
By Godslittlelight

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This is a story told from a guy's perspective of a dating violence relationship. Relationships do matter when... More

Sweet Abby
About Broken
The Beginning
Rotational What?
Salts and Light
Who's Got Talent?
Slide Royalty
Show Time
Call Me Maybe
Black and White
EHHHHHH Macaroni!!

Bro Battling Stars

51 5 4
By Godslittlelight

POV: Joey

Saturday comes and I don't know why, but you can feel the nervousness in the air. Caleb is playing with his hair, Alan looks nervous, Gabe keeps hiccuping for some reason, and Chad... Well he's being Chad there is not a way to describe him. I'm not sure how many times he has tried to mess with me just in the car ride over here. It was so bad that Alan had to separate us by sitting in the middle. It is not easy fitting three guys in a smallish car in the back seat, but I guess we deserved that. I guess being small is a small advantage this time, but only a little bit.

We get to the coffee house, and it turns out that it's called Starbucks... Well that's a silly name. Who wants to pay for Stars, or do you pay for coffee with stars? Or is it where big Stars earn their first bucks? You know I might have to ask the guys later about that. Maybe even this place has its own money system, it is its own little country.

"Yo Earth to Joey!" Chad is waving his hand in front of me... I shove it away and he starts waving it again.

"Oh it's on!!" I jump up, but sit back down when I meet grey eyes with a raised eyebrow. Caleb and Gabe laugh at us. All around we start laughing and we feel at home.

I can remember when we used to play Rock Band back at Caleb's house once in a while when we hang out. I guess this time it is not any different, but the audience actually has lifelike faces this time not computer generated. Unless they are all robots ready to take over the world.... I laugh and the guys look at me weird for I was thinking out loud I guess. We all burst out laughing.

"Robots eh?" Chad gives me a funny look. I give him a brotherly shove, and he does the same, and then puts his hand over my shoulders. He might be mean to me once in a while, but that is what brothers are there for.

"Five minutes guys," Nick comes back and tells us then pops back out as fast as he came in.

"Smell that guys?" Caleb asks.

"What Nick Barre?" I ask.

"No the coffee..." Caleb replies.

"How much hairspray did you smell this morning? It's messing with you brain." Chad mocks me.

We all start laughing and can't stop. We realized we had three minutes, and then Alan said,"Ok time to Pray."
POV: Gabe

After prayer, we head out onto the stage. I see Abby sitting there with Kelsey across the coffee shop. I turn to leave, but Joey puts a hand on my shoulder. He looks at me with those blue eyes. Why is it always the blue eyes? Ok I give him a look "I'm ok I'll stay"...

We sing I Want It That Way by Backstreet Boys, but halfway through we notice not many people are looking. Nick notices the same thing. He walks up to Alan, whispers something in his ear, and Alan nods. Alan whispers something to Joey, and Joey nods. Alan and Joey start playing their guitars.

I feel I know the rhythm, but it's a little fast at the beginning I thought it was slower. Maybe they did that on purpose. When Joey starts to sing I was right at which song we were going to change the playlist to.... Dive By Steven Curtis Chapman. I LOVE this song, but I won't tell the guys that. Guys don't admit stuff like that right?

We get through the song, and that's when we notice that some had watery eyes, others were star struck... In Starbucks. Some were having a good time listening. They were actually listening to us when we sang what we were actually meant to sing. I think Nick saw it too because he was smiling at us.

Nick nods to us.. This means we were ok to go if we wanted to. We head back to the little room behind the small stage and Joey and Chad sit down... Alan sits in between to keep them from "Bro Battling" again. It's funny how Chad just loves to pick on all of us. Especially on Joey and me. I am as short as Joey, but we all know Chad is just kidding around.

We go and sit out with the girls. Abby looks at me, and I can't help but stare back. I can't unsee those eyes, no matter how hard I try. This feeling deep inside I feel it getting stronger.... No matter what I try I can't unfeel this way. Can she actually be right for me? Something about it doesn't feel right, yet it does.

I notice out of the corner of my eye a flyer for the annual Valentines dance.... I think I have an idea, and I'll run it by the guys later. They will know what to do.....

I feel nervous and excited at the same time. What is God trying to say?

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