🤤hungry baby👨🏻🍳...

By ruba_rajan

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⚡ ON-GOING ⚡ its a forth and beam fanfiction with mouth watering exotic dishes to droll off... try it... y... More

1.baby.... Again 🤤hungry👨🏻‍🍳
2. FORTH'S ....HUNGRY ...BABY...
4. hitherto
5. happy news
6. my baby's with my babie'sss
7. guardian angels
8. Crunchy bites
9. well wisher's
10. wishes and blessings
11. me missing you
12. Why am I so damn happy.... ING....
13. his scent
14. our first meet
15. Fated alpha
16. Grannies lobsters
17. Fated omega
18. acceptance
19. daddy's troublesome daughters
20. troublemaker
21. CAN i CARE for YOU...
24. gucchy
25. its beams pom-pom
26. beautiful mess
27. HIS - beam & pom
28. mr. jamun
30. you deserve it... mr fj
31 . i missed you... like hell...
32. uninvite'tiesss...
33. tom yum soup's
34. roshugulle
34. his secrets
35. Forever...dada love's you...
36. I'm yours
37. my precious
not an update....😔hum....that's my beam but where is my forth....
38. Conscience
39. its love for love... &... pain for pain...
40. emotions...
41. Mr.alien
42. its a nong-e -...& ... his P.s recipe
43. let me be your trafficker p.
44. the 🍮 desserts
45 . bond (pharm💘 dean)
46. until we meet again - p.beam...
47 . please talk to me...
48. screams of yearning...
49. bonding ....

22. do i deserve you...

159 13 0
By ruba_rajan

beam again buried his face in forths chest....


forth felt a surging pain within his heart "beam...."

with a very soft voice " beam look at me...beam"

beam was only repeating only one sentence again and again "i dont deserve you "

forth could feel it ,. he could also feel wet there ...right there where beam face was... forth coulnt bear it anymore "beam....baby...look at me...please...beam"forth forcefully pulled beam a bit above to look at his face "beam...."

though he pulled him a bit above yet still his face was stuck low...

and drop of tears landed over forths palm...

literally killing him within...forth felt like his his spirit just flew away from his body 

forth coudnt understand what this feeling is... it was deadly painful, even when beam didnt accept him....that pain that he felt former is more severe than the later...

forth coudnt accept that his beam, is crying and the top of that he didnt know why and what to do to stop him from crying...

forth "beam....baby look at me...."

forth was bumborded with thoughts ( beamn what did you do to me...im not myself  when im by your side..beam....im not a person who melts over someone tears...but what the hell did you do o me...your tears are breaking me ...its making me to stop breathing... just your drop of tears over my palm felt like a mountain of ice berg placed over me...what did you do to  me beam...why am i so much attracted to you...what the hell is this  felling beam... is it like this coz you are my fated pair...no i dont think so...its more than any force...something is binding me with you eternally... i have always been a freestyler all my life and never once cared about anyone or anyone's feeling ever...but you...the you who is right before me...you are binding me within you...forcing me to  remember only one thing again and again  that i belong to only you and no one else...and i need no one else apart from you forever...if its not you then its no one... .) forth  with a bit force  clenched beams hands  very and pulled it near his heart and pressed it over his wall of his heart..."beamn" 

beam "i dont deserve you forth... i will only end up hurting you agian and agian..."beam gulped few times "you should stay away from me forth...."

another drop of tear landed over forths palm..

beam " no ....why should you...it should be me... i will stay away from you..." 

beam with force tried to release himself from forths grabs..

and even suceeded it and pushed forths away from him... and instantly stood up and moved afew inches away from forth.... presence and his grabs...

forth( thats it.... i have to accept it... without you i won't  even be able to breath anymore...you are my oxygen...and you ask me to let you to go....neverrr) "beam....are you trying to kill me"

beam was stunned and halted with no more motion...

forth forcefully clenched beams hands within his wrists and  pulled beams closer to him...so close that  both of them could sense the other persons  heartbeat very clearly....

beam " forth ...im..."

forth shreaks out " never.... "

forth clench beams chin with his fingers pressing it so hard with full force making it to leave few red scars... and tilts his face towards his face above...still forcefully clenching beams chin...

beam looked at forth with teary eyes 

beam could clearly free himself from forths grabs...but it was impossible when his emotions were eating him inside out.... totally tearing him apart... 


beam spoke few harsh words...still with the pain over forth clenching his chin hard...

"im not a weak person , but you are making me weak...as if you are my weak point...i cant see you getting hurt before me...its killing me within...just stay away from me forth... i might hurt you again....and" beam passed a few seconds " forth.... you will hate me..if you will get to know the truth...and i dont want that....so..ple"




beam was froze....with forth sealing his lips  with his lips....

for a second beam even forgot to breath...

even forgot to blink his eye few time...

stunned...utterly stunned...




forth instantly placed his lips over beams pressing it as hard as possible...forcing his way through... sliding his lips within his mouth... twisting those lips of beam...

little by little ...dominering his kiss over his...

making beam to lose before him totally making him to feel captivated, owned, subsided....

expressing his feeling though his presses and licks of his lips over his...

totally eating his lips...as if there is no tomorrow ....to live on...

making beams mind to go black....with no other thought other than their intimacy...and dominance... lingering within his mind...

showering him with endless emotional presses over his lips...to make him to loose his breath...again and again...which was precisely stopping him from thinking further...

chewing his lower lips once he ended his desire with the upper lips, chewing his lips  as hard as he desired until it turned a bit plump and a bit reddish in colour...

finally after a long domineering ong  smooch...

forth let go of beams lips...little by littel... 

but made sure beam is still stuck with the sensation ...

beam was panting  hard for  breath...still with his eyes locked with forth's....

still their nose were brushing eachothers as they were so close to eachother

...indeed he was stuck in...

coz even after forth let go of his lips...beam was still in the same position and he was still enduring the pain and pleasure...with his eyes closed and still enjoying the sensation...unable to let go of it...

panting hard....

still with his eyes closed...


finally beam opened his eyes....

and beam could see forth waiting for him to open his eyes  ...

and it seems like its been a while...

forth  presses his forehead over beams forehead ....and their nose pressed eachothers... just there was just  a thread sized gap between both the lips...

forth " i will be hurt....."

beam the very moment heard the word hurt...all his attention turned towards forths eyes and still waiting for him to complete his words

forth " if you leave me...i will be hurt... i will be bleeding...more than now...."

forth now closes his eyes " will you again hurt me by leaving me... my soul...its within you now... i want you to be my everything and you are my everything so..." 

forth opens his eyes " dont leave me....please....." his eyes were teary.... 


forth could feel it....beam is experiencing the same phase of emotion which he is also undergoing ...

but forth was satisfied ....coz he could seal the emotional trauma beam was undergoing...with his kiss..


still beam was feeling his presence...

forth slightly moved towards him...placing his lips over his forehead... and sealing it...

"im yours....beam....and you are mine...only mine..."

and he hugged him within his grabs...very tightly...

beam "im sorry...."


forth now pulls him away and looked at him eyes to eyes....

forth "tell me....tell me everything..."

beam chuckled with a fake smile.... "i will end up losing you..."with a un-flooded tear over his teary eyes...


forth gave a fast peck over his lips... "i wont... im your.... even if you kill  me...i might again end up crawling back to you.... i wont rebel... so i wont go away...from you ....now tell me..everything...beam...."


beam in a blunt voice "you are hust coz of me...

my mother hurt you....

if i stay with you she will hurt you again..."

beam gulped in few seconds "and "

forth cuts in "im ready to die for you a million times....if needed.....BUT...you cant escape me this lifetime..."

beam felt a bit happiness crawling within himself ,  he let out a smile.... "hum...."

forth "trust me...."

beam "ummmm"

forth embrace him within his hands and scoop him very dearly....and fall back the bed along wiTh him...

forth "lets sleep for a while...you dint sleep even a wink last night...so lets Take a nap..now alright..."

beam "ummmm"still hugging him curdling him with love....

and fall sleep....




beam fall asleep sooon

and forth was all awake but with closed eyes untill beam fall sleep...

and forth "hello...."

making a ph call over his phone.... "nanna how are you... CAN WE TALK..."


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HI GUYS.....

thought i will just celebrate my spl dy with few more updates....

a/n : you can wish me though......

so how is it.... the story so far...please do leave your comments below.... and hit a star if you like it...

happy reading....

will meet you guys at the next chapter....

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