The Apprentice's Choice (an A...

By TheGreatestConWoman

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Book 2, Sequel to "The Concubine's Apprentice" "Are you done?" Her blood ran cold as she realized she w... More

Chapter 1: Promise
Chapter 2: Duties and Visits
Chapter 3: Meetings
Chapter 4: One Year Later
Chapter 5: Memories
Chapter 6: War for Yu Dao (Part 1)
Chapter 7: War For Yu Dao (Part 2)
Chapter 8: Date with Fate
Chapter 9: Old Chen
Chapter 10: Paperwork, Pillow, and Parents
Chapter 11: Terms and Conditions
Chapter 12: A Bumpy Ride
Chapter 13: Another Sibling Rivalry
Chapter 14: The Forgetful Valley (Part 1)
Chapter 15: The Forgetful Valley (Part 2)
Chapter 16: Are You Happy?
Chapter 17: Confrontations and Revelations
Special Chapter: Chiyo as a Firebender (Part 1)
Special Chapter: Chiyo as a Firebender (Part 2)
Chapter 18: Denial and Decoy
Chapter 19: The New Ozai Society
Chapter 20: And So, It Begins
Chapter 21: Disappearing Acts
Chapter 22: Secrets and Confessions
Chapter 23: Her Return
Chapter 24: Chaos
Chapter 25: The Invitation
Chapter 26: Chiyo Alone
Chapter 27: The Festival of Szeto
Chapter 28: His
Chapter 29: Price and Possession
Chapter 30: Interlude
Chapter 31: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 33: Drunk Mind, Sober Thoughts
Chapter 34: Tea and Things

Chapter 32: The Wind from the East

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By TheGreatestConWoman

"After your performance, head straight to our room, alright?" Zuko had grabbed both of Chiyo's shoulders in a tight grip. She noticed how his look was far from his usual confident and composed demeanor. It has been a while since she had seen him look like this, and an ounce of worry started to worm its way through her heart.

The banquet was about to officially start in under an hour and the Fire Lord had come to her in a rush, discretely instructing guards to beef up security along the way. "What's wrong?"

He debated whether to tell her about the report or not. Earlier, he had received intel that Azula had been sighted in the outskirts of the city. It was too much of a coincidence, especially with such a big milestone such as the establishment of the new Republic City happening on this day.

Both Zuko and Chiyo parted bitterly with Azula years ago. Chiyo had sent her away rather harshly after seeing the former princess kidnap Kiyi in the middle of the night. Brother and sister had reached a breaking point in their rivalry after their confrontation in the Garden of Tranquil Souls.

Any news of her would surely affect Chiyo, and he wasn't willing to risk it. After careful thought, he decided not to tell her. "It's nothing. Just... there's not much to see in the banquet anyway! A few political talks with the leaders, boring stuff." Zuko did his best to dispel his worry and show her that he was in control of the situation.

"Zuko, I'll be fine!" She sighed and reached out to hold either side of his face. "I haven't been outside lately. It'll be nice to catch up with Toph and the others for a change..."

"How about catching up with them after the banquet, love?"

Her brows furrowed at this. "What? Why?"

"I'm just saying, you could also meet them tomorrow morning to hang out—"

"It's just a party, Zuko..." She looked up at him and tried her best to look convincing. "A few drinks, catching up, that's it!"

"No." He answered firmly.

"No? Give me a good reason why I shouldn't then." Chiyo stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest. "We've been through this about a dozen times already. You have to give me some space to move about, too!"

"I gave you permission to perform here. Isn't that enough?" His tone had shifted from one of reasoning to that of stubbornness.

"You gave me permission?!"

Zuko knew better than to answer after that slip-up. Instead, he cast is eyes down and steeled his resolve. "Just do as I say for now, please?"

At that exact moment, one of the attendants chose to come in. "Fire Lord Zuko? They're waiting for you in the main hall."

He cupped her cheeks in his warm palms and placed a tender kiss between her brows. "I'll see you later, love. I'm looking forward to your performance."

She didn't say anything in reply and watched him leave with the attendant. She released a breath she didn't know she had been holding. "He really hasn't changed in all these years... Why is he still so anxious?"

"Trouble in paradise?"

Chiyo nearly jumped out of her skin at the unfamiliar voice that suddenly spoke next to her ear. In reflex, she sent her elbow towards the intruder, aiming for his face. But he was taller, faster, and stronger; catching her limb easily with one hand. "Who are you?" She asked, not bothering with any formalities.

The stranger released her elbow and stepped back, bowing deeply. "Greetings, Lady Chiyo. It's an honor to be in your presence. I go by the name of Kaze."

As he bowed, his long, black hair spilled from his shoulders like a dark waterfall. His attire was a white and green hanfu painted with long stalks of bamboo groves and grass, on his belt was a flute made of precious white jade.

"Are you a performer?"

The man named Kaze straightened up and smiled. "Yes, my Lady. I am one of the performers for the banquet."

"Hm." Chiyo excused herself and returned to her aides, having them fix her hair while she was deep in thought regarding Zuko's demand.

"You didn't answer my question."

Chiyo's eyes snapped open and she glared at Kaze through the mirror, annoyance growing for every second that passes. "I don't feel any obligation to."

He turned to the aides at her sides and gave them a most alluring grin. "May you beautiful women excuse this lady and I?"

Stuttering out their replies, giggling and nearly tripping over themselves, they left Chiyo unattended and frustrated. "What do you want?!" She was already furious on top of everything else, gripping the armrests of her seat.

"I just asked a question and I'm merely awaiting an answer." Unfazed by the daggers shooting out of her eyes, he had taken her hair and started braiding it with adept hands. "I am such a huge fan of yours, my Lady." He sighed happily, fastening the braid with ruby-headed pins. "So beautiful..."

"Do you want an autograph, then?!"

As Chiyo was thinking of ways on how to murder him, a detail she had missed caught her attention. His gaze wasn't directed at her hair which he was fixing, he was staring intently at her through the mirror.

With the same eyes as hers. Deep, red amber.

He must have noticed her shock and flashed an all-knowing grin.

She stood up abruptly and faced the man, lowering her voice so the rest of the performers in the room wouldn't hear. "Who are you?"

"I told you, my Lady. My name is Kaze—"

"Why do you have the same eye color as I do?!"

Chiyo's confusion only grew when he barked out a rich, deep laughter. The sound garnered the attention of the other ladies and they inched closer to hear more of the delightful sound. Kaze bent his figure down so that they were eye-level, faces merely inches apart, a haughty smile playing on his lips. "I was born with these eyes, my Lady! Are you saying I'm not allowed to have them?"

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. He had purposely asked in a louder voice so everyone else could hear him. They started whispering among themselves of the entertainer causing quite a scandal. "Y-you--!"

An attendant informed them of the start of the banquet, and they were instructed to finish up their preparations. Determined not to let it affect her, she slumped back in her seat and decided to dismiss her anger. "Don't you have somewhere else to be, sir?"

Kaze tilted his head innocently. "Nope! But I do have a proposal for you, Lady Chiyo."

"I'm not interested."

"Oh?" He shook his head in mock disappointment, clicking his tongue. "I see." He turned to leave.

Chiyo had never given much thought to her origin before. She had quickly accepted the fact that she was an orphan raised by Lady Suiren, born from parents; one of which had died, and another lost to insanity and never to be found. Her red eyes had been quite the distinction because of their uniqueness. 

And somehow, here was one arrogant bastard that seems to hold a clue.


"I knew you wouldn't be able to resist me!" He returned to her side in a split-second, eagerly pulling up a chair to sit next to her. "I have but one request, and I am all yours, my Lady!"

"What is it?"

The banquet was nothing short of the most extravagant event of the decade and years to come. Every nation's leaders, government officials, esteemed nobles and important people were in attendance. The spacious outdoor hall was showered with light from thousands of festive lanterns hung from tall pillars and arches. Delicacies from every nation were served by hundreds of servants, along with the best of wines that they had to offer.

The leaders have each spoken their thoughts and aspirations for the new republic, even Aang managed to get through the speech prepared by Katara beforehand. A council of five was formed to guide the infant country through its early stages, notable representatives from the Fire Nation, Earth Kingdom, one from each of the Water Tribe poles, and an Air Acolyte. This council was chaired by none other than Sokka, unanimously chosen by the representatives and regarded as a master strategist and close acquaintance of the Avatar, contributing invaluably to the end of the Hundred Year War.

The performances meant to entertain the guests were nearing the end, but everyone was anxiously waiting for the appearance of a certain entertainer that they were promised. Soon enough she made her appearance, entering the hall with deliberate steps.

No one could ever get used to the sight of her whenever she entered a room or a function hall. All the attention, no matter how important a task was, will always be diverted to her. For this special night, she wore an elaborately embroidered hanfu made of the finest vermilion fabric anywhere. Her hair was braided up and embedded with several ruby pins as if she was crowned with fire. A small temporary tattoo was painted between her brows, the symbol of the Fire Nation, matching her eyes and her full, red lips.

But just as much as they were struck in awe of the famous Lady Chiyo, everyone was wondering who the equally dashing man next to her was that was not the Fire Lord.

And why the lady had her hand looped around his arm intimately.

If a man could be described as beautiful, it would be solely for him. His existence wasn't dimmed at all with Chiyo by his side. Rather, he exuded the same aura as she did, a commanding and seducing presence that drew everyone's eyes and demanded their devotion.

The initial silence was soon abuzz with bee-like whispers.

"Who is he?"

"My, what a handsome gentleman! Carved by the spirits!

"They look so well together!"

"Lady Chiyo sure found her perfect match!"

They reached the center of the hall and bowed before everyone. At the same time, the pair lifted their eyes to address the head of the room where the council and the leaders were seated.

Chiyo's gaze met Zuko's and she could see his narrowed, golden eyes, full of unspoken, burning emotion. She was secretly pleased at her boyfriend's unsettled look. A small revenge from her to him.

Kaze guided her to sit on the floor, placing the guqin he had carried for her delicately on her lap. He then pulled the dizi from his belt, making a flourish as he stepped forward to face Chiyo as if they were in a duel. The intense look he gave her as he placed the flute against his lips could only be described as one of hunger.

Her fingers didn't falter as she struck the first deep notes of the song. It was a slow, sweet melody that flowed with the same gentleness as her hands. Her eyes slid close as she focused on delivering the emotion that the song held.

The gentleman followed her lead with the mesmerizing, lilting tune of the dizi, complementing the quqin's low notes, giving as much as he was taking.

Every heart in the hall felt a pang of indescribable longing, as they listened to the song, as they watched the Chiyo and Kaze perform for the first time as if they were reunited souls expressing their immense desire through their music.

Kaze stopped playing the dizi, moved behind Chiyo, and in a move that shocked everyone, he sat down and leaned his back against hers, his head resting on her shoulder affectionately. He once again brought the flute to his lips and played the climax of the song.

At that moment, everyone knew that this performance was the start of a new gossip across the nations. The infamous entertainer from the West has finally met her match in talent, in beauty, and undeniable chemistry with the rising star of the East.

And everyone wondered what the Fire Lord had to say about this.

Their performance ended with a rain of applause and whistles of cheer. Kaze stood up and assisted Chiyo, taking the guqin in one hand and pulling her up with the other. The action was too sudden for her that she lost her footing, but Kaze caught her by the waist, resulting in a rather intimate embrace that made the cheering even more intense.

Chiyo pulled away and successfully masked her anger and annoyance before bowing together with Kaze.

"Thank you for granting this small request of mine, my Lady." He leaned in to whisper in her ear. "I think I speak for everyone when I say we truly are meant to be..."

"If you don't want my boyfriend to set your ass on fire, you best behave." Chiyo muttered under her breath, smiling as she waved back at their audience. "Remember your promise."

"Of course, my Lady. Tit for tat. I'm all yours."

"I don't need you."

"Oh, but you do! After all, I hold something you want most. The truth." He lifted one of her hands and placed a chaste kiss on the back, daringly looking up at her. "I look forward to working with you, Chiyo."  

Author-nim: Imagine Zuko's growing paranoia through the years, the weight of his responsibilities as Fire Lord, Azula's threats, establishing the new Republic, keeping his subordinates in check, etc. Chiyo was his sole source of peace--

Zuko: Right... until you BROUGHT THAT MOTHERFU--

I'm sorry I'm slow on the updates! And I know it's getting more and more confusing and scattered. *kowtows a hundred times* It's just so hard to focus with my growing paranoia and escalating depression. HAHAHAHA

*dodges Zuko's fire fists and attacks*

Thank you for patiently keeping up with the story! See you soon!


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