The Consequence: Sequel to Th...

By I_kill_cupcakes

163K 5.7K 1.2K

***Sequel to The Choice, Can't be Read as a Standalone*** The competition is over and Amancio has shown his t... More

character aesthetics


8K 270 54
By I_kill_cupcakes

"Madeline, I thought you wouldn't make it," Amancio turned to me, flashing his trademark mischievous grin.

I stopped in my tracks, clenching my fists. I took a deep breath as pure white rage threatened to consume me.

"King Amancio," One of The Dark Lords handed Amancio a document, diverting his attention from me, thankfully.

"Just try to ignore him," Imogen whispered. I clenched my jaw, trying not to think of the 1,000 ways I could make Amancio suffer.

Thankfully, Amancio and I would ride in different carriages. It was the better option, for my benefit and his. I strongly doubted he'd want his eyes gauged out by his vengeful wife.

Our first stop in the tour was a place I knew too well. A place that brought tears to my eyes just at the thought.


I had mixed feelings about revisiting my old home. I was hopeful, hoping and praying my family would be there safe and sound. But, I was reluctant. If the news wasn't good, I didn't know how much more I could take.

The carriage ride brought back memories. I could vividly remember riding to the palace, a clueless 'Lady'. I hadn't the slightest idea what would happen in the future. I silently wished I'd protested more. If I hadn't attended The Choice, maybe all of this wouldn't be happening.

I slowly lulled into a tumultuous slumber, the sound of the horses hooves clopping against the gravel on the road echoing in my ears. Imogen sat beside me, humming a tune I could not identify. Amancio and his 'posse' followed closely behind, probably making sure I didn't hijack the carriage and escape.


The words caused tears to prick at my eyes. They were words I had seen as I returned from Finishing School, as I returned from trips outside the viscounty.

Memories came flooding back as the carriage jostled. Imogen gripped my hand, offering me a small smile as we ventured into the viscounty.

The cobbled streets were deserted, something that was very rare in Colgate. There was almost always people scattered on the streets, greeting each other as they went about their daily lives. But Colgate looked more like a ghost town, sending a chill down my spine. Stores were boarded up, some of the windows broken in. Amancio's Guards lined the streets, rifles in hand.

"What did they do to this place?" I shook my head, disbelievingly. Doubt clouded my mind. If this was what The Dark Lords did to common people, I wondered what they'd done to the nobles? To my family...

The carriage rode on, further and further into familiar territory. Until I realised where it was headed. I couldn't believe it. The telltale gate of my family's manor was right in front of me. I was going home! But there had to be some sort of catch.

I sat motionless in the carriage, as we neared my family's manor, trying to keep calm. I clasped my hands together, my heart beating rapidly.

What is Amancio planning? Why are we here? Is he trying to torture me even more?

I thought it was some sort of sadistic little prank, a way to rub all he had taken from me into my face. I thought it was some form of a twisted joke.

Until I saw them.

My mother and sister, Caroline, ran out of the manor, towards the carriage.

My heart threatened to leap out of my dress as I practically flew out, wrapping my arms around them.

"Mother," Tears rushed to my eyes.

"Oh, Madeline," My mother sobbed, stroking my head.

Caroline didn't say anything but the big fat tears running down her cheeks said enough.

I pulled away, "What is this? Why am I here? I have so many questions."

"This is King Amancio's form of mercy, I believe," Caroline lowered her voice, her eyes angry.

"He...he killed Carlos," Tears streamed down my eyes.

My mother shook her head, "So much has happened while you were gone."

I didn't miss the eyes of Amancio's guards trailing our every move. Amancio and his carriage seemed to be gone. Though, I knew my time with my family wouldn't last long. I knew I was going to have to go back to my harsh reality soon enough.


The manor certainly looked different. I noticed much of my mother's prized possessions, ornaments and family heirlooms were missing, making the manor look bare and dark. My mother and Caroline seemed awfully silent, as if they had something to say but were too scared to say it.

"Sit, sit, I'll make some tea," My mother ordered, and I obeyed out of habit. A painted portrait of my father, hung across me on the wall- its eyes seemed to follow me. I had noticed my father was absent but was too scared to ask why, fearing the answer would be something I wouldn't be able to handle.

Richard, my newest guard, stood emotionless a few metres from him. He was certainly much better than Brutus, as he did not say much.

My mother and Caroline returned with tea and pastries, on much less elaborate tableware I was used to. As my mother poured my tea, her hands shook.

"Sorry, I-I'm sorry," She muttered, blinking away tears.

Caroline sniffed, avoiding my gaze.

"Richard, may my family and I have some privacy?" I asked.

"I'm afraid not Queen Madeline, King Amancio's orders were clear- you are not to be left unsupervised," Richard replied, monotonously.

"Please," Caroline begged, on the verge of tears.

Richard hesitated, before stepping out of the tea room, and shutting the door behind him.

"Tell me everything- how are you guys still here? How are you not in The Ground with the others?" I demanded.

My mother sighed, shaking her head. "We were up that night, desperate to know who had won The Choice. We didn't hear any news so we assumed there had been a delay and went to sleep. The next morning, The Dark Lords had begun their inquisitions- they took everything remotely expensive and demanded we pled allegiance."

"So you pledged allegiance?" I asked, my voice soft.

"We're sorry, Madeline but we had to, they were hurting people," Caroline sobbed, her eyes pleading.

I did not blame them. Secretly, deep down, I was happy they were not among the others that were nowhere to be found. But I could not imagine the trauma they must have gone through. No matter how badly they'd treated me in the past, they were my family and I'd hate for anything to happen to them.

"What about the chateau? Was it safe there?" I asked, remembering their plan to escape when The Dark Lords had first attacked Colgate.

"For a while it was, but The Dark Lords attacked soon after," My mother explained.

And then the elephant in the room.

"H-how is father?" I asked, tentatively.

My mother's eyes darted around, making sure no one was listening. "The Dark Lords are targeting nobles and men of high ranking, some of them have managed to run away but God knows what they've done to the others. Your father was one of the ones who managed to escape, thank God. He sends us little messages sometimes."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Do you know where he is?"

Caroline shook her head, "But he did send us this necklace, I'm sure it was meant for you."

Caroline pulled out a shell necklace from her pocket and handed it to me. Shells- the beach. I placed the necklace on my neck, letting out another small sigh. The tea was already cold, and the pastries had lost their softness and heat.

"What's going on in the palace? How did you become Queen?" Caroline asked, her eyebrows pulling in confusion.

I told them the horror story. From how I witnessed The Choosing Ceremony, to how Amancio killed Carlos.

"Oh, Madeline," Caroline reached out to place her hand on mine, her eyes red. Somehow, she still managed to look flawless while crying her heart out.

I, on the other hand, must have had snot running down my nose and eyes puffier than they would be if I had gotten stung by a bee.

My mother clasped her hands in shock, her eyes wide as she stared at my lukewarm cup of tea. "I'm so sorry, Madeline. I-if we hadn't forced you to attend The Choice, this wouldn't be happening."

Before I could reply, Richard barged into the room, startling us.

"I'm sorry, Ladies- but your time is up," He said.

Hey guys! How are you all doing? 

Enjoy chapter 70, sorry I was AWOL for a bit- I had classes and now I'm starting exams. I'm done with my exams on Thursday so expect more chapters, but I can't make any promises unfortunately. 

I hope you guys understand- but  new chapters will come!  

Don't forget to vote, comment and share. Stay safe as well! 


- Dawn

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