Final Call for Mercy

By danaxramirez

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*Book 3 of Queen of the Underworld Series* It's do or die for Anastasia and her family as an old foe disguise... More

Until next time...


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By danaxramirez

I was one-hundred percent sure that my ass was starting to flatten. Two hours later and the only thing going my way has been water that tasted like oxidized metal served in a paper cup. My throat was dry and if that water didn't quench my thirst, then the taste made me forget my dry throat.

I have to admit with my head hung in shame that I was not doing well in this particular situation. If my father was here, he would have smacked me in the back of the head. Thankfully, he's not. If he was, I have a feeling I'd be on my way to that secret government dungeon. These nosy ass tombos have a lot more put together than they realize. I'll have to deal with that. (Tombos is slang for cops in Colombia.)

"No, sir. I do not know what you are talking to me about." I stretched my back in my seat and groaned. At least I didn't have to fake the frustration, too. "Don't you think these questions are a little... stupid?"

"Things would go a lot faster if you cooperated, Ms. Bianchi." Even-worse cop was really trying hard to get a bullet through the eyes.

I scoffed, "you mean if I falsely incriminated myself to make your job easier."

"No," bad-cop said. "We mean if you gave us straight answers."

"Let me summarize it for you because I think you're not getting where I am coming from," I told them. "You're telling me my father was related with some gang in LA that goes by some wack ass name which I forgot. The Cheetahs? Lions? Meerkats? I don't know--"

"The Jaguars," bad-cop corrected.

"Right, the Jaguars. Gangs and their stupid need to make a city sound like the zoo. Anyways, my father was related with them. You're saying that he faked his death, even though I saw him getting buried, and moved on to have relations with even bigger gangs like one's in Sicily and other parts of Italy. And, on top of that, you are accusing my biological father-- who came back to get me after he found out the news-- of being involved with the Sicilian Mafia and are accusing me of picking that as my career choice as if going with my biological father was not the only option I had."

Even-worse cop straightened. "You didn't go with your adoptive family. Why?"

"I was seventeen," I deadpanned. "If my father told me to go with him, I couldn't really fight back. And, if you know all of this, then I'm guessing you looked into my records."

"We did."

"So, I'm guessing you saw the countless school reports where I am filed with injuries and bruises. Even if I had a choice, my adoptive family would not even be the last one."

"Yes," bad-cop said. "And we also found out that your birth is not registered in Italy, Colombia or the United States. Anywhere actually. How did you attend school in the first place, Ms. Bianchi?"

I hoped the panic in me didn't show on my face. I felt it in my legs, because they started bouncing. My hands began fidgeting with each other and my teeth started torturing my lip. "Well, if I'm honest, I'd have to tell you I was a little preoccupied with coming out of my mothers vagina. I didn't exactly have time to remind them to register me."

Even-worse cop narrowed his eyes at me. "I'd advise for you to take this more seriously, Ms. Bianchi."

I glared him down. "I'd advise you let me call my lawyer, Sir. It's been hours."

Even-worse cop was going to say something, but bad-cop spoke before he could. "Of course. We are sorry for not doing it sooner. I'll go see if they have the phone ready. Wait just a moment."

I gave him an overly sweet smile and waved goodbye as he left the interrogation room. Even-worse cop followed after him.

Being as discreet as I could be, I let my eyes scan the room. I knew there was a camera in the left corner of the room, over the door. There was also one behind me on the wall, I saw it as I walked in. This room didn't have a two-way mirror, so I'd just have to watch for the cameras.

I slowly reached into the waistband of my pants, pulling out the pen I took from one of the guards as I was walked in. I took the paper cup on the table and started jotting down.

Sounds like they're catching onto us. Find a way to get me out of here before I'm charged. Don't care if you have to blow this precinct to bits.

When the door reopened, I quickly stuffed the paper cup in my waistband and sat on the pen. The two officers walked in with a phone. Bad-cop sat down and handed it to me. "Five minutes."

I rolled my eyes and dialed the only number I could dial safely. They'd know I'll be calling there.

"Hello?" My fathers voice came on the other side of the line.

"Hello, Mr. Zamparini. This is Anastasia Bianchi."

"Are you okay, Tesoro?" His voice was worried.

"Yes, sir. I'm actually wrapped up in a misunderstanding. Well," I laughed. "More like I'm being placed in the middle of a show of incompetence."

"Sicilian police?"

"Who else, Mr. Zamparini? Who else is more incompetent than the Americans? They are questioning me supposedly because my father and I may be involved with the Mafia in Sicily and because supposedly my adoptive father Michael didn't die four years ago at the detention center, but rather three years ago in Indonesia."

My father cursed loudly. "You're joking? Have they accused you of anything? Or are they simply speaking speculation?"

"So far, no accusations, but give them a chance and they'll cook something up. You know Americans love to throw people in jail."

"Okay," even-worse-cop quipped. "Time's up."

It has barely been two minutes, but okay. I reckon you'll be dead in a few hours anyway. "I have to go, Mr. Zamparini."

"Let me figure this out quickly and I'll send someone to go get you. Hold tight."

Bad-cop hung up the phone for me and took it back. "So, Ms. Bianchi--"

"Listen, sir. My father is not associated with the Sicilian Mafia or any mafia for that matter. Neither am I. He owns a successful chain of bars here in Sicily and other parts of Italy that he has been making him income out of. I am now in the process of taking over them. With a warrant, you are more than welcome to check our accounting. You may also check into the dozens of donations he's made to schools all over and the dozens of jobs that he's created. I'd rather not speak any longer. Are we done here?"

Even-worse-cop narrowed his eyes at me, looking like he wished he could assault me. I gave him a cheeky smile in return. "Yes, ma'am. You may go," bad-cop said.

"What?" Even-worse-cop nearly shrieked.

I blinked at him. Once. Then, twice. "Excuse me?"

He sighed, "you may leave, Ms. Bianchi. There is nothing you can really help us with. You aren't being accused and your answers aren't really answering anything for us."

I was shocked, honestly. Something being this easy always meant some sort of difficulty was growing in the near future. Still, I moved my chair back and stood up slowly. "Um, okay." I extended my hand to both and nodded. "I'll be off now."

Bad-cop shook my hand. "We'll be seeing each other again, Ms. Bianchi."

I smiled at him, "I truly hope not."

Even-worse-cop gave me a dirty look as I walked out of the interrogation room, stolen pen and cup hidden with me. I bit my lip, thinking of how I was going to get home. They'll follow me for sure.

In the end, I take a cab and go to my apartment. I take out my phone while on the cab and reset it. When we arrive at the front of the building, I lean in to pay the driver, at the same time dropping my phone on the floor or the cab. Better safe than sorry.

I walk to the building, heading for the receptionist. "Has anyone come to my apartment?"

She shook her head, "no, ma'am. Just the officers a few hours ago. They were asking for footage and asking me for entrance to you apartment. I told them I can't let them go inside without your permission."

I smiled. "Good job. I'll make sure you get a raise." I winked at her and she smiled proudly at herself. "Oh, and tell Mango that I saw a cockroach before I went with the police. I'll call an exterminator so he can come and check everywhere to kill them all. We can figure out the details of the payment later."

She nodded and I went up to the apartment. It was protected. No one can listen from the inside. Now all I have to do is have those exterminators check the entire building for bugs. If only I could exterminate the ones who parked themselves across the street. If cops truly believe they are dealing with the mafia, you'd think they made a greater effort to be discreet. My training covered that as one of the first lessons. 

Upon going inside and closing the door behind me, I completely undressed myself and got into new clothes. I took the old clothes and threw the out into the garbage disposal in the hallway. Once I was finally sure I was halfway safe, I made my way quickly to my office and grabbed the phone.

My father answered almost immediately. "Hello?"

"I'm out."

"What? How? They just let you go?"

"Fishy, right? I told them I won't say more and they let me go. That obviously means they think they have something on me. They followed me and have two men parked across the building, so tell Nick to not come here."

"Okay," he said. "We'll take care of those tomorrow. Are you okay?"

"Yes, Dad. Did you manage to get a flight for Jonathan?"

"He'll be here tomorrow. I had some contacts put on the task of searching for your sister. Don't worry about them."

I laughed tiredly. "I can't not worry about them, Dad. I barely spoke to them in so long and now the same shit that has been chasing me for years is after them. It got their mother killed and now is going after them. How am I supposed to not feel worried?"

"You don't have to be a hero and take the blame for this one, tesoro." He told me. Somehow, when my father talks to me this way, I feel like I'm five and he's tucking me into bed. I feel relaxed. "This is after all of us. Not just you. There is no need to feel guilty or like you did something wrong. We'll get through this, too. Together. We'll put them in their place and let everyone know that the Bianchi's are not to be messed with. That you are not to be challenged."

I sat back on the chair, feeling the exhaustion spread through my whole body. I closed my eyes and spoke in whispers. "I'm sorry, Dad."

It felt like he hesitated to answer. His voice was equally as soft when he did. "For what?"

I yawned, feeling more and more comfortable in the chair. "For not living up to your standards."

"What do you mean?" His voice was like a lullaby.

"As a daughter," I murmured. "I suck at it, Dad. I'm so sorry."

"You're the most amazing daughter in the world. I can't imagine loving someone like I love you, Tasia."

I smiled. Of course he'd say that. It's, like, fatherly obligation.

"You've never known another daughter, but me. Loving me is your only option or else I'd drive you crazy," I told him.

He laughed, "you already drive me crazy. Even so, I love you. Don't be sorry for being who your are. For being a fighter."

I groaned. "I'm not really a fighter. I'm just...angry. At the world, at myself, at my past. The anger makes me strong, but it also makes me sad."

"There's," he paused for a second. I could hear him taking a breath. "There is a lot you haven't told me about your past. About your life with Michael. About what Mussolini did to you. About why you're so angry."

I blew out a breath, feeling the tiredness get the best of me. "You don't want to know. You'd get angry, too."

"I want to share the burden with you," he told me.

I smiled. He was so sweet. "I can handle it, Dad. I've been handling it my whole life."

"You don't have to do it alone. Not anymore. You have me, you have Nick and the rest of our family."

"I know," I whispered. "But this is my baggage to carry."

"You don't owe anything to your trauma, Tasia. You owe it to yourself to be at peace."

"But I'm happy," I told him. I could feel the sleep pulling me in.

"I never said happiness. I said peace. Happiness is fleeting. It comes and goes. Peace at heart gives you strength, it gives you life."

I laughed at my own expense. "What life? More times than not I'm closer to death."

"I'll get it out of you," he promised. "If it's the last thing I do."

I smiled lazily, fighting to maintain consciousness. "Then, I'm glad you'll live forever. Michael Rios taught me to keep my mouth shut, and he taught me that very well."

He answered something, but I couldn't make out what. The sleep finally pulled me in until all I felt was the calmness of my breathing. 

Hmm, peace felt pretty nice.


AHH the beginning of the end everybody!!!

How are we feeling about the first chapter?

I'm so excited to share this book with you. Next update is still TBD. I'll let y'all know.

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