The Yandere Cooks for the Vil...

By Desert_S

943K 51.5K 9.9K

After joining the Villain system, the Villain was forced to do world upon world growing emotionless from the... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 1
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 2
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 3
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 4
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 5
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 6
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 7
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 8
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 9
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 10
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 11
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 12
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 13
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 14
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 15
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 16
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 17
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 18
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 19
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 20
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 21
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 22
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 23
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 24
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 25
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 26
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 27 (End Of Arc 1)
Arc 2 Chapter 1: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 2: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 3: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 4: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 5: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 6: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 7: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 8: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 9: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 10: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 11: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 12: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 13: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 14: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 15: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 16: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 17: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 18: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 19: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 20: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 21: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 22: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 23: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 24: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 25: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 26: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 27: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 28 (End of Arc 2): The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 3 chapter 1: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 2: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 3: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 4: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 5: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 6: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 7: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 8: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 9: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 10: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 11: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 12: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 13: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 14: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 15: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 16: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 17: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 18: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 19: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 20: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 21: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 22: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 23: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 24: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 25: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 26: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 27: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 28: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 29 (End of Arc 3): Royal Knight
Arc 4 Chapter 1: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 2: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 3: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 4: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 5: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 6: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 7: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 8: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 9: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 10: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 11: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 12: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 13: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 14: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 15: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 16: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 17: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 18: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 19: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 20: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 21: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 22: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 23: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 24: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 25: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 26: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 27: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 28: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 29: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 30: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 31: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 32: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 33: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 34: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 35: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 36: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 37: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 39: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 40: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 41: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 42: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 43: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 44: (End Of Arc 4) Undying Love
Questions and Answers!

Arc 4 Chapter 38: Undying Love

3.5K 256 87
By Desert_S

"He-he's... he's not...he's not..." The Villain continually mumbled to herself as she looked at the dead body.

 She refused to acknowledge his heart stopped, that he was dead.

"Hey... you-you better wake up..." She slowly reached down to once again touch the man's hand, however as soon as she reached for it she quickly jerked her hand back.

The hand wasn't his, it couldn't be! 

After all Jun's hands had always been warm and tender to the touch, yet this hand was cold and stiff...

She couldn't accept it, she didn't want to.

Suddenly the Villain sensed it, the unknown green jewel Jun always seemed to have in each world grew faded, it was as if it had finally served it's purpose...

The Villain's eyes widened.

Although she didn't know what it was for she knew it was nothing good, it felt like the faded gem was signifying the man was truly dead.

That he was gone.

"You can't..."

"What should I do? What should I do?"

For the first time in many worlds the Villain felt truly defeated as her numb mind couldn't process a solution. 

Inwardly she fumbled as she tried to think of a way to bring the man back.


Quickly she looked over her points to see if she could buy Jun anything to revive him.




0 points.

"That's right... they're all... gone." The Villain weakly whispered. 

She already knew she had used up all the extra points she had... she knew this, she knew this yet she had still desperately looked hoping for a miracle. 

Hoping to bring the dead man back even though in the back of her mind she already knew it was far too late.

"You can't, you can't be... you can't..." Her voice trembled as her eyes finally started to slightly blur.

Hopelessly the Villain wracked her brain for an answer as her eyes grew more and more bleak with every passing second.

"...You can't..."

The Villains' eyes grew dark and misty.

"you can't die..."

The Villain reached the edge of despair.

Although she had long ago promised to close her heart off to everyone and anyone, that man... that man had somehow found a slight opening.

It wasn't much but for a frozen heart, any bit of warmth was enough to cause it to melt.

Now because of this slight opening the Villain was suffering, her cold heart was breaking.

The one time she had selfishly wished to protect something, it had backfired miserably.

She had simply wanted Jun to live on happy in this world.

She had long ago been stripped of everything, but now she truly felt desolate. A cold trembling overtook her. She no longer had anything left, she simply wished to die.

She no longer wanted to exist.

If she was gone she would no longer feel the overwhelming pain radiating in her heart, or the reawakened seething rage she felt for the god Jupiter that had locked her in this situation to begin with.

Why was she forced to go through endless suffering!?

Why had the god Jupiter targeted her...

Why couldn't she just take her death orb and cease to exist-


Suddenly the Villain blinked away her bleak eyes with a sense of revelation.

She realized something.

She didn't possess nothing.

She had that...


She had that!

In the next instant the Villain did something that would forever change the two's fate. For in the next second the Villain took out her one and only sacred possession.

The Villain reached out into the system space and brought it out.

The Villain pulled out her glowing death orb.

"This-this is filled with so many energy points from hundreds of worlds, surely... surely this will be enough to revive you Jun."

The Villain's words sounded good, too good to be true!

For truthfully she wasn't in the right state of mind.

After all in the back of her mind she knew, she knew not to give him such a dangerous thing!

Although the orb was filled with so many energy points, the amount was far too great for any human soul to handle!

After all, the orb was the Villain's death orb.

Long, long ago the Villain had already turned the energy orb into a deadly grenade ready to destroy one's soul upon consumption.

It simply contained too much energy!

Any normal soul would immediately be overwhelmed and shatter from the amount of energy being received.

Yes, it was her precious death orb after all.

She had always intended to swallow it.

The Villain knew this.

She knew this...

However at the same time her mind grew conflicted, clouding over her judgement with thoughts of reviving Jun.

She knew feeding him the death orb would destroy his soul, she knew this... she knew this yet it was the only thing she possessed, her one meager possession.

The only thing that had kept her going all these years.

The only thing that had given her hope.

The only thing she was allowed to keep.

Her single possession...

However in this moment she would give up anything to revive the man, anything.

She simply wanted to see Jun alive again, his gentle smile towards her, his warm hands, his tender lips, his warm embrace.

Her mind was in a chaotic state.

Something inside her desperately wanted to hope that she could revive Jun by giving his dead body the orb.

After all, it was all she had.

She couldn't do anything else.

Whether she gave it to him or not she could already tell his soul was weak. Yes his soul had been fragile in this world, he truly would die regardless of whether she administered it or not.

Unhesitantly the Villain pulled out the tiny, fiery, shining sphere.

Although it was no larger then a pill, it held intense energy.

In order for it to work it had to be absorbed deep into the body.

Like this the Villain lowered her head, she put the pill like orb in her mouth before bending down and forcing it into the lifeless body of the man.

It went down.

Afterwards she continued to stay lowered and whispered one thing into the man's ear.



Everything was deathly silent in the summit forest except for the slight rustling of trees and the beating sound of the nearby waterfall.

Still the Villain patiently waited as she nervously looked over the corpse.

She was filled with a deep sense of hope, something quite rare for the Villain.

Long ago she had given up on hoping for things, hope only gave way to greater despair but now, now she was filled with an intense hope for Jun to miraculously wake up.


5 seconds went by.

She lightly grabbed ahold of Jun's cold hand to feel for any sign of pulse, all was silent.

10 seconds went by, then 30.

Still she quietly waited. Unconsciously her hand tightened around Jun's as she anxiously waited.

A minute passed.

The Villain: "...."

2 minutes passed.


5 minutes passed.

Nothing happened.

10 minutes passed.




He was still dead!!

He was still dead.



He was dead.









"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" All at once the Villain burst out in insane laughter as she looked down at the ever still man.

He was dead.

What was she expecting to happen!?!

To think that something like her death orb could actually revive him?! 

Had she actually expected such a thing to work?!?

To save Jun and give him a happy ending!?!






She was the Villain after all! HOW PATHETIC!

Hadn't she already long ago learned that nothing ever worked out for a Villain?!

Hadn't she already learned long ago to kill any and all hope!?!


She was the villain after all! More than anyone she wasn't allowed even the slightest bit bit of hope.

She was simply weak and pathetic, she couldn't change anything!

As the Villain her role was simple, she was destined to lose!

She wasn't allowed to love or cherish anyone, she wasn't allowed to have a happy ending...

She was the Villain.

With this simple thought, her insanity started to calm.

"So pathetic." She whispered biting her lips till the taste of iron filled her mouth. 

Instantly her cloudy mind started to clear and hopelessness took over.

No matter how much she wanted to ignore reality, the man was dead, there was no miracle to fix him.

The man who suffered so much, the man who shared the same eyes as her, the man who smiled, the man who cooked, the man who touched her, kissed her, embraced her, the man who had accepted her...

Now the man was cold and dead, she could do nothing about it.

She couldn't change his fate.

She couldn't bring him happiness.

She was powerless.

She was pathetic.

She was the Villain.

Although she had put on air's thinking she could save him these past few worlds, she was wrong.

Now he was gone forever. 

His soul had surely shattered by now, whether it was due to his own soul's fragile state in this world or by her own hand, she would never know...

Like this the Villain weakly let go of the man's hand as her own arms slumped down defeatedly by her side, numb.

Looking up towards the darkening sky the Villain quietly muttered. "Ah I' tired..."

She felt exhausted beyond belief.

She lightly closed her eyes. "...Can't I just finally rest now?"

The monotone computing system suddenly spoke out cruelly interrupting the Villains' thoughts.

"Teleporting host away from current plane, Initiating soul torture, countdown initiated."

Now she couldn't even swallow her death orb and avoid the soul torture from failing three worlds in a row.

"Ah.... haha..." The Villain once again began to grimly laugh at her cruel fate.

"3 seconds"

With her last remaining strength she once again held the man's cold dead hand in her's, like this she clutched it tight with all her heart.

"2 Seconds"

The Villain thought all of her hope had died, but as she heard the countdown she still couldn't help but hold onto one small frail hope.

"Don't Die." The Villain lightly whispered.

"1 Second"

"Urg!" Like this the Villain was suddenly overcome with an immense feeling of pain like no other.

Although she was not one to act on pain, what she was experiencing was excruciatingly painful for her soul was being forcefully ripped and torn from the still living body by the system.

It was a gut wrenching pain!

Worse than any of the physical deaths she had experienced.

Not only was her heart breaking, but now it felt like her soul was.

A tear rolled down the Villains cheek as she once again looked down at Jun.

"...I love you...." The Villains mouth moved before her mind could comprehend what she had just said and in the next instant it didn't matter as the Villains soul was completely torn away.

The body that had formerly been clutching onto the cold dead hand also fell down, limp and unmoving.

Desert Note: (I know it seems bleak right now (┳ Д ┳ ), but just know when this story fully wraps up it really will have a happy ending!  ̶I̶t̶'l̶l̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶a̶w̶h̶i̶l̶e̶( T▽T ))

Also I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I hope when you guys read it it turned out as crazy/sad/intense as I imagined when writing it. I really enjoyed changing the font and capitalizing parts to give it a more chaotic energy, so I hope that was conveyed Ψ(`∀ '# )ノ

̶A̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶y̶ ̶t̶u̶n̶e̶d̶ ̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶a̶r̶c̶ ̶i̶s̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶y̶e̶t̶  (ಥ⌣ಥ)

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