Perfect Fit | August Alsina

By emmanesiadior

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Gianna Romano is the daughter of feared Italian Mafia boss, Mateo Romano. After graduating high school in It... More

1: Prologue
2: New York
3: Aftermath
4: Fierce and Cold-blooded
5: Information
6: More Information
7: Erotic
8: You Again
9: Confessions
10: Explanations
11: Coming Together
12: Making Plans
13: Ferris Wheels, Candy Floss and Kisses
14: Work To Do
15: The Art of Seduction
16: Interrogation
17: Intensive Care
18: Decisions
19: Back Home
20: Mothers
21: The Softer Side
22: Closer And Closer
23: An Eventful Night
25: Mafia Headquarters
26: Broken and...Betrayed?
27: Breaking Down
28: Explosive
29: His Truth
30: Saved
31: Finally Official
32: Welcome to Italy
33: An Open Discussion
34: Numb
35: The Reason
36: Apologies and Acceptance
37: Taking Care of Business
38: More Discussions and Apologies
39: The Creative Side
40: One Step Closer
41: Better
42: Preparations
43: Miami
44: Handling Business
45: Bad Introductions and Old Issues
46: A Better Introduction
47: Make It Right
48: Mr and Mrs Romano
49: Love Faces
50: Epilogue
Perfect Fit Sequel

24: Furioso Mafioso

907 46 23
By emmanesiadior

Remember, I do not speak Italian so if any of the Italian words I have used are incorrect then feel free to comment the correction. I use different websites and do my best to match everything up to make sure it's correct before I put it in my chapters, but you can never be too sure.

Anyway, enjoy!

"Cazzo! (Fuck!)" Mateo yelled and slammed his fist onto the wooden tabletop as he stood abruptly from his seat at the head of the meeting table. "Who sent that order out?!"

"We don't know boss, all that is known is that it came from America. Our tech team is working on it as we speak."

"Tell them to work harder!" He growled before turning to Vittoria. "Get the guards ready, tell them my daughter is coming home tonight."

The woman who'd taken care of Gianna since she was a newborn and was currently highly worried about the situation at hand nodded her head and rushed out of the room to do as she was told.

Some minutes ago the mafia had gotten word of something very serious. It was nothing to joke about and because Mateo was who he was, he was not taking any chances, especially this time around. A hit had been put on Gianna's head. There hadn't been a trace on exactly where it was generated but they did pin the location back to America - it was now a mission of breaking that down even more to figure out just who was game enough to put a hit out on the daughter of one of the most dangerous men in the world. And when they would find out, because lord knows they will, Mateo was going to make sure that they paid in the worst way possible. 

Emilio, the right hand man to Mateo, walked into the room. He was almost as mad as his boss. Gianna had always been like a daughter to him. He'd watched her grow right from birth into the woman she had become today and for her, he would do anything, even if that meant giving up his own life. 

"Boss we need to move quickly, we just got word that she went to a club tonight and someone shot it up."

Mateo frowned. "Cazzo Madre di Dio! (Fucking mother of God). Is she okay? Do you know who it was?"

"Apparently it didn't end well, a few people were injured and the boy she was working with, his brother was rushed to hospital. Roman assured me Gianna is safe though."

"Manache! (Oh hell)." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose while shaking his head. "At least my daughter is alright. They're coming back home, si?"

"They're heading to the Ricci Airfield out there. I told him to lay low in the safe house there and that you'll meet them."

Mateo nodded. "Investigate that boy she went on that date with. I don't care, no one is safe now that my daughter's life is on the line. Investigate that Devonte too. Everyone she's been involved with. Investigate them all." 

Emilio nodded. "I'll get the boys onto it."

"Good. I trust you to handle everything while I go collect this daughter of mine."

"Of course."

The two men made their way out of the office and down to the main entrance of the house. They walked down the stairs towards the awaiting limousine, all the while Mateo went through his list of things for Emilio to do while he was gone. His driver Demetrius opened the door as they approached the car and greeted his boss, as well as Emilio. 

"I'll be back in the next twenty four hours. I'm going to get Gianna and we're coming straight home. I'm not spending unnecessary time in that place."

_ _ _

Gianna Romano

After a lot of convincing, I got Roman to take me to my apartment so that I could grab some of my things and get changed out of this dress. He gave me ten piddly little minutes to get whatever I wanted before we had to leave. Apparently it was too dangerous to stay in one place for too long with there being a price on my life now. It seems like I can't catch a break these days. Everything is so messed up and to be honest, it all started when I came here. Maybe America wasn't the right choice after all. 

Regardless of everything though, I just hope that Jordan is okay. In the time I got to spend with him, he's grown into a brother to me. We're close and I love the relationship we have - it reminds me of the relationship I share with Elena's brothers. I know Devonte would be a mess if anything were to happen to his baby brother and it hurts knowing that if something were to happen, I won't be there to comfort him in any way. 

When I had finished packing everything I needed, I zipped up my suitcase and wheeled it out to the living room where Roman was waiting. No words were exchanged between us. He simply took the suitcase from me and motioned for me to go with my father's men down to the awaiting car. I hopped in the bulletproof, blacked out Mercedes and slumped down in the seat as tears began streaming down my cheeks all of a sudden; everything was beginning to hit me. Minutes later the back door opened again and her perfume invaded my nose instantly. I couldn't help but feel bad. I should've known I wouldn't be the only one going back home prematurely. 

"Everything's going to be fine Gia, nothing's going to happen to you." Elena said softly while wrapping her arms around me as I sobbed. "Your father would die before letting anything happen to you."

_ _ _

Mateo stood in the private jet, anxiously awaiting the arrival of his daughter and Elena. All he wanted was to wrap his princess up in his arms and never let her go. She'd gone through so much in America and now to have a hit out on her head just added to the pile of things he'd had to deal with and made him more anxious about her safety; that's why he needed her back in Italy. At least there he would be able to physically see her and assure that she was protected twenty four seven. 


Her shaky voice made him turn around instantly. 

Her eyes were red and puffy, a telling indicator that she'd been crying. Her hair was thrown up into a messy bun and she sported an oversized t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants with a plain pair of slides on her feet. He sighed and walked over to her with his arms wide open, pulling her into his embrace as soon as he got close enough. As soon as she was wrapped in the warmth of her father's hug, she broke down completely. Everything was coming around full circle now - the feeling of her life being on the line, the mess with Antonio, her strengthening feelings for Devonte - it was all hitting her hard

"Ti voglio bene mia bella (I love you my beautiful). I'll take care of everything, don't you worry. This will all be sorted out and I promise, whoever decided to mess with my one and only child, they will be sorry. Pezzo di merda (piece of shit)." 

"Please do zio (uncle)." Elena said seriously as she stepped onto the plane. 

"Mi dispiace (I am sorry) Lena, for the fact that you are having to be brought back home too. Hopefully you understand that it is merely as a safety precaution. Your uncle and brother didn't want to risk leaving you in this place either." 

"Capsico benissimo (I understand perfectly)."

Mateo nodded, still holding his daughter tightly as she cried. "Good. Please make yourself comfortable sweetheart, the others will board and then we will be on our way home."

No more than ten minutes later the best of Mateo's men who'd travelled to America months ago with Gianna boarded the private jet. The order was then given for the plane to take off - Mateo didn't want to be on this territory longer than he needed to be, not when they were like sitting ducks anyway. He joined his men as they began to discuss while Elena took Gianna off to one of the bedrooms right at the back of the jet. She made sure her best friend was comfortable before closing the door behind them. 

Elena knew that there was something more than just the hit being put out that was bothering Gia. She was a strong girl who came from a very powerful bloodline and even though it was a hit on her head, Lena knew she shouldn't necessarily be feeling this way because with Mateo being Gianna's father he and the entire mafia would have to die before anything happened to his daughter; the girl was just that important. 

She sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed next to Gianna. Silence fell on the two of them for several minutes before Elena finally plucked up enough courage to say what was playing in her mind like a broken record. She didn't want to pry but she felt like she needed to, especially after witnessing Gianna all over Devonte tonight. Regardless of the alcohol in her best friend's system and in Von's, it was clear there was more to their friendship

"Gianna is there something else going on?" She asked softly. 

"I d-don't know what to feel." She replied lowly, picking at her manicured nails. 

"Tell me what's wrong girl, I know it's more than just the hit that was put out."

Gianna sighed. "That isn't bothering me as much as it should. I know papa won't let anything happen to me as long as he's alive."

"Then what's the problem?"

"So much has happened Lena, I don't even know where to start."

Elena sighed. "Start with whatever you want. How about with Antonio?"

"That asshole." Gianna spat with venom in her tone. "You know, I thought he was the most perfect guy ever. So sweet, kind, considerate, respectful, caring. But no, that was all a facade to hide who he really is, a jealous, possessive, control freak."

"What the hell? What did he do?" 

Gianna sighed and went finally came clean about what had occurred between her and Antonio. From how he was on the first date to how he became when she admitted that she would be looking after Devonte. He'd definitely turned into a different person. 

"That motherfucker! Why didn't you tell me this?"

"It honestly wasn't something that needed attention. Von was my priority at the time and everything was already messed up then."

A smirked danced onto Elena's face. "Speaking of Devonte, you really like him, huh?

"I can't get him out of my head. I tried to forget those feelings, I really did. I wanted to forget so bad but I couldn't. The more time we spent together while he was recovering, the more and more my feelings for him grew." Gia said, all the while looking down at her nails. "He's so perfect to me Elena and you know I have never felt this way before. After tonight though, I think I may have put myself in an even more difficult postion."


"I think I'm in love with Devonte."

Elena's ears pricked up. "You are?"

"He's always on my mind and I can't help but think about all the memories we made together. We got so close. I feel like I love him but I couldn't possibly be with him."

"Why not? What's stopping you?"

"My father."

"Gianna, I've known you for a very long time and I have known your father for equally as long. Devonte is a great man, a little scary if we're being honest, but he has a heart unlike a lot of these mafia and gang affiliates and I have seen the way he is with you. He likes you, I think it could be more than like but there's something there. He'll take care of you without a doubt. And I know that's all your father wants for you, someone who treats you right and makes you happy. So what if Von was the enemy? Water under the fucking bridge. If that man is who you want to be with then go for it. Your happiness is all that matters."

Gianna smiled weakly and threw her arms around Elena. "Thank you."

"You know I'll always support you no matter what. You're the sister I never had."

"Ti voglio bene (I love you)." She said softly. "You're the sister I never had too."

"I love you too."

Hours later the plane touched down in Italy. Emilio was waiting with Elena's brother Adriano, her uncle Giancarlo and a few armed guards who were simply there for protection - though they were on their own territory, they could never be too careful with the life they lived. Elena was quick to rush into her brother's arms. The two hadn't seen each other since she left and because of how involved Adriano was in the mafia life, he never had much time to call or text her.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too piccolina (little one)."

Elena laughed at the nickname he'd given her right from the day her mother and father had brought her home from the hospital and hugged her brother tighter. He was twenty eight, a whole ten years older than herself, and he had a different mother but they were closer than most people would think. No matter what Adriano was always there for his baby sister and nothing and no one would ever get away with hurting her. 

When the two pulled away Adriano's attention switched to Gianna, the other young woman he had always considered a little sister alongside his own. He smiled and pulled her into his embrace. 

"My topolina (little mouse)." He cooed which immediately made her giggle. "It's good to see you again sweetheart, even in such circumstances. You know I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

"I know you won't, thank you occhioni (big eyes)."

He huffed and let her go. "You and that nickname."

"What? It's cute and it's the truth." Gianna mused before turning to Emilio and Giancarlo who'd just finished greeting Elena. "Zio Carlo, zio Emilio (uncle)."

Both men smiled and took turns hugging their niece - they may not have been blood, but blood couldn't have made them any closer. Just like Mateo and Adriano, Emilio and Giancarlo would never let anything happen to Gianna, or Elena for that matter. They'd all have to die first. 

"Let's get home." Mateo announced while typing away on his phone. "There's been some developments."




Questions + Responses:

Adriano in MM

Mateo is big mad, as he should be!!!

Gianna admitted to being in love with Devonte 👀

Her and Elena are back in Italy 🇮🇹

Vote, comment & share 😁✌

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