By judielMyoui

209K 5.4K 3.1K

Am i really happy even if i finally became what i wanted?. -Im Nayeon I started out being like this and will... More

The Continuation
Disgust & Pain
Right Now; Present
Sudden Surprise Appointment
Coming Back Home
Naruto Looking Kid
Complicated Life
A Little Convo
Realistic Dream
I Was Never Yours
Letting Out Everything I Kept
Action Speaks Louder
Plan & Invitation
A Little Happiness
DAY 3: I Can't Stop Me
Without Yoo
See The Real Yoo
Love You To Love Me
Supposed To Be Home
I'm Im Nayeon?!
Business Convention
The Truth
Business is Business
⚠️Baby No. 2⚠️
My Everything, My Destiny
Special Chapter

Unexpected Family Reunion

3.4K 125 71
By judielMyoui

Third Person•

mina and chaeyoung were currently in a business meeting with their investor and of course busy with all the piled up pending works in the office and to their other businesses, making them totally forgot about chaeryeong existence. its not that they are being an irresponsible parents, they're just only doing this for the sake of their daughter.

as the meeting goes on, chaeyoung received a message from chaeryeong's home room teacher.

"Mr. son? your daughter is the only student left do you have anyone to come and pick her up?" 

after reading . chaeyoung eyes widened and realized he totally forgot to pick up his daughter

"oh god!" chaeyoung panicked making his other investors to get startled

"what's the matter Mr. Son?" one of the investors asked

"its my daughter...." chaeyoung sulked in embarassment

"but this meeting is important, you can't just ditch this" one of the investors madly said 

"im not ditching this, im just worried about my daughter... can i have a call gentlemen?" chaeyoung asked 

luckily some of the investors were understanding to let him, chaeyoung immediately went out of the conference room and made a call for mina. but it seems that the latter in busy too so he dialed jeongyeon's number


ne? you seem tensed, anything wrong?

can you pick chaeryeong up?? 

im afraid i can't ditch this meeting

are you somehow busy??


you want me to go and
pick her up??


if i could just ditch this, but this meeting is very important 

don't worry i can go
and pick her up now

stay where you are and don't lose that opportunity

thanks hyung! you're the best!

tell chaeryeong the situation please?? you know how inquisitive she is

sure! you can count on me

now get your ass back there and leave this to me 

good luck! 


okay bye!!
thank you so damn much!

jeongyeon immediately hung up the call and pack up his things, he then went to jihyo to file an emergency leave. 

this is going to be the first time where he'll pick chaeryeong up in school, and this actually makes him excited since he have always wanted to pick up a kid from school. you know? a practice when he's finally going to pick up his own kids from school.

jeongyeon happily drove the car and went to chaeryeong's school, having the feeling like he's totally a dad. little did he know someone he knew was there too

someone he didn't knew came from his blood and flesh


nayeon is currently on her way with her driver to pick ryujin and lia up too, since siwon weren't available to pick the two up because he was onto something important according to the latter. 

nayeon and jeongyeon both hopped down the car and walked to the entrance of the school, they didn't noticed each other's presence at first not until they went to the same room. jeonogyeon was surprised to see nayeon at a daycare school when seoyeon was probably a teenager by now but as much as he's surprised, nayeon was more. she can't hide ryujin anymore, truth does really knows when to come out. 

nayeon gulped and blinked many times to see jeongyeon, she was not expecting him to come and pick chaeryeong since it was always been chaeyoung who does or the nanny...

"picking up your child?" jeongyeon casually asked even if it's hurting his system

its not something surprising for him actually, nayeon can decide to have a child in that 4 years... but still, its hurt him to see nayeon totally being committed to someone else already.

everything thats in jeongyeon's head right now is nayeon is happily living the life without him, and she was better without him. 

"y-yeah" nayeon stuttered as she panics how jeongyeon will ask soon as he sees ryujin

not long after the kids finally went out of the room, chaeryeong, ryujin and lia.

lia and ryujin ran to nayeon while chaeryeong bid goodbye to her auntie nayeon and ran to her uncle jeongyeon. but soon jeongyeon saw the two little girls hugging nayeon, thats when he thought he should move on and let her go. she was having two girls already, and siwon might be the father of the two..

but then, jeongyeon heard the familiar voice of the kid... making him to crease his forehead and his eyebrows met

"r-ryujin?" jeongyeon softly called out

nayeon became more worried and surprised, how on earth jeongyeon knew ryujin's name?

ryujin slowly turned and became hyper to see the man who she bumped month ago. little did ryujin know it was her real dad already, same goes to jeongyeon. little did he know it was their daughter he's seeing right now.

nayeon's world crushed when ryujin suddenly recognize jeongyeon as someone she knew, her plans were getting crushed down. destiny just made a way for the two to meet.

"AHJUSSI!" ryujin loudly cheered then pulled nayeon's hem and said

"MOMMY! HE'S THE MAN I BUMPED INTO THE MALL!" ryujin exclaimed making nayeon to be more nervous with what's happening at the moment

the two just met already without her notice! destiny is indeed a secretive bitch

"you know my uncle?? wow!" chaeryeong happily squealed making ryujin nod continously

as for lia, she was surprised to see the scene too... somehow the little lia felt happy with this little reunion

jeongyeon smiled and looked at ryujin to open his arms for the little girl, ryujin didn't hesitated and immediately ran to the man she thought was just a man.

nayeon couldn't do anything about it and just watch the two have their little reunion, somehow, in some parts of her heart was rejoicing for the two's sudden reunion but of course she can't deny the fact that ryujin might be asking again about the existence of her dad. 

ryujin's probable questions in the future is the only thing that bothers her at the moment

"aigoo! look how small the world is! i didn't know nayeon is your mom!' jeongyeon happily said making the kids laugh as he ruffles ryujin's hair

"i didn't know you're chaeryeong's uncle too! i missed you ahjussi!" ryujin honestly said and hugged jeongyeon tightly

jeongyeon suddenly felt a strange feeling within his heart, somehow he felt connected with this kid hugging him right now. as if it was his safe haven, this kid gives the same feeling nayeon has giving him whenever he's worried. this little girl indeed nayeon's daughter

"why don't we go out? all of us? do you wanna play?" jeongyeon bubbly asked making the kids go wild including lia 

somewhat, nayeon was not liking the idea. letting her daughter hug him was enough already, and going out with him together with her daughter in more than enough.

"no, ryujin and lia. we're going home" nayeon firmly said but lia and ryujin pouted and frowned in front of her making her go soft

"mommy please... this is only going to happen just this time, please lets go out with ahjussi! and he's not a bad guy. right ahjussi?" ryujin pleaded and looked over jeongyeon as she asks

jeongyeon turned to face nayeon and looked at the latter with a pleasing face

nayeon thought to herself "this two really knows how to make me go soft, they're indeed a father and daughter'

"fine, but this is only going happen today. no more next time" nayeon groaned as she fell for ryujin and jeongyeon's puppy eyes

ryujin and lia became hyper as ever, so as chaeryeong who's continously clapping in victory

" THIS DAY IS THE BEST DAY EVER MOMMY! THANK YOU!" ryujin happily squealed and held nayeon's hand and held on jeongyeon's arm as jeongyeon carries chaeryeong onto his other arm, and lia holding on to nayeon's other hand

it was like all of them we're having a family reunion

"this feels like a happy family auntie nayeon, thank you" lia happily said making nayeon smile

nayeon suddenly thought, this wasn't a bad idea at all

she got to see ryujin being active for the first time and lia being thankful for being complete

as for jeongyeon, he never felt this complete and happy in his entire life. this is what the life he imagined with nayeon, but due to his shits back then... he ruined everything off. but nevertheless he's still thankful that he got to experience these kinds of feeling for this day.

all of them went out of the school and went to the parking lot

"lets use my car, i'll drive you guys back here later" jeongyeon happily said to the kids but nayeon just stood there watching the kids go inside the passenger seat

Jeongyeon is finally in the driver's seat, waiting for nayeon to hop inside the shotgun

"dont stare at us, hop in" jeongyeon leaned to sneak

"i don't trust you" nayeon firmly said

"you never changed, you're still the same old stubborn nabongs. Hop in, i wont do anything bad" jeongyeon calmly said, then smiled

"fine." nayeon answered as she feel forced making the kids more happy

"Sir, please go back home and don't wait for us here" nayeon said to her driver and hopped jn

"finally..." jeongyeon pressed his lips together and started to drive away


The five spent their time playing in arcades, toy store and of course roaming around not minding of what the time is already, and nayeon forgetting about siwon.

So as jeongyeon who forgot that chaeryeong wasn't his daughter

Smiles and laughter filled them, especially lia who longs for a complete family. Somehow, she wanted to be part of nayeon and jeongyeon's family, if ever the two would be as one again.

For little lia, jeongyeon and nayeon was the real definition of the best parents rather than to her own dad, siwon.

She felt lonely with her own dad thats why she choses to be more quiet around him than being bubbly like the other kid. Nayeon and siwon being her parents wasn't that bad, but lia doesn't really see the love in the two especially to nayeon.

All of them were currently eating a dessert with bags of toys and stuff toys they won in arcade when nayeon's phone suddenly rang. Making her to go back in reality and be conscious of whats happening. Nayeon panicked more when she saw siwon's name to the caller ID

"i think we need to go home now girls, uncle siwon is already asking us home" nayeon explained to the girls and went to inform jeongyeon

"u-uhhm.. Right, its getting dark already" jeongyeon stuttered as he realizee he just took most of their time already

All of them went to the parking lot with the kids tired due to too much fun,  jeongyeon started the engine and realized that the kids were dozing off already. He smiled and looked back to the passenger seat to check the girls, nayeon saw everything and felt her heart melting to see the scene in her very eyes.

She had never thought jeongyeon would be this caring with kids, especially to ryujin. He must've felt something inceredible with the kid thats why he somehow felt comfortable already, and somehow it didn't bothered her.

"aren't they adorable? Aigoo... They must've been tired too much playing" jeongyeon smilingly uttered as he stares at the girls who's doze off quickly

"indeed... U-uhmm can you drive already? We really need to go home already" nayeon awkwardly said making jeongyeon to sat back down and started driving

"mianhae.... Hehe" jeongyeon awkwardly answered

"place your address in the GPS then take a rest as i drive, i assure you i won't do anything to you" jeongyeon nervously said

As for nayeon, she did what jeongyeon said as she feels tired with the day too...

She placed her address then not long after, nayeon took a rest.

As for jeongyeon, he quietly drove to the said destination and made sure that the girls would have a peaceful rest until they reach nayeon's home.


Jengyeon finally reached nayeon's home, he didn't wake the latter first because he decided to take the toys off the car first. He then opened nayeon's door, he gently unbuckled nayeon's seat belt but soon as he got off from her - he noticed the changes in nayeon's facial features. Those wrinkles thats starting to mature, her eyes that was once the happiest became the most stressed, and that lips that he once kissed dearly was now owned by somebody else.

He immediately stepped away and took a deep breathe while blinking many times, as his thoughts were taking over him. Nayeon aroused and slowly opened her eyes and realized that jeongyeon had already took them home.

"hey.. Why didn't you woke me up" nayeon asked with her sleepy voice

"i dont wanna freak you out... I had brought the toys out already, so no need to work on that" jeongyeon then smiled and opened the passenger seat to hand ryujin to nayeon while he carries lia in his arms and walk them to their door

Nayeon unlocked the house and handed ryujin to her nanny and took lia. The nannies took all the bag of toys and putted it inside their home, as for jeongyeon... He still wanna stay and see the kid but of course he has to know he's place.

He started to walk away and went back to the car with chaeryeong sleeping in the passenger seat, but then nayeon followed in and said

"thank you for making my daughter the happiest today..." nayeon honestly and sincerely bid then gave jeongyeon a bow

Jeongyeon couldn't help but to smiled with nayeon's sudden change of attitude and said

"any time... Goodbye and take a rest Ms. Im" jeongyeon said over the driver's seat and closed the window.

Nayeon watched him go disappear from her very eyes and couldn't help but to smile, but as much as she wanted to be happy. She cant.

She knows its all jeongyeon's trap to make her fall to him again, so she walked in trying not to expose the happiness in her face... But little did she know someone envious was watching her.

Nayeon went inside their home and went to her room, but soon as she got in siwon suddenly took her wrist and pushed her to the bed

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" siwon yellingly asked

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN  WHAT WAS THAT?! WHY ARE YOU ACTING DIFFERENT?!" Nayeon became mad because of the sudden manner siwon showed


"WHAT THE HELL? FIRST OF ALL IT WAS ALL COINCIDENCE THAT I MET HIM THERE AND SECOND I HAVE NO INTENTION OF MEETING HIM" nayeon stood up from bed and was about to walk out due to frustration but siwon pulled her again and push her down to the bed

"your driver told me you and the girls went with him, how do you explain that?!" siwon asked again making nayeon more irritated

"i only did it because the girls wanted to go out with him because jeongyeon offered to bring out the girls and SECOND! DO YOU THINK I LIKED IT?! IT WAS AGAINST MY WILL BUT RYUJIN BADLY WANTS IT! AND I WILL DO EVERYTHING FOR MY DAUGHTER'S HAPPINESS!" nayeon yelled as she was losing her patience

"STOP ACTING LIKE YOU'RE MY BOYFRIEND SIWON! YOU DON'T OWN ME! DO WE HAVE TO ARGUE ABOUT THIS AGAIN?!" nayeon yelled with full authorization and stood up again

Siwon was about to touch her again, realizing that he over reacted with the situation

"GET OUT! Give me a break!" nayeon pointed out the door

Siwon had no other choice but to do so, he just realized his wrong move with his jealousy

"i was just worried you might get back with him again.. You don't know how scared i am, im sorry for over reacting" jeongyeon sincerely said before walking out

As for nayeon, she just let out the stress by taking a rest. This is one of the reasons why she doesn't want to commit with siwon, its about his possessiveness.

If you would compare siwon to jeongyeon

Jeongyeon is more likely to be bearable in terms of manners and traits, than siwon.

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