Promise You'll Never Forget

By lucy_230603

437 34 2

A Draco Malfoy FanFiction story. Nobody expected a mudblood to fall for Draco Malfoy, what's worse? Nobody ex... More

Please Read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 25

9 1 0
By lucy_230603

"I want to be your boyfriend, not your owner or keeper, your boyfriend."

His words filled me with euphoria as he spoke. Every word was utterly honest and magical to hear. There was nothing I wanted more than for those words to become reality.

I pulled his shirt, closing the gap between us and tilted my head up to kiss his lips. His hands instantly took my face cupping them as we shared a intense kiss while a few students walking past turned to face us.

It didn't matter to him that we were barely hidden behind a thin pillar, it didn't matter to him that people could see and would spread rumours, he wanted to make us official, he wanted me to be his girlfriend. He pulled away and smiled and I lightly bit my lip.

"Is that a yes?" He asked eager to get an answer.

"I suppose being your girlfriend could be good."

"Yes?" He asked again wanting to hear it again.

"Yes." As soon as the word escaped my mouth, his lips were on mine again.

Suddenly my back was no longer pressed up against the pillar. As Draco moved his kisses down to my neck I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. He had apparated us both away from the busy, student filled hallways and into his dorm room. His lips found mines again as I unbuttoned his shirt and took off my robe.

Lunchtime was soon approaching and me and Draco had successfully skipped three entire morning lessons. The rain outside pattered lightly on the window as the dying winter weather contrasted hugely to the warmth of his sheets. We lay in his bed together, my head on his chest as he traced patterns into my shoulder with his fingers.

"That's one way of getting rid of a hangover." I say jokingly looking up to meet Draco's eyes.

"Are you certain it's gone? I'm sure we could go again, just to make sure." His smirk could make the ugliest of foes to smile.

"Oh wow... So considerate, you really think you have it in you?" As I rolled over, shaking my head I concealed an uncontrollable smile.

"How about we find out?" He came an whispered in my ear. No matter what I do with this boy, he will always give me butterflies when he does that.

"What about school?" I asked mumbling through the kisses he was planting on my lips.

"I'm sure it won't miss us."

"Well I need to go, we've already missed the whole morning, I don't want to be caught and have another detention."

"I think that was the most detentions you've ever had." He said defeated, as he rolled onto his back and resting his head on his arm.

"And how would you know?"

"Come on Ana, you don't act up in classes, you never get detention, except in Snape's class." Explaining his words as though it's common knowledge.

"Well that's because I appreciate the professors, because they put up with people like you to teach people like me."

"People like me?" He sat up looking down at me with confusion plastered on his face. He knew he wasn't a 'bad' kid per say.

As he went through school his troublesome behaviour in class vanished as he grew quieter, professors didn't always like him but he isn't a bother to teach now as he once was.

"People who couldn't give a toss about their education."

"I care..." I shot him a condescending look "Ok I don't care." He gave in, knowing fine well I knew he didn't like school, how useless and pointless he thought Hogwarts had become for him.

The signs were clear as night and day, he stopped participating and his mood towards school work changed from promising potential to unwillingly completing tasks given. Some say he wasted his talent as a young wizard but I think just knows what he needs to learn and what he doesn't.

"Mhmm. Are you coming then? I'm starving." I stood up and pulled on my uniform. I watched his eyes fill with ungodly intentions as he stared at my body. It boosted my confidence knowing he saw me in such a way, some say that it would worry them, thinking that he only wanted sex but I know he doesn't, he told me so, and I believe him with all my heart.

"Come on lazy lump." He groaned as I pulled him out of bed, forcing him to get ready for lunch.

After ten minutes of Draco complaining and reluctantly getting dressed he was finally ready and he unenthusiastically dragged his feet up to the great hall.

Our walk was met with stares from students, some were classmates but most were only friendly faces in a crowd. Word had spread that Draco and I were caught behind the pillar, I glanced across to him as he walked looking straight ahead not looking at a single faced who bore their eyes.

I sheepishly slid my hand into his intertwining my fingers with his, bringing him out of his trance. He tweaked an eyebrow before gently squeezing my hand in response, I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding glad to know he meant what he said about us becoming public.

The great hall was busy, full of students catching up on schoolwork, laughing with friends and scoffing food, Luna and Cho were sitting down as they noticed me and waved over inviting me to sit with them.

"I'm assuming you and your friends made up."

"Last night we had a huge talk about everything but now it's sorted. I really missed them."

"Well go have lunch with them."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeh, I have things to do anyway." He shrugged.

"Like what?"

"Nothing important." He brushed off yet another question. The more he avoided questions the more suspicious I became, maybe Harry was right about him disappearing, I didn't fully take notice last term but his secretive ways are becoming more apparent as the days go on.

"Ok... I'll talk later then."

"See you later loser." He shot me playful grin as he caught the blush on my cheeks turn ruby.

I walked down the aisles made by tables to my friends who sat amongst a few other Ravenclaw girls and a single Hufflepuff who had grown close with the classmates she'd made out with her own house.

"Where have you been all morning?" Cho asked, looking behind me searching for the blonde headed boy who she knew was more than likely the reason for my absence.

"You skipped three classes back to back, that's not like you." Luna added softly.

"I was with Draco. He asked me to be his girlfriend." I explained unable to contain my excitement.

"Really? And does being his girlfriend mean you have to skip classes?" Cho's voice filled with sarcasm as she raised an eyebrow. I knew she was joking but there was a smidge of spite towards my decision.

"Oh shut up and be happy for me, we were celebrating."

"I'm glad yous are finally official. I was wondering when he would ask." Luna said taking the topic off skipping classes.

"How did it happen?"

"Well last night I may have apparated into his room after you guys had gone to bed and yelled at him for not asking me sooner-" I began

"So he asked you because you asked him to?"

"No Pansey interrupted and and told me to leave, after Draco told her to fuck off I didn't want to stay any longer so I came back to the dorm."

"So when did he ask?"

"This morning, after Snape's class he pulled me behind a pillar and told me everything he hoped to do as my boyfriend and asked me then."

"What things does he hope to do as your boyfriend?" She asked very suggestively, raising an eyebrow.

"Cho! Not like that." I swatted her arm lightly. "He told me he wanted to be with me whatever my mood and be together in public and chose him out of every other boy here."

"Are you sure Draco Malfoy said all these things."

"It sounds wonderful, Cho is just worried her pre-existing views on Draco are incorrect which means she's wrong about something and we can make fun of her." Luna said softly, intending no harm while standing up for me. We all burst out laughing.

The three of us sat eating lunch and gossiped for the entire hour until the chimes of the school bell rang loud over the chattering students. The final two classes of the day dragged across the afternoon, postponing the inevitable detention I'd soon sit with Professor Snape.

His classroom was dark and cold by the time I wandered around the school wasting the little free time I had before 4pm. I shuddered at the emptiness of the room, when it's filled with pupils it's feels crowded and less lonely but now it's eerily quiet and limitless.

Snape was sat behind a large desk that stood high at the front of the classroom, his eyes were waiting for me to come in and sit down, the only way to describe his expressions? Spiritless and bleak.

I took a seat three rows from the front, keeping my distance. "The hour begins... Now." He said with no emotion. I let out a long sigh that was returned with a an unapologetic look from the Professor before his head overseeing the papers scattered on his desk.

After 37minutes of twiddling my thumbs and listening to the second hand tick around the bare clock face with my head buried in my arms, a shuffle from the back of the room startled me, shooting me back to reality.

Immediately my head spun to find what made a sound. To my surprise Draco was stood at the door, wearing a tired look. A smile instantly grew on my face, it was becoming a natural reaction by now. A second figure emerged from behind the door to the classroom. We locked eyes for just a second before Professor Snape spoke above the silence that filled the room.

"Mr Malfoy, Miss Kendrick, you're late."

"We had some things to take care of." He replied for the both of them making his way to the front of the room. "You wanted a word."

Camille followed on behind Draco, hurrying up to where Snape stood. Once there, Snape waves his wand, the spell looked so effortless, so easy to come by for him, by a simple hand action he had produced a noise bubble that protected the words they spoke within.

The muffled sounds of sentences being exchanged just about carried to where I was sitting, watching on I noticed the tension in the bubble rise, arms were thrown in the air in dismay and anger. I caught myself gazing on in a trance, trying to put inaudible words to my terrible lip reading, all eyes dart to me, catching me off guard and forcing me to look away to the clock. 14 minutes to go.

Draco suddenly emerged in an outburst of rage storming out the room closely followed by his Slytherin friend. The last of his words breaking out of the bubble before he did,

"No I was chosen for a reason."

Confusion and curiosity surged my mind, what the hell does that mean? Chosen for what? By who? Why?

Within seconds of Draco leaving, Snape turned and dismissed me early. I gladly take off, speeding away into the halls almost running to catch up with Draco. I was stopped suddenly by a voice who caught my attention. She stood waiting for me outside the classroom.


"Camille, you waited?" I asked as she nodded, while giving me a friendly smile.

"What was that all about? You looked pretty angry." I say as I began to walk alongside her.

"Oh it's nothing really, just making trouble, nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure? It really didn't seem like nothing."

"Trust me, if it were important you'd know." A comfortable silence fell upon us as we walked through the halls. "You're good together, you and Draco, it's the happiest I've ever seen him."

"Thank you. I really like him, he drives me mad but I don't think I could live without him now." I admit, thinking back I've never had this much of a conversation with the girl, however she was always much nicer than her Slytherins counterparts.

"I'm going to head off and find Fred, do you mind?"

"Not at all, do you know where Draco might've gone? I want to make sure he's ok."

"He could be anywhere, he just needs some space, he's a bit stressed at the minute."

I waved goodbye to the blonde and wandered towards the Ravenclaw common room. The conversation opened more questions than it answered, what was Snape really discussing, what was Draco so stressed about, why was I not told about it. It truly made me wonder.

Word Count - 2176

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