your going to get warm." She says

"I probably won't plus I'm not the warm." I am lying about not being hot I feel like I'm dying.

"Whatever you say." She says as she takes another drink. I couldn't help but stare at her she looked very cute.

"Are you going to keep on staring." She says

"Yeah probably." I say as she gets a little red.

"Wanna go dance?" I ask as I reach out my hand to bring her to the dance floor. She takes my hand and an hour past and we have been dancing and she has been drinking I could tell she was getting tipsy because she was getting more touchy her hands were around my neck a lot and she would kiss me on the check or neck every once an a while. Another hour past and the boys where dancing around and having fun me a Lizzie agreed that Josie should go home.

"Take her back to your place, My dad would be pissed if you brought her home like that." Lizzie said.

"Okay." I says as me and Josie head to my car.

"You have a nice car you know." She says as she gets in the passenger seat it makes me chuckle the car ride back was quite. When we got to the house she was asleep and I carried her upstairs and put her in my bed and tucked her in I figured I shouldn't sleep with her so I went downstairs and slept on the couch. I watched some TV before I passed out. When I woke up it was 11:30 I went upstairs to check on Josie she was still asleep I grabbed some cloths and hopped in the shower. When I got out I listened for Josie with my vampire hearing I could hear her heart racing she probably woke up and doesn't know what happened. I changed into black jeans and a grey long sleeve shirt.

"Good morning." I say to Josie who is sitting up in my bed as I am leaning against the doorway.

"What happened last night?" She asked with a worried look on her face.

"Well we were at the party and you got a little drunk and me a Lizzie agreed that you should go home so I took you back to my house and you fell asleep in the car so I carried you upstairs and put u in my bed then I went downstairs and turned on the TV and I fell asleep on the coach." I told as she looked at me embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry I didn't do anything bad when I was drunk did I?" She ask me I don't say anything because I am thinking if it was bad or not.

"Becca what did I do?" She asks me in a worried voice.

"You did nothing wrong you were just touchy that was it." I say as her face turns red.

"Sorry." She says as she looks down.

"It's okay I didn't mind. Do you want anything to eat I can make you something?" I ask her.

"Yeah just something little and can I have some Advil and water." She says

"Of course come downstairs when your ready." I say as I walk down the stairs I set a glass of water and 2 pills of Advil I look at what kind on food I have and I make some oatmeal because it's plan and easy for her. She walks downstairs as I finish the oatmeal she takes the Advil and starts eating. I grab a blood bag out of the fridge and she freezes I realize I never told her I activated my vampire side.

"Sorry I forgot to tell you I'm a vampire now I didn't mean to scare you." I say worried I scared her off.

"No it's okay I just was surprised." She says as she continues eating.

"When do you want me to take you home or do you want to stay a while ?" I ask

"Well I don't have anything to do today so what do you have planned?" She says as she finished her oatmeal I take the bowl and put in the dish washer.

"Well Alycia should be here about 2 hours and we are going to get her settled in to the second room. If you want to hangout me and her today." I say as I throw my blood bag in the garbage.

"Sounds fun it will be nice to get to know her more." She says as I grab the Advil to put it away

"so do you always where long sleeves and pants now? You used to always wear short sleeves." She says as i froze and the Advil fell out of my hands and hit the floor. I remember everything that happened when I was back at that compound it hit me like a bus. I pick it up and put it away.

"its nothing I just think they are more conferrable. I got to use the bathroom one sec." I say as I walk over the bathroom and splash cold water on my face I pull my sleeves up to see the scars and I pull up my shirt to see even more scars and a few burns on my stomach. I have a long sigh and pull down my shirt and sleeves and open the door and I see Josie is staring at me. she gets up and walks up to me.

"What's wrong did something happen?" she asks as I feel my eyes turn yellow.

"No I'm fine. Want to watch some tv while we wait?" I ask as I walk past her and sit on the coach in front of the TV. She gives me a concerned look and walks over and sits next to me I start looking through the shows on Netflix .

"Oh what about Lucifer?" Josie says

"Sure it looks good." I say as I start the first episode and I lean back into the couch. I couldn't help but stare at her. She looks me in the eyes.

"Your eyes are still yellow Bec." Josie says when she said that nickname it hit me like a punch in the stomach only Erick called me Bec it was weird hearing it from her voice but I kind of liked it.

"Yeah I know I'm sorry." I said as I looked away and closed my eyes.

"Are they back to normal blue?" I asked her as I looked back at her and opened my eyes.

"No they are still yellow." She says that makes no sense this has never happened before I get up and go to the bathroom and she was right they still are yellow. My wolf must be pissed because I haven't claimed Josie yet.

"Do you have any idea what's wrong?" Josie says as she walks up behind me.

"I think it's because I haven't bitten you yet that my wolf side is just pissed off." I say as I turn around to look at her and my fangs pop out.

"Well I think your right." Josie says with a chuckle

"Yeah I'm sorry." I say

"It's okay." She says I close my eyes take a deep breath and I open my eyes I don't feel my fangs anymore. I turn around and I look in the mirror and my eyes are back to normal.

"See back to normal." I say as I smile at her

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