Survive, if you can // John M...

Par gottabesomethin

88.3K 1.6K 720

Camari is an anxiety filled girl who has a tragic past and is sent to the ground. She struggles there from lo... Plus

//01// Arrangement
//02// Freedom At Whatever Cost (smut)
//03// Broken Flaws
//04// Unknown Goodbye
//05// Helpful Distractions (smut)
//06// Lost Humanity
//07// Daddy Issues
//08// True Lies
//09// Welcome Home
//10// Coach Cam (smut)
//11// Gone Again
//12// Breaking Again (end of season 1)
//13// "Rescued"
//14// Alone
//15// Back To Basics
//16// Uncharted Territory
//17// Stranded
//18// Imprisoned (end of season 2)
//19// Reunited (smut)
//20// Argument
//21// Yours Truly
//22// Bad Impressions
//23// Going Separate Ways
//24// Fighting Dirty
//25// Entitled Revenge (end of season 3)
//26// Goodbyes
//27// Residual Attraction
//28// Words Unsaid (smut)
//29// Permanent Farewell
//30// Salvation (end of season 4)
//31// Ai Hod Yu In
//32// Homecoming
//33// Earth; Radioactive Hellhole
//34// Covert Operation
//35// Exit
//36// Shameful Actions
//37// Betrayal To Success (end of season 5)
//38// Planet Alpha
//39// Swarmed and Hypnotized
//40// New Earth; Hallucinogenic Hellhole
//42// Suspicions Grow
//43// Accidental Investigation
//44// The Wrong Side
//45// Deferred, Jailed, Offered
//46// Kep Oso Kru Klin (end of season 6)
//47// Fake Royalty
//48// Finally, A Love Triangle (smut)
//49// Utter Camaraderie
//50// Realization
//51// Hostage Situation
//52// Lessons In Life
//53// La Muerte Es La Vida
//54// Decisions, Decisions (smut)
//55// Home, For Real This Time (finale)
A Thank You 🥺 (I love you)

//41// Problems Leading To Solutions

603 15 1
Par gottabesomethin

WARNINGS: swearing, sexual tension.

I'm sitting at a table with Echo, Bellamy, John, and Raven. Abby and Jackson are in Sanctum's library, researching every book for clues on how to cure Marcus. Miller has joined them since he's dating Jackson. Jordan is speaking quietly in the corner with Delilah. I'm guessing she's coming on to him. I hope she doesn't take advantage of him considering he's been in space his entire life. He can't have much experience with women.

John is drunk. Most everyone is drinking too but he's been slurring for an hour or so. It must be the anticipation that has everyone on edge. Clarke left maybe half an hour ago. She will be put on display to decide if we're worth salvation. Of course, with her I doubt it'll be a happy ending.

"I'm tired," I say suddenly, eyes moving to John sitting on my right. "I think I'll go to bed."

"Alright," he says, moving his lips close to mine.

I turn my head so he doesn't get access, eyes falling to the top of the table. He breathes the tiniest laugh out of his nose, grinning a bit as he looks across the table at Bellamy. I can see the hurt in his eyes but I choose to ignore it. I clear my throat, tucking some hair behind my ear.

"Look at that," John says, smiling at Bell and Echo across from us, "she won't even kiss me anymore."

I freeze, turning to look him in the eyes. He's still grinning like crazy. He's too drunk to be saying things that make sense right now but I'm still angry at him. He isn't always this insane when he's drunk. He's usually at least a little sensible.

"I'm sorry I won't kiss you after being around alcohol for hours," I say, leaning closer to him. "There's scotch on your breath by the way."

I stand quickly, walking to the door and then outside. It's dark now. I barely get a glance around before I run directly into Clarke. She's wearing that ridiculous pink dress she had been earlier. It's cut low so I get a pretty good look at her cleavage.

"What's the good word?" I ask, eyebrows raised.

She looks at the ground. "We're not welcome here."

"I should've known," I say, nodding.

"Stop," she says suddenly, looking me in the eyes. "Please. I can't have you looking at me like you hate me anymore. It's driving me crazy."

"Do you think I care?" I ask, pointing to my chest and stepping closer to her. "I'm sorry that you finally feel sorry for your actions, Clarke, but I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive you. So, I'm just done."

I shake my head, walking past her and toward the square.

"We've been here before, you know! You running off in the darkness and away from me!"

I spin around, pointing an angry finger at her. "It was your fault then too."

"And where do you think you're gonna go this time, huh? Where?" she presses, frowning.

"Wherever the hell I want," I say, turning again and walking toward somewhere.

After changing direction maybe ten or fifteen times, I walk between the rows of the tall crops that grow here. It isn't long before I reach the shield. I stare at it for a few minutes. I'm not sure why but something just pisses me off knowing that I'm not allowed to leave this place. I'm used to doing whatever the hell I want but now I'm a prisoner. Well, they'll kick us out soon enough, I suppose.

I spend the entire night walking the rows of crops and into the forest. I just walk and walk and walk some more. When the second sun starts to rise, I know it's been maybe eleven hours of walking. It has to be around 10:00. I know I should go back. John will probably be worried if he isn't passed out somewhere.

I walk out of the woods and back through the rows of plants. There are soldiers with tall spears guarding the ends of the rows and I roll my eyes. When I step between them, I raise my hands in surrender so they won't attack. When they finally catch notice of me, they point their spears toward me.

I raise an eyebrow. "You're not very good at that, huh?"

"Do you have any suggestions?"

I look past them to find Russel walking over with two guards behind him. He has his hands clasped together in that diplomatic way you always see. His appearance is amusing to me. All the robes and jewels suggest royalty but something tells me the Primes are full of shit.

I smile at him in the nicest way possible. "I don't wanna be mean but your soldiers are a little... questionable."

"How's that?" Russel asks, waving his guards to stand down.

They do.

I grin at them. "Well, I've been wandering around all night and they seem to have been completely oblivious to my presence. I'd suggest replacements but I doubt there'd be anyone as good as me."

His eyebrows shoot up. "Are you offering your services?"

I take a low curtsy, rising with a grin on my lips. "For the glory and grace of the Primes, right?"

He smiles a bit. "What would you have in return?"

"Oh, nothing," I say, waving him off. "Just the safety and security of my people for the safety and security of...well, you."

"Clarke and I have already sorted that out. You will be welcome to stay with us," Russel says, nodding.

Now my eyebrows are shooting up. "Really? I guess I should've had more faith in her."

"What else can I offer for your help?" he asks, clasping his hands behind his back now.

I nod. "Well, that's a hard one. Do you mind asking your lovely bartenders in the tavern to refuse all service to a John Murphy? He's getting on my nerves and I'd like to piss him off."

Russel lets out a short laugh. "Definitely."

He waves to one of the guards and they walk in the direction of the tavern. The control he has over these people is amazing. I'm not saying that it's good to order people around is kind of their job. I think I'll have fun remodelling them.

I smile at Russel. "Thank you, sir."

"Please. Call me Russel," he says, nodding.

I nod too. "Great. When do I start?"

"I'd actually like to employ you in a...different position," he says, tilting his head to the side.

"If you're looking for a prostitute, I'm kind of in a relationship-"

"No," he says quickly, holding up a hand and laughing just a bit. "I'd like to take your services to guard the Primes and only the Primes. It will be only during the day when we are around Sanctum. Watch from a distance but keep a close eye."

"Sure. When do I start?" I ask, smiling a bit.

"Around lunch. Delilah's naming ceremony is today," he says, nodding.

"Cool. I'm off the clock now?" I ask.


"I'll go back to the tavern then," I say, nodding and waving at him.

When I step through the doors of the tavern, I see a fully packed room. Streamers are hanging from the ceiling and people are walking around with food on trays. Delilah's mom is smiling even wider than yesterday somehow. Echo and Bellamy are exchanging quiet words at a table. Clarke is at a table with Miller and Raven. John is sitting at the bar alone. He's talking in a low voice to the bartender. I grin, walking over and plopping into the seat next to him.

I smile at the bartender. "I'll take it from here."

He nods, walking to another customer.

John turns to me. "Hey. I'm sorry-"

"They're not serving you because I told them not to," I say, placing my hand on his shoulder.

He frowns. "You're joking."

"Fortunately, not," I say, smiling and leaning closer to him. "If you brush your teeth maybe we can kiss and make up."

He frowns deeper. "Cam, I'm sorry-"

I raise a finger to stop him. "Brush your teeth."

He bites his bottom lip as he looks down my frame. After a second, he gets up and walks up the stairs to the bathrooms. I smile, standing too and sitting next to Echo and Bellamy. They still have mildly serious looks on their faces.

"Where's the war today?" I ask, pulling the cup from Bellamy and raising my eyebrows. "Is this water?"

"Yeah," he says, nodding.

I shrug, taking a sip and then downing the remains.

"And there's no war. We're just talking about a long term living situation here," Bellamy says, frowning.

I place the mug on the table, leaning closer to the both of them. "What do you see around you right now?"

Echo glances around for a second. "People. Food. Streamers."

"A party," I clarify, nodding. "You may never have been to one but this is what they look like. Now this could just be my interpretation of what's happening to you two but it seems like you don't know when to take a break. I don't want to order you around but this is when to take a break. Have a drink, eat some food, make out in the corner away from prying eyes. Though I may still be watching-"

"Really, Cam? A party?" Echo asks me, frowning.

I shrug. "You've been fighting for a long time and the first step towards peace starts now. Might as well take it, right?"

She sighs and pouts. "Fine. I'll go ask for some cookies or something."

I grin. "That's my girl!"

She nods at me before standing and walking between the crowd.

I turn to Bellamy. "Your turn."

"Fine but I'm not promising anything," he says, shaking his head and walking away.

I smile, standing and allowing a child to run into me. "Are you fucking kidding me-?"

Madi looks up at me and I immediately shut myself up. "Hey Camari."

"Hey Madi," I say, crouching so I'm eye level with her. "Do you mind not telling Clarke that I swore in front of you? She might kill me and I honestly don't want to die anymore so..."

"What do you mean 'anymore?'" she wonders, eyebrows pulling together.

"Well, when life gets rough and you decide you don't want to live anymore, you do bad things to yourself," I say, nodding. My expression falls as I realize something. "Not that you should do that. Not that anyone should do that. Just-"

"I think I get it," she says, smiling and nodding.

I nod too. "Great. It's not worth it to-"


I look to my right to find Clarke staring at us from a distance. "What!?!?"

"Don't!!!" she shouts, shaking her head.

I frown, turning back to Madi and scrunching my nose in distaste. "Your mom's no fun."

"Tell me about it," she says, rushing off.

I stand again, looking at Clarke and frowning. "I wasn't gonna kill her!"

"No! Just tell her what suicide is!" Clarke says sarcastically.

"I'm sure she already knows!" I yell back, shaking my head.

"Just don't talk to her about your life!" she suggests, raising her eyebrows.

I nod. "Right! Wouldn't want the kid to learn anything interesting!"

She rolls her eyes and sits back down. That's when I see John walking down the wooden stairs. I smile and walk to him, resting my arms on his shoulders when I get there. He places his hands gently on my waist.

"Breathe," I order.

He does and I smell nothing but mint.

I grin, running my hands over his chest. "Thank you."

"You are welcome," he says, leaning down closer to me.

I lean my head back. "I got a job."

"A job?" he repeats, making me nod. "Here?"

"Yeah. I'm, like, a security guard. Cool, huh?" I say, smiling wide.

"Well done," he says, nodding and smiling back. "And I'm sorry, you know. About yesterday. I was drunk and I wasn't thinking right-"

"John," I stop him, shaking my head. "It's okay. I forgive your terrible behaviour."

He smiles, resting his forehead against mine. "Is there somewhere we can go?"

I breathe a laugh. "Where would that be? I don't see many rooms around here, do you?"

He frowns. "I just want to be alone for a bit."

"Well, I can assure you that we want the same things," I say, smiling and pulling away a bit.

"Here," he says, taking my hand and pulling me out the door.

The square has completely transformed since the last time I saw it. Now there are tall poles strung up with colourful ribbons. People are strolling around in pastel colours and keeping their wide smiles. The air seems more lighthearted than it did when we arrived. Well, John was dying then and we were all trying to kill each other. I'm glad we've improved the vibes around here.

"You ever heard of the Wizard of Oz?" I whisper to John as he walks with me past the green pond.

"Nope," he responds, eyes glued to the people.

"Well, there's this place in there called Munchkinland and this place reminds me of it," I say back.

"Why is it called Munchkinland?" he asks, breathing a laugh.

"Because all the people are the size of a toddler," I say, nodding.

He turns to me, frowning. "That seems improbable."

I shrug. "Tell that to Dorothy."

"You two are such a cute couple."

I look up to see a woman in front of us. She's wearing a long, gold dress and she has two guards behind her. Her skin is a tan colour and her hair is a dark brown. She seems to be wearing some kind of crown on her head. I think she's Russel's wife. I've probably seen her before this. She's a Prime. Oh shit, that means I'm supposed to be protecting her. No, Russel said I start at noon.

"Um..." John trails off, probably thrown off by the complement.

I give her a small smile. "Thank you."

"How did you meet?" she asks, smiling until dimples appear on her cheeks.

I share a look with John before laughing a bit. "Do you want the real version or the watered down version?"

"Um..." she says, looking between us. "The real version."

"Well, I was sitting in a cafeteria and she caught my eye and I thought she was hot so I left and stared at her while I did," John explains, nodding.

"Then I followed him out and we had sex," I say, smiling softly at her.

Her eyebrows raise. "Oh. you're together."

"Yup," I say, grinning up at John before turning back to the lady. "Would you know of any good places to be...alone?"

Her eyes widen and her jaw drops open just a bit. She doesn't answer, walking away with her guards following. I frown at her retreating form. I was really hoping to have sex.

"How rude. I asked her a question and she just ignored me," I say, shaking my head.

"Some people are just inconsiderate," John says, smiling down at me.

I smile back, wrapping my arms around his neck. "So, what does that mean for our plans? Where are we gonna go?"

"Maybe we'll just have to wait a little longer," he says, sweeping some hair from my eyes.

I frown deeper. "I wanna have my first Sanctum sex."

He laughs a bit. "Of course. We will, I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," I advise, shaking my head.

"We will," he whispers in my ear, "and it'll be the best sex you've ever had."

My knees go a little weak as he holds me up by himself. "It will?"

"I promise," he says, pulling back to grin at me.

This man is going to be the death of me.



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