Hunted, Baited Love...Book 4...

By MKG2012

18.8K 1.1K 192

Altan Colleen Blackstone, a lot can be said about this sweet man who has had a good life, a wonderful family... More

1. Altan
2. Brent
3. Gary
4. Joseph
5. Altan
6. Brent
7. Gary
8. Joseph
9. Altan
10. Brent
12. Joseph
13. Altan
14. Brent
15. Gary
16. Brent
17. Altan
18. Brent
19. Altan
20. Brent

11. Gary

744 52 4
By MKG2012

Ryker ^^ top models name is Hagen Richter

“Is it me or do you seem like you’re glowing?” I heard one of my colleagues say.

“If you must know I just came from vacation. It was much needed.” I said and got up from my desk. 

“Well it’s well deserved I’ll be honest. No one deserves it more than you and the team agrees with your talents and devotion to the hospital. How was it?” I get he was happy for me but something doesn’t seem right here. 

“What are you going on about? And It was fine.” I glared at him but smiled. 

“Nothing? I was being genuine, the team has been worried about you for a while now. It’s good to see you looking brighter and not so depressed.” He said looking a bit nervous. Well now I just feel like an ass. 

“Well I appreciate the concern. I’m sorry for snapping.” I said and we did our rounds and looked at files to discuss current patient treatment plans. 

All day I couldn't focus or chill out. Was it because I was becoming more protective of Brent? It's been that way since we've come home. Even Altan has changed, he won't let anyone near him unless he's there to protect him. 

"I'm home…" I called out. Where is everyone? I don't smell a thing. No one was here. 

When I was about to go look around for my mates, I almost walked into them and Caleb. 
"There you guys are." I hugged my mates tight as I inhaled their scent. 

"Well it seems you were right Altan." I heard Caleb say. 

"It's been like this the whole time since the four of us mated before Joseph left. We've been overprotective of both him and Brent. Neither are pregnant so could it be that our hormones are still high?" Altan asked his dad. I was curious to know myself. 

"Well it could be. The fact is that now that you're complete after so long it makes sense your hormones are high. I know when my mates and I mated finally we did our best to stay that way. There's also the fact Joseph doesn't live on pack lands so his loss is making you get all protective. How was your vacation anyway?" 

"The vacation was perfect and exactly how I envisioned it." Altan said with a wide smile. 

"I still don't have proper feeling in my legs. Last time I let you and Gary take me at the same time. Even if it didn't happen on vacation." Brent groaned as he eased into the living room couch. 

"You're the one that wanted to be adventurous." I teased and smirked. 

"Best but worst decision of my life." He moaned as he eased himself down in a more comfortable position. 

"You love us though so shush." Altan laughed. 

"You're not wrong about that." He chuckled but groaned. 

He's such a bad boy in the best ways. He deepthroated Joseph while Altan and I took his ass. He was literally hurting from both ends. 

"I'm going to get out of here before y'all do the nasty and I'm scarred for life." Caleb said and like that he was gone. 

When we knew he wasn't coming back for anything we took Brent to bed so he could rest. It's been a few days and he's still hurting. 

"We're not having sex for a year." Brent huffed out. We said we were sorry. 

"Do you think we should make him dinner in bed?" Altan asked in our link and looked at me. 

"It's the least we can do." I said and we cuddled with our mate. 

“Are y’all talking about me?” Brent asked, looking at us as he was in the middle of us. 

“We were saying if we should make dinner for you in bed so you don’t have to move.” I said and played with his soft blonde hair. 

“You don’t have to do that, I can make it downstairs…I think.” He laughed at himself knowing he might collapse by just standing. 

If he’s going to be stubborn then hopefully he’ll allow us to pamper him like Joseph had done on our trip. We may not be professionals but it’s the thought that counts. 

“Fine then at least allow us to run you a bath.” Altan said looking at our mate and he grumbled but thankfully gave in. One thing I’ve realized about Brent is he hates having stuff done for him. Always have honestly. 

As Altan ran his bath, I went to the kitchen to make a little snack platter for him to enjoy as he soaked in the tub. 

I had deli meats and cheeses cut. I had fruit and a bottle of wine I bought on my way home. 

“I’m back…” I smiled as Altan was washing Brent's back. 

“You guys are unbelievable.” He said and I couldn’t help but laugh. Only Brent would be so mad he’s being pampered. 

“We just care about you, love.” I kissed him and he took the platter and wine when I gave it to him. 

After about fifteen minutes we took him back to the room and he got dressed. 

“What are we eating for dinner? That platter made me hungry.” 

“Love, what is up with your appetite lately? We had lunch not even four hours ago after training.” Altan asked our mate. 

“I have no idea but I’ve been extremely tired and hungry all day long which is not me at all. Could it be..?” He asked Altan. 

“It’s too soon to tell. We had the ultrasound today to make sure but nothing was found.” Altan said and caressed his face. 

“You’re ok with getting pregnant?” I asked Brent a little shocked. 

“I am, I mean I saw Chase back then with his baby bump and can’t say I didn’t want to be twinning with my brother and have baby bumps together. Granted he already gave birth since then but I’m sure they’re not done yet.” He said rubbing his small stomach. It would be cute to see such a muscular guy like Brent carry a pup.

After a bit more of us racking our brains about the possibility of Brent being pregnant we made dinner and called Joseph on facetime. 

"Hey I thought you forgot our plans for this call." Joseph said when he answered.

“We told you we’d call you for dinner. How was your first day back?” I said to Joseph. 

“You did and it’s been hectic. It seems they were lost without me and Collen since he wasn’t here for a few days. Then again there was Sam but the guys below him act like they haven’t been working with the company for a while. I miss you guys so much.” He said. 

“We miss you too.” Altan said, smiling as he looked at our mate. 

“Brent, how are you with your pain?” Joseph asked like a concerned parent. 

“I’ll live, these two have been on my case since you left.” He smirked and Altan and I just glared at him although we knew he was teasing. 

“They're caring and loving mates. Be lucky we have them.” Joseph said and chuckled. 

“Oh I’m not complaining. I just hate feeling helpless.” He said as he took a bite of his food. 

“I can’t wait until the office is finished over there for Collen’s company so I can put in for my transfer already. It’s driving me crazy. I'm not there with you guys.” He said all dramatically. 

“Soon enough you’ll be here in no time.” I reassured him. 

“Not soon enough. It sucks coming home to an empty house.” He said and I felt his pain. We miss him too and wish he was here with us. 

After our call we finished eating and talked about random things and told each other how our first day back at work was. Well, Altan and I. Brent was sore all day, he definitely couldn’t be at work all day with how he was. 

When we went up to bed it was about ten but we weren't tired so we just laid in bed and cuddled as we watched tv and movies until we got tired. 

As the past couple of weeks passed, Altan and I have been all over Brent. Brent as well, being all over me and mating with me and us him but not at the same time again. Definitely not again when he was just getting better.

His scent is changing and the urge to be with him is so strong so we are getting more convinced he's pregnant so Altan and I plan on taking him to the pack clinic to get an ultrasound today, after he gets home from work.

On a completely different note but still exciting news, all the final steps were taken for Collen’s company building to be built and hopefully in a few more months we’ll have Joseph back here with us. 

“I can’t believe so much has changed in a few weeks.” I said to Altan as we waited for Brent to get home. 

“I know, it’s crazy to think we could have our first child soon. It’s been over three weeks so hopefully we see something on the ultrasound." He smiled looking at me and I smiled back. 

“Hopefully Joseph will be here for the birth. Knowing him he’d probably fly down here anyway. We completely forgot to give him a teleport ring.” I said and couldn’t help but laugh at myself. 

“Way ahead of you love, I took one to him the other day. How do you think I knew about the building being finalized. Besides the vision I had, that is.” He chuckled. 

“And you didn’t take me?” I asked. 

“You had a consultation with a patient so I took it to him during my lunch break.” He said and I groaned. I miss Joseph like crazy but he was right. I couldn’t miss that consultation, the patient was very ill. 

“Fair enough. I can’t wait until he comes but he said it could take anywhere from four to six months.” I sighed. 

“Well now that he has the ring he can drop by at any moment like now.” He said and I jumped out of my skin when I felt arms wrap around me. 

“Dammit Joseph I just about pissed and shit myself all at once.” I said and the sneaky but sexy bastard laughed. 

“Sorry love. I had time to come visit and took the opportunity to test out the ring. Be glad it didn’t take me to a volcano.” He chuckled and just kissed me, hard and passionately. He kissed Altan as well the same way.

“Well you’re just in time. Brent just pulled up. If he’s pregnant I’m going to need Collen to know I need to expand the house. If I turn the guest bedrooms into nurseries well I’m out of guest rooms.” Altan explained. 

“How many do you think he’s carrying? We’re all older so it can’t be more than two if not just one.” I said looking at him and he nodded. 

“It’s more than likely that it’s one.” He said and I sighed. I knew he wanted at least three of four kids but we have time to have more.

When Brent walked up to the porch we all admired his stomach. There’s no denying he’s pregnant. 

Before we could head out to the pack doctor we had to stop Joseph from tackling Brent as cute as it was. Brent was happy to see Joseph here and devoured his mouth before they got to hot and heavy, we stopped them because we had to go.

"I just wanted lovins.” He mumbled and we all hugged him until he had enough and was ‘gasping for air’.

He’s such a dork sometimes no matter how old he gets he’s still the same old Joseph from high school. 

As we got to the pack hospital, Dr. Balwin took him to a room and we followed behind. 

“Ok Brent you know what to do. Shirt up and let’s take a look.” Dr. Balwin smiled as he wheeled in the portable ultrasound machine. 

When the gel was on, Dr. Balwin began his search for any form of life and then that’s when we saw the smallish but growing speck and a strong heartbeat could be heard.  

“Congratulations to the four of you.” Dr. Balwin smiled. 

“Is it too soon to tell the gender? Is there only one?” I was too excited to contain myself. 

“As far as I can tell it may be a boy, Altan being a God he’s developing quicker than most pups and cubs. Check back in about two or three weeks and we can rescan then.” He smiled and I looked at Brent. 

He was looking at the screen, not even paying attention to us as tears fell from his eyes as he held Altan’s hand letting it sink in he’s pregnant. He got his wish after all. 

With our hormones all over the place we were crying. This may be Brent and Altan’s cub but I’m sure we’ll all get attached to the little angel when he’s here. 

"This, this is real. We’re having a baby Altan, we're having a baby. Our little peanut. I can't believe it and I'm looking right at him. I love you and I promise to do everything I can to make sure our peanut is born healthy and strong. I had always wanted a family and now, we’re having one and this baby will be so loved, he has three amazing father's to love him and protect him just like I have three amazing mates to love and protect me just as I will with all of you. I love you Altan, Gary, Joseph, and peanut." Brent said when he finally looked from the screen to us and Altan kissed him softly and his tears fell from his eyes, and they laughed happily, and Brent kissed Joseph and me and we put our hands on his firm belly and just enjoyed the moment together. 

“Any names in mind rolling around?” Dr. Bawin asked. 

“Ryker Preston Blackstone. First name in honor of Brent’s girlfriend’s brother and Brent's best friend if it’s truly a boy. Britney Diana Blackstone if it’s a girl after the Moon Goddess herself.” Altan said and we all smiled. We all had a hand in picking names so we all loved the names. 

“I assume you’d like pictures or would you like to wait?” The doctor asked. 

“Pictures would be great, thank you.” Altan said and we all hugged each other. 

When we got the pictures we went to Caleb’s to tell him the good news. 

“Hey guys.” Caleb said and Altan gave him the sonogram. When he looked at it he looked at us and broke down. 

“Is this real?” Caleb asked in between sobs. 

“It is grandpa.” Altan teased his papa and he ran around the house telling his mates. 

We made several trips like that and we got the same reaction and by the time we got home it was roughly after seven so we all took the opportunity to cook together. 

“Guys I’ll be back I need to make a call.” Joseph said and he disappeared outside as we continued to prepare dinner. 

By the time dinner was done, Joseph came in and didn’t say much. 

“Joseph, love, are you ok?” 

He just smiled and sat down with us and I just had to know. 

“Are you sure you’re ok?” 

“I’ll tell you guys in a second. Right now it’s not about me, it’s about the baby growing in our mate.” He chuckled and so we just sat in silence for a bit until Altan got a text. 

“You talked to Collen?” Altan asked Joseph. 

“I did and I have some news…I got an early transfer.” He smiled and we screamed. He’s staying with us. Finally. Tonight couldn't have gone better unless more of us are pregnant. 

"Joseph as much as you moving here will make us all happy, are you sure it's what you want to do? I know you love working with Collen in California and I don't want to be the reason you move and resent me if you don't like working here. I won't be able to handle that so please make sure this is what you truly want to do." Brent said and as he was talking, Joseph took his hand in his own and was shaking his head and smiling. 

"My darling Brent, I have been wanting to come here since we first met honestly so no, I won't ever resent you for this decision. You being pregnant just pushed me into doing this sooner. This is where I belong, with you three. Well four, our little peanut needs me too." Joseph kissed Brent's forehead and hugged him. 

"Ok, good. I want to invite someone over soon if it's ok." Brent said and we looked at one another and at him for him to continue. 

"Who?" Altan asked and Brent bit his lip and sighed softly. 

"Ryker. I want to tell him about what I did, about my past. Besides Chase, he was the closest person to me, him and Riley." 

"You want to tell him about what you did, are you sure? I'm asking because I don't want you to be stressed and talking about your past can upset you love." Altan said and we agreed. 

"I understand but I didn't just lose Riley, he did as well and he has no idea what killed her. Their parents were old and died without knowing and it's just him. He has no one and I kept in touch with him until well the war between us. I need to do this." Brent said and I knew he wouldn't back down from this so we agreed because that's what mates do, support one another. 

"Do you know where he lives?" I asked.

"Yea, here actually in California." He said looking at me.

"Ok well call him and invite him over. He can stay the weekend if he wants. What does he do for work?" Altan asked and Brent smiled. 

"He's a doctor. He works in the ER at the same hospital Gary works at actually and is one of the kindest people I had ever met. Him and Riley were so much alike and looked so much alike. I know you guys will like him." 

"Does he know about the supernatural?" Joseph asked and Brent nodded.

"Yup he was friends with a wolf in middle school. He told me he knew about them himself so at least that won't be a shock to him to find out I'm mated to a wolf and tiger God." 

"Ok. Call and make plans and we'll make sure we have nothing planned so we can be here with you." I said and he smiled and kissed my cheek.

"How about we go and relax in bed and watch a movie?" Joseph suggested so we cleaned up dinner, took showers and got ready for bed.

When we went to bed finally. I think we all had a permanent smile on our faces as we cuddled together, thoughts of the day running through my mind and I couldn't be happier. One mate is pregnant and the other is moving back home.

Life is good.

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