Promise You'll Never Forget

By lucy_230603

430 34 2

A Draco Malfoy FanFiction story. Nobody expected a mudblood to fall for Draco Malfoy, what's worse? Nobody ex... More

Please Read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 28

6 1 0
By lucy_230603

"Help. Please."  He was dying, in front of my eyes, there was no one around to help.

I forcefully wiped my tears from my eyes, calming my breathing and scrambled to find my wand. With a shaky voice I uttered the only healing spell I know.


I tried again, speaking louder with more force and determination than last.


He was still bleeding out, my eyes uncontrollably filling with water again I said it once more, it was weak and unbelieving, doubtful that it would work considering it hadn't the first two times I'd tried.

"Help." I screamed once more, crying out for someone to save Draco. Save him from dying. I tried and I failed, I couldn't help him, I needed someone else to do something.

As soon as the realisation that I could lose him forever set in, Snape burst through the bathroom doors, taking in the picture that lay out before him. He stood mouth agape for a second before ushering me out the way and kneeling by Draco's almost lifeless body.

He remained as expression less as he usually is as he performed an incantation I had again never heard before, just like the curse Harry hit Draco with. I felt the breath catch the back of my throat as I watched in confusion, the blood that was once one with the water on the floor, drag back into Draco's body, the wand closing up his wounds as it traced his skin.

"H-How?" I stutter out as Snape's eyes met mine.

"My office... Now." He spoke after finally finishing the spell that healed Draco of his injuries. I shook my head at his request, refusing to leave Draco's side. I held onto his hand tightly, observing his tiny flinches and ticks that continued over his body. He nodded slightly, and left to get Madam Pomfrey.

The hospital wing was empty, no beds apart from Draco's beared a body, he lay asleep, muttering occasionally in quarrels with his own mind. I heard my name a few times being uttered amongst other unrecognised words and phrases. I sat in a less than comfortable armchair watching over him and I vowed not to leave until he was awake.

A few hours later I had drifted off to sleep, leaning my head on his bed, still grasping his hand not wanting to let go. I felt a strong squeeze in the palm of my hand that woke my brief and light slumber, I looked up to meet his eyes staring down at me with a slight smile growing on his pale and exhausted face.

"He-" Before he could even finish the first word I sprung up and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling myself onto him, burying my head into the crook of his neck. Immediately, his hands slithered around my waist, and pulled me closer to his body than I thought was possible.

"You scared the shit out of me." I mumbled into his skin.

I lift my head and place a delicate kiss on his lips, cupping his face in my hands. An overwhelming feeling of relief flooded my senses knowing he was finally awake, that I hadn't lost him forever.

My eyes brimmed with tears, as I pulled away from his lips, him wincing in pain as I moved. "I'm so sorry, shit, I shouldn't have climbed on you like that, you're probably really sore." I babble, as I take myself away and sit nervously at the edge of his bed.

"Don't worry about it, I can't complain when I get a greeting like that off a beautiful girl." I rolled my eyes at him but couldn't hold in a small giggle.

"You're blushing." He said in a low sleepy voice.

"Am not." I try convince myself.

"Come here." He used his finger to gesture towards himself, telling me to come back to where I once was.

I give him a questioning look but instantly nods his head reassuringly. I unfold my hands from one another as he opened his arm so I could come lie beside him. Resting my head on his chest he let a small tedious groan escape.

"Sorry, if you're uncomfortable then I-" I tried to adjust my weight so I wasn't as heavy on him but he placed a kiss on my forehead and cut me off.

"Just shut up and lie with me." He said through a chuckle.


"I'm not uncomfortable, I'm quite the opposite, so please just talk about something else."

"Ok, well..." I continued by telling him about a letter I received from my mother a few days back about my cousin Mary's wedding. It was to be a summer wedding and they'd set the date for a year next week. I told him all about how overly extravagant and glamorous it was bound to be, boasting money they don't have to look fancy and rich.

"I want an October wedding, when it's almost winter and becoming cold I don't know why but I've always felt comforted by cold, and we can have candles to light the forest, and only a few friends." He said so confidently, running his hands through my hair.

"Did you just say we?" I ask cautiously, looking up into his eyes. His cheeks went rosie, not realising what he had said.

"Now look who's blushing." He rolled his eyes as I giggle at his embarrassment. "I'd love an October wedding." A pleased grin grew on his face when he recognised I wasn't freaked out by what he said.

"It might rain though." He added, raising an eyebrow to see if I'd be scared off.

"Then we'll get wet, we make the most out of it, rain can be pretty magical when you chose to look past its unfortunate perceptions."

"God I love how you think, it's amazing, how you can see the beauty in things like rain and even my family." He tucked a piece of fallen hair behind my ear, making me sigh.

"Oh stop it, you charmer." I say, laying my head back down on his chest. "Hey can I ask you a question?"

"What's going on Draco?" I whispered softly, as he stopped playing with my hair. "Why was Harry attacking you?"

"It's complicated." I sat up listening to his simple and quick answer, looking down at my fingers beginning to spin the rings on his hands. As I was about to speak he cut me off. "Can you promise something?"

"What's that?" I look up with a gentle smile.

"Promise me that whatever I do you'll forgive me."

"That's a really big promise Draco, what are you planning on doing?" I say semi sarcastically in and attempt to hide the worry in my voice.

"Please promise you'll forgive me, promise whatever I do you'll be there, by my side, promise you'll understand why. Promise me we'll leave after and get that house in France and be together just us two. Just promise you'll forgive me." He looks through his eyelashes, tears threatening to fall from his icy eyes.

"Draco... you're scaring me."

"Please Ana, please." Never in my six years of knowing Draco had I ever seen him this vulnerable, his eyes were filled with remorse and suffering, and his face much paler and thinner than I had noticed before.

"Only if you promise that whatever happens, wherever we go and wherever we end up you won't forget me, that you'll always hold our memories in your heart, promise you'll never forget."

"I promise." He didn't take a moment to think, his response was immediate, like it was the only important thing in the world, like the promise he had just made was the only thing that mattered.

"Me too." Although every viable brain cell was screaming at me not to promise, I did, and I was going to keep it, because no matter who convinced me otherwise or what situations arose, I will always, without a doubt love him.

Holy shit, I love him.

Admitting it made my heart flutter and my stomach sink, I had put my entire heart in Draco Malfoy's hands and there was no way of know if he'll break it. Despite the secrets and unanswered questions, I trusted him with my life and I learned in that very moment that he could do anything, and still a part of my life will always belong to him.

We lay there in comforting silence, held tightly by each other's arms until we both fell into a deep sleep.

I was awoken by the thick claps of thunder battling the wind a few miles from the school, it had been told there would be a storm today but this felt different than a normal British blizzard.

This had intent behind it, the feeling of urgency that students and staff alike were feeling flourished as it rolled closer to the school, increasing the tension that whatever had been planned was soon approaching.

I left a quick hand written note on the tray-table beside Draco's bed saying I was going for a shower and get some food before coming back to see him.

I lead my way through the school, most children still in their dorms, except a few eager morning people who roamed the halls looking for something to do in the early hours of a random Sunday morning. I peer through the girls dorm door to see Luna awake and sitting up on her bed.

Like a magnet I race over to her bed and hug her. She instantly returns the messy embrace with all the love and support she harboured. She didn't need to know what happened to understand what I needed right now.

"Lia, what's bothering you? You're looking awfully pale." Her voice carried so gently you just want to tell her everything in the entire world.

"Draco, he... he almost died... he and Harry... they fought." I stutter as she wipes away a tear that had fallen down my cheek.

"Death can be a magical thing if you wish for it to be, when you think you lose someone, you pick the memories you want to remember them by, more often than not you chose the happiest and best memories to keep. But since he's alive then you don't have to pick just yet." I smiled at her answer, it was so wholesome and sweet, she could make you feel like a funeral really is a celebration not a mourning.

"He asked me to promise him something, that whatever he does I need to forgive him."

"That's a very open ended request, you shouldn't be scared though, I see him with you, the way he looks at you like you're his world, I believe he doesn't want to hurt you."

"Luna I'm terrified." I begin to sob. The pressure in my chest burst, I couldn't keep the tears from flooding down my face any longer.

"That's ok too."

"I know Luna but he's keeping something from me, and it's something big."

"I think things are better said than un, he should open up, keeping secrets does terrible things to the mind."

"So I should ask him?" I mop the messy tears from my face and control my breathing.


"Ok, thank you Luna, literally what would I do without you." I hug her one last time before getting a quick shower and grabbing food from the hall as I pass going towards the hospital wing.

At the doors I spot Draco sitting up on his bed, reading a small black book that I had never seen before. My heart raced as I thought of the best way to ask why he was being so secretive, why Harry attacked him in the bathroom, everything I was curious about, it had to be answered.

I walk over quietly, breaking the deathly silence of the otherwise empty room.

"How are you feeling?" His head shot up at the sound of my voice.

"Don't worry about me." He said unconcerned.

"No but I do worry about you, all the time, I can't stop. And when I saw you there on that floor, I... I didn't know what to do... I could've lost you."

"But you didn't."

"Draco, can I ask you a question?" I ask pacing the floor in front of his bed, picking anxiously at my nails which were growing shorter by the second.

"Shoot darling." He said with a smile that was bound to drop as soon as I asked my next few words were uttered.

"Is what Harry said true? Did you curse Katie?"

"Ana... I can explain." He closed his book and spoke with a shaky voice.

"Please do. Is that what the necklace was? I saw it in her hand when she was leaving Hogsmede."

"I had to do it." My heart stopped, he was involved, I could feel the hot tears forming in my eyes.

"Why?" I slump myself onto his bed in disbelief.

"I can't tell you." He muttered under his breath, breaking the eye contact I had held since I came in.

"You just said you would explain everything, please I need to know."

"I know and I wish I could but..." He faded out.

"Does this have something to do with that cabinet in the room of requirement? You told me about that but when I asked why you were mending it, you didn't say." He kept his head down, studying the rings on his hands.

"I can't tell you that either."

"Something to do with the second attack? The one on Ron?"

"I... can't." He finally looks up, his eyes filled with sorrow.

"Then what can you tell me Draco, what's with all the secrets?" 

"Ana please, it'll all work itself out." He took my hand in his, his thumb making circles around my palm.

"What will work itself out?"

"Ana... Please just wait."

"No, I can't do that anymore Draco, I can't wait around for you to tell me shit when I know you have no intention on telling me anything at all. You keep all these things and they are starting to freak me out, I have people whispering in my ear that you're the bad guy in the story, that you're doing these horrible things and I am trying my best not to believe them but when you keep these secrets from me, my mind wanders to places I don't want it to, Draco I really need answers. "

"I can't give you the answers you want right now."

"When?" I take my hand away and run it through my wet hair in frustration.

"What?" Confusion spread across his face.

"When will you be able to tell me? Tomorrow? Next Tuesday? Four months from now? Please tell me when."

"I don't know."

"Are you ever going to tell me?"

The silence was deafening making his answer very apparent.

"I really wish you luck with whatever is going on, and I hope that everything works out perfectly, but I can't stand around knowing you're doing something that could hurt people but not know what it is, I won't be left in the dark." I stood up shaking my head slightly as the tears I had held in my eyes began to broke free. I look back one last time to see Draco with his head in his hands riddled with guilt. "I hope it'll all be worth it."

Those were the last words I spoke before walking out of the hospital wing for the final time. I left.

Word Count - 2596

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