Eye of the Beholder (Loki Lov...


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Her name is Katrina Stark and she is Tony's younger sister. She has had the life people dream off, being born... More

Chapter 1 Eye of the Beholder
Chapter 2 More to the Story
Chapter 3 Blind Freak
Chapter 4 Bonding
Chapter 5 Hydra's Head
Chapter 6 Open Your Heart
Chapter 7 Blinded
Chapter 8 Emerald Green
Chapter 9 Our First Dance
Chapter 10 A Token of Affection
Chapter 11 Taken
Chapter 12 A Plea for Help
Chapter 13 Reunited
Chapter 14 The Right Man
Chapter 15 An Unforgiveable Act
Chapter 16 Missing
Chapter 17 Two Hearts as One
Chapter 18 Don't Forget Me
Chapter 19 True Heritage
Chapter 20 One Step Closer
Chapter 21 A Royal Announcement
Chapter 22 In Our Honour
Chapter 23 A Crippling Secret
Chapter 24 Marlowe
Chapter 25 Broken
Chapter 26 The Dark Order
Chapter 27 His Proposal
Chapter 28 Our Enemy
Chapter 29 Troubled Minds
Chapter 30 His Silver Tongue
Chapter 31 You Are No Monster
Chapter 32 The Inevitable
Chapter 33 The Goddess of Death
Chapter 34 The Sacred Gift
Chapter 35 Wings
Chapter 36 Sacrifice
Chapter 37 The Fallen Prince
Chapter 38 Sewn Shut
Chapter 39 Eternally In Your Debt
Chapter 40 My Saviour
Chapter 42 Drive Me Wild
Chapter 43 Surprise
Chapter 44 Declaration of Love
Chapter 45 Mr and Mrs Reindeer Games
Chapter 46 Miracle
Chapter 47 Live for Me
Chapter 48 Forgotten Memory
Chapter 49 Strawberries and Cream
Chapter 50 Worship Me
Chapter 51 Definition of Death
Chapter 52 I Will Find You
Chapter 53 My Hope
Chapter 54 Leverage
Chapter 55 Break His Heart
Chapter 56 My Fallen Brother
Chapter 57 Asgardian Tango
Chapter 58 Full Circle
Chapter 59 Time Running Out
Chapter 60 Revelation
Chapter 61 Sleight of Hand
Chapter 62 Fight For Me
Chapter 63 One More Trick
Chapter 64 Hope Frigga Odinson
Chapter 65 Family Again
Chapter 66 The Little Princess
Chapter 67 Scarred Beauty
Chapter 68 Lost in Oblivion
Chapter 69 Home
Chapter 70 Burden to Bear
Chapter 71 Death and Breakfast
Chapter 72 Two Graves
Chapter 73 Legacy
Chapter 74 Worthy
Chapter 75 The King and Queen of Asgard
Chapter 76 Valhalla

Chapter 41 Angel

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Katrina's POV

This feels like the longest bath I have ever had and yet I felt like I needed it. I found myself relaxing, letting everything that had happened go through my mind. I was kidnapped, tortured, got wings, rescued, nearly lost Loki, and then got him back in the space of 3 to 4 days. It's a lot to deal with and yet everything is right in the world. The Dark Order is defeated, Damian is dead, I got my wings and we both got out alive. Somehow and now I am safe and can have the future I have always dreamed of having with Loki, to be with him forever. To get married and live a life with him, maybe even have kids.

The thought makes me smile, having a family with Loki and yet all I want to do is see him. Be with him and I guess the longer I stayed in this bath, the longer I didn't have to face having to sleep in our bed alone. It's going to feel strange without him but he is healing and will wake up soon. He is safe and alive and soon I will be with him again. I just have to hope he wakes up soon as I am dying to see him, to jump in his arms and never let him go, ever. Hmmm... dying... wrong choice of words.

In the end, the water gets too cold and I get out, changing into one of my new gowns which are specifically designed for my wings. I focus and they come out, fluttering and I smile as I use my magic to dry my hair. They are so beautiful and I have found them quite easy to control. I can't wait to try flying with them and maybe even experiment with my magic as it's a lot stronger and I'm sure I can do a lot more now. Maybe try harder spells. At least I won't have to worry about protecting myself now. I am more than strong enough and the threat is gone.

I just want to enjoy my life with Loki and apart of wishes he was with me. God, I hope he wakes up soon. I was so close to losing him and the pain hits me. All of that pain of nearly losing Loki, seeing him die or nearly die. I feel it brimming under the surface again but I hold it back, forcing it back into the bottom of my soul. He is alive. Loki is alive and he is ok. I've just got to wait for him to wake up.

I begin humming an old tune to myself, trying to distract myself from the fact I nearly lost Loki as I finish sorting out my hair. I look so beautiful, glowing actually. The wings make me look like an angel and it makes me smile. If only he could see me like this... he will, he will. How I wish he were here with me.

Taking a breath, I force myself to leave the bathroom and yet I barely take a step back into our room when I stop, freezing at the sight of him. He is standing by the fire, dressed in just in his basic green robes and black underwear. Unharmed, awake and more importantly alive. He is staring at me, memorized by my appearance and yet I can't stop looking at him.

He is healed and ok and finally back with me. I feel the pain coming back to me again but he is here, he is here. He is awake, alive and I find myself smiling.

"Loki." I whisper, his name escaping my lips.

He smiles at me, with his mischievous grin, "Missed me?"

I give him a look, "What do you think?"

We are both smiling and I feel tears trying to escape my eyes as I run over to him, desperate to be in his arms again. He is the same, moving over to me so we meet halfway. Instantly my lips crash onto his, kissing him out of desperation as I wrap my arms around his neck, not letting him go. He kisses me back, with the same desperate desire to be with me, holding me tightly. It feels like the fourth of July, so much passion and lust and desire. Both of us desperate to hold each other and the pain of nearly losing each other, just makes it fiercer and more intense. God, I love him and I don't want to lose him ever again.

I then pull away before burying my head into his chest, holding onto him for dear life as he holds me tightly. The pain hits me, the pain of nearly losing him and I am so grateful to be in his arms again. I really thought I lost him for a second. I really thought he was dead and the horrible memory of him nearly dying comes back to me. Haunting me and the tears begin spilling out of my eyes. I can't help it, I thought I nearly lost him forever. The love of my life.

He holds me tightly, hearing my sobs as I feel my wings go back into my back. It seems even my emotions can affect my wings and whether they come in or out. But I don't care about that. All I care about is Loki and the fact I'm in his arms again. I feared I would lose him forever but he is here, he is here.

"Shh." Loki whispers, "I'm here Katrina, I'm here."

I hold onto him tighter, tears still rolling down my cheeks, "Please stop dying."

He chuckles, "I'm trying not to." He kisses me on the forehead, "But I really thought I was going to die this time."

The tears keep falling and I find it impossible to control my sobs. He was so close to death and I nearly lost him. God, I nearly lost him twice and it just makes me cry harder. I can't lose him, I can't lose him ever again.

"I thought I lost you forever." I sob, holding him tighter.

"I'm still here my love, I am here." He reassures him, "Shh my love, no more tears. I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere."

Taking deep breaths, I force myself to calm down as I know he is here, he is here with me. He is alive and the thought brings me comfort. I feel myself relax, the tears stop falling but I don't let him go. I refuse to let him go. He doesn't seem to mind, holding onto me as he rubs my back, comforting me, and noticing the holes in the back of my nightgown for my wings. I feel his hands where my wings come out before he continues to comfort me.

"Your wings are so beautiful." He whispers, "You learned to use them quite quickly."

I wipe my tears away, "Andrea helped me learn to control them. It was quite easy, natural, and having them makes me stronger. I guess it was worth the torture to get them."

He chuckles, "I just wish you didn't suffer such pain to get them but I am happy you got them, my special angel." He kisses my forehead, "I am sorry that I scared you, I really thought I would die when I said goodbye to you. I never wanted to hurt you."

I pull away so I can look into his green eyes, lifting my hand to his cheek, "Oh Loki, you scared me to death. But I wasn't going to lose hope that you could still be alive and that kept me going. Nothing was going to stop me coming to find you, especially not your father." He chuckles at that, "What happened to you? After... how did you end up down there in such a horrible state?"

"After I got knocked out from the debris," He begins, seeming reluctant, "I woke up in the labyrinth, my lips sewn shut and with an incredibly angry Damian. He had lost his army and any chance of taking your wings so he tortured me before leaving me to die down there. At least I stabbed him in the struggle but still... I couldn't break free." He looks at me, "He left me to die and after three days, I didn't think I would survive. I was certain I was dead for sure. So I couldn't believe it when I heard your voice. You saved me."

I smile, "You have done the same for me, multiple times. It was the least I could do."

He shakes his head, "Everyone thought I was dead, including my family. They all had given up hope I was still alive. But you," He puts his hands on my cheeks, "You didn't give up on me. You risked everything including your life to come after me. I would have died if you hadn't found me."

"Loki... you nearly died because of m..."

He interrupts me, "No Katrina. I would be dead right now if it weren't for you. Thanks to you I am still alive and back with the woman I love. Yes, I've saved you a few times and I know I always said I would die for you. But what happened to me wasn't your fault. It was Damian's. He took you, I saved you and he took his revenge out on me but I would do it again if it meant protecting you."

I look down, "But still, you nearly died..."

He uses his fingers to lift my head so I look at him, "But I didn't. I have always protected you, saved you and in all those times I did, you were never close to death."

"That's because you were there for me." I say with a small smile.

He nods, "And you were there for me when I needed you the most. You saved me from certain death and it makes me love you even more. My princess, my love, my fiancée, and my angel." He puts his arms around me, "We saved each other and now we can get married and live the rest of our lives together."

This makes me smile brightly, "Together forever." I rest my head against his, "I love you Loki."

"I love you Katrina, with all my heart."

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