Love moment( A Damian and Rav...

By StephanieWalker109

65.4K 1.2K 138

So after watching the new Justice league dark: Apokolips war movie I had a dream about this and decided to wr... More

Its okay I'm here
My love
Trapped with my love (this chapter will contain smut so be prepared)
Of course batman sleeps through a cookout
You can't kiss me because I'm sick part 1
You can't kiss me because I'm sick part 2
You can't kiss me cause l'm sick part 3
Since when?!?!
A rouge assassin part 1
A rouge assassian part 2
The tears of a warrior
A change in the earth?!
Am I crazy or do I look bigger?
A half breed
Same heart different body
Ive got you brother
I'm gonna be a uncle!
The flashpoint
There's joy behind the storm
Evil Surviors
Flashpoint or Hope
Hope protects
What happened to me
Hope can save the world
Training Hope
Always and Forever
Tomorrow is the big day
Everything comes at a price
You won


1.2K 28 5
By StephanieWalker109

Bruce POV
I watched hope play with her toys while watching the core. Damian went to take care of the evil assassins on the mountain and raven begged him to take her with them. The core hasn't change it actually looked like it was getting a little bit better. I looked closer and saw that a piece that was missing grew 5% of it back. I needed to tell Clark this news do I grabbed hope and my computer. When I got to his room I shifted Hope in my arms and knocked on the door which open immediately.

"Hey Bruce, hi little hope". Clark greeted tickling hope. I walked in and set her down. I showed him the amazing news I found and he was almost as shocked as I was. We spend the next 20 minutes discussing the possibilities.

Damian POV
Raven and I walked back into camp tired and cranky. We beat the assassins but it longer since my back was killing me for some reason. Raven tried to heal it but it wasn't really working. I walked to our room and sat down on the bed exhausted. Raven went to get Hope from my father. I decided to clean my sword of any blood. I don't want hope to see it. Raven came in with our happy child who was bouncing in her arms. She reached for me but I was in to much pain to hold her. Raven placed her in her crib and crawled next to me.

"Are you still in pain Damian" she asked rubbing the painful spots causing me to wince occasionally. I stood from her gentle touch and walked towards my closet to change me shirt. Once I found one i took off my dirty one and raven gasped. I turned to her confused and she stood and walked towards me. She turned me around and ran her fingers on my back in specific spots.

"I can see why your back is in so much pain. You have three long deep parallel scratches." She said kissing my shoulder. I sighed and pulled my new shirt over my head turning to face her. I kissed her head and went to lay down on the bed and got under the covers and tried to sleep the pain away. Raven watched me and crawled next to me laying on my chest. Hope played herself to sleep.

Clark POV
Bruce and I were walking towards Damian's room but to be honest I didn't want to face him because of what happened last time we talked didn't end well. When we got there Bruce knocked but received no answer so he walked in. I wonder why they didn't answer.

Bruce POV
I looked as the small family slept in front of me so soundly. Damian shift in his sleep and rolled onto his stomach. I quietly walked over to him and lifted up his shirt to see three long scratches. What the hell happened and why aren't they healing?

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