Devil of Remnant

By HotDorRod

398K 5.4K 10.9K

Vergil; the Son of Sparda. Dark Slayer. Alpha and Omega. Devil in a Blue Coat. He has been given many names... More

Bio Update
Yet Another Bio Update
Vergil's DxD Bio
DxD 1
DxD 2
DxD 3
DxD 4
DxD 5
DxD 6 Pt. 1
DxD 6 Pt. 2
DxD Bio Update
DxD 7
DxD Filler: Issei's Punishments
DxD 8 Pt. 1
DxD 8 Pt. 2
DxD 8 Pt. 3
Vergil Ability Update
Vergil Harem Update
A/N: Thank You!
10K Special: Surprise Party
10K Special: Berserker's Dance
10K Special: Cat's Shadow
10K Special: Royal Test
10K Special: Drooping Rose
RWBY Harem Update #2
Hold Up
A/N: Thank You Again!
30K Special: Halloween Dance
30K Special: Christmas Day
100K Celebration
100K Vote Results
100K Special: Beach Day
RWBY Teaser
RWBY 36: Rebound
RWBY 37: Power
RWBY 38: Test
RWBY 39: Embrace
200K Celebration
200K Vote Results
200K Special: RWBY/DxD
RWBY 40: Brothers
Teaser to Sequel


3.8K 64 31
By HotDorRod

Mission 19:
Infiltrate the evil and take back what was stolen.


Vergil: I'll be back before the next match.

As he stands across from RWBY in the courtyard, Vergil holds Yamato angled upwards, the sheathed blade aimed at the sky.

Vergil: It's something I have to take care of, but it may take a long while.

Blake: Okay...but do you have to leave so early?

Vergil: The sooner, the better. I've actually been preparing for this for a few days now. If I strike now, I can find what I'm looking for. I wish I didn't have to leave so frequently, but...these things are out of my control.

Weiss: Alright...just come back soon.

He kisses each of their heads, and gives them a reassuring smile.

Vergil: When I come back, expect a pleasant surprise.

They look at him in slight confusion, before nodding.

Ruby: Uh, okay.

Yang: safe, please.

He gives them a nod, and walks into the bullhead as it lifts off. Flying away from Beacon, Vergil looks at RWBY as they get smaller and smaller, and he looks straight forward while taking a deep breath.

Vergil: (It's time.)


Two whole days has passed since Vergil left Vale. Awakening from his sleep, Vergil stands up from his seat. Looking out the window, he notices they are now flying over a giant forest. He walks over to the pilot with Yamato in hand.

Vergil: This is my stop. You can head back now.

Bullhead Pilot: Are you sure, young man? This is in the middle of no where. There's not a city around here for miles.

Vergil: It's fine.

Before the pilot could respond, Vergil leaps off the bullhead, diving towards the trees. Right when he's about to crash into one, he literally carves a path through them with Yamato. Rolling up onto his feet, he dusts off his shoulders and wipes away the snow off his clothes.

Vergil: It's better you get away from here as fast as possible. After all, this isn't a place for simple humans.

He begins to make his way through the forest, as the sky is covered by large grey clouds. As he does, he takes note of the eerie silence, and lack of movement around him.

Vergil: (How strange...well, makes my job easier.)

After a few hours of walking, Vergil finds a slightly broken down structure, looking similar to a gate. Above it is a sign, reading "To enter the dark, you must not fear what could be in the shadows".

He chuckles to himself before sighing in disappointment.

Vergil: Ha, this is utterly ridiculous.

He slashes the air between the gate, creating a portal. Walking right through, Vergil finds himself in a very, very different terrain.

Vergil: Hm, the land of foreboding.

He looks further in the distance, and notices a towering castle looming over the land.

Vergil: I'm guessing that's where you are. Heh, way to make things rather straight forward.

He starts walking towards the giant structure, while decapitating two Ursa Majors that were running at him. While strolling through the barren wasteland, he notices a large pool of black liquid. As he gazes at it, Grimm begins to emerge from the liquid, from beowolves, to death stalkers, to bulky beringel.

Vergil: (How disgusting.)

He continues to move towards the tower, when the black pools begin to bubble more. Suddenly, a giant Grimm erupts from the liquid, roaring and causing a wide tremor.

The Wyvern flaps it's wings, and rises into the air when it spots Vergil. It roars again, and launches a wave of black fire at him. Sidestepping the attack, Vergil rockets upwards after the corrupt dragon, and slashes downward on its head, leaving a large gash on its armored skull. Bellowing in what was either rage or pain, it uses it's wings to move back away from Vergil, and a viscous tar-like liquid dribbles from its belly, dropping onto the ground. The next moment, lesser Grimm are spawned from where the liquid dropped. A few beowolf alphas are spawned from the liquid the Wyvern dropped, and they snarl at Vergil as their eyes glow red. Groaning in irritation, he rubs his neck.

Vergil: I don't have time for games.

Pulling his Devil Trigger, he runs right through the alphas and, with Force Edge, launches a large black shockwave at the Wyvern. It gets knocked out of the sky and crashes into the ground, the impact making an earthquake.

Vergil: (Tch, that's going to alarm them. Need to get past their defenses.)

After crushing the dragon Grimm's skull with a Lunar Phase 2, Vergil runs towards the castle, Yamato back in his grip.


Finally arriving at the castle entrance, Vergil sighs as he looks back to where he came from. Bodies of different Grimm are piled on top of each other, from beringel to nevermore, before they soon dissolve into black smoke. Turning to the entrance, he goes to walk up the steps when he senses a presence approaching from the top of the staircase.

???: That's quite far enough.

Hazel Rainart reveals himself as he approaches Vergil, his towering form staring down at the swordsman.

Vergil: Get out of my way.

Hazel: I'm afraid I can't do that. Orders from our queen to put you down. Though, I don't wish to fight you. Be smart, and walk away.

Narrowing his eyes at the large man, Vergil looks down at Yamato, before gazing back up at him.

Vergil: If you know what...or rather who I'm here for, then you should know I'm not going anywhere until I have retrieved her.

Sighing, Hazel crosses his arms when another voice rings out from behind him.

???: What are you doing, Hazel?! If you're not gonna kill him, leave the honor to me!

Suddenly, Tyrian Callows leaps up from behind Hazel, and lunges at Vergil. Quickly blocking the crazy man's attack with Yamato's scabbard, he pushes him off. Cackling madly, Tyrian does a dramatic bow as a scorpion tail swings behind him.

Tyrian: Ah, truly an honor to meet you, Vergil Sparda! Unfortunately, you are not welcome here, so we'll be guiding you back to wherever you came from.

Vergil: Well, you already know I'm not going voluntarily, so you'll have to force me.

Unsheathing Yamato, he points the tip at Hazel and Tyrian as he smirks.

Vergil: One way or another, I'm getting in that castle. If I take your heads with me, that's just fine.

(DMC5:SE OST - Bury The Light Alt. Version)

A chasire cat grin forming on his lips, Tyrian claps hastily.

Tyrian: Yes, yes, I was hoping you'd say that! Come on, Hazel! It's time we entertain our guest!

Sighing to himself, Hazel shrugs.

Hazel: ...Very well.

He grabs a couple of yellow dust crystals from the satchel on his waist, and stabs them into his forearms. From a gruff and humble man to an enraged animal, he roars to the skies as yellow electricity jolts around his arms. Looking back to Vergil, he growls before rushing towards him with inhuman speed. With interlocked hands, Hazel attempts to crush him in one hit, but a block from Vergil using Beowulf prevents that from happening. Behind him, Tyrian swings at Vergil with his wrist blades that resemble scorpion pincers. Using his other hand to catch the attack, Vergil tosses Tyrian away, and pump kicks Hazel, but it barely phased the man. He slides back slightly, but shrugs off the attack before charging at Vergil like an angry goliath. At the last second, Vergil jumps up, and targets Hazel's blindspot as he rockets downwards with Starfall, nailing the man between his broad shoulders with a falling stomp. Hazel crumbles to a knee as he barely catches himself, but Tyrian quickly returns to combat, while cackling like a psychopath. He jumps forward into a handless front flip before bringing his blades down towards Vergil's head. Before he could make contact, Vergil summons Yamato and locks his katana with Tyrian's weapon.

Vergil: Stand aside!

With speed visually similar to teleportation, Vergil disappears and reappears a distance away from Tyrian, and launches multiple Judgement Cuts, but the scorpion faunus is limber enough to avoid the slashes. Twin small barrels appear from his blades, and he fires at Vergil with small bullets while running towards him. With no effort needed, Vergil spins Yamato forward, catching every single bullet in the air. Lining them up on the ground, he sends them right back at Tyrian, who wasn't expecting the return. He gets pelted by his own attack, and runs behind Hazel, who was now back on his feet. With an echoing bellow, fire envelops his hands, and he launches multiple balls of flames at Vergil, who deflects the projectiles and sends them into the air. Unsheathing Force Edge, he rushes at Hazel, and assaults the berserker with pinpoint accuracy, breaking down his Aura before Force Edge starts radiating a black energy, as Vergil swings forward and launches a black shockwave similar to the one he used on the Wyvern. The wave of energy collides with Hazel, launching him back a good distance away. Then, from out of no where, Tyrian uses his scorpion tail to wrap around Vergil's arm, and disarms the swordsman as Yamato flies out of his grip, embedding itself into the ground. Slapping his head, Tyrian giggles like a child with a mischievous plan.

Tyrian: Oh, dear! Just what will you do without your katana--

Before he could finish, Vergil appears in front of him, and punches the faunus square in the face with a fully charged straight from Beowulf, destroying his aura and breaking his nose in the process. With the madman now knocked out, Vergil goes to his katana as it sticks out of the ground. But as he is retrieving Yamato, Vergil is ran over by Hazel, who attempts to stomp on his chest while he is down. Rolling out of the way, Vergil watches as he creates a large crater with his foot. Looking behind him, Hazel glares menacingly while clenching his fists.

Hazel: You are only delaying the inevitable. If you know what's good for you, you will turn around and leave while it is still possible.

Smirking darkly, Vergil shakes his head slowly, while activating Devil Trigger.

Vergil: You've wasted my time enough. Now, I'll be taking Summer.

Before Hazel could retort, Vergil suddenly teleports in front of him, and stabs Yamato through his large midsection, piercing right through his remaining aura. Shouting in pain, the large man coughs blood, before Vergil equips Beowulf, and connects with a hard hitting Rising Dragon, a brutal aerial uppercut. Finishing his attack with a Lunar Phase 2, Vergil slams his foot into Hazel's gut, and he is planted into the ground. Landing back on his feet, Vergil dusts his shoulders off while looking at his two broken opponents.

Vergil: You were not worthy as my opponents.

With that, he resumes his original plan as he strolls into Salem's headquarters.


As he walks through the halls of the Grimm Queen's castle, Vergil grips Yamato tightly as he is cautious, being wary of his surroundings and being careful of any traps. Soon, he comes across large, twin wooden doors. In the blink of an eye, he slashes the doors to pieces, revealing a dimly lit dungeon, stone steps leading down. As he walks down the staircase, Vergil notes the chains and small cages hanging from the ceiling. He walks further in, and notices a figure chained to the wall. Scars, burn marks, and small lacerations cover a majority of their body. As he gets closer, Vergil realizes who it is.

Vergil: (Summer...)

He remembers the description Yang and Ruby gave him about Summer. With that black hair and red tips, practically the exact same as Ruby's, there was no mistaking it. They must have been starving her, as she is dangerously pale and skinny. They also didn't give her any clothes, leaving her shivering to the cold wind in the dungeon. Though he was shocked by the state she was in, Vergil shakes off the feeling as he slashes the chains from her wrists, freeing her from her bounds. She falls forward, and Vergil gently catches her as he holds her.

Vergil: Summer. Summer Rose, can you hear me?

Very slowly, she groggily lifts her head, and barely opens her eyes. Now knowing for a fact that Summer is a silver-eyed warrior, Vergil also notices her eyes are dim, almost void of any life.

Summer: W-who....who are you?

Vergil: My name is Vergil. I'm getting you out of here.

He takes his jacket off, and wraps it around Summer as he lifts her up bridal style.

Vergil: It'll be okay. You're gonna see your daughter again.

Though it was almost invisible, Vergil sees a lone tear slide down her cheek as she quivers.

Summer: R-R-Ruby? I could see my b-baby girl again?

Vergil: That's right...dammit, they're already coming.

He hears the sounds of rushing footsteps approaching from above, and looks back to Summer.

Vergil: It won't be safe if we walk out now, so we'll exit through a portal. So rest easy, I'll wake you up when we are away from here.

With a reassuring nod, he gently closes her eyes, and she soon passes out. While holding Summer with one arm, Vergil unsheathes Yamato, and swings in an X shape, cutting through reality and forming a portal. As he walks through, he hears the angry and fear inducing scream from Salem, as he narrowly avoids multiple black tendrils attempting to wrap around his body.


In Ozpin's office, Goodwitch feels a sensation down her spine. She glances at the headmaster of Beacon, who is sipping from his coffee mug.

Goodwitch: Er, Ozpin?

Ozpin: Yes, Glynda?

Goodwitch: Do you...feel that?

Before Ozpin could answer, a blue-colored X appears in the space in front of Ozpin's desk. It opens outwards, while the two become alarmed. But then he recognizes the portal.

Ozpin: Wait, Glynda. That's no enemy.

In a moment, Vergil appears from the portal, holding Summer in his arms.

Goodwitch: Mr. Sparda? What are you..?

She looks at who he's holding, and instantly drops her riding crop as she holds a hand over her mouth. Tears begin to flow from her eyes as she stares in utter shock.

Goodwitch: O-oh my God...i-is that?

Ozpin stands up from his desk, a similar expression donning on his face.

Ozpin: My Oum...

With a glare, Vergil stares at Ozpin.

Vergil: You have a lot of explaining to do.

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