Grace-Isabella Potter, Harry...

By IsabellaTVD

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Grace-Isabella Potter. Ring any bells? No? Harry Potter. You know him? The Boy Who Lived. Well little does an... More

Authors Note and Description!!!!!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter Two

922 30 4
By IsabellaTVD

Hey guysssss! *read in creepy stalker voice* I'm back!!! Okay soooo, I am going to try to update every day or at least on the weekends but since today is Martin Luther King Day, my entire district has off. And I also have other books I'm working on so you know I have to work on those too. Oh, and I AM ONLY 11 YEARS OLD so if you dont like how I'm writeing, keep in mind that I only learned how to write amazing sentences like these around 6 years ago, not like 16 years ago. So yeah NO HATE ON ANY OF MY BOOKS!!!!!! Not that I've gotten any, but I've read hate comments on other books. Also, I will try to update every weekend.

*shameless book advertising ahead* And read my other stories if you like 'The Vampire Diaries' or 'Twilight'!!!!! Okay now that, that is out of the way.............. ON TO THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *read in childrens voices* Yay! Also, I will try to update every weekend. Sorry for the short chapter, only a litte over 1,200 words.


After sitting in the bathroom for about an hour, Hermione knocks on the door. "Grace-Isabella, please come out. Harry didnt mean it. Please?" She pleads. I decide that I should give her a chance after five more minutes. I slowly get up and unlock the door. "Thank you so much Grace-Isabella!" Hermione exclaims.

"Please call me Grace or Isabella," I tell her.

"All right, Isabella," she replies. We start to walk to the compartment, only to find Harry and Ron talking. Hermione does this little cough thing, and both of the boys look up at the same times. Harry jumps up from his seat and tries to give me a hug. Notice how I said tries. I step out of the way and sit next to Hermione.

"Please Izzy. I'm sorry. Please. We had an extreamly busy school year," Harry begs. I am not good at foriving people, so I jump up from my seat and start to scream at him.

"No Harry. No. Just because you're The Boy Who Lived does not mean I am going to forgive you. You think that you can just not write me any letters or not tell your friends about me, and I totally get that you had a busy school year, but you were with Ron all summer and Hermione might have been there. I honestly dont know, but what I do know is that if I were in your place I would have at least told my friends about you. Not that I would need to, just my last name woud tell them we are related, but no one knows of the little girl a year younger then The Boy Who Lived, because she was only The Girl Who Got Cursed!" I scream. By now my stright black hair is frizzed, my beautiful emrald green eyes are blood red, and all the lights on the trains are flickering. Also there is a huge crowd outside the compartment, with fear written on there faces.

"Izzy what are you talking about cursed, I thought he used the same spell on us?" Harry asks.

"No Harry he didnt. He decide that he would curse me into remembering every detail about that night, and have it haunt my dreams. The spell was so powerful that it weakend him, then the killing spell he used on you killed him," I Say with tears streaming down my face.

"oh my God,"

"thats terrible,"

"I feel so bad"

"wait Harry Potter has a sister" At that comment I start to talk again.

"Yes the Oh-so-great Harry Potter has a sister, and she has anger issues, so if any of you repete that comment, I will hurt you," I say eerily calm. Harry adopts a look of panic and fear.

"Everyone listen. NO ONE repete that comment EVER! I have known her since we were children and she will hurt you, even more then you have ever been hurt before." Harry says. Everyone cowers back from me at that comment, and I smile to myself. When everyone starts to leave the train stops and everyone starts getting off.

I wait until the crowd cleared then get off. As I get off the train, I see Hagrid calling the first years to go with him. Some fourth years also came along to make sure we get there safely. Since Harry, Hermione, and Ron forgot about my existance, I just walk over to Hagrid. Once all the first years are over there, Hagrid instructs us to follow him. We continue walking for a bit, but all of a sudden everyone stops, and me being me, bumped into the girl in front of me. "Oh sorry," I say.

"No, its alright. I'm Cathalina Forwood," (A/N- if you watch TVD you should get her last name. FYI I DO NOT ship it. STEROLINE!!!!!) she says.

"I'm-" she cuts me off.

"You're Grace-Isabella Potter, I saw you on the train," She tells me. UGH!!! What if she's only talking to me because she's scared. "What house do you want to get sorted into? I'm in my fourth year and I'm in Hufflepuff," she asks and tells me.

"Um... I would love to be in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw," I reply. Its true. Even though my idiot of a brother is in that house, I would love to be there.

"Oh well, I would never want be in Gryffindor, not that I could... Oh, look! we have to get you on one of the boats over there and I'm going on one of the boats over there," She says pointing left then right. "Well I'll see you at the sorting cerimony," she tels me then walks away.

Well this is great. I have to get on a boat with random people, who are most likely scared of me. I walk over to a boat on my far left and get in. The people in the boat start to inch away from me. Well, now we know whose not going in Gyriffindor. I let out a loud sigh, and begin talking. "Hi. I'm Grace-Isabella Potter, but you can call me Grace or Isabella, and I want to be sorted into Gryffindor,"

the brvest one out of the group, begins talking. "I-I'm Lillyana Greengrass. I want to be put in Gryffindor, and I come from a pure-blood family... Not that it matters, of course." she says. Lillyana has brown, curly hair, that falls to the middle of her back, and beautiful sea blue eyes.

"I'm Zolia-Wendy (A/N her name is pronounced ZO-LE-UH) Rosier, but call me Zolia or Wendy please. I, to, want to be put in Gryffindor, and I also come from a pure-blood family, which of course dosent matter." Zolia says. She has strate, blond hair, that is in a bob cut, with extraordinary violet colored eyes.

Then the only boy who is on the boat starts to talk. "I'm Emerson Expliso, and I'm muggleborn, but I've known these two since we were in kindergarten, well since I was since they didnt have to. I want to be put in Gryffindor too." He told me. Emerson has messy black hair, and brown eyes that would make any girl--exept me-- melt at the sight.

"Well you know me and I just want me apoligize for my lttle outburst on the train. Harry and I had just had fight and sometimes I just get so mad." I tell them.

"Here," Zolia says, "It's has amethyst and carnelian, they both help to control your anger. We all have one. Lillyana and I both have the same charm like that with the crystals, and Emerson has it in his ring with the opposite charm. You are now offically our friend," The charm on the necklaces is a sun and on the ring is a full moon. They were absolutly beautiful.

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