High school Sweethearts ( Dav...


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Y /N and Daveed were high school sweethearts ... well they were ... one day randomly Daveed broke up with Y/N... More

Nick Name
What really happen
Graduation !
Not an update
What really happened
Forgieness? Can you imagne? No....
Who are you?
We cant tell her!
Thank tou ...
Dinner ....
He said what????
After care
Its a..... aborted! Also hamilton!!
Burn out .....
Make up
One last time....
Its okay ...


324 6 37

I think this is the last chapter
TW suicide

The next morning daveed drives Theodosia to school and then he heads to the studio to work in some clipping stuff ... I know what I'm gonna do today ... it's plain and simple .... this is just too much for me ... I know I sound selfish but I think I can after being abused by my parents! Getting dumped out of no way! And then on top of that getting RAPED! I think I can be selfish! I start to write ... and I bet your already know what I'm about to do ....

I leave little notes around the house for daveed to find ...to bring up his spirits... some are hard to find some aren't ... then I write notes to single people ...

Dear Lin ....
        I know we don't talk anymore but I just wanna say I understand why you wanted me to come back ... Hamilton so your dream .... and you wouldn't let anything get in the way .... I just wish we could've spender more time together .... don't throw away your shot!

To Anthony ...
     I still don't  forgive you bitch ! But you are a great person .. you are like an older brother ... also one last thing ... COME ON DUDE GET JAZZY FUCKING PREGNANT ALREADY! WERE ALL WAITING!

To Leslie
        Thank you so much for everything.... you were with me through think and thin .... you truly did always help me .... I'm sorry ... but please don't let me get in your way ....
And I just wish we could've hanged out more! You know! Outside of the hospital! Or when I wasent drunk !

To jazzy ...
     Expect a baby soon....

To Renee...
   You were like the mother that I never had ... and I really appreciate you for that .... you were the best! And thank you for almost stepping in when I passed out ... I was stubborn and wanted to finish the show ...

To pippa
       When I'm gone ! You can take my spot in the business! You have great fashion sense and I always wanted to hire you! Love ya girl!

To daveed
      Told you ! You wouldn't know .... I'm just here to say I fucking love you! So fucking much! But please ... when I'm gone ... move on... please .. for me .... I want to see you happy again ... I'll always be with you! I wish I could've stayed longer but it was just too much for me .... and I just want to say ... I forgive you .... for everything... I love you ... floof ....

To Theodosia!
     Hey mommy is gonna be gone for awhile! But when you older you can come see me! But make sure to live a long healthy life! I am always with you! I love you sweetheart .... so much ....

To Rafa ...
    I got nothing to say expect for FUCK YOU
                      - XOXO Y/N

I clean up and make some dinner .... do all the laundry put the notes in a cute little box and put it on the counter... then I set it all up ... I lock my serivce dog in a room so they can't come find me and help me.... I fix everything up .... I cut a little more ... and they I tie it... I kick down the chair and then I'm out ... out cold .... then I felt like I was floating ... like the weight was lifted off of my chest ....I'm a ghost ... I check the time ... 1 hour before everybody comes home ... so I waited ... and waited ... and waited ... god they are taking forever! Then I hear the door open ...

" sorry we were taking so long I was getting jazzy and Anthony!" Daveed said walking in ...


Anthony jazzy and daveed walk into the apartment ... Anthony goes first and daveed follows behind him and says
" sorry we were taking so long I was getting jazzy and Anthony!".. then Anthony sees her
" diggs get Theodosia out!" He says yelling and pushing diggs ... he had just seen Y/N's hanging body
" dude w-" before daveed could even finish his sentence he saw her ...
" jazzy get the kids out!" Jazzy had just saw too and was shooing Theodosia out ... luckily theodosia didn't see nothing ..
" what's wrong with mommy?" The little one asked
" well sometimes when your really sad or hold in your feelings it becomes to much and it puts you in a big slumber that you don't want to be in! ... that's why you have to always be honest and talk to us!" She said tapping Theodosia's chest ...
" you know what let's go get ice cream!" She said leading picking up Theodosia... Theodosia was confused but didn't question it ...

Daveed POV...

Anthony rushed over and took her down while I called 911... I handed Anthony the phone ... I check her pulse ... she wasn't breathing .... how long ago did she do this?! How could she do this?! I was freaking out ... I was I tears and so was Anthony .... I caressed her face and have her a small kiss on the cheek ...
" I'm so sorry my love .." I say ... I would live with guilt my whole life ... we got into a argument and I didn't even say sorry ... the paramedics came and immediately pronounced her dead .... they couldn't save her ... she was too far gone ... there was no saving .... I saw a box of notes ... and I read mine .... I feel so bad ... it's all my fault ... i could've stopped her! I could've changed her fate! If I would have just said sorry and made it up to her she would still  be here! I hand out all the other notes to people .... we all just wish she was still here .... I cried for weeks ... jazzy stayed with me to make sure I didn't do anything dumb .... and to be honest I tried ... but failed because I heard Theodosias voice before I could do it ... we buried her like we did with oak .... they were together at last ... I took a break on work .... I couldn't ... everything was broken.... Y/N was gone .... and I just got her back .... she was my world ... and without her I'm nothing ....

3 years later ....

I'm in a pretty serious relationship with Emmy .... she understands my past and doesn't hold it against me.... we were getting dressed to go somewhere fancy when I see a note fall out ...

Ooo! A suit! Fancy! Are you going on a date?! This is your date suit! I'm sorry proud of you! You go get them tiger!

Y/N had wrote it before she passed ... she wrote a lot of notes that I would find later on... years later and I'm still finding notes... Emmy walks in and sees me holding it ....

" another note?!" She said walking over to me and hugging me ...
" yea..." I say hugging her back and dropping the note ...
" what did it say this time?" She said rubbing my back ...
"Ooo! A suit! Fancy! Are you going on a date?! This is your date suit! I'm sorry proud of you! You go get them tiger!" I say ...
" see ! Daveed she wants you to be out there! She wants you to be happy! Like in every other note she wrote! Take her advice!" She was right .... Y/N wants me to be happy.... I hear a knock at the door and Theodosia runs up to open it ..
" auntie jazzy!" She said jumping into jazzy arms!
" wow hello there kiddo! Your getting so big!" Jazzy said .... me and jazzy walk out and say goodbye to Theodosia... I haven't told her the through about Y/N I mean she was into 8... I'm waiting till she's 16..... me and Emmy have a great time on our date ... it felt so good to be out there like Y/N said ....

When Theodosia turns 16

"Theodosia I have something to tell you ..." I say holding a note ....
" if it's about another song of yours being published I already know!" She said cleaning up ...
" no it's about Y/N..." when she hears that Anne she turns arounds....
" is she Back?!" She asks ...
" no I need to tell you the truth ... " I pat a seat and she sits down ....
" what is it dad?!"
" your mom isn't on vacation... she committed suicide..." I say handing her a note that she wrote ...
" really dad... you didn't think I knew?! I just played along to the vacation thing because I knew you weren't ready to tell me ...." she says ..
" well that was easier than I thought ..." I say getting up ... we both share a laugh and go back to what we were doing ... but the mood did go down ... we both missed her ...


"And that's the story about Y/N L/N...." daveed says ...
" wow that is one heck of a life!" The report says ....
" yea .... her life was crazy ...." daveed said ... he would continue to tell this Story ... and pass it on for generations to generations ... even Theodosia told her kids ... and her kids told there ... and on and on... her business became a walking money machine! And just like she asked.... jazzy became pregnant and pippa took Y/N place in the business.... but life would never be the same without her ... especially for daveed....

The end ....
Not gonna lie I cried writing this

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