
By barbiessssss21

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New Story!


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By barbiessssss21

DDLG WARNING! If you're not comfortable with ddlg don't read this chapter and wait for the next one! Search it up if you don't know what it means!💕

Feel free to correct any mistakes you find!


Charlie and Lora above ☝︎︎
(Not what they were wearing!)
3rd POV:

"Earth?" Azealah questioned.

Meredith gave it a thought before realizing how good of an idea it is.

"Yes, Earth! Lucifer would never suspect that Azron will go back to earth."

Azealah quickly realized that Earth must have been the place where Azron lost his control and they locked him up in prison after.

Meredith quickly got up from the bed after quickly informing the couple she is going to get a few things from her room.

Azealah immediately turned around in her mate's arms right after the door closed shut after Meredith went out. She brought her hands up and cupped his cheeks while giving him a worried look.

"Are you sure you want to go back there? We can always ask my mother for help." She questioned him with so much concern that Azron's heart grew in size, ready to grow his love for her.

He leaned down and gave her a peck on her lips as he couldn't hold himself back anymore.

"I'll be fine Flower. As long as you're with me, I'm fine." He answered her.

Azealah gave him an uneasy look, doubting him but dropped it once a naughty smile lit upon his face.

"No! Azron don't give me that look! Let's pack and then go." Azealah said quickly while getting out of her mate's arms before he'd start devouring her.

Azron groaned from the bed annoyed that he couldn't live on his bed with his mate for the rest of their lives. His Flower walked to the other side of the room, still in her sheer nightdress that Azron put on her last night before she fell asleep.

Azron sat in the bed on his stomach and put his chin on both of his plans while his elbows held him. He predatorily watched his Flower's ašś bounce with every step. Azealah turned around and Azron smiled giddily again her while motioning for her to turn back around using his left hand.

Azealah giggled out loud as a blush adorably coated her cheeks but she still turned around and continued to walk towards their closest.

"A coat is all you need Flower." Called out Azron from the same spot as he knew if she needed anything, he'll just get it for her with a snap of his fingers, literally.

Azealah subconsciously nodded her head and started looking for a coat.

It took her a little while but she eventually found a white cozy coat at the very end of the closet. She brought it out and Azron's face immediately lit up with a smile again as he looked at his Flower.

"We'll have to transport there." Stated Azron and Azealah nodded her head.

She quickly put on the coat while trying to calm her nerves at the thought of being in an unfamiliar place. Azron was quick to feel her nerves as he got off the bed and hugged her tightly against his body. He felt her body relax as soon as he touched her and that made him feel good.

Meredith entered the room without knocking on the door which caused Azron to growl lowly at her disrespect. Meredith simply smiled sheepishly while scratching the back of her head, fully knowing Azron can't do anything to her while his mate is around.

"I have someone on Earth who has promised their loyalty to me." Meredith said as she fixed the sleeves of her jacket.

Azron gave a single nod and Meredith stepped closer. Since she was the one that knew the place, she had to be the one to transport them.

Azealah closed her eyes and leaned further into her Demon mate who gladly welcomed her. She felt a sudden weather change and was immediately thankful for the coat that kept her warm a bit.

The weather suddenly changed again to a warm and homey atmosphere and it made Azealah want to open her eyes. She didn't though. Too afraid of being anywhere other than Heaven and Hell.

She hugged Azron's body closer to her as she heard an unfamiliar voice, "Meredith! What a pleasant surprise!"

The voice was deep and had a dark aura around it which can easily be identified as a Demon's natural aura.

"Charlie! I brought some company here if you don't mind." Meredith answered.

Azealah heard some shuffling which made her immediately nuzzle her face in her mate's body.

"Of course not! The more the merrier." The same unknown voice answered.

"This is Azron and his mate, Azealah," Meredith informed.

Azealah heard a gasp, "The Azron and Azealah? Wow." The voice sounded surprised and then just breathed out the "wow".

"Yep. The one and only couple that drove everyone insane." Joked Meredith.

"Nice to meet you, sir." Charlie nodded respectfully towards Azron who gave one stiff nod in return.

"Azealah." He addressed again which caused her to squirm with her eyes still shut closed.

Azron liked Charlie. He was respectful and didn't show an ounce of fear when he was introduced which made Azron get great respect for him. Although he's a Demon, his face and body language looked very inviting and friendly.

"She's a shy one." Azron addressed as Azealah constantly pulled him closer. He definitely didn't want people to think his Flower was a rude girl.

Charlie just gave a chuckle and waved his hands in a don't worry about it manner, "My little one is just as shy. In fact, she's probably hiding right now. Girls who hide don't get cookies."

His voice raised a bit at the end to make his girl and Azron's mate hear him. He loved her with every bit of his body even though she wasn't his mate. He was created to be a Demon worrier on Earth and don't have a mate.

Azealah immediately took her face away from Azron's body as she wanted to be good and get a cookie. The man in front of her smiled warmly at her which caused her cheeks to flush red.

Azron would've had anyone's head disconnected from their bodies who make his Angel blush other than him but Charlie gave a strict brotherly look which put Azron at ease.

Loud but tiny footsteps were heard in a rushed manner and a small girl appeared. Her dark hair was in a mess as she ran right into Charlie's waiting arms. She hid a bit of her face in his chest while gazing curiously around the room. Azealah couldn't smell a Demon nor an Angel when the girl came in so she knew that the girl is a human.

"Lora meet Azron, Meredith, and Azealah. They're going to stay with us for a few days." Charlie introduced as he pointed at each person individually. (A/N: Picture of Charlie and Lora are at the beginning of this chapter!)

"Nice to meet you." Lora squeaked out quickly and Meredith smiled at her warmly.

"Nice to meet you too," Meredith answered her.

Charlie moved a bit so that a shy Lora was standing in front.

"How about you show Azealah your room while the rest of us have a talk." Charlie suggested and looked at Azron making sure it was okay with him.

Azron looked down at Azealah and she gave him a nod as she wanted to know the girl who dressed similarly to her. Azron looked back to Charlie and gave him a nod.

"Okay daddy." Lora said while turning around and Charlie gave her a peck on her lips while motioning for her to get going with his head.

Azron gave Charlie a horrified look and before he could hold Azealah, she slipped away from him and followed the human girl.

"You're her father?" Asked Azron as he tried to hold himself together.

Charlie gave him a disgusted look before laughing, "Oh absolutely not! I'm her lover!" He answered as if it's obvious.

"But she just called you daddy." Answered Azron bluntly.

"Yes, she did. But that doesn't mean I'm her father and it also doesn't mean I'm a pedophile either. It's just a way for Lora to be in her little innocent world whenever she likes and have me take care of her until she's ready to be big again. She's usually a little and I don't mind." Charlie explained and in which he just got a nod from Azron as an answer.

Azron found this to be weird but this wasn't his world so he'll just deal with it.

"So what brought you guys here?" Questioned Charlie as he moved to the kitchen to get some cookies for the girl.

"I'm Lucifer's mate." Blurted out Meredith and a heavy silence took place for a while.

"Explanation?" Asked Charlie although he knew Meredith didn't have to answer him, she wanted to so she started telling him everything.

In Lora's room:

Azealah stood there awkwardly as she had no idea what to do. A little doll caught her eye though and she wanted to play with it but she wanted to ask Lora first.

Lora saw Azealah eyeing her favorite doll. She's never let anyone else touch it except for her daddy.

"You can play with it." Lora surprised herself by saying that. She couldn't help but want to befriend the Angel as she didn't seem to judge her room at all.

Azealah smiled lightly at Lora and went to the doll and started to play with its hair.

"I'm Azealah." She introduced herself more properly.

"I'm Lora. Are you a little too?" Lora couldn't help but ask this question. Azealah was tiny and her clothes and the way she played with the doll hinted to her possibly being a little or ... she was just being nice to the girl.

"Ummm I don't know. Am I? Asked Azealah confused, "Wait what is a little?" Azealah said as an afterthought.

Lora got up from where she was sitting by all of her stuffed animals and sat near Azealah excitedly, "A little is where you sort of act younger than your age and have someone else take care of you. For example, my daddy always does my hair and feeds me as I am too little to do these things!" Lora explained.

"Oh, I don't have a dad." Answered Azealah.

"Oh no no no! Not a dad but a daddy. A dad is your dad. But a daddy is someone who isn't related to you but you call him a daddy because you're his little." Lora once again explained.

This was way too much information for the little Angel at once as her head started to hurt from all the thinking.

Am I a little? Azron does take care of me just like how Lora explained. Does he know about this? Should I call him daddy? Would he like that? Would-

Her thoughts were cut off as Azron and Charlie entered the room, each holding a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. Once Azron placed the plates in from of Azealah, she put her arms up and he immediately took her in his arms.

He held her close as she nuzzled herself in his neck and the pain in her head immediately went away.

Azron sat down on the floor in front of the cookies and milk and had Azealah straddling him, her back facing Charlie and Lora who were in the same exact position.

Meredith has already decided to go sleep in some more so it was now just the couples.

Azron broke a little piece of the cookie and fed it to his Precious before bringing up the glass of milk and making her drink some of it. This went on for an hour and by the time they were done, both girls were lulled to sleep in their lover's arms.

Thank you so much for reading this book! Please Vote, Comment, and Share!!

Questions of the chapter;

1- Do you think Azron and Azealah's relationship is DDLG but without the daddy part?

2-Do you like Charlie and Lora?

3-Will you be comfortable with this kind of chapter in the near future?

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