Miraculous Fan-fiction: The T...

By Brainyk05

292K 6.8K 8.8K

While Marinette's parents are away on a trip, Marinette will have to survive classes, being Ladybug, Chat's p... More

The Trip: chapter one
The Trip: Chapter 2
Chapter 3: An Unexpected Guest
The Trip: Chapter 4
The Trip: Chapter 5
The Trip: Chapter Six
The Trip: Chapter 7
The Trip: Chapter 8
A/N: OMG!!
The Trip: Chapter 10
Hold up:
The Trip: Chapter 11
The Trip: Chapter 12
The Trip: Chapter 13
The Trip: Chapter 14
The Trip: Chapter 15
The Trip: Chapter 16
The Trip: Chapter 17
The Trip: Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
❤️Please Read :))))❤️
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
heyo my loves
i got tagged?
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35: Bonus!

Chapter 34

3.8K 127 60
By Brainyk05

two for two baby woot woot

Chat looked at her. "Um..." he started, trying to find the words to express his feelings. Chat stared into her eyes, blue like the sky and the sea...the whole world encapsulated in two eyes.

"Chat? Are...are you feeling alright?" Ladybug took his hand, placing the back of her other hand on his forehead to check his temperature. Chat's blood rushed to his face, but he couldn't look away from Ladybug. How could he stare into the eyes of the girl he has loved for years and tell her he'd fallen in love with someone else? This all seemed impossible.

Overwhelmed with guilt, he hung his head. His stomach began to throb, urging him to regurgitate his dinner.

"Chat? Are you alright?" Ladybug said, the urgency raising in her voice.

The room began to spin. Chat lost his balance, stumbling. Ladybug stabilized him, holding his arm and leading him to a nearby bench. It was uncomfortable, but right then the most important thing was making sure Chat was ok. "Kitty, please tell me what's going on!"

Chat started breathing heavily. "I can't love you anymore!"

Ladybug stared at him, her eyes widening with shock. Time seemed to stop. Her heartbeat quickened. Disappointment filled her stomach. Her head began to pound. "W-what?" She asked, desperately trying to make sense out of what he just told her.

"Please M'lady, don't make me say it again" Chat felt like he was going to throw up. How could he be doing this? It would have all been fine without this whole ordeal. He could see the disappointment in Ladybugs face. He didn't understand it, not in the least. But it still broke his heart in two. A tear rolled down his face. Then another. And another.

"Kitty...it's ok chaton. I'll be ok." She took him in her arms, squeezing him tight as silent tears rolled down his face. Seeing him like this messed her up. She figured now was not the best time to tell him she loved him.

They sat there, a ball of unfortunate emotions, for what seemed like an eternity. When it was getting late, Ladybug wiped Chats tears away with her thumbs. She gave him a kiss on the check and hugged him one last time. Then, she swung away.Chat Noir sat by himself on the bench.

"Little kitty on a roof, all alone without his lady."

Another tear rolled down his face. He began to walk the long journey home.


When Marinette arrived at the Agreste Mansion, she detransformed and closed the windows. This had become a whole mess. She was so fed up with everything. It took all of her will power to let go of Chat at the Eiffel Tower. But she knew staying any longer would provoke suspicion. She needed Adrien to comfort her. When she peaked inside his room, sneaking past the open door, there was no one there. "Adrien?" she called out. No response. "Maybe he went to get a snack" she wondered, making her way down the lonely hallway to the staircase.

Adrien detransformed and went into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. "What have you done Agreste." Plagg didn't know how to comfort him, so he had stayed in Adriens main bedroom.

"He's not here." Marinette observed, checking every place in the kitchen he could be hiding. "oh well. Ill just go to bed then. I'm sure he's fine. His father doesn't let him go anywhere anyway, let alone somewhere dangerous." She made her way up the staircase and back to the lonely hallway. But this time, when she walked past his room, Adrien was sitting on his bed.

Marinette's heart throbbed. She knocked on his open door. "Hey." She said, a faint smile on her lips. Adriens head shot up. "H-hey!" He smiled. Something about her face took a tiny bit of the sting out of what just happened. "Can...Can I come in? I came by earlier but you weren't in here."

Adriens heart sank. A few minutes ago he was crying on Ladybugs shoulder. He pushed the thought away. "Yeah, sorry I was...in the shower."

Marinette knew he was lying. His hair wasn't wet and the water wasn't running when she came in earlier. The mirror wasn't fogged up,  the room wasn't humid, but she didn't care. Whatever he was doing, Marinette trusted Adriens judgment. She walked in the room and sat on the bed next to Adrien.

She took his hand, but he was unresponsive. "Two boys in one night? Is there a sadness bug going around? Maybe an akuma?" She thought. "What's the matter?" Marinette asked, turning her head to meet his eyes. He looked up. The sadness in his eyes was unbearable for Marinette. A tear ran down his face. She cupped his face with one hand, and Adrien put his hand over the one on his face. "I'm ok, Mari," he said, "Really, I am."

She kissed him, hoping it would temporarily relieve the pain. She pulled away. "Adrien, it's late...if your father caught you awake right now we would both be dead meat." She smiled, which made him smile. She pointed at the clock. 10:32. Adrien snickered. "Is it lame that my father made my bedtime 9:30?" he asked. Marinette quietly laughed. "Well...I should be heading to bed. Goodnight Adrien." She said, letting go of his hand.

"No! Please-" Adrien said, grabbing her hand before it was completely out of reach. "I mean, can you, um, stay?" Marinette turned. "Uh, I don't see why not...is everything ok?" she said sitting back on the bed. "You're worrying me."

He took her hand. "Princess, I'm ok. Really. Go get changed. You can borrow one of my sweatshirts, I don't want you to have to sleep in those uncomfortable clothes." A faint smile painted her lips. She blew him a kiss. Adrien pretended to catch it, almost falling off the bed. They both laughed as Marinette walked away.


Marinette was holding Adrien as he snuggled her under the covers. This is all she had ever wanted. She wished a better day had come before it. She didn't know it, but tears were running down Adrien's face.

Everything felt right again. Marinette still loved him, he was still best friends with Ladybug, and his father was happy. This time, the tears were of relief and joy.

"Marinette?" Adrien said, not moving at all. "Hm?" Mari replied looking down at him and placing a kiss on his forehead. "I love you." Adrien said, tightening his grip around her waist. Marinette's heart skipped a beat. "I...I love you too, Adrien Agreste."

And with that, they fell asleep.

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