Survive, if you can // John M...

By gottabesomethin

88.3K 1.6K 720

Camari is an anxiety filled girl who has a tragic past and is sent to the ground. She struggles there from lo... More

//01// Arrangement
//02// Freedom At Whatever Cost (smut)
//03// Broken Flaws
//04// Unknown Goodbye
//05// Helpful Distractions (smut)
//06// Lost Humanity
//07// Daddy Issues
//08// True Lies
//09// Welcome Home
//10// Coach Cam (smut)
//11// Gone Again
//12// Breaking Again (end of season 1)
//13// "Rescued"
//14// Alone
//15// Back To Basics
//16// Uncharted Territory
//17// Stranded
//18// Imprisoned (end of season 2)
//19// Reunited (smut)
//20// Argument
//21// Yours Truly
//22// Bad Impressions
//23// Going Separate Ways
//24// Fighting Dirty
//25// Entitled Revenge (end of season 3)
//26// Goodbyes
//27// Residual Attraction
//28// Words Unsaid (smut)
//29// Permanent Farewell
//30// Salvation (end of season 4)
//31// Ai Hod Yu In
//32// Homecoming
//33// Earth; Radioactive Hellhole
//34// Covert Operation
//35// Exit
//36// Shameful Actions
//38// Planet Alpha
//39// Swarmed and Hypnotized
//40// New Earth; Hallucinogenic Hellhole
//41// Problems Leading To Solutions
//42// Suspicions Grow
//43// Accidental Investigation
//44// The Wrong Side
//45// Deferred, Jailed, Offered
//46// Kep Oso Kru Klin (end of season 6)
//47// Fake Royalty
//48// Finally, A Love Triangle (smut)
//49// Utter Camaraderie
//50// Realization
//51// Hostage Situation
//52// Lessons In Life
//53// La Muerte Es La Vida
//54// Decisions, Decisions (smut)
//55// Home, For Real This Time (finale)
A Thank You 🥺 (I love you)

//37// Betrayal To Success (end of season 5)

806 17 1
By gottabesomethin

WARNINGS: swearing, violence.

"You're a cute, little thing, I'll give you that," McCreary says, lifting my chin with one of his fingers.

We're in the transport ship. They've taken Diyoza away but Marcus is still in the room. He seems extra angry now. Especially with the soldier holding my arms behind my back. My eyes return to McCreary and I examine him a little more closely than I ever have. He has brown hair and a beard. His skin is rough. I watch his eyes flit quickly between mine. He seems paranoid about something.

I smile. "This wasn't my decision. Wasn't even my plan. I don't want to be here."

"Well, you are," he says, releasing me and walking to Marcus. "Now to work."

"Only if you promise that she'll be safe," he says, pointing to me.

McCreary grins. "Of course. The same can't be said for her friends we kept here first. What were their names? Raven and...Murphy?"

I pull against the soldier's grip angrily. "I swear to god, if you touched him-!"

"Feisty," he says, turning to look back at me. "What fun you'll be."

The soldier sits me down in a chair and walks off while Marcus and McCreary stand by a table. They begin talking strategy as I let my eyes wander. This ship really is incredible. The electronics are far more advanced than the rocket we took up to the ring. I wouldn't mind taking it for a spin but I know it's much too risky to just start flying it.

After maybe an hour, gunshots are heard from the radio on McCreary's belt. He tells his soldiers to remain in position and guard the gorge. This means they'll be far away from John. That's good enough for me. Though I know that Bellamy is in the trenches with Octavia and Indra. They don't deserve to feel the heat of our betrayal. Well, technically I didn't say anything. I wish I could absolve myself of all blame with that one flimsy statement but my guilt is still creeping up onto me.

Surprisingly, my plan wasn't just to follow Marcus into enemy territory unarmed. I have a switchblade hidden in my boot. Like a bunch of idiots, they decided not to search me. My entire plan is to basically cut McCreary's throat when he isn't paying attention to me. Which, so far, has proven difficult. He can't keep his eyes off me.

I would be creeped out if I hadn't been in this exact situation a thousand times before. Well, without the war but it was pretty much identical.

McCreary places his radio on the table and allows the screaming and gunshots to be heard throughout the control room. I bite into my fingernails, listening to their pleas for life. My heart hurts. I did this to them. We all know that I could easily take Marcus out. It'd be more difficult with Diyoza but I could do it. This is my fault. No, I didn't directly cause this but I let it happen. This...bloodbath. I find tears jumping into my eyes but I push them away. Not now. I'll cry when John is with me again. When he's safe. That's all I can focus on at the moment.

"I'd like to see Abby now," Marcus says to McCreary.

McCreary nods at one of his soldiers. "Take him to her. Make sure the blonde and her kid are brought to the church."

The soldier nods, escorting Marcus from the control room.

I lean back in my chair. "Who's the blonde?"

He grins at me and it's only then that I realize we're completely alone. "Your friend. Clarke, I think it was."

"Crap," I say under my breath, shaking my head.

"Turns out," he says, walking closer to me, "she's a traitor too."

Clarke always has reasons for her actions. I'm sure she thought this through. She had to. She was the only one with any real sense when we first landed. It wasn't me who tried to go to Mount Weather, it was her. She knew how to protect us and how to keep us alive. We can trust her. Please, tell me we can trust her.

McCreary leaves in a bit of hurry, seeming to hear something on the radio. It's dark out now. I really don't know when that happened but I'm not questioning it. My plan is failing. I need to find a better opportunity to make my move. It'll be easy to kill him when he's clouded by lust.

McCreary returns with his soldiers. They're dragging Raven and Shaw behind them. I stand quickly, nails digging into my palms as Raven gives me the worst look I've ever gotten. I wish I could explain but I know she wouldn't let me. She's better than me at doing the right thing. I always do the thing that's best for my people. And my "people" is John and me. Of course, I love her and Bellamy and Echo and Monty and Harper but they're not him. They're not what's keeping me going, he is.

The soldiers strap Raven down onto a table while they do the same to Shaw.

I turn to McCreary. "What is this? This wasn't part of the deal-"

"You said it yourself, sweetie," he says, stepping closer to me. "You don't want to be here; this wasn't your plan. Why do you care about the aftermath of your truly terrible decision?"

He turns and walks away.

In half a second, I grab the knife from my boot and slice one of the soldier's throats. I stab the next in the leg then open a large gash along his back. When I stand, every gun in the room is pointed at me. I raise my hands slowly, dropping the knife and facing McCreary.

"Kill me. Just wait and see what John does to you," I say, shaking my head.

He frowns after a second, lowering his aim before looking at his guards. "Take her to a cell."

I let one of the soldiers grab me as he starts to drag me to the door. I lock eyes with Raven. "Nou ron emo eni diyo!! Emo yu gon don!! Ste kiken!! Biyo dei de yu fleim ai klin!!" Don't give them anything!! They have weapons!! Stay alive!! Say that you hate me!!

"Camari, you fucking bitch!! I'm gonna kill you for this!!" Raven screams after me.

The soldier drags me down the metal hallways until we reach a door. He opens the door and pushes me inside a small room before shutting me inside. I push the hair from my face to examine my new cell. The walls are metal, of course. A small mattress sits in the corner with a few flimsy blankets on the material. That seems to be the extent of my commodities. There are pipes crossing precariously over the ceiling. They'd be good for pull ups. I'll try it later. I'm assuming I'll be in here for a while unless my friends somehow find a way to win this war. It seems rather unlikely to me but I'll hold out hope for them.

I spend the next few hours pacing the walls or napping or doing pull ups, as I said. I'm used to solitude so it isn't torture. The only thing I absolutely cannot stand is the uncertainty. My head is pounding with the need for answers. I wish I had a bouncy ball or something. It'd be more stimulating to throw a ball against the walls. There isn't much to do in here. Though I said I slept, I couldn't quite manage it. My mind would start to race whenever I tried so I couldn't actually sleep.

I resort to picking at my long nails. I stop myself quickly. If we lose this war, I'm going to need these nails. There aren't any weapons in here besides me. All I have is my teeth and my nails. Of course, I don't need them but they definitely help. When a girl bites you, it throws you off guard. I would know.

After maybe two or three hours, I hear low voices outside my cell. My first instinct is to hide beside the door so I can jump them when they enter to find me gone. I follow my instincts as usual. The sliding of the door is heard along with the clearness of two voices. Two figures walk into the cell with their backs to me but I notice that they aren't wearing the jumpsuits. I know that floppy, black hair.

"Bell?" I say quietly.

He turns quickly and smiles at the sight of me. "Cam."

I let out a breath, wrapping my arms around his neck and looking over his shoulder to find Monty. I smile wide, pulling back from Bell and hugging Monty now. He runs his hands along my back to calm me down a little.

"It's alright, Cam. Everything is going to be okay," he soothes, voice quieter than a whisper.

"Where's John?" I ask quickly.


"Oh, thank god," I breathe, pulling John into a tight hug.

"Ai laik ait hir. Nou get daun," he whispers to me, arms right around my back. I'm right here. Don't worry.

"You scared the shit out of me," I say, slapping his chest as I back away.

"How do you think I felt?" he asks with a grin on his face.

I smile back, grabbing his neck and kissing him roughly. I hear Bellamy groan behind us but I ignore him. His left hand is on the small of my back while his right is tangled in my hair. I go on my tiptoes to be closer to him and to press myself into him. He grins against my lips as he pulls away slowly.

"I wouldn't want to disrupt your reunion but it's kind of important."

I look over John's shoulder to see Clarke at the end of the hallway. I start toward her but John grabs my arm to stop me. He's looking at Clarke with angry eyes as he stays rigid. I attempt to break free of him but he's stronger than me.

"John, let me go," I say firmly.

"After she turned Raven and Shaw in to be tortured? I don't think so," he says, finally looking down at me.

I furrow my eyebrows and look back at Clarke. "Is that true?"

She gets this guilty look on her face as she glances at the ground.

I nod. "What was the important thing then?"

"It's Kane."

She leads me to a medical room where he's being held in a chamber with white haze on the edges. He looks like he's asleep. It's easier for me to think of him as asleep. He looks so peaceful and...calm like this. He needs to survive. I can't be around without him. Not up in space either. Marcus isn't the only surprise of the day. We're back floating around in the stars because McCreary destroyed Earth.

"How do we fix him?" I ask quickly.

"We have to put him in a coma," Abby says. "He won't survive long if we don't."

"What about those pod things?" I ask, spinning around to look at Clarke. "You know, the chambers the prisoners slept in. They kept them alive, right? They could save him too. Please tell me that'd work."

Clarke smiles softly. "That might just save everyone. Thank you."

Before explaining, she rushes out of the room.

I frown deeper than usual.


"I'll miss you," John says quietly, forehead against mine.

We're standing next to our pods. We have to go inside them soon. I'm trying my best to make sure that he doesn't chicken out. My hands are moving slowly over his shoulders and his chest. I'm mostly just taking him in before ten years of not being able to touch him.

"It'll feel like the next morning. You won't even notice I'm gone," I say back, looking into his eyes.

He smiles at me. "When we wake up, I'm never leaving you again, okay? You are mine and I'm not ever letting you forget it."

"I won't ever forget," I say back, shaking my head as a tear falls down my cheek.

He wipes it away quickly. "No crying. I'll see you soon."

"I'll go first?" I say, raising my eyebrows.

He nods and I pull myself from him, pressing the button that opens the "lid" of the pod. I lower myself into the contraption feet first. John crouches beside my head, grasping my hand and kissing my forehead. My eyes shut tightly as I try to memorize the feel of his lips on my skin. I categorize it in the good memory part of my brain. Look at that, my only happy memory has a companion now.

"Ai hod yu in," he whispers softly as he pulls away to look at me.

I smile. "Ai hod yu in mou." I love you more.

His lips come next to my ear. "When you wake up, we'll have the most mind blowing Earth sex of all time."

I let myself laugh. "Is that a promise?"

"Of course," he says, standing up and looking at the panel for the controls of my chamber.

"I'll miss you," I say quietly.

He grins. "I thought you said you won't even notice that I'm gone."

"I lied," I say, shrugging.

He nods, pressing the button so that the "lid" starts to slowly close over my face.

"Goodnight, John."

"Goodnight, toy."



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