The Rogues

By _kaywrites

265K 7.3K 13K

Control. It's what Evelyn's known her whole life...being controlled by a croupt government run society called... More

1- Intro to Detra
2- Control
3- Matched
4- The Bride
5-No Mans Land
6- Stitches
7- The Test
8- Bullseye
9- Fists out
10- Heads up
11- Bruises
12- The Woods
13 - Moonlight
14- The Girl
15- Smoke
18- Mind Melt
19- Rooftop
20- The Twins
21- Trapped
22- Fury
23- Five Hours
24- Armor
25- A Weapon
26- Jailbreak
27- Power
28- Crimson
29- Heavenly
30- The Martyr
31- Breathe
32- The light
33- Forget Me
34- Don't Look Death in the Eye
35- When the Alarm Sounds
36- Let go
37- The Rising
38- Deception
39- Touch
40- The Gates
Chapter 41- Her Power


9K 228 748
By _kaywrites


"So let me get this straight...Dominic told you about her?" Celeste raised her eyebrow as she fixed her hair in my mirror.

"yup." I looked down as I sat quietly on my bed.

Celeste stayed at my place that night. As soon as we arrived at my dorm, Celeste plopped on the couch and fell right to sleep. I didn't blame her though...she had a lot to drink and I'm sure her head was spinning worse than mine. I was surprised at how sober she seemed when she came out onto the balcony.

The balcony. I didn't want to be reminded of what happened out there. For once I felt like I was finally understanding Dominic...that's he was trusting me. then, out of nowhere regretted everything just like that. Not to mention the way he talked about that girl...Verena. It made me angry and I didn't know why. I really didn't think Dominic Jones had any real emotions, but after hearing him talk about her...I could tell that he was hurting.

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. It's like the moments I was out on the balcony replayed over and over in my head. Especially what happened with Declan. It was truly something I never expected of him. I thought for once, someone saw something more in me....I thought he respected me at least. I guess I was wrong. From my experience I've learned that all men want one thing...well most I guess...Dominic wasn't that way with me, though he still hated me, and Cassian wasn't interested in me that way.

I just hated letting Dominic think that I needed him to protect me....but if he wasn't there, in the woods or on the balcony...I'm afraid to think of what might have happened. I hated that I couldn't get him to realize I'm not like Verena, but what I hated the most was that  I couldn't get him out of my head.

"I can't believe he told you that!"Celeste gasped "He hates talking about her...he never mentions her to anyone other than me."

"I can't believe he told me too." I shook my head

"You know what that means?"

"What?" I raised my eyebrow

"He trusts you."

"Ya right." I rolled my eyes "I'm the last person he would trust."

"If you say so." Celeste shrugged

I did think he was finally starting to trust me. For once he was opening up...letting his emotions spill instead of keeping them locked in like he always had. But if he truly trusted me...he would believe me when I'd say I'm not like her. Verena. The thought of that girl just made my mind fill with my anger and curiosity. Anger, because of how she betrayed the Rogues. Curiosity because I couldn't help myself from wondering the obvious. What she looked like, what she acted like. What I wondered the most though, was what made her so special. What was it about her that was so hypotonic she could deceive someone like Dominic. He didn't seem like someone who would let his guard down so easily...I couldn't understand how she messed with his head.

"You up for some training today Ev?" Celeste looked at me, as I sat up from my bed, stretching my arms with a yawn.

"I guess so." I rubbed my eyes and walked towards the mirror. My cheek was still lined with the bruise that Valerie gave me, and my golden eyes looked tired and beat.

I didn't mind the bags under my eyes though. Back in Detra, everyone seemed to sleep a full eight hours every night, meanwhile, with my crazy thoughts keeping me up all night, I only slept around three or four. My body got used to it though...I didn't need much sleep to feel awake. Everyone thought the bags under my eyes were just a part of my skin tone...Gemma used to tell me I looked like a walking corpse. I liked them though...they made me  seem more human.

"Do my hair?" I turned to Celeste

"I thought you'd never ask!" Celeste glowed as she rushed towards me, holding a hairbrush and two hair ties in her hand like she knew I was going to ask.

I sat down as she brushed her fingers through my brown hair and held it out in her hands. She began twisting the strands between her fingers until it formed two long braids that cascaded over my shoulders. I always loved when Celeste did my hair...back in Detra we could only wear our hair down, so it was nice doing something different for once.

"done!" She said, tying around a hair tie.

"thank you Celeste...I love it!"

Celeste turned my head to face her, so she could see how I looked. Her bright eyes locked with mine as she lifted her hand and brushed the braid off my shoulder with a smile. I've never had Celeste look at me that way.

" umm uh" she shook her head, "now we should go...there's one more thing I have to show you."

"One more thing?"

We arrived at the training arena as people flooded the area. I never really realized how serious Rogues took their training. Everywhere I looked, a Rogue was practicing punches, lifting weights, shooting bullets or working on their strength. I knew they trained so they were prepared in case of an attack, but to me it seemed like there was more to it. It was as if they were training for something.

Celeste led me over to an open area of grass. Target box's stood in a line just like the shooting range, but this time we were going to shoot guns. I gazed to my left, where a rack filled with long wooden bows hung above my head. Next to it was a bin of sharp arrow heads that we're tied to a wooden stick. They looked homemade almost.

"Wow!" I gasped as I rushed towards the bows, "Are these what I think they are!"

"If you mean bow and arrows" Celeste laughed, "then yes."

"I've only ever heard about them...but never knew they were real!"

"I keep forgetting that you're from Detra," Celeste giggled, rolling her eyes.

Back in Detra, the use of bow and arrows was just a legend. We learned that a bow and arrow was just a term made up by our ancestors for another kind of rake. But this...this weapon was so different. A rake was simple and dull. This looked powerful.

Celeste pulled the stick off of the rack, and held it in her hands. She lifted it to me, as I brushed my fingers on the cool wooden frame.

"It's pretty cool huh?" Celeste smiled

I nodded as I watched Celeste take hold of the bow to her chest, and grab an arrow from the bin.

"I'm gonna teach you how to use it!"

"I don't know if I can use that Celeste." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Sure you can. Do you not remember the way you shot those targets the other day! This will be a piece of cake for you."

Frankly I didn't quite remember when I shot the targets...most of it was a blur. All I remembered was peering up from my gun, Celeste cheering in my face as I stared at the holes in the middle of the target. I don't actually remember the momentI pulled the was very weird. It was like I was in a sort of focus was locked on the target and nothing else. It was a peculiar moment, nothing like that has ever happened to me before.

"Whatever you say Cel" I laughed. She smirked at me as she attached the arrow to the string.

"First step...line your body up with the target." Celeste picked up her feet, and stood back, facing the target.

"Second step..."

I wanted to listen to Celeste, but my focus remained elsewhere. I glanced around the area as Celeste rambled on. I noticed all the Rogues scattered around. There were just so many of them...I wondered how they all ended up here. Did they come from Detra just like me, or did they come from elsewhere?

There had to be more outside Detra...outside No man's land. There could  be a whole other world out there I don't even know of. The thought was intriguing.

I peered around again and noticed a blonde figure with a giant bruise on their eye, and a cut on their lip enter the arena. I felt my heart drop to my knees as I realized who it was.

It was Declan.

As soon my eyes met his I quickly looked away. I didn't want to see him...not after what happened. I really hoped he wouldn't talk to me.

A part of me really did like Declan. He was just so kind, it was nice to be around someone like him. He made me feel desired, and less like an outsider. There was one thing holding me back though. Our kiss. I wanted so badly to feel something between us...and at the time I did feel something. I felt comforted by him, but all that comfort was just a way to cover his real feelings. After he touched me on the balcony...I realized there was nothing there. To him it was only lust, and I realized that I didn't feel the same. He never truly liked me like I liked him...if he did, he would have respected me at least.

I then glanced to my side...noticing another person I almost dreaded seeing. Dominic stood outside the boxing area, as two young boys , who appeared to be teenagers, fought inside the ring. He gripped his hand on the ropes, yelling at the boys as they threw punches back and forth.

"Remember, shift your weight and hold up your arms, never let down your guard!"

The boy nodded and did exactly what Dominic said. My guess was that Dominic was training them, much like Celeste was training me. It was weird seeing him around kids...he treated them no different than if they were adults. Very typical of him.

Dominic shouted, shaking his head as he ducked under the ring.

"You guys aren't me." He said, as he gripped the ends of his shirt and tossed it over his head. His toned structure towered over the boys. I always wondered how tall he was, being he overlooked every person he stood next to. His body was a mountain of defined if he was a sculpture carved from a piece of stone. His abs were perfectly lined with the sharp v line on his lower stomach. As much as I wanted to look away...he was so hard to ignore.

"Evelyn!" Celeste shouted as I jumped out of my gaze. "Are you listening?"

"Uh...ya, of course." I shook my head.

"Good!" Celeste pulled her elbow back and lifted the bow to her eye. She held the arrow tightly on the string and shifted her weight. She effortlessly released her fingers, as the arrow zipped through the air, puncturing right through the middle of the target.

"And just like that, piece of cake! Now it's your turn." Celeste held out the bow to my hand with a wide grin plastered on her cheeks. I hesitantly grabbed the wooden bow out of her hand and held it to my chest.

I reached my hand in the bin near of arrows, but it was empty.

"Shit, out of arrows." Celeste rolled her eyes "If you wait here for a second, I'll go grab some more okay?"

"okay" I nodded, as Celeste whipped around her dark hair, and walked toward the targets to pick up arrows.

I held the bow in both of my hands, admiring the wooden craftsmanship and smooth outlines. It was so beautiful...I still couldn't believe it was real.

"Evelyn..." A voice lingered behind my neck. I turned around, as my heart began to race.

"Declan..." I muttered softly. I took a deep breath, as his emerald eyes met mine. They were filled with sorrow, and I couldn't figure out why.

"I came to apologize."

I held my tongue, I didn't want an apology from him, there was no excuse for what he tried to do...but I'm someone who believes everyone deserves forgiveness. I wanted to listen to what he had to say.

"Ya Im sorry I..." he took a deep breath, "...I totally left you by yourself at the party last night!"

"Huh?" I stood back in shock

"Ya uh, I got carried away with my drinks. I can't even remember half of the night. I shouldn't have left you by yourself though, did you get home ok?"

He...he doesn't remember? After everything that was nothing but a blur to him. I couldn't believe he didn't remember.

"Oh uh...I got home fine." my voice trembled as I tried to keep myself together. It was hard speaking to him as if nothing had ever happened.

"oh that's good...I must have passed out at the party. I woke up on the floor!"

Of course Dominic left him on the floor.

I noticed the black and blue mark that reached from his cheek to part of his eye, and the subtle cut on his lip.

"You face." I pointed, "What happened." Of course I knew what happened. I just wanted to know what he thought happened.

"Oh!" he shyly picked up his hand and rubbed his cheek, " I uh...i'm not sure. It must have been one hell of a night. Knowing me I probably stumbled off the top of a table or something." He laughed.

"Makes sense." I said softly, trying to distract myself from meeting his eyes. It was so hard to look at him the same after what happened.

"It hurts like hell though." He laughed, rubbing his forehead. His eyes shifted as he noticed my gaze stuck to the floor. "Hey?" he said, bending over, lifting his finger to my chin and picking up my head, forcing my eyes to meet his. "Is everything okay?"

My stomach felt sick as he looked at if he was if he cared. Though he didn't remember, that didnt mean I would forget.

There was still a part of him that was the same...even if he didn't show it. Though I wanted to pick up my fist and punch him square in the face...I thought it was best I stayed civil with him. I wasn't here to make enemies with people, especially someone like him.

"Im fine." I said quietly, looking up as he held my chin in his hand. Suddenly I felt the presence of a tall figure lingering behind my back, their husky voice speaking in anger.

"I suggest you get your hand off of her."

"Dominic?" Declan stood up, and raised his eyebrow.

I turned around and looked up, as Dominic stood tall behind me, crossing his arms with his shirt bundled up and tossed over his shoulder.

"Now." He demanded coldly

"Whats your problem Dom?" Declan sneered

"What's my problem!" Dominic lifted his eyebrows, and shoved me to the side, standing right up in Declans face.

"Your lucky I dont add another fucking mark on your face!" Dominic glared at Declan, intimidatingly flexing his brawny chest up to his.

"What the hell are you talking about man!" Declan's eyes lit up in fear as Dominic stalked in front of him.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" Dominic shouted

"What the hell dude! I don't!" Declan's face filled with confusion

"You know what..." Dominic clenched his fist and picked up his arm.

God, not this again.

I laid the bow on the ground, and quickly ran between the two, shoving my hands on Dominics chest. I blocked his way, trying to get him to relax. He lowered his fist and looked at me confused, as Declan stood behind me covering his head with his hands.

"He doesn't remember." I looked up at Dominic and whispered.

As my hands laid gently on his bare chest, I could feel his heart beating fast under my fingertips. He was still tense. I could tell he was angry.

I shook my head, gesturing for him not to do anything. He scanned me as my sincere gaze met his angry eyes. He looked at Declan, then back at me.

Celeste and Cassian started to walk up to us, with the arrow heads in their hands as they suddenly paused and stood with their eyes wide open, gazing at me, who stood between Declan and Dominic.

"Do I even wanna know what's going on?" Celeste gasped, backing away.

"I know you dont..." Cassian shook his head, " But I do!"

"No!" Celeste grabbed his arm, "It's none of our business...lets go." She dropped the arrow heads in the bin and quickly turned around, walking away with Cassian.

Dominic's muscles relaxed as he unclenched his fingers from the palm of his hand and took a deep breath.

I turned around and faced Declan, "Sorry about that." I said coldly, before grabbing Dominics wrist and storming away with him in my grip.

I marched up to the archery section, pulled him in front of my body, and released him from my grasp, as he tugged his shirt off of his shoulder and slipped it over his head.

"Why do you have to act like that!" I scolded

"Like what?"

" that! Why can't you just try and act civil for once!"

"That's just my personality darling." He raised his eyebrow

I rolled my eyes, "That explains why I can't stand you."

"Does it now? At least I'm doing something right." a smug smirk lined his lips.

"Anyways..." I shook my head, "Declan doesn't let's just forget about it."

"Just because he doesn't remember doesnt mean you dont."

"Well I would like to please don't start anything." I rubbed my hand on my forehead

"No promises." he smirked

"Even if he did remember." I paused, " I didnt ask you to show always think I need your help...I can handle myself."

"The thing is..." He moved closer to me, his chest lined up with my face before he bent down and met my eyes. "...Everytime you say that you do need me."

God his sarcasm ripped right through me. Every remark he had was cocky, contrasting how he was on the balcony. He was back to the Dominic I'm used to.

"I don't." I looked at him angrily, holding my breath as his face neared mine. 

"Aright" he stood up and I released my breath. Dominic bent his arm down and picked up a bow that laid beside him. He stared at it for a moment before holding it out towards my body.

"Here." He said, "make a perfect shot...without my help." He leered at me.

"Fine." I ripped the bow from his hand, and marched angrily in front of the target, picking up a stack of arrows from the bin on my way.

I lined my body up with the target just as Celeste said...actually that was all I heard her say. If only I had listened to her. I held the bow up and placed an arrow in the string. As the bow stood quietly in my hands, I peered down at it in confusion...trying to figure it out.

How the hell do I use this thing?

I turned around at Dominic, as he leaned against a tree, crossing his arms with a smug look on his face.

"Go on." he said, gesturing his hand at me ''

I turned around, and took a deep breath.

Come on Ev you can do this.

I held the bow above my chest and drew back the string and tightened my grip. As I held it up, the arrow slid off the bow. I caught it and quickly put it back on and It slid off again. I could hear Dominic laughing behind my ear and I shook my head.

I finally stabilized the arrow, and pulled the drawstring towards my face. I released my fingers and the bow plunged out about five feet, sticking into the ground.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" I shouted "I'm done!"

"Woah, woah, woah." Dominic laughed as he stood up from the tree and slowly made his way behind me. "Don't give up so easily."

I was so he was getting what he wanted. He made me look like a fool. I angrily marched up to the arrow and tugged it violently out of the ground.

"God, I'm so done with this." I mumbled to myself as I treaded backwards. Suddenly my path was blocked as my back collided  into Dominics chest.

"umph"I gasped in surprise, his chest felt as hard as stone.

"Here..." He said as he wrapped his hands around my body, grabbing onto the bow in my hands and raising it up, " I think you're gonna need my help."

My heart began to race as he pulled my body in towards his, laying my back on his chest. Being so close to him...he was warm, it contrasted with the cold breeze that slipped through air, blowing his messy hair away from his bright eyes.

" May I?"  he asked

I took a deep breath as a soft, "yes."muttered under my breath.

His fingertips met the soft skin of my arm. As soon as I felt his touch, I flinched as he immediately backed his hand up. I took a deep breath and nodded...letting him know that it was ok. He gently placed his long fingers back on both my arms, hugging me into his chest.

He traced his fingers softly down my arm and met his hands with mine. His touch sent tingles through my body, his movements were so delicate...not what I would have expected from him. He placed his hands on top of mine, intertwining our fingers together.

"If you don't want the arrow to fall out..." He whispered behind my ear, "...attach it to the string." He unlocked one of his hands, and clipped the arrow to the string. He brought his hand back on top of mine.

"Now..." his voice trailed down my neck , "use these fingers to hold the string." He brushed his fingers down my right hand, slowly tracing them between mine until he reached the middle of my hand, holding up my index middle and ring fingers. He picked them up and led them onto the string, placing them right below the arrow.

He released my hands from his, and lingered his touch up my arms, reaching under my elbows. I held my breath, biting onto my lip as his hands touched my skin. My body felt weak, my legs wanted to collapse.

"Straighten your posture." He placed his fingers under my elbows and lifted them up, straightening my back.

His hand met mine back at the string. He gripped onto my three fingers, and drew the string back towards my chest, until the bow felt tight. My body stiffened as he leaned closer to me.

"Relax darling." he whispered as I felt his warm breath travel down my neck, sending tingles up my spine. I relaxed my arms, and stood up straight.

"Raise your elbow up as you draw back." He again placed his hand under my right elbow, lifting it up. He then removed his hands from my skin and placed them on the tip of the bow. He guided the bow up, lining it with the target, and slowly backed away from my body.

As he left...I instantly felt cold.

"Focus." Dominic said softly behind my ear.

I took a deep breath...letting go of all my thoughts, and focusing on nothing but the little red circled that sat in the center of the target.  I held up my elbow, as all my thoughts flooded out of my head. Though I wasn't focused on the target...I focused on him.

I relaxed my three fingers as the and released the string from my grip. The arrow cut through the air like a was fast and efficient, heading straight forwards. The arrow zipped through the red center of the target so hard, it ripped
through the other side.

I lowered the bow from my eyes, and peered at the target. My eyes lit up and I squealed with joy, like a little girl.

"Did you see that!" I cheered, peering back at Dominic.

His broad body stood behind me with his arms crossed. An impressed smirk embedded across his lips, and he gazed at me. His eyes studied me as I jumped up and down in excitement. He turned away and laughed,shaking his head.

"I hate to ruin your excitement." He said, "But I was right...was I not?"

"Fine." I rolled my eyes, "you were right this time."

"This time." he lifted his eyebrow.

"I don't always need your help." I crossed my arms, "I'm not as weak as you think."

"Oh I don't think you're weak." He shook his head "I just don't think you know your strength."

His eyes traveled up and down my body as he leaned his chest up to my back. My heart raced as his body touched mine...ive never felt this way with him before. He hasn't made me feel nervous since the day I arrived...this was a different kind of nervous though. I couldn't explain it...I didn't fear him, I just wasnt sure what to think of him.

"Okay." I smirked, turning my head towards his, "I fixed your arm...twice. You helped me...twice. We can call it even."

"Actually I helped you three times." He ran his fingers through his dark hair.

"This time doesn't count."

"Why not?"

"Because I shot the didn't." I lifted my eyebrow

"You just won't let me win, will you darling?" he smirked

"Not a chance."

My gaze locked with his, as I looked up at him over my shoulder. My breath began to feel heavy as his eyes met mine. He slowly began to  lean his face closer to mine. My heart felt as if it were racing out of my chest...what the hell was happening?

He looked down at my lips, and then back at my eyes. Instead of pulling away I...I leaned in. His face was so close, I felt his breath on top of mine. He moved closer and-

"-Dominic!" A voice cried in the distance. I released my breath and quickly pulled away, as he backed up from my body. My heart was so rapid, and my legs felt weak.

What the hell was that?

"Dominic!" Celeste yelled, eagerly running towards us, "You're not going to believe who just arrived!" She tried to catch her breath.

"Cel you know I don't like guessing." He shook his head and rolled his eyes

"It's Kyler! He's finally back!" She cheered

"Oh my god!" Domincis face lit up. "He's back already?"

Kyler? Ive never heard them mention that name before.

"Hurry!, He's in the courtyard!" Celeste yelled, as she grabbed Dominics wrist, "You too Ev, you have to meet him!"

"Wait!" I stopped them, "Who's Kyler?"

Celeste's eyes filled with excitement has she grinned, "My brother!"

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