
Door _Aquafina

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𝘈 𝘴𝘰𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘈-𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘰 𝘪𝘥𝘰𝘭 "𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺" 𝘰𝘳 𝘓𝘦𝘦 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘨-𝘣𝘢𝘦, 𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘶... Meer

Hard Mango Candy
Baby Boy
Who's Kim?
Hi Mama, Hi Daddy
Family Reunion Never Looked So Bad
I Dont Know You.
The Catch-Up
Bad Romance
Virgin Waters
The Color Purple
Reading Club
Virgin Waters pt.2
Japanese Morning Glory
Say Bye
Japanese Morning Glory Pt. 2
Kill Him, I don't mind, Really!
The Wakabayashi Family Pt.1
Mother Mother
Angel Meets Devil
Lee Hye-Jin
Number One
Blood Bath
Family Dinner, Old Foe's & Lovers
The Past Never Forgets

Errand Boy

265 9 19
Door _Aquafina

Lee Young-Bae.

The definition of an amazing model student.

Has straight A's and a beautiful killer smile.

Great manners and his parents were filthy rich. He was respectable and a great son. Who wouldn't love him?

Jade Kim had always seen the boy walking around with his big social circle. Giving girls and boys alike his smile making them fall for him left and right, just like his older siblings.

The 15-year-old brunette often stayed to himself. Never even dared to come across any of the cool kids, he was afraid they hate him and start to bully him more than people already do.

Sitting alone in the corner of the lunchroom, near the trash cans Jade ate in silence. Keeping his head low and bag covering his food that he was eating.

He was a shy eater and hated to eat in front of people.

Loud laughter interrupted his silence and he looked up seeing a pretty popular boy and a small group of girls laughing.

Hyun-Woo. Out of everyone he seemed to be the most legitimate nice popular person at this school. His smile was pure, and he was from a modest family.

His dad worked at a famous idol agency as a shareholder, his older brother was a producer, and his sister was a famous ice skater. His mom, a stay-at-home mother taking care of his youngest brother.

They must have been proud of their kids.

Jade wished his parents would be proud of him one day. 

Hyun-Woo stopped laughing with Rose a nice girl with a peachy complexion and look his way. "Hey Jade, right? Class 45? Here you can have this, I don't want it." He handed over a hot cinnamon bun wrapped in pink see through paper.

Jade's family couldn't really afford stuff like that so he with big eyes thanked him and took the treat putting his head back down.

"You know if your ever lonely. You can hang out with us, we're pretty chill people." The group waved by to him walking away.

Woah. No way. I better hide it before they see-

"Whatcha got Jae bear?" A boy asked sliding next to him taking the bun with a pop of his lips. He had shoulder length black hair and dark brown eyes that held nothing but mischief.

"N-nothing Minho." "Hm looks like my favorite snack doesn't it guys?" 2 boys behind him laughed along with 3 other girls that had short skirts and pitch-black hair.

"Won't you be a good friend and give this one to me?" He asked getting in Jade's face smiling. "Sure-sure. You can have it all." He mumbled scooting his plate over and getting up from the table in a hurry.

"HEY, I WASNT DONE HAVING FUN!" He yelled catching the whole
Lunchroom's attention.

Jade's face went red, and he started to run. "Bitch get back here!" He yelled chasing after the boy along with his other friends.

Running through the school he hid in bathrooms and empty classrooms but somehow Minho almost always got his hands on him.

Finally, he hid in a storage room, hearing their footsteps fade away slowly he sighed heavily walking out of the closet and running out the exit and over to the next building for 7th period.

He could see the silver double doors only a few feet away, but he was yanked by his collar and thrown to the floor behind the school with force.

"I won't lie. I haven't ran that much since...never." He laughed bending to hold Jade to the ground.

"I'm sorry-just let me go this once-I gave-I have you all of my food that's all I have!" He put his hands and up and Minho stood up.

"Eh it's fine. Just keep bringing me milk every day and we'll be good. I just wanted to have some fun." He smiled walking away, but two boys and 2 girls stayed.

"Seems like min's homo ass has gone soft for the nerd. Isn't that a shame?" One boy asked taking Minho's place as he bent down.

"Minho left me-why won't you-" a slap was sent across his face and his glasses flew off and onto the ground.

"Look here you piece of shit. I know you like Minho and you probably wanna fuck him but he's mine. I can make him straight again. Just one look at my body and he'll be done with your ass!" One of the girls that slapped him shouted stepping on his fingers with her heavy solid schoolgirl schools breaking some of his bones definitely.

He screamed. "I don't even like boys-" he defended voice becoming high and face red.

"Yeah, sure your just as gay as I am straight. Fucking perv, wait till all the girls in the school know what a sneaky little shit you are." She grabbed his non broken hand and forcefully placed it on her chest.

He screamed pulling away but a clicking sound caught his attention. "See your so gay you don't even like boobs. What a fucking joke, let's go. I can feel the homosexuality seeping through the air." They laughed walking away.

"Oh, I forgot!" One girl screamed running back.

She grabbed the glasses that he was just about to pick up and threw them down jumping with both feet on the expensive red glasses.

He hissed when she stopped, and he couldn't even tell they were once glasses. Now just plastic and a bunch of shattered glass.

"That's for rejecting one of my friends last year." She giggled running away.

"Sh-shit." He cursed trying to stand up and ignore the pain in his hand, but it was unbearable.

Reaching over he tried to carefully salvage whatever was left of his glasses, but he just ended up cutting himself and bleeding.

"Why didn't you fight back?" A high-pitched feminine voice asked from behind him. Without his glasses he could not see who was talking to him.

But it was definitely a boy, and he was leaning on the wall with something in his mouth.

He came closer once the boy noticed he couldn't see and laughed.

"What was I supposed to do?" "Your taller and you're not much more muscular than Minho you know. Those bitches you could have just slapped, your hands...well when they weren't unusable you could have definitely slapped them." He laughed grabbing Jade's arm tightly and helping him up.

Then he could finally see clearly who it was, and his heart skipped a beat.

A smiley Lee Young-Bae stood in front of him looking up at him with an amused expression. His pink full lips curved into a smile and sharp light amber eyes shining like honey in the sunlight, long black eyelashes complimenting his rosy cheeks. Pale blonde hair covering his eyebrows and shaping his perfect face.

"I think you look better without glasses. Whatever your name is." He chuckled looking down at the broken glasses.

"Those looked expensive. You blind?" He asked biting down on the lollipop in his mouth, breaking it into a bunch of pieces. They got stuck on his lips and Jade couldn't help but stare, ignoring his question.

"...are you deaf too?" "Wha? No, I'm sorry, I'm not blind I just can't see very far that's all." He laughed awkwardly looking down at his hands and biting his lip.

"Wanna go to the nurse?" He shook his head. "Thank you, Young-Bae, for helping me up. I'll just grab some band-aids from the office really quick." He bowed walking away confused and squinting.

"What a fucking charity case. Let's go four eyes." He grabbed him by his bag handle dragging him behind, to the nurse.

Jade didn't fight it and he let the smaller boy boss him around and guide him through the halls even though he hit some sharp corners a few times Young-Bae only laughed and apologized when that happened.

His laugh is nice. It's like a girl, smooth pretty and effortless.

The smaller of the two opened the door to the nurse's office helping Jade inside, seeing the trail of blood left by the cuts on his hand he sighed.

The nurse turned around dropping her pen and paper rushing to Jade.

"Oh my god Jade what happened to you?" Young-Bae tilted his head. "You know her?" He asked and jade looked uncomfortable.

"This...this is-" he paused looking at her before stuttering again. "I'm his stepmothers' sister." She smiled kindly but something was off.

Luckily Young-Bae could smell bullshit from a mile away. "Cool. He broke his glasses, some jerk riding a bike hit him and ran." Jade looked back at him but the older was already walking away. For some reason he had the sudden urge to call out his name and ask him to stay but his thoughts were interrupted when the nurse spoke. 

"Are you okay Jade. Is what he said true?" She asked coming close to him and reaching for his hand. He jerked back shaking slightly.

"Don't touch me-please. Why did you even transfer to my school...I don't want you here." She pouted. "That hurts my feelings love. Come I'm going to clean it and wrap your hands then you can leave. And I won't tell our father you broke your glasses they were really expensive...if you do something for me..." she trailed off looking at him from the side.


Jade stumbles out of the nurse's office and looked disheveled. "You good now?" He looked down seeing Young-Bae sitting right outside of the room.

He wonders if he heard anything.

"Yeah. Thanks, again, bye." "How do you plan to get to class without any help. And no glasses? And explain that to your parents." He asked curiously standing up walking besides him.

"Your kindness has gone far enough for me. I'll worry about everything else on my own." Young-Bae frowned letting him go.

"Fine. But if you bump into Minho's rouge minions again, how are you going to fight them if you can't see shit?" " problem not yours." He smiled sweetly walking away.

Young-Bae almost felt for him.


What a fucking loser.


Walking from school Jade held tight to his backpack and stumbled over an eroded piece of cement caused by the tree growing under.

"Shit." He cursed standing up having to use his sore hands.

Finally wobbling up the stairs to his apartment he painfully grabbed his keys and unlocked his door.

The smell of smoke filled his nose. Though it sounds kind of crazy to say, he loves that smell. It's's home. So, he takes a big whiff and sighs closing the door behind him.

"Jae hunny is that you?" His mom screamed coming around the corner. He hummed walking to meet her halfway. Her brown long hair was in a high ponytail, and she had a mole on her face like Amy Winehouse.

"Oh-where are your glasses sweets? You know you can't see without them-and-AH your hands what-what?!"Jade cupped his mother's beautiful face gently not to hurt himself.

"Mama I'm okay, some guy on a bike accidentally hit me I scraped my hand and the wheel rode over my fingers that's all. My glasses are in my bag I got a headache during chemistry class." She looked unsure but nodded kissing both his hands.

"Be careful. On my way from work tomorrow morning I will bring a few things to patch your cuts up and wrap your hands better. I would take you to the doctors or at least a clinic but-you know we can't pay to visit a doctor and your father...canceled our medical insurance. But I'll make it up to you, okay?" Jade nodded

"Your face is a little red too...did you fall?" He nodded. "Alright, put some ice on it I made dinner and make some tea for yourself. Wait your hands. I'll just call the neighbor I think she has a nephew maybe he can come over and help?" He nodded again.

"Be good. I'll call her now. Bye I love you so much my Jae baby. Please be careful!" She shouts blue scrubs disappearing out the door

He groaned falling onto the couch. A sting pinched his butt and he shouted sitting up grabbing the needle from under him.

His mother was an addict.

She was a hard-worker and was working several extra shifts to keep them above water. After his parents got divorced his dad showed mercy and gave his mother 90,000$ to save for Jade or whenever they were in a tight space.

With her job she could be stable with the money given, also pay for him since he got sick a lot, had asthma and needed high prescription glasses that costed a lot.

Maybe even after all of that she could save some for the side. But she didn't. She spent it on coke, alcohol and fancy clothing that she eventually couldn't fit after losing weight.

Not once did she think about her son.

He doesn't resent her for it. She's trying to make up for it.

He would go live with his father but then he'd have to see them all the time.

So, he learned to deal with it. Never once bringing it up to him or mentioning it in an argument with his mother.

Suddenly the doorbell rang he thought it must be the neighbors' kid, so he rushed throwing the needles and white powder covered cards in a bag then in the closet before walking over to the door.

"Sorry I had to-I had to-to..." He trailed off eyes settling on who the boy was. "Oh Jade! Hey, what happened to your hands I saw you at lunch and you were fine." Hyun-Woo asked inviting himself inside.

Jade was shocked but moved out the way closing the door. "Oh, bike accident." "OH okay, your mom told my aunt you needed help since your hands need to heal. Do you need me to do anything?" Jade shook his head trying to lock the door, but his hand burned making it difficult.

"You don't have to lie you know." He smiled walking up to him and locking the door they were so close he could feel his breath on his neck.

"Let's see, you hungry or thirsty?" He clapped walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge.

"Uhm peanut butter and jelly please? With tea." Hyun-Woo nodded patting his thighs.

Jade sat in silence while Hyun heated up the water for tea and started spreading peanut butter over one side of bread.

"So, you're in my grade that makes you...16 maybe 15?"Jade nodded. "I'm 16." "Did you enjoy the bun I gave you this afternoon? That was all I had hopefully you weren't allergic to cinnamon." He turned around concerned.

"No-no I love cinnamon. "Hyun-Woo smiles at that finishing the sandwich and cutting of the crust.

"You cut...the crust?" He asked eyes big as he placed the food down. "Oh-do you not like that?" "No. My mom always does that thank you." He mumbled picking it up with difficulty.

"Want me to feed you?" "NO! I mean no thank you, you've done enough for me."

He just laughed sitting the opposite of him. "Hey. Your parents are pretty wealthy so why are you living in this part of town?" Jade asked wiping the corner of his mouth.

"My aunt lives there. My parents heard good things about our school but didn't want to
move to be in the district so I've been staying with her recently." Jade hummed.

"Cool." He mumbled. "You're really shy, aren't you?" The younger asked from across the table. Jade nodded. "I could help you with that. I'm a pretty friendly person." "Thank you but I'm fine. I like to stay to myself."

"Too bad. I'd love to show you off in front of the school, anyways the tea is done. "Jade was still processing what he had said.

Show ME off? As in... like a girlfriend?

After finishing his food and getting help from Hyun-Woo to finish his homework the nice neighbor went back to the house next door and Jade laid down.

What am I going to tell ma about my glasses? We can't afford another...guess I'm going to be blind.

He tried to laugh but couldn't and sighed turning onto his chest looking out the opened window.

The sky was dark blue, and you could only see few stars. It was peaceful and he liked that. Though it was comforting to have the cars honk and the music from nearby club's play, while lights from the buildings shin through his half down curtains making weird shaped and colorful designs on his plain grey walls.

To his surprise when he woke up Hyun-Woo was at his door asking to help him with anything and offered to walk him to school.

Who was he to refuse someone so nice, so he agreed and held onto his arm while walking though he insisted on more space between them Hyun-Woo was set on having Jade hold him closely. Saying it was in case he got hurt or if he missed something and Jade fell. So, the older gave up and walked into school with Hyun-Woo's arm and his wrapped around each other.

There was a few stares and whispers, but each time Hyun-Woo looked over they'd stop.

There's no way a cute, adorable boy like him was attracted to boys. It didn't fit him.

"This is your first class, right? How come you didn't want to eat, aren't you hungry?" Jade shook his head.

"I rarely eat breakfast. Thank you for walking me all the way here. I must have been a pain stumbling over stuff." He laughed rubbing his neck with the back of his hand.

"Nope not at all. I used to work at a nursing home so old ladies and men used to always hold onto me and crap. I don't really mind; I work out a lot, so I guess it's in my favor. "Jade looked him up and down before nodding and blushing.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Well thank you I'll see you around Hyun-Woo." The younger smiled walking away waving to a few teachers and smiling at students.

It made him think how he and Young-Bae held the same titles but acted so differently in private. Hyun-Woo was actually the bubbly kid he was in school and in front of people while the small bit of Young-Bae he saw he wasn't as precious as he looked in the halls.

He was rougher and kind of sadistic towards the whole issue the other day.

He brushed it off and sat in the back of the classroom, Hyun-Woo applied medicine to his cuts and it wasn't as painful to hold things anymore and was making a good recovery even after only a day.

His classes went by fast, and no one really messed with him. Matter of fact he didn't see Minho or any of his friends that whole day.

So, at lunch time when someone walked up to him and sat on the table in front of his food, he suspected Minho or one of the girls since the hips were wide.

He stopped eating the bun Hyun-Woo gave him (again) and kept his head low holding it out for Minho.

"I'm not a big fan of cinnamon but since you're offering." Young-Bae chuckled leaning over the table and keeping eye contact with a stunned Jade as he bit off a piece of the bun, chewing it before leaning back.

"Ugh! And for good reason." He exclaimed spitting it out into an empty carton of milk.

"Sorry I didn't know." Jade mumbled continuing to eat it, purposely biting the piece Young-Bae had once laid his lips on. It left a small print of clear ChapStick or lip gloss.

"Eh it's cool I don't really like buns anyways. I like...candy better. Sidetracked. Here you go." He pulled out a black shinny case from his bag handing it over to Jade.

"What's this?" He asked squinting. "Open it and you'll find out...four eyes." He flicked the tip of Jade's nose smiling in his face waiting as he opened the case, gasping once he saw the inside contents.

"For me?" Young-Bae bit his lip nodding. "Ya like? They're just like the old ones but better and I'm pretty sure the same prescription if not I can take them back-" "no it's perfect." He slipped the shiny red glasses onto his face smiling with cute dimples that Young-Bae never saw before.

"They are amazing. Thank you, how much were they I can maybe pay you back I don't have much." Young-Bae chuckled coming closer.
"You don't have to pay me with money, I know you're like a rat. Living off trash baby cakes. So, I have a proposal." Jade hummed sitting up straight ready to hear what Young-Bae had to say.

"Be my errand boy."

"Errand boy? What do you mean-" "I mean, I've done much for you...where is Minho and his friends? Or the homophobic girls that broke your fingers and glasses? I'm like your fairy god mother. So, in return you be my errand boy. I believe it's a good deal." He smirked eyes flashing a color of red and greed.

Jade gulped. "What do I have to do?" He asked shakily. "Nothing major. Get me Mango milk-in the peach-colored glass. Candy from the store across the street. My homework on occasions when I'm busy which isn't a lot and finally, follow me around everywhere like a... little puppy. What do you say? Or I can just take myself back to my table and call the superintend and tell him that he's arrested the wrong kids for selling drugs."

Jade shook his head. "I'll do it." Young-Bae smiled ear from ear.

He did that all for me?

I'd do anything for you Lee Young-Bae. You've saved me.

Young-Bae jumped off the table. "Hey errand boy, get me some milk will Ya?" He asked throwing a 5$ bill on the table walking away.

Jade scrambled to collect his things and the money rushing to the counter.

I'm in debt to you forever.

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