The Prodigy's Twin (Avatar Th...

By Deotakukids

256K 6.1K 1.9K

You are Fire Lord Ozai's second son and Azula's twin. Azula is a prodigy as she can bend blue flames. But you... More

The Runaway
Searching the Earth Kingdom
Meeting The Team
Ba Sing Se
The Date
Things Are Looking Up
The Fall of The Earth Kingdom
The Aftermath
The School
The Beach
A Friendship Tested
The Puppet Master
Nightmares and Daydreams
The Day of The Black Sun [Part 1]
The Party
The Day of the Black Sun [Part 2]
Q&A answers
The Western Air Temple
A Time To Learn and Relax
The Boiling Rock Pt.1
The Boiling Rock Pt.2

The School and A Friend

41.1K 623 185
By Deotakukids

No One's POV

In the fire temple there was three children of the fire lord Ozai. There was Zuko, who was at the age of ten. He was an average fire bender who loved his mother as he also did everything he could to make his father proud of him. Then there was Azula at the age of eight, who was considered a prodigy as she could bend blue flames and learned lighting bending at such a young age. She was her father's favorite child as her own mother saw her as a monster. Then there was (Y/N). His father saw him as a disappointment as the child still could only create a few sparks and nothing more. He, like his older brother, loved his mother and spent a lot of time with his uncle Iroh.

Currently in the throne room fire lord Ozai sat on his throne while surrounded by a large wall of flames that constantly stayed lit. In front of him was a long table where many fire nation generals sat as they were discussing about what to do with the rumors of a water bender in the Southern water tribe. As the meeting came to an end the large doors were opened with Ursa being the one who opened them. Ozai could not be seen as shadows loomed over him, but his voice sounded irritated, "Ursa you dare walk into my throne room unannounced." Ursa walked into the room as she had a face of anger, "We need to talk. Now." Ozai stayed silent for a while until he spoke in his normal eerie voice, "Very well. Generals, leave me and my wife."

The generals bowed to leave as Ursa was the only person left that stood before the fire lord, "What do you want Ursa?" The brave woman walked closer to the Ozai, "I heard a few of the soldiers say that you were going to send (Y/N) away." "To a small little town. He'll be safe there." "We both know that it isn't for his safety." "You know what it will look like when the fire lord has a grown son who can barley create a tiny flame." "He is your son!" "He is a disgrace." "You're blind if you think he is a disgrace! He has the potential to be a great man!" "A great man does not create a great soldier." It was silent for a while as the crackling of fire was the only thing that dared disturb the quiet. Ozai then spoke, "He has had many fire bending teachers and he has made no progress." Ursa was quick to respond, "Then give him one more year." "He won't get better in a year." "His combat skills will. I watch our children play in the field. He is faster, more limber, and quieter than his siblings. Send him to the school Azula is attending in a week. If he doesn't show improvement after a year, then you can send him away." Ozai thought as Ursa did not break eye contact from her husband.

Meanwhile (Y/N) was packing his things as he was told that he was going to be sent somewhere, and he did not know where that was. As he was packing his sister walked in to look around, "Oh are you going somewhere?" (Y/N) closed a bag, "Yes." "And where are you going?" "I don't know." "You don't even know where you're going." Azula walked around the room, "Well I heard that father is sending you away as he is, hmm what's the word... embarrassed by you." (Y/N) was quick to get defensive, "No he isn't." Azula turned to him, "Oh? Did I hit a nerve?" Azula began to walk around him, "You think that being the fire lord of the fire nation, and your son can barely fire bend isn't embarrassing? Hmm, you may just going on a nice vacation." "Shut up!" (Y/N) was now angry as Azula was smirking for the two to look at the doorway when they heard their mother clear her throat. The two stood next to each other strait, "Mother." 

Ursa walked up to the two, "(Y/N), Azula, I have some news." Azula smiled a little as she thought that she knew what her mother was going to say. But was surprised to hear, "(Y/N) you will be going with Azula to a school that teaches you how to fight in hand-to-hand combat." Azula had a face of annoyance, "What?!" As (Y/N) had a face of joyful surprise, "Really?!" Their mother nodded, "Yes. (Y/N) you will be going to the boys side of the school while Azula will be attending the girl's side of the school." (Y/N) got excited while Azula became confused, "And father approved of this?" "Yes, now it's getting late. You two need to get ready for bed." Ursa kissed both of their foreheads, "I'll tuck you in when you're ready." She left the room  for Azula to look away from (Y/N), "I guess father thinks that you can be be redeemed with normal fighting." (Y/N) had a grin on his face, "Ha. You were wrong." "So maybe I was, but it still doesn't mean that your not an embarrassment." Azula stormed off leaving (Y/N) alone.

One Week Later

(Y/N) and Azula were in a gestatorial chair as servants carried them using the polls that stuck out. (Y/N) could barely contain his joy, "We're actually going to leave the palace and meet new people." "Calm yourself. It's just a city away." "Yeah but still, we get to live and sleep somewhere else." "I guess it will be nice to see something else besides the palace." "And maybe we can make some friends." "Friends are for the weak dear brother." The two soon arrived at the harbor to board a private ship as the captain set course to the next city. The two walked around the ship as they began to set sail. Azula looked at the waves, "Now that we are on this ship we can do our own thing now. Mother can't see us." "But I want to keep hanging out with you." Azula looked at her brother, "Why?" "Because we don't get to hang out often. And you are my sister." Azula looked into his eyes to sigh, "We can play whatever that game uncle plays for the first ten minutes. But not much longer." "I'll take it."

Two hours passed for the ship to stop at the city's harbor. The captain walked into the twin's chambers, "Prince (Y/N) and Princess Azula, we have arrived." Azula held her hand up, "Do not interrupt us!" "But your highness-" "Do not make me say it again!" The captain left for (Y/N) to continue thinking about his next move. It was one to one and the two needed to prove that they were better at strategizing. Another ten minutes passed for the two to finally come out and get off the ship with Azula smiling as she had won. They got in their gestatorial chair as servants began to carry them to the school. When they arrived the path split into two as there was two large campuses that were quite far from each other. The twins looked at each other as there was only one carriage. Azula crossed her arms, "I'm not walking." (Y/N) shrugged as he hopped out to begin walking as he was escorted by two servants.

After a while (Y/N) arrived onto the school grounds to be met by a large man, "Prince (Y/N). We've been expecting you. I will take you to your dorm." (Y/N) followed him around the campus to pass by many students fighting each other as a few masters watched. (Y/N) was lead into a building where some students hung around until he stopped at a door, "This is your room." (Y/N) walked in to see the room empty with a bed and a drawer inside. You start class in an hour so get ready." (Y/N) walked in to get dressed in his fighting clothes to look out the window to see boys his age and older training. He began to get nervous as the time for his first class was getting closer. He worried that he may not be good at this either, and if he was an embarrassment. An hour passed for someone to come get him.

Nine Months Later

(Y/N) had gained some muscle through his training as he has learned a few different styles of fighting. He was wearing his school uniform as he also had a sash on his left arm that had five marks. The way the school worked was that students would get a mark every time they go up a class. A  master would decide when a student is ready. Every student needed three marks by the end of the year, but you can get up to six. He made his way to his current class which was the smallest class he had been in. Today was his first day and he had no idea what he was going to have to do to pass this class. After a while his teacher told all of the boys there that to earn their next mark they would have to work with someone from the girls school, as they were learning different fighting skills. So it would be a good experience to learn from each other. The boys were handed sleeves of paper for (Y/N) to look at the name on his piece of paper, "Mai?" The class then began walking towards the girls school to soon see a class of girls walking their way as well. 

The groups met in the middle in the open field, which had training gear like dummies, weapons, and other training equipment, for (Y/N) to look round until a girl with black hair that was up in two buns using red ribbons, light brown eyes, and pale white skin walked up to him, "Are you Azula's brother?" (Y/N) nodded, "Yep that's me. Are you Mai?" "Yeah." Everyone partnered up for the teachers to reveal what they were going to do now, "At the end of the year you will and your partner will face off against other students! If you prove yourself, you will gain your last mark! You must train yourselves in order to prepare. So your training starts now!" Every pair began to come up with what they should do for Mai to pull out a few knives, "So what do we do first?" "I don't know." Mai put her hand on her head as she groaned.

A few days passed for a stick dummy to get impaled by one of Mai's knife in the side. (Y/N)'s eyes lit up as Mai kept her usual bored expression, "Great, you actually hit it this time." "Yes, and that is improvement." (Y/N) then looked at Mai, "Alright now I get to teach you something." "What can you teach me?" "I'll show you." (Y/N) brought Mai's hand up to hold the back of her wrist in his palm. He put his thumb on the side of her wrist to press down lightly, "Now hit me." Mai raised an eyebrow in confusion, "You sure about this?" "Yeah." "Ok. If you insist." Mai went to punch (Y/N) with her other hand, but when she moved she felt a shock of pain come from the arm (Y/N) was holding. She brought her arm back down to where it was before for the pain to go away.

Mai kept trying to move, but she kept going back to her normal stance as she kept feeling pain from her arm. Mai looked at (Y/N), "How are you doing this?" "Simple, I'm just pinching a nerve that has pressure added whenever you move." "When did they teach this?" "Well when we learned how to break bones a decided to read more on muscle tissue and bones. So I learned how to do this, after I made a few small enemies from trying it out on my classmates." "Didn't they know what you were doing?" "Well nobody would actually let me test it on them, so I had to bend the truth of what I was doing just a little bit." It was silent for a while until Mai looked at her wrist, "Well can you let me go now?" "Oh sure." (Y/N) let her go for Mai to rub her wrist, "Alright, so how do I do that?" (Y/N) then showed Mai how to do what he just did for it to take a while, because could not get the right amount of pressure. She soon got it right to have the same thing happen to (Y/N) that happened to Mai. He felt pain in his arm whenever he moved for (Y/N) to smile as that was all that he could do, "You did it." Mai let go, "Of course I did."

Two months later Mai and (Y/N) were sitting next to each other as they were sweating. In front of them were multiple dummies that were cut, a little burned, and beaten. (Y/N) drank from his water, "So, do you hang out with Azula?" "I've talked to her a couple of times." "Are you friends?" "No not really." "Well, are we friends?" Mai looked at (Y/N) to think for a bit, "Maybe. We'll see if you are still bearable after school ends." The two were silent for a while until (Y/N) got up to offer his hand to Mai, who took it to have him help her up. Mai looked at the dummies, "Let's practice for another hour or so." "Sounds good."

Another month passed for the classes to get together once again, but now there an arena type field in the middle of the training ground. Today was the day the students would fight each other. (Y/N) and Mai sat and watched others fight as they waited. They began to get nervous when the fights would end but not even the winners would be claimed worthy of the final mark. (Y/N) and Mai were soon up to fight, so they got in the arena for another boy and girl. Their opponents were a bit older than (Y/N), but near Mai's age. The boy was quite tall for his age as the girl seemed like the average fire nation girl. The four waited until one of the masters brought their hand up, to bring it down signaling them to start.

Mai was the first to do something by pulling out a knife and throwing it at the girl across from her. The girl pulled out a kunai to throw it making the blades collide and fall to the ground. Meanwhile (Y/N) charged towards the enemy boy. The enemy shot fire at (Y/N), for the prince to shoot some fire from his feet giving him momentum to go over the fire as his hair nearly touched the flames. (Y/N) landed to quickly duck right as the older boy tried to punch (Y/N) using his right fist. (Y/N) grabbed the boy's arm with his left to put his right elbow on the boy's chest. Like this (Y/N) was able to flip his opponent over his shoulder making him hit his back on the ground. (Y/N) went to twist his arm to put him out of commission, but one of Mai's knives went through his right sleeve making him go back a little.

As he went back the opponent girl missed him, thanks to Mai, as she went to hit a nerve on the back of his neck that would of knocked him out. The girl used fire bending to make (Y/N) jump back. Mai and (Y/N) were now on opposite ends of their enemy meaning that they had the advantage. The enemy girl had a kunai in hand while the boy got back up. It wasn't long before Mai threw a wave of knives to run towards the boy. The boy and girl dodged the knives for the boy to shoot fire at Mai for her to slide underneath. Meanwhile (Y/N) ran at the girl to grab one of Mai's knives as it flew past him. As he got only a few feet away from the enemy he threw the knife at her her hand. It cut her knuckles making her drop her kunai knife as the pain stung immensely. The knife went between the enemy boy's legs to land next to Mai.

When he got close enough the girl went to do a high kick, but when she did (Y/N) grabbed her leg pull to the right. This made her spin and end up on her knees. This allowed (Y/N) to step onto he shoulder and jumped off. With Mai the boy went to swing downwards to hit her, but she grabbed her knife, that (Y/N) used, to throw it up at hi head. This made him dodge making him miss the punch as it landed next to Mai. With this she kicked the boy's right knee making him unbalance,  and right after that (Y/N) was high enough to hit the boy in the back of the head sending him down. While the boy went down Mai got on her hands, spun a little, and kicked the boy right under his jaw. The boy fell backwards for (Y/N) to grab his shoulders and do a backflip off of him to land right next to Mai. The boy fell onto his teammate putting them out of the fight, as the boy was knocked out and the girl could no longer move. Mai looked down at the two, "I though that would be harder." (Y/N) crossed his arms, "Maybe because we trained a lot." The two turned to the masters for the man who started the round to speak, "Again!" (Y/N) and Mai looked at each other and then at their two new opponents that took the other two's place. After a while the sun was beginning to set as Mai and (Y/N) took heavy and deep breathes as multiple students were laying on the ground. Mai looked down at the ground, "I am... getting really tired of this." (Y/N) was hunched over with his hands on his knees, "I am too. How much longer do we have to fight?" The two waited for a while for no one else to take their opponents' place. The man who welcomed (Y/N) when he first arrived got up to walk up to the children for the them to bow. 

The man bowed back to rise up again, "You two have done very well today." The two continued to bow, "Thank you sir." The man then signaled them stop bowing for the two to look up at him. The man held out his hand, "Give me your sashes." Mai and (Y/N) did what was asked of them for the man to take them and walk away. He set them down to grab two others. He walked back to the students to hand them the sashes. The two took them to see that they both had six marks. They put the achievement on their lefts arms to bow once more for the man to do the same, "Congratulations Prince (Y/N) and Mai." Thy rose again for the masters to get up as well and bow as if congratulating the two. (Y/N) lightly pulled on Mai's sleeve as he whispered loudly, "We did it." Mai smirked a little from this, "Yes we did." 

The next morning (Y/N) had his bags packed as he looked at the room he had been staying in for the past year. He walked out as many other boys were also leaving to go home. He walked out of the walls and down the path to see a few girls walking down the path that led to their school, one being Mai as well. He waved at her for her to wave back. He then spotted servants carrying a familiar gestatorial chair making him happy. When the paths met (Y/N) ran up to the gestatorial chair to look inside, "Azula!" Azula looked down at (Y/N), "Hello brother." Then his eyes landed on a pretty girl; with long brown hair that was up in a ponytail, brown-gray eyes, and pale skin. The girl spotted him to go over Azula's legs, "You must be (Y/N). Azula has talked a lot about you." 

Azula became irritated from the girl leaning over her, "If you want to talk him then get out." The girl sat back down for Azula to introduce the two, "(Y/N) this is my friend Ty Lee. Ty Lee this, as you know, my brother (Y/N)." (Y/N) waved, "Hello." Ty Lee waved back, "It is good to see you. Your aura is very pink." (Y/N) seemed a little confused, "Th- Thanks." Azula then went to close the curtain, "If you will excuse us we were talking before you showed up." She closed the curtains for the servants to continue walking while carrying Azula and Ty Lee as (Y/N) was left to walk alone. That was until he saw a shadow to his right, "You seem bearable enough to be a friend." He looked to his right to see Mai. The two began walking to the harbor as they talked for a while, with (Y/N) doing most of the talking.  

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