Daughter of the Owl(Book 2)

By tapir07

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It has been 11 years since the epilogue. Neo is now 17 and heading off to Beacon. There she is put on a team... More

Neo Bio
Team PWBJ Bio
Chapter 1 Going to Beacon
Chapter 2 Initiation
Chapter 3 The Relics
Chapter 4 First Day
Chapter 5 The Fueguchi
Chapter 6 Bullies
Chapter 7 Daddy
Chapter 8 Neo vs Giovanni
Chapter 9 The Gourmet
Chapter 10 Neo vs Tsukiyama
Chapter 12 Momma
Chapter 13 Revenge

Chapter 11 Juuzou Suzuya

300 14 8
By tapir07


Things were finally starting to get back to normal. Neo and Will managed to return Yoriko home safely and then reported anomalously about Tsukiyama. However by the time the authorities showed up he was gone. Despite this Neo and Will have decided to return back to their normal school lives.  

Currently they all were in combat class. Team PWBJ was cheering on Penny as she obliterated an entire team.  Despite their best efforts, they were no match for this war machine. And soon they all were defeated, leaving Penny the only one standing. Everyone clapped at her victory as Yang stepped onto the stage. 

Yang: Well done Penny, still as strong as ever. That will be it for today everyone, until tomorrow. In the meantime I have to make sure these other guys are still alive. 

With class over with everyone began to exit out into the halls. Team PWBJ decided to stick together. 

Will: Well done out there Penny. 

Neo: Crazy how you were able to take them all out like that. 

Juuzou: That was epic, can try that next time. 

Penny blushed. 

Penny: Thanks guys, I was programed after all solely for fighting. 

Neo: If it was that, you wouldn't be this kind. You may have been created to be a weapon but you are a very kind person. 


It was lunch time now as the students filled the cafeteria. Team PWBJ sat together as they ate, well except Juuzou. He currently was putting stitches on himself as the others watched. His gaze meet theirs, his expression showed cluelessness. 

Juuzou: What?

Neo: Juuzou...what are you doing?

Juuzou: I'm putting more stitches on myself. 

He continued putting the stitches on his arm, this time creating a design. He didn't have a care in the world. 

Penny: Juuzou, stitches are suppose to be used for treating injuries, it would be best if you save them in case that happens. 

Juuzou: Don't worry I got more. 

Will: Do you really have to do that in public, I don't want to be known for having a psycho for a teammate. 

Juuzou: Oh come on Will, how about I give you some. Then we'll match. 

Juuzou had a mischievous grin on his face as Will had a tic mark. 

Will: AS IF YOU...

They all turned their attention to another group of students, who were all harassing a group of faunas. Neo grinded her teeth in anger. 

Neo: God damn assholes, it pisses me off that people are still racist towards faunas. 

Penny: I hoped that in the time I was gone this would resolve, unfortunately things haven't changed. 

Will: Guys, Juuzou is gone. 

True to what he said, the pale boy was gone from his seat. Neo's and Penny's eyes widened as they quickly turned back and saw Juuzou coming face to face with the racist students. 

Girl: What the hell, why are you so pale?

Guy: And what's with the grin, creepy.

The students continued to make fun of Juuzou, who kept smiling. 

Juuzou: My name is Juuzou Suzuya! I was wondering if you could leave those guys alone, they don't look very happy?

A big guy stepped in front of Juuzou. 

Guy2: Get out of here before we make you freak. 

He went to grab Juuzou, but Juuzou grabbed his arm and slipped him over his shoulder. Juuzou got on top of the guy, grabbed his hair making him look up, and finally getting one of his knives out. 

Juuzou: Why you gotta be so mean? I don't like people who are always so serious. I know, how about I carve a smile onto your face. 

As Juuzou talked he never lost his smile, freaking everyone out. 

Guy2: Alright fine, you win! NOW GET OFF ME!

Juuzou: Alrighty then. 

Juuzou got off the guy, who ran away along with his friends. Juuzou turned to face the faunas but discovered they had ran away as well. Seeing how there was no reason to stick around, Juuzou just left the cafeteria. 

Neo: Man, Juuzou doesn't hold back.

Will: From what I heard he was like this when they found him. 

Neo: What do you mean found him?

Will: A while back  my mom and a few other soldiers found him while on a mission. From what I heard while he was in school he never payed attention and got crazy during combat training. There was even some rumors of him killing stray animals. 

Neo: Do you believe them?

Will: Starting to think so.

(scene change)

Juuzou sat on a bench as he continued putting stitches on himself, this time on his hand. His face showed that he didn't have a care in the world. A group of girls passed by and saw what he was doing. 

Girl: What the hell, is he putting stitches on himself?

Girl2: He has pale skin and white hair, it's like he's a ghost. 

Girl3: Lets get out of her, leave the weirdo alone. 

The three girls quickly ran away. Juuzou's expression changed, from his normal cheerful self to a sad one. He hugged his knees into his chest. 


In an arena a man runs away from little boy. That little boy had white hair an pale skin, it was Juuzou. He had on a mask and a colorful suit, as well as his sadistic smile. He caught up to the man and pounced on him, knocking them both to the floor. Juuzou began to repeatedly stab the man over and over as the crowd watching cheered him on. 

(scene change)

Juuzou now chained facing a wall. He let out a scream as felt the whip make contact with his skin, bleed began to seep from his wounds. 

???: Good boy Juuzou, you were excellent tonight. Keep it up and you'll earn even more good boy points. 

The unknown person continued to whip Juuzou. 

(scene change)

Juuzou walked through the halls of an Atlas school. Everywhere he went, people would look and stare at him. They talked about his looks and some even about where he came from. As Juuzou got near people they would quickly get out of his way to avoid him. Juuzou however was unaffected by this gossip, or so it seemed. 

(flashback over) 

It was night time, Team PWBJ remained in their dorm. However, Juuzou wasn't there. 

Neo: Great, where did he go off to now?

Penny: Maybe we should go look for him, it is getting late. 

Will: There's no telling where he could be. He might be in the school or in the middle of the forest. 

They continued to argue about what to do, suddenly the door opened. All of their heads turned to see Juuzou enter the room. 

Neo: Hey where have you...

She stopped mid sentence. The first thing they all noticed was Juuzou's normally happy expression was gone, instead he looked depressed. 

Penny: Hey are you...

Juuzou walked par the girl and lied down on his bed, staring at the ceiling. 

Juuzou: Am I a freak?

They were all silent. 

Juuzou: People always say I am, so I'm just wondering if it's true. 

No one said anything, until Penny stepped forwards. 

Penny: People can be jerks Juuzou, and yes you do have some rather odd qualities but look at me. I'm a robot, I'm not even really human but despite knowing this I remain  proud of who I am. 

Neo then stepped forwards. 

Neo: Not only am I a faunas, but I'm half ghoul as well. All my life people told me that I'm a monster, but it's not like they know me. Why should I care about people who I don't even know say things about me. 

Even Will had something to say. 

Will: You might not act like a sane person and have most people avoid you, but we'll always be around to help you. We are a team after all, each one of us possess something that make us odd. 

Neo giggled. 

Neo: My Will, I didn't know you had a sentimental side. 

Will blushed and looked away. 

Will: Shut up!

Juuzou sat up, his usual smile back on. 

Juuzou: Thanks guys, we all are a bunch freaks. Even Willy!

Will: Dont call me that!

Juuzou jumped onto Will and wrapped his arms around his neck, meanwhile Will was trying to throw him off. During this, Neo and Penny watched the two boys argue. Happy that the fun loving Juuzou was back. 

There we go Chapter 11 is now complete. I hoped you all enjoyed it.  See ya next time!

Next Chapter: Momma

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