The Pentelements *SLOW UPDATE...

By Josalen144

21.5K 1.2K 1.8K

Kirstie can see into the future Avi can see the past Mitch is a charmer Kevin is the brain Scott is the brawn... More

Ch. 1 Meetings at the Mall
Ch. 2 New Arrival
Ch. 3 Robots and Aliens
Ch. 4 Avi's Family
Ch. 5 Motel Madness
Ch. 6 Can You Hear Me?
Ch. 7 Testing Talents
Ch. 8 Showing Avi & Sneaking Around
Ch. 9 Let's Talk
Ch. 10 Questions and Confessions
Ch. 11 Stolen
Ch. 12 Police Station
A/N Anniversary Party!!!!
Ch. 13 First Look
Ch. 14 Pursuing the Persuader
Ch. 15 All Around the Mulberry Bush
Ch. 16 Can I Play?
Ch. 17 Don't You Dare
Ch. 18 Uh Oh
A/N Sneak Peek
Ch. 19 What Did You Do?!
Ch. 20 We Need A Plan
Ch. 21 Race Against Time
Ch. 22 Survival Strategy
Ch. 23 Plane Escape
Ch. 24 What A Day
Ch. 25 Family Matters
Ch. 26 Goodbye
Ch. 27 Shenanigans
Ch. 28 Truth or Dare
Ch. 29 Group Chat
Ch. 30 Almost There
Ch. 31 Test Drive
A/N Valentine's Day (OPEN)
Ch. 32 Chores
Ch. 33 Ruckus
Ch. 34 Welcome
Ch. 35 Break It
Ch. 36 Are We There Yet?
Ch. 37 Getting Started
Ch. 38 Avi's Turn
Ch. 40 Trampoline
Ch. 41 Explanation (Avi)
Ch. 42 Fun Times
Ch. 43 Early Morning
Ch. 44 Eggs
Ch. 45 Double Yolk
Ch. 46 Face Value
Ch. 47 Boots
Ch. 48 Getting Ready
Ch. 49 Fashion Police
Ch. 50 :)
Ch. 51 Growth Spurt
Ch. 52 Explanation (Kevin/Todrick)
Ch. 53 Friends and Foes
Ch. 54 Mitch vs. Avi
Ch. 55 Two Against One
Ch. 56 Accidentally, Of Course
Ch. 57 Police Chase
Ch. 58 Breathe
Ch. 59 Munchie
Ch. 60 Meditate
Ch. 61 Stirling's Strings
A/N Quick Update

Ch. 39 Cheerleader

220 15 25
By Josalen144

A/N Hey y'all!!! I am SO SORRY for the late update! It was a combination of writer's block and having 3 different exams, plus a test, AND a paper all due throughout the past 2 weeks. With studying and stuff, I didn't have time to write :( But I finally finished this chapter and, not to brag or anything, but something tells me you guys might like it ;) ENJOY!!!


When Kevin and Todrick got close to the couch, Scott spotted them and decided to help out.

"Here, let me give you a hand." He offered, bending down and grabbing the junk filled tub.

"Oh, wait! One second." Todrick stopped him and took out the old TV, putting it on the ground. "Okay, now you can go."

Scott ditched the gloves as he lifted the tub with ease and took it back to a smiling Kirstie and Mitch who were nearby. As they got closer, Kevin and Todrick noticed the couch was piled high with various items. A birdcage, a large table broken in half, several plastic crates, a broken washing machine, a broken stroller, an old dishwasher, a large, old safe with a dented door, and many other random objects.

Kevin gave a low whistle as they reached the pile.

"That looks like it weighs at least over eight hundred pounds." He estimated.

"We should've brought a scale with us to weigh all this stuff." Todrick said, standing next to him.

"We'll know for next time. The question is, can he lift it?"

"I wanted to wait until you guys came back," Scott told them. "Where's Avi?"

"He'll be joining us shortly, he's getting something for Todrick. You can go ahead if you'd like."

"Yeah, show us." Mitch encouraged. "You already have my attention, but if you can pull this off, then you'll have officially gained my interest."

Scott set the tub down and went to pick up the junk filled couch. Kevin and Todrick were a little uneasy with how much it wobbled, but Scott didn't seem to have a problem. He lifted the couch above his head and easily balanced it with one hand.

"Holy crap." Kevin and Todrick said in unison.

"Wow, isn't that heavy?" Kirstie asked. "Even a little bit?"

"Not really. I can tell I'm holding something, but I guess it feels like I'm paying more attention to balancing it than actually holding it up." Scott explained, putting the couch down.

"Why don't you add the tub to the pile and see how hard it is for you to lift it?" Kevin told him.

"There's gotta be no way..." Todrick said, then he chuckled. "Ah, who am I kidding. I'm sure he won't have a problem with it."

"I dunno, it might be hard to balance it all."

"Ahh! Do it!!!" Mitch squealed, grabbing his arm.

Scott glanced down at him and saw his eyes were shimmering with excitement. Feeling his cheeks warm up, Scott bashfully scratched the back of his head.

"I mean, I can try..."

Picking up the tub again, Scott carefully stacked it on top of the trash pile and made his way back down. Wiping his hands off on his pants, he grabbed the trash and lifted it above his head. Scott heard a small squeal and saw Mitch's big grin. With a shy smile, Scott put the pile back down on the ground.

"Woah, look at that pile." Kirstie mused, looking in the distance.

"Pile? That looks like a small mountain!" Kevin joined in. "Or at least a tall hill."

"Can you lift that one?" Todrick asked Scott, gesturing to the newer pile.

"Yeah, do it!" Mitch exclaimed, grinning again.

Scott saw what they were talking about several feet away and gave a shrug. They made their way to the tall hill of trash and Scott was able to lift it with ease. As he held it up, he glanced at Mitch who was looking at the junk in the air. He could see his eyes were once again shimmering with excitement. Mitch caught his eye and Scott quickly looked away, setting the trash down. Mitch looked like he was going to say something when he got distracted.

"Ooh, ooh! What about that one?!" He asked, pointing to an even bigger pile.

"I guess I could give it a shot." Scott said walking over to it. He bent down to pick it up when he was interrupted.

"Oh, wait." Mitch stopped him, and he started climbing the mountain of trash.

"Mitch, what are you doing?" Kirstie called up to him.

"Climbing, duh."

"Aren't you worried about messing up your pants?"

"Não. These aren't mine, they're Miguel's. I swiped them when I took his duffle bag."


"Because, they're super cute. I kept asking him where he got them but he wouldn't tell me. It's not fair someone so rude has an ass so fat." He pouted, then smirked. "Obviously mine is better, and it looks terrific in these jeans."

Mitch paused his climbing to give it a light slap and everyone chuckled with minimal eye rolls. With a final smirk, Mitch made it to the top of the trash and sat down, crossing his legs.

"Alright, Mr. Incredible. Try to lift it now."

Scott smiled and wiped his hands off on his pants again. Then he grabbed hold of the bottom of the mountain and picked it up with minimal difficulty. Mitch squealed in delight as he felt himself rising through the air.

"Hey, Todrick, I found the- holy crap!" Avi cut himself off as he rejoined the group.

His jaw dropped when he saw Scott lifting the small mountain of trash topped with a grinning Mitch.

"Thanks, but last I checked, this was called a remote." Todrick said as he joined him, taking the item from Avi and inspecting it.

"Ha ha. Now, how did Mitch get up there?"

"He climbed."

"Isn't he afraid of falling?"

"Guess not."

Speaking of, Mitch enjoyed the view from the top of the summit for a bit before deciding to go back. Not bothering to wait for Scott to put the trash down, Mitch grabbed an old cardboard box and used it to slide to the bottom before jumping off. Landing on his feet, he gave Scott a quick smile and rejoined the group.

"Wow, Stretch is so strong!" Mitch mumbled to himself.

"You know that's not his name right?" Avi told him.


"Stretch? That isn't his name."

"Well he answers to it, and no one's corrected me."

"No, his name is Scott." Avi chuckled.

"Ohh, well I knew there was an S and T in there somewhere." Mitch shrugged, not taking his eyes off the newly named blond.

"Hey, Scott! See if you can hold it up with one hand." Kirstie challenged.

"Okay!" He agreed, and Scott carefully started shifting all the weight to one arm.

"Did you really think his parents named him Stretch?" Avi asked Mitch, continuing their conversation.

"Your parents named you Avi."

"What's that supposed to mean? It's Jewish."

"Oh, nothing. It just feels like your parents were thinking about your name and the doctor wrote the different sounds they made."

"Oh yeah? Well, your name sounds like your parents were cursing but the doctor misheard them!"

"Okay, I'll give you that one." Mitch chuckled. "That was pretty good."

"I got it!" Scott announced, now holding the small mountain with one hand.


"You sound like a cheerleader." Avi snickered. "All you need is an outfit and some pom poms."

Scott looked at Mitch, expecting to see his smile again, but instead saw him glaring at Avi who was ignoring him. Scott felt a strange sense of confusion and disappointment as he set the trash down. He was disappointed in no longer having Mitch's attention, but was confused at why he felt so disappointed in the first place. Before he could think too much about it, Kevin stepped up.

"Okay. I think we can all agree that Scott is very strong, and as much as I'd like for us to keep finding heavier things for him to lift, I think he could use a break." Kevin told everyone, glancing at Scott for confirmation. When Scott nodded, he continued. "Besides, Todrick, you still haven't seen Kirstie or Mitch's powers yet."

"That's true. Who should be next?" Todrick asked.

"I should probably take the TV back to the car so it doesn't break." Scott told Kevin.

"That's a good idea. Here are my keys."

"Oh, you know, it'd be kinda hard to hold the TV and such small keys at the same time. I don't want to break them accidentally."

"I can go with him." Avi cut in.

"Well, thank you, Avi. That's really kind of you." Kevin smiled and tossed Avi his keys.

As the two walked off, Kirstie got an idea to decide who would show their power first.

"Wanna rock, paper, scissors for it?" She suggested, getting her hand ready.

"Meh, I'm kinda indifferent about it but whatever." Mitch stretched.

They got ready and Kirstie's scissors won to Mitch's paper. Mitch furrowed his eyebrows at that and straightened up.

"Two out of three." He demanded.

Kirstie shrugged and they went again. Mitch's paper won to Kirstie's rock. Final round. They counted it off, and Mitch's scissors won to Kirstie's paper.

"Woo! Inferno sim bebê!!!"

"What happened to being indifferent?" Kevin chuckled to himself.

"Alright, Mitch," Todrick said, as Kirstie stood by Kevin. "If I remember correctly, back at Kevin's place you said you had a... a charm?"

"Yep." Mitch smirked, popping the p.

"Could you maybe elaborate on that?"

"Well... I will tell you it's not the kind of charm you're thinking of."

"So, it's not a charm for a bracelet or some kind of good luck charm?"

"Nope, and speaking of bracelets. Why don't you look around this place and bring me back a shiny one that's still good?"

"And why would I do that?" Todrick asked, and Mitch chuckled. "This place is huge and, not to mention, really dirty. So the chances of me finding something small like a bracelet that's, not only still intact, but also shiny, is very slim."

Mitch walked closer to Todrick and didn't stop until he was standing in front of him. Then he gave him an icy smile.

"See, I don't think you heard me." Mitch put a hand on Todrick's shoulder and stared into his eyes, now using his charm. "Go and find me a shiny bracelet."

Todrick's heart skipped a beat as he nodded and started looking through the trash for the shiny item. Mitch smirked and found an old desk to sit on while waiting for Todrick to finish the job he gave him.

"Hey, how long does this last?" Kevin asked, watching his friend wander around aimlessly, and Mitch shrugged.

"It shouldn't be too long, I didn't use that much on him," He responded. "Oh, that reminds me! We should stop by Starbucks on the way back because, I've been out here for a while, and oh my gosh, I am literally dying of thirst."


A/N That's all folks!!! Let me know if you liked this chappy in the comments :) Again sorry for it taking so long, my brain finally started working again like 2 days ago lol. Anyway, have a good day/night/evening, and don't forget to boop that little vote button with your nose! Love you lots! BAIII!!!!~

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