By judielMyoui

215K 5.5K 3.1K

Am i really happy even if i finally became what i wanted?. -Im Nayeon I started out being like this and will... More

The Continuation
Disgust & Pain
Right Now; Present
Sudden Surprise Appointment
Coming Back Home
Naruto Looking Kid
Complicated Life
A Little Convo
Unexpected Family Reunion
Realistic Dream
I Was Never Yours
Letting Out Everything I Kept
Action Speaks Louder
Plan & Invitation
A Little Happiness
DAY 3: I Can't Stop Me
Without Yoo
See The Real Yoo
Love You To Love Me
Supposed To Be Home
I'm Im Nayeon?!
Business Convention
The Truth
Business is Business
⚠️Baby No. 2⚠️
My Everything, My Destiny
Special Chapter


3.7K 141 68
By judielMyoui

Third Person•

Its been 2 days already since jihyo caused a miscommunication between jeongyeon and nayeon, and 2 days since jeongyeon had been absent to the company. He never left any word or anything, he was just absent for 2 days now making papers to pile up again.

Jihyo never had the chance to open the topic up to nayeon and apologize since she was always been busy, so this time. Jihyo would try again to place a special appointment with her, not as a secretary of jeongyeon but jihyo herself.

As for jeongyeon, he's been sick for 2 days now and his cold and fever is getting worst time to time since he has no one with in his home to take care of him, jeongyeon could not even lift a finger due to fatigue.


"is Ms. Im nayeon here?" jihyo asked one of the security in lobby

"Yes, why are you looking for her??" the security asked

"can you please lead me to her? I am Yoo Jeongyeon's secretary" jihyo answered politely

"oh you must be Ms. Park Jihyo?? Ms. Im had told us about your departure, please go to the Penthouse she's there" the security politely answered and lead jihyo to the lift

He then bowed soon as jihyo got in the lift, and as for jihyo. The worry and nervousness was lingering in her body, as she was the one who caused a miscommunicaton.

minute later, jihyo has finally arrived to the penthouse where nayeon's office is located and soon as she got there, somi immediately escorted her in and was welcomed by nayeon who's sitting casually in her couch.

soon as nayeon saw her, the latter squealed like a kid and hugged jihyo tightly as this was their first time to have a bonding together ever since nayeon arrived korea 3 months ago. but nayeon noticed the seriousness in jihyo's face, as if the latter was having some trouble with her.

well jihyo does, aside from the miscommunication she caused it was, it troubles her how nayeon became someone else when she got studying abroad. nayeon totally became a new person in her eyes.

"whats the matter?? aren't you happy to see me?" nayeon worryingly asked then pouted at jihyo

jihyo sighed and lazily dropped herself to nayeon's couch then said

"YOU BITCH! AFTER 4 YEARS OF NO CONTACT! THEN YOU'RE SUDDENLY GONNA SHOW UP LIKE A PIMPLE?!" jihyo yelled and threw the couch pillow to nayeon's face making the older laugh out loud

"you hoe! you didn't really change huh?" nayeon laughingly sulked and threw the couch pillow back to jihyo

"yeah i didn't! but you! you're the one who changed! how dare you treat mr. yoo like that!" jihyo yellingly answered and threw the pillow again making nayeon to sigh and looked up to the ceiling  when she just processed jihyo's words

"did i really changed?" nayeon suddenly asked soon as she sat down

"you did!, and it surprised me that you were able to stand Mr. yoo like that" jihyo honestly said

"YAH! WAS THIS ABOUT HIM OR ME?!" nayeon loudly said making jihyo to cover her ears 

"partial hehe" jihyo answered making nayeon to throw the pillow back to jihyo

"YOU BITCH!" nayeon yelled making jihyo to laugh out loud 

"but seriously you did! i never saw you being a bitch to mr. yoo like that! but... the main reason why im here is..." jihyo paused and scratched her nape as she was shy of the irresponsible action she did

"he deserves it anyway, but what is it?" nayeon asked

"there was a miscommunication between you and Mr. yoo and im afraid to tell you was my fault being sloppy" jihyo said and smiled weirdly

"what do you mean?" nayeon tilted her head in confusion

"remember when you placed an urgent meeting? he immediately gave a response that day but my phone was in a silent mode so... yeah!, and Mr. yoo he was about to go here by the afternoon... but i never heard anything from him again. its been 2 days already but Mr. yoo wasn't showing up to work" jihyo worryingly said

and as for nayeon, she felt bad for judging jeongyeon immediately when in the first place everything was a miscommunication

"he waited here? so it means he was here when it rained heavily that night? OMG JIHYO!" nayeon freaked out

she wasn't suppose to feel this but somehow nayeon felt worried and nervous for jeongyeon's safety

"YOU BITCH! YOU'RE MAKING ME MORE NERVOUS!" jihyo loudly said and immediately stood up to smack nayeon hardly

"bitch! i wasn't around those times! since i cancelled out my appointment.... and clearly the company closed pretty early that day!" nayeon said making jihyo more nervous

what if something bad to her boss? she's totally at fault

"can we check the CCTV?! seriously im panicking right now! what if something bad happened to him? omg i think im going to die if that happened!" jihyo said like she was rapping, nayeon tightly held her shoulders and said

"he's safe okay? have you tried to call him?" nayeon calmly asked but deep inside she was freaking out already

she may seem cold to him or a bitch sometimes, but she is still the soft and caring nayeon.

but her world crashed down when jihyo answered her a nod

"we'll check the CCTV's first but if something suspicious happened, we'll report this to the authorities arraseo?" nayeon seriously said to jihyo who's getting a teary eye already

jihyo nodded and the two immediately made their way to the security system surveillance of the company and checked the day where jeongyeon came, but as they watch the clips. nayeon couldnt get a hold of herself, she found herself wishing that nothing bad happened to the man she once loved and the father of her daughter.

she may hate him for cheating but she dont want anything bad to happen to the latter as a karma

as they watch rewind the clips nayeon suddenly asked

"where did he go first when i placed an urgent meeting?" nayeon seriously asked

"foster home together with mr. heechul and momo" jihyo nervously answered

"foster home??  why on earth is he there?" nayeon asked in disbelief

"they were looking for a kid to adopt for mr. heechul and momo, and i believe he was planning of adopting too... he mentioned that to me some time" jihyo answered with a shaky voice

"i will look for him to his house, you go back to your work and ask chaeyoung or heechul if jeongyeon ever mentioned something" nayeon seriously

"MS. IM HERE IT IS!" one of the security finally got the CCTV clip

they saw how jeongyeon patiently waiting for over an hour outside the company building before getting caught by the heavy rain, but at they watch. nayeon noticed how jeongyeon looked at the sky then she remembered how beautiful the night sky that night, and suddenly. she felt her heart beating insanely fast...did they just had a telepathy?? both of them were mesmerized at night sky in the exact time.

but nothing suspicious was seen aside from jeongyeon crossing the heavy rain

"lets not waste time jih, ill go at his house today and do what i told you. call me if ever you had a response to the two... ill text you if ever i got into jeongyeon" nayeon said and called for her driver to drive jihyo back to their company while she drives to jeongyeon's house

the house thats in nayeon's mind was the mansion where jeongyeon first brought her, but little did she know that jeongyeon doesn't live there anymore....


Nayeon drove a long way to jeongyeon's mansion but soon as she got there, all she ever saw was the scary outside aura of the mansion where jeongyeon used to live. The mansion looks creepy and empty outside making nayeon more nervous, and somehow, scared for jeongyeon's safety.

She immediately called jihyo



Omg! I forgot to tell you
about Mr. Yoo's new house!

He already sold that and
lives in a new home now

Here's the address xxxxxx

You're such a bitch



DOOR IS 2201

look at this dumb hoe, giving away her bosses passcode away

Yah! I trust you and
besides you were someone
close to him before so cut your attitude on me


Thank you

Ill update you

Call Ended

Jihyo had actually got an info from chaeyoung already, and knew what happened to jeongyeon. But when jihyo told chaeyoung about what's happening, the two decided making the two to personally have time with each other.

Basically, chaeyoung just wants his hyung to have a time with nayeon even if it was a set up.

Jihyo is at ease already and couldn't wait of what would happen between the two if ever they've got to see each other and be alone together...

"oh god, i just hope something good will happen" chaeyoung prayed

"aish! You almost made me worry, leaving me dumb for not telling me his sickness" jihyo madly said as she felt being fooled

"mianhae, i thought it was none of your business but then... You also have done something insanely unbelievable" chaeyoung teasingly said

Nayeon drove to the said address but as she drives, she couldn't help but to feel familiar with the road she was going as if she's been here before. And soon as she arrived, thats whe she knews she's indeed been in the place

"he lives here? What the fuck?" nayeon said in disbelief and parked her car over

"why on earth would he live in a house like this? Have he gone crazy?" nayeon rolled her eyes as she recalls to the time where jeongyeon had officially brought this to her family...

Nayeon walked to the door and entered the passcode, and as she got in... She couldn't fight the feeling of nostalgia thats hitting her, this house. This has a sentimental value for her, especially to her mom.

The memories of good old days came to hit her again, where she would always see jeongyeon being close with her mom talking about things, whenever she visits this house back then all she ever hear was seoyeon's nags, and it seriously makes her feel more sad and overwhelmed at the same time.

Those were the days she wished never ended, and she wished it never happened. She actually regrets letting jeongyeon to step in her life, because the cheating caused her alot of pain.

What more to jeongyeon?

Nayeon walked through the living room until she stumbled on this corner where it has a lot of photo frames, she was dying to know who's in the picture but when she checked it.

It was their photos together back then and the photo of his family, nayeon stepped back and gulped to swallow everything.

Is jeongyeon still in love with me? Nayeon thought and putted the photo frame of their picture together down.

She then went upstairs to check, until she heard the sounds of dry cough and hard inhale.

Nayeon slowly opened the door, showing off a sick and worsening state of jeongyeon

"OH MY GOD!"  nayeon immediately went to him and texted jihyo that jeongyeon is fine.

She went to check him, but to her surprise

"you're burning! Have you taken your meds already?!" nayeon worryingly asked and took the thermometer in his mini-table beside the bed and placed it into his armpit


But jeongyeon couldn't really pay attention due to the heavy feeling and fever he has

"tsk, have you taken your meds already?" nayeon asked again as she removes the thermometer and saw his temperature

She went to check jeongyeon's eyes and pulse, but luckily jeongyeon was breathing fine.

"n-not yet" jeongyeon answered with a weak and shaky voice making nayeon more worried

"do you have someone to take care of you?" nayeon sincerely asked and caressed jeongyeon's cheek

Jeongyeon positioned to face her with his eyes closed then slowly and carefully shook his head, somehow. Nayeon felt bad for jeongyeon and couldn't help not to pity the latter.

He must've been living alone for years now, and at some point she felt a sting inside her heart. She  just hide the identity of their daughter to him, leaving him dumb....

Suddenly she remembered jihyo said about his plans of adopting, nayeon felt more hurt as she stares at him peacefully sleeping.

Maybe he already thought that he's going to be alone forever and will never have the chance to have a kid so thats why he's going to adopt instead? Nayeon thought

"where's your medicine kit?" nayeon softly asked as she fights the sting in her heart

"k-kitchen... Beside t-the fridge" jeongyeon weakly answered

Nayeon gently stood up from sitting down to the edge of jeongyeon's bed, and straightly went to the kitchen where his medicine kit was said to be placed.

She finally saw the medicine kit, but she has decided to get a cold water with a cloth to put in on jeongyeon's forehead. But before that, she decided first to cook him a soup to at least make him feel full.

After cooking nayeon went upstairs to see a peacefully sleeping and curled up ostrich, it made her smile and at some point it made her go soft towards him.

Nayeon soaked the cloth to the cold water and placed it to jeongyeon's forehead, she then placed the medicine in the side table so that jeongyeon wouldn't stand up to get it.

"t-thank you for c-coming by... B-but you need to g-go home now" jeongyeon weakly stated and tried to open his eyes, but he's still feeling heavy

"i cooked a soup for you, don't you want to try it?" nayeon shrugged off what jeongyeon just said

The typical Im Nayeon

"you're s-so stubborn.. I c-can manage, p-please go home to your kids" jeongyeon said again but before he can even say it completely to nayeon

Nayeon had already stood up from bed and went down stairs to get him a bowl of soup, jeongyeon couldn't help but to feel bad more to his self.

This is not suppose to happen and yet, it did.

This is wrong in his eyes.

Meeting your ex when you already have someone else is not pleasing in the eyes, and for jeongyeon's perspective. It was cheating already.


Nayeon finally finished feeding jeongyeon and had already let jeongyeon take his medicine, slowly. Jeongyeon was finally feeling better, but he was still worried about nayeon.

She shouldn't be here, she shouldn't

Nayeon is currently laying beside him, monitoring his temperature and condition. Nayeon couldn't leave his side because she was worried that jeongyeon might go burning again, like what she had encountered earlier.

"Ms. Im go home, im fine now" jeongyeon was finally able to speak with his tough voice

"do you really want me to go in this kind of time? I thought you're a gentleman huh?" nayeon messed around but it seems jeongyeon didn't get the humor and took it seriously

"m-mianhaeyo" jeongyeon apologized with his cracking voice, and there! He became uneasy again

"i will stay for the night and make sure you'd be fine by tomorrow, ive already informed my kids..." nayeon paused soon as she noticed jeongyeon staring at her blankly, she shrugged it off and continued "i was the reason why you got this, so its my responsibility to take care of yo-"

Before nayeon could even continue her sentence, jeongyeon had already cutted her off saying..

"but i am your Ex boyfriend?, what do you think would siwon think soon as he knew about this? I don't wanna ruin your relationship with him, i can't afford that" jeongyeon seriously said, but you can clearly hear the pain and the instability of his voice

"you can't turn me over jeongyeon, even if you had hurted me before or even if you are my ex. I still have the choice whether id like to take care of you or not, so shut it before i totally leave you here alone" and there, the bitchy and savage nayeon showed off again

Jeongyeon could ever do was to smile faintly and looked away in order to lessen the sudden numbness in his heart, if nayeon only knew what he feels right now.

She probably broke down and cry 

Nayeon watched jeongyeon turn his back on her then take a nap, she then decided to call siwon then said...


Ne? Where are you? I
went to your office?

I won't be coming home today, please tell ryujin and lia

Where are you staying?

Who are you with?

Lets talk about this  
Soon i get home tomorrow


Take care, ill tell the girls

Thank you siwon

Everything for you

Call Ended

After half an hour....

Nayeon then hopped down to the bed to go to the other side of the bed to check the cloth she placed in jeongyeon's forehead, she then soaked it again and was about to place it back when jeongyeon held her wrist.

"stop..." jeongyeon firmly stated and took the cloth from nayeon

Jeongyeon was feeling uncomfortable with nayeon's presence and touch, its not that he's feeling a tension between them... He just don't feel ease with her presence, he still feel disgusted with his self from the cheating he did 4 years ago.

"quit being stubborn jeongyeon, i won't leave" nayeon seriously said and slightly hitted jeongyeon's hand then finally placed the cloth

"the room next door is quite not that presentable is it f-fine?" jeongyeon weakly said and blankly stared at nayeon

But all nayeon did was to stare at him back with an eyebrow raised, literally. She's giving him a death glare

"bitch, No" nayeon said with full attitude and gave jeongyeon a hard flick in his arm, making the latter to flinch in pain.

Nayeon then went back to the other side of the bed to lie herself down and take a rest, while jeongyeon takes a rest at the other side as well.

At some point, nayeon started to question herself why she's suddenly doing this to her own ex, when in the first place jeongyeon had already told her to stop.

Nayeon blinked continuously as she takes a deep breathe while reflecting on what she's currently doing, this was clearly wrong and yet she remained to be with the man who cheated on her.

Just this time, and this wont happen ever again. I have siwon. I have siwon! Nayeon thought then shook her head later on, as she realizes she's spacing out already

As for jeongyeon, he just wished this day ends already. Even if he badly wants nayeon to be around, that can't be.

Nayeon has siwon

Nayeon has daughters already

He must stop.

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