The Yandere Cooks for the Vil...

By Desert_S

954K 51.8K 9.9K

After joining the Villain system, the Villain was forced to do world upon world growing emotionless from the... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 1
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 2
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 3
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 4
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 5
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 6
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 7
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 8
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 9
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 10
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 11
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 12
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 13
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 14
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 15
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 16
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 17
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 18
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 19
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 20
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 21
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 22
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 23
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 24
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 25
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 26
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 27 (End Of Arc 1)
Arc 2 Chapter 1: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 2: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 3: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 4: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 5: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 6: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 7: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 8: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 9: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 10: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 11: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 12: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 13: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 14: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 15: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 16: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 17: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 18: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 19: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 20: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 21: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 22: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 23: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 24: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 25: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 26: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 27: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 28 (End of Arc 2): The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 3 chapter 1: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 2: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 3: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 4: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 5: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 6: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 7: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 8: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 9: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 10: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 11: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 12: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 13: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 14: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 15: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 16: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 17: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 18: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 19: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 20: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 21: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 22: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 23: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 24: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 25: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 26: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 27: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 28: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 29 (End of Arc 3): Royal Knight
Arc 4 Chapter 1: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 2: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 3: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 4: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 5: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 6: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 7: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 8: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 9: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 10: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 11: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 12: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 13: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 14: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 15: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 16: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 17: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 18: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 19: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 20: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 21: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 22: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 23: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 24: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 25: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 26: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 27: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 28: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 29: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 30: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 32: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 33: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 34: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 35: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 36: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 37: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 38: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 39: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 40: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 41: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 42: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 43: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 44: (End Of Arc 4) Undying Love
Questions and Answers!

Arc 4 Chapter 31: Undying Love

4.6K 307 93
By Desert_S

Jun had used every resource at his disposal in order to locate the Villain quickly, because of this the trip back would take a little longer, with this in mind Jun continued to carry the immobile S.

Jun carried her throughout the forest while floating on the longsword, he would not let her out of his arms as though afraid even an inch apart would result in her disappearance.

Suddenly as he carried her in his arms he heard the sound of growling.

It did not belong to any animal or wild beast, rather it belonged to a certain someone...

The Villain: "...."

Jun quickly caught onto the situation as he landed the sword.

Due to the Villain's weakening state she was becoming more reliant on human necessities such as sleep, now it seemed she even needed food.

The Villain had yet to eat in this world she had attempted too but never got the chance, because of her cultivation stage she had been past the level of needing food to survive, but now her body actually needed nutrients.

Although she wouldn't need to eat as frequently as the common human yet, her body was becoming weaker. 

Jun was aware of this as he landed the longsword on the ground in the surrounding forest. 

After he carefully landed he hesitantly seated the Villain on the ground, he was still weary of her escaping his grasp.

However the Villain was currently frozen, the effects of the herb "freezing heart" would still have an effect on her for hours.

Yes, she had no way to move her body or use her Qi, like this Jun searched in the large brown waterproof bag at his side. 

Before the Villains eyes he began to pull out a mesh of different ingredients.

The Villain was surprised as she looked at the familiar scene, just when did Jun think to pack such a bag?

"Hah, since you've used and given up so much Qi I guessed this would happen." Jun gave a bitter smile. 

He had speculated the woman would soon need things like food.

"You're body is like a mortal right now so since you are hungry I shall cook. After all I am responsible for your current disposition..." She had only become like this since she had continually transferred him Qi, Jun grew even more bitter at the thought.

"When did you pack such a bag..." S quietly asked, just how much had he man been thinking about her...?

"Soon after you left." Jun paused on the thought as his face grew stiff, he hated the thought. 

Quickly he continued. "I packed a bag of essentials like ingredients and other things." 

Just as Jun said this the Villain thought she saw an ancient looking book peaking out of his bag of "essentials."

The ancient book looked oddly familiar... 

"Let's ignore that." The Villain silently thought, she pulled her gaze away, she wouldn't focus on unnecessary things. (AN: Can you guess what book Jun brought XD?)

Jun finished pulling out ingredients from his bag. 

He had all too thoroughly prepared, although he looked bitter as he spoke, inwardly he was slightly happy at getting to cook for the one he loved. 

Maybe it was ridiculous considering her hatred for him and there strained relationship, but he still felt slightly happy having the one he loved eat his cooking.

With that thought in mind, he began to prepare the ingredients and pour all his effort into it.

He cut some wild vegetables and herbs before pulling out a few slivers of meat along with rice, quickly he built a fire and brought out one small skillet in order to work his craft.

When he lived atop the summit he became very familiar with what sort of plants were edible and what were were not.

Even before that when he lived in the Qiangda sect he was often starved for meals and forced to find his own food for survival.

Although he should have hated the act of cooking he found it oddly relaxing, he simply didn't do it often due to finding it unnecessary. He didn't much like eating his own food so instead he often made simple meals from vegetables and fruits.

It wasn't long before a blazing fire formed and the dishes began to boil and cook, a light but heavenly fragrance wafted through the air as the Villain unconsciously grew started.

Although her body unconsciously reacted to the delicious scent her mind was on a different tract.

She still felt deeply conflicted.

She had decided not to eat this man's cooking in this world, that's why she had never gotten him to cook.

Still as she looked at the man lovingly prepare the dishes her resolve somewhat weakened. (AN: it's not like her resolve was weakening because of the delicious smelling food or anything...)

Her time was still coming close after all, whether she chose to eat or not she would likely be forced to anyways...

Couldn't she consider this meal a sort of last meal before her death...?

Wasn't it only fair?

Yes, it only made sense. 

If that was the case then she could fully immerse herself in the food and eat one last meal with Jun before she truly left him.

Smelling the delicious flavors the Villain became convinced. 'One last meal.' (AN: The Villain's resolve was completely shattered by only the smell of Jun's cooking lol)

She would eat one last meal with this mysterious yet familiar man.

After a short amount of time the food was prepared, Jun set down a mix of stir-fry in front of the Villain, he wondered if she would refuse to eat or spit it out...

Still he had prepared a lot of food, even if a bit was wasted he would still keep trying, like this he calmly set it down expecting the worst.

"Open up." Jun held out chopsticks with some of the delicious smelling food. 

He knew the woman before him could still not move her body, so she would have to comply or refuse, these were her two options.

Jun expected the worst s he held out the food. He was certain she would never accept to be fed by him, especially when he was the one who made the meal.

Still the worst did not come.

As soon as the Villain saw the food before her she emotionlessly looked at it before aggressively taking a bite.


Jun: "...."

In a second she swallowed it all.

"More." Although her voice was not asking but instead commanding it was calm and tranquil, not holding the usual cruelness she typically displayed. 

The man was deeply stunned, without even noticing he instantly reached for more of the steaming food.

Like this the Villain took another bite of the food, she was ever calm but quick to eat. Only a few seconds passed but she had already eaten one third of the food, Jun was surprised, he had never expected this.

He was mesmerized as he watched, he felt a profound happiness arise within him.

He wished he could live in this simple scene forever.

Just as the Villain continued to indulge herself, she noticed something, Jun was just staring rather than eating.

Of course Jun didn't need to eat he was extremely powerful now practically inhuman, after all he was an immortal now, he had no need for food. (AN: because he progressed to a high stage)

Even so the Villain didn't want her last meal to be alone, thinking this she lightly spoke up.

"You eat too." Again her voice was not asking but instead commanding while still remaining calm and tranquil. 

Hearing her speak Jun was once again deeply taken aback, he had not been expecting to hear this type of command. 

For a moment he thought his ears were playing tricks on him, after all he didn't need to eat and the Villain knew this yet she still asked him to eat with her....

The Villain saw Jun's hesitance, once again she repeated. "Eat."

It was then that Jun realized he had not hallucinated, she was in fact asking him to eat with her. His entire being suddenly filled with warmth, one which he felt unaccustomed to.

All the while his heartbeat quickened as he was filled with a deep feeling of life.

Even though he didn't need to eat he dished himself a small amount of food, he was never quite fond of food it was just substance for fuel, but as soon as he began eating with the woman he felt as though the food tasted truly delicious.

The two ate the food in relative silence but complete peace. 

Jun wished he could forever be with this woman.

Suddenly his eyes unconsciously filled with tears, he wasn't sure why but he felt scared, scared that such a happiness couldn't last, scared that the woman would once again disappear from his life but this time... for good. 

Such a thought scared him more than anything.

Yes, it terrified him to his very core.

Just as the Villain finished swallowing her last bite she was tightly grabbed, the man held her arm forcefully as his face now looked bitter.

"From now on you will forever be by my side!" It was not a question but a statement.

The young man was firm as his fierce gaze looked down upon the Villain's.

"Now that you're done, let's hurry up and go back to the summit." Without waiting for a response he packed up the food and once again pulled out the sharp longsword. 

With this he forcefully pulled the Villain into his arms once more as the two continued on their journey.

Desert Note: Sorry for the slight delay in release, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter too! (ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡

Jun finally cooked for the Villain in this world!

The Villain got to enjoy her 'last' meal ever??? Stay tuned to find out!

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