myke towers baby

By sweetym16

7K 183 32

a story where a model named Josie meets Myke towers. Little did she know the rollercoaster of events he was g... More

the big day
the night
the night pt2
the morning
Hotel shenanigans
a night in Europe
the text
most likely
the drama
the reveal
go shower
go shower pt2
noche magica
i luv you

day in the life

390 13 4
By sweetym16

* a/n anything in parentheses is a translation from Spanish to english *
we kissed each other. How I've missed those soft
plump lips of his and his scent? was just to die for. He laid me down on the bed never once breaking the kiss. It felt like a passionate moment. 
Mykes POV
i waited all night to finally come and see Josie. I just couldn't believe it when I saw her at the restaurant. I came back to the hotel and waited two hours just so I could see her tonight and surprise her. It was currently 3 a.m which isn't a appropriate time to visit anyone, but I just couldn't wait to see her. Her face lit up when she saw me and she began to blush a little bit. She hugged me and I kissed her. Even though I had kissed her before this moment felt like the very first. I laid her down on to the bed and began to passionately kiss each other. I rubbed my hands down from her back to her waist as her hand laid gently on my face. I never wanted this moment to end. We both smiled into our kiss. "It's three a.m and I know you're tired" I said. She yawned. "Yes go to sleep with me" she said sleepily and smiled. We got under the covers and cuddled one another as she played with my hair. And within the first few minutes we fell asleep. 

Josie's POV
I wake up to the sounds of birds chirping and the light slowly peaking in through the shades that covered the balcony window. The room was nice and cold and when I looked down Michael was laying on my chest all cuddled up with me it was so cute. Waking up to him every morning just might be exactly what I want. I grabbed my phone and it was 8 a.m. I felt Michael sigh and pull me closer to him which felt amazing. I could melt right here in his arms. "Buenos días" I heard him say in his deep raspy morning voice. I said good morning back. We laid there in silence for a few minutes until his laugh broke the silence. "What's the plan for today" he said getting up out of bed. "Meetings on top of meetings" I replied standing up to make my way to the bathroom. Which was the truth. I was going to be having meetings about my job and what's next to come. "I hate those" Michael said. "I have rehearsal today and then my show is tonight. It would mean a lot if you came". He said bringing his hands around my waist and connecting his nose with mine. "You're too cute" he laughed and made his way to the bathroom. I went behind so I can brush my teeth. "I'll think about it" I said. Knowing how busy my schedule was going to be, I couldn't give him a definite yes. I heard a knock on the door and he went to go get it. "Gracias" he said and walked back to the living room. I finished using the bathroom. "Who was it" I said walking into the living room. "I got us breakfast". He said. It was lovely. Heart shaped pancakes, fruits on the side, crepes filled with Belgium chocolate, glasses of orange juice, and lastly some chocolate covered strawberries. "You and these strawberries" I said. "I know how much you love them". Which is true. "Thank you for the breakfast and the surprise on the plane and for surprising me, again, at my hotel room" we both laughed and sat down to eat. "I just think we are meant to be" I was so shocked when he said that but I didn't show it. "What makes you say that"? I asked. "Listen, the thing about me is that I'm not the lovey dovey type but the minute I saw you I just felt this chemistry and it's so hard to deny" he said making me blush. I could see the sincerity in his eyes. I just seemed to love how open he was with me and how we both were able to communicate with each other about our lives, and our emotions. I just didn't want to get to ahead of myself because he seems too good to be true but at the same time after all I've been through I know I deserve a man like him.

"I got you breakfast because I want you to have a very productive day today and you can't really function properly without breakfast" I smiled at him. "Thank you so much" "you're always welcome". He looked down then smiled back at me. "But I know you have to get going and start getting ready for your day ahead of you so I won't get in the way too much" I laughed. He collected his things and started heading out but before he did he gave me a kiss on the forehead. "I'll miss you. Text me" I shut the door and started gushing. As much as I wanted to sit and think about this man all day I knew I had work to do and work to get to. I hopped in the shower and began my day.

Myke's POV
I couldn't stop smiling on my way down to the lobby to make my way to the venue for rehearsal for a few hours. I knew I probably wasn't going to talk to Josie for a while since we both were going to be busy. But I'm just glad that I was able to make her day this morning. I put on my shades. and left. The venue was pretty big and all of these seats were sold out and this is in Europe. I was so excited for this show and super greatful for my fans.

"You're late" said my manager. Knowing damn well I was not late. "Me late? never" we have a love hate relationship. I went around making sure everything was set up the way I wanted it to be set up and saying hi to my team and thanking them for being here today.  We began with sound checking.

Josie's POV
It was already 6 p.m and I was in my last meeting of the day. I was exhausted. I couldn't wait to go back to the room and order food and go take a nap. Depending on how i was feeling i was gonna go to Michael's concert. and to think that this wasn't the only day where I was going to have meetings back to back. I was collecting my stuff to go back to my room and with that I was out.

I made it to my hotel room and ordered food. I got into the shower washed my hair and put on my sleep attire. 

By the time I got out the shower and was done with my hair care routine and putting my hair into twist so they could dry, the room service was at my door. "Thank you" I said. Before I got the chance to close the door the woman asked me for a photo. "Oh wow you're Josie. You look even prettier in person may I get a photo with you, my daughter is a huge fan" i could tell English wasn't her first language. I said thank you and took a few photos with her. "Have a nice evening" I wished her the same and shut the door.

I ate my food and a few minutes later I received a text from Michael.

El show empieza a las 8. ( the show starts at 8) Id love it if you could come.
I'll be there. Send me the addy.
I'll get you in backstage. 🥰 Just say you know Rafa and you're in.
Alright See you there. 💋

I decided to take a nap. And wake up around 8 to be there at 8:45.

Mykes POV
Everything was rolling perfect. Lights were set up good. Mics and speakers were good. And people were coming in, the crowd was loud and seemed ready. The show began With a few mini artists and the crowd was loving it. In a few minutes I would go on. I was nervous bc this was the first time that I know of, that I was gonna be performing in front of Josie. I hoped that they weren't gonna give her an issue getting in backstage but I knew she was gonna make it.

Josie's POV
I was only a few minutes away. I put on one of my favorite casual fits.

I had been escorted through the building through the back and made it to backstage and asked for Rafa. I was let in with my body guard behind me. There was a bunch of snacks and food backstage for the backstage crew. I saw Michael and he was about to go on stage. He had a very nice fit on with shades on. He looked back at me and smiled and he pointed towards where the chocolate covered strawberries were. I looked back at him and he made a heart with his hands before going on stage. I already knew I was going to be here for a while and I also knew that I was about to have a good time and enjoy myself. The crowd was super hype to see him. And he gave me a wink before he started singing si se da. I went to go make myself a drink and I just knew that my night was just starting.

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