RWBY: Detective Pikachu

By NotGonnaSayMahNaym

119K 2.3K 1.3K

When she was young, Ruby Rose had a friend named (Y/N) (L/N). They were close friends, and even started datin... More

The Apartment
Detective Pikachu
The Investigation Begins
Mr. Mime
Pikachu versus Charizard
It Wasn't Your Fault
Howard Clifford
A Little Help
You Have To Go On Without Me
Final Battle
End Credits

Call From Atlas

8.7K 184 174
By NotGonnaSayMahNaym

It had been a long day for Team RWBY. They'd searched for a White Fang base in Mountain Glenn, found the base, and stopped a White Fang plan to bring Grimm to Vale.

They were now sitting on the edge of Beacon's cliff, overlooking Vale, with Ruby and Yang's dog Zwei sitting with them.

"Well," Yang said, "we did it."

"We did it," Blake said.

"If we don't get extra credit for that, I'm going to be seriously disappointed," Weiss said.

"Weiss, a two headed snake literally crushed a bakery," Yang said. "I wouldn't count on it."

"Plus, I mean we didn't solve everything," Ruby said. "A lot of people were hurt, and we still don't even know why they did this, or who that mystery girl was."

"Well, not every story has a neat and tidy ending," Weiss said.

"I wish (Y/N) was here," Ruby mumbled. "He could figure it out easily."

"Who's (Y/N)?" Weiss asked.

"Nobody!" Ruby said. "Nobody important!"

"We might not have all the answers," Blake said, changing the topic, "but we do have a lot of dangerous people behind bars. And I think that's something we can be proud of."

"I guess," Ruby said. "Even so, if anyone tries anything like that again, we'll be there to stop them!"

Yang stretched and lied down. "Yay! Teamwork, camaraderie, good guys, go team, alright good job!" She sat up. "So, what now?"

"I'd suggest training for the tournament," Weiss said, "but... I think we have that covered at this point."

"So then...?" Blake said.

"Uh, time for bed?" Ruby said.

"Oh please, yes," Weiss said.

"Absolutely," Blake said.

"I'm going to sleep forever," Yang said.

Everyone got up, and headed to the academy. Except for Ruby. She stayed behind, and leaned over, resting her chin in her hands.

"Ruby?" Yang said. "You coming?"

"You go on ahead," Ruby said. "I'll catch up."

"Are you okay?" Weiss asked.

"I'm fine," Ruby replied.

"Okay..." Blake said, clearly unsure.

"You know, you can talk to us if something's wrong--" Yang said, before Ruby interrupted with:

"I'm fine!" She'd raised her voice.

The others backed up in fear.

"Just... try to get some sleep, okay?" Yang said.

Ruby nodded.

The others gave each other worried looks, before walking away, leaving her with Zwei.

Ruby pulled out her scroll, and pulled up an old image of (Y/N). She held in her tears, not wanting to lose her composure. Zwei looked at the photo, and rested his head on her legs, whining.

"I know," Ruby said, stroking the hair on his head. "I miss him too."

Ruby sat there, memories of (Y/N) flashing through her mind. She longed to see him again. Longed for the sweet taste of his lips again. But she knew, it could never happen. Life wasn't fair, and he made her understand that.

Soon, she'd had enough, and got up. She made her way back to her dorm, where her friends were waiting for her.

"Hey, Ruby," Blake said. "Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine," Ruby said.

Blake didn't buy it. She knew what it was like to be dealing with something, and trying to hide it. Heck, she didn't know anyone who didn't understand what that was like.

"I know you're hiding something," she said. "You guys taught me to open up when I need you guys. Now it's time to practice what you preach." She crouched over. "So, Ruby Rose!" She leapt into the air and landed on a chair, pointing at Ruby. "What is wrong?!"

"Didn't Weiss do that the other day?" Ruby asked.

Weiss crossed her arms, with a big smile on her face. "I did!"

"Is this about (Y/N)?" Yang asked.

"I-- um..." Ruby stuttered. She really didn't want to talk about him.

"Who's (Y/N)?" Weiss asked.

"H-He's my old boyfriend," Ruby said.

"Ex?" Weiss said. "What a jerk!"

"We didn't exactly break up," Ruby said. "He left for Atlas to be a detective. I miss him."

"Oh," Weiss said. "I'm sorry..."

"No!" Ruby said. "It's... it's fine..." She sighed. "Let's just go to bed."

She used her semblance to grab her pajamas and dashed into the bathroom.

"That bad?" Blake asked Yang.

"That bad," Yang said. "He was her closest friend after her mom died. They loved each other a lot. She really misses him."

Weiss and Blake stayed quiet, not quite sure how to handle this situation.

"Come on," Yang said. "Let's get to bed."

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Ruby sat down, knees up to her chest. She wasn't crying. She was just depressed.

She could hear Zwei scratching at the door, begging for her to get out. But she didn't listen. She continued to think about her missing boyfriend.

After a few minutes, she got dressed, and headed back to her bed.

The next morning, the sun shined into Ruby's face, waking her up. She sat up, yawned, and stretched.

She remembered the events from last night. She frowned for a moment as the memory of (Y/N) came back into her mind. The memory of her boyfriend made her chest hurt. She turned back to her sleeping friends.

Should she bring it up? She wanted to stay positive. But they'd probably bring it back up again. Should she just stay quiet? No, that would make them more worried. She should just say everything's fine, and keep her positive attitude.

Ruby got dressed, grabbed her whistle, and blew into it as loudly as she could. Her team woke up, yelling in fear. Weiss banged her head against the bunk above her.

"Good morning, Team RWBY!!!" she yelled.

"Do you really have to do that?" Weiss asked, rubbing her head.

"It's the weekend, and I think we should find something to do to celebrate yesterday's victory!" Ruby said.

"Well, aren't you feeling hyper this morning!" Yang said with a smile, and a little bit of annoyance in her voice.

"Are you okay?" Blake asked. "Aren't you still upset about (Y/--"

"This is no time to talk about him!" Ruby said, waving a finger. "We need to find some way to celebrate our victory, and we're going to do it together!"

"Well I'm in!" Yang said, walking up to Ruby and wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Got any ideas?"

"Well," Ruby said. "I was thinking we could head down to Vale and find things to do that we like! We can go to a library for Blake, a club for Yang, a bakery for me... whatever Weiss finds entertaining..."

"Hey!" Weiss said, standing up. "I'll have you know, I find lots of entertainment outside of the academy!"

"Uh huh," Ruby, Blake, and Yang said in sync.

"Trust me!" Weiss said. "I'm going to have so much fun, you won't even believe how much fun I'm going to have!"

Uh oh, uh oh

Uh oh, uh oh

Team RWBY were in an airship, making their way down to Vale. Ruby pressed against the glass, smiling down at the view.

Uh oh, uh oh

I wanna lose control

Uh oh

The girls started by going to the bakery. Ruby walked up to the baker.

"Twenty cookies, please!" she said.

After being given their cookies, they sat down at a table.

Ruby put a group of cookies on her plate. She let out an evil chuckle, before devouring them in seconds.

"Ah," she sighed, leaning back in her chair. "That's the stuff!"

I can't wait to let it go

The team went to a bowling alley. Ruby managed to hit most of her pins, but missed 4.

Just can't keep on going with the flow

Ruby smirked at Weiss as she walked over to the lane with a ball. She rolled her eyes, and bent over.

Here we go, the great unknown

She prepared a glyph, leapt into the air with the ball, and tossed it into the pins. She got a strike.

Now we're gonna break up on our own

Weiss walked past Ruby, smirking at her.


The group was in a library, and looking for books.

I wanna lose control

Blake was reading "Ninjas of Love", while leaning against the bookshelf.

Uh Oh

Ruby peeked around the corner to see what she was reading.

Uh Oh, Uh Oh

Blake turned to see Ruby, but she hid behind the shelf before she could see her. She shrugged and went back to reading.

I wanna lose control

Ruby peeked around the corner again.

Never meant to hurt no one

Team RWBY walked into Emerald Forest, preparing to fight some Grimm.

I just want to have a little fun

Yang took the lead, a huge smirk on her face.

Have a laugh and I don't know

An Ursa stood in front of them and roared.

Maybe I won't feel so all alone

Yang clashed her fists together, ready to fight.

They charged, and the fight began!


I wanna lose control

Uh Oh

Uh Oh, Uh Oh

I wanna lose control

Uh Oh

As they took down the Ursa, more and more Grimm emerged from the forest, surrounding them.

The group stood back to back, weapons in hand. Ruby and Yang smirked at each other, and turned back to the Grimm.

The fight continued.

Uh Oh, Uh Oh

I wanna lose control

Uh Oh

Uh Oh, Uh Oh

I wanna lose control

Uh Oh

Uh Oh, Uh Oh

I wanna lose control

Uh Oh

Grimm bodies lied everywhere, before turning into black dust.

The team started walking away.

"I knew we'd have fun!" Ruby said.

"See!" Weiss said. "I told you I can have fun!"

"You sure surprised us, Ice Queen," Yang said, placing her hands on the back of her head.

"Why does everybody call me that?!"

I wanna lose control

Uh Oh

Uh Oh, Uh Oh

I wanna lose control

Uh Oh

The airship landed back at Beacon, and Team RWBY walked out, making their way to the academy.

Then, a dinging noise came from Ruby's scroll.

"Oop!" she said. "I finally have service!"

She pulled out her scroll, and saw that she had... five voicemails?

"Wait, five voicemails?" she said. "Why do I have five voicemails?"

"Maybe it's the bakery complaining about losing all their cookies?" Yang said.

Ruby chuckled as she put the scroll to her ear, smiling. After a couple seconds, her smile completely vanished. She looked like her soul was destroyed. When the voicemail was done, she lowered her scroll, tears dripping down her cheeks.

Her teammates were immediately concerned.

"Who was it?" Blake asked.

"Um..." Ruby started, trying to keep herself from sobbing. "It's the Atlas Police Department... there was an accident..."

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