Left Behind 2: Illusions (A D...

By MarissaWalkerWriter

231K 6.4K 4.2K

Hermione has already spent a week as a captive at the Malfoy Manor and so much has changed. After being atta... More

What is to Come...
Authors Note: Welcome Back
Trigger Warning (Please Read)
The Chase
What is Unremembered
The Forbidden Forest
Fights and Promises
Voldemort's Crucio
Through the Bind
The Worst Timing Possible
The Illusion
Snape's Confrontation
A Moment's Peace
Looking Inside
The Lost Day
Things that Were Never Meant to be Seen
The Kiss
The Vow
Desires and Demons
The Realization
A Day Apart
A Late Dinner
The Happy Prince
The Order-Part 1
The Order-Part 2
Rationalizing with Redheads
Exposition on Positions
Another Promise
A Request for Help
The Dragon
A Beautiful Surprise
The Reunion
Aftermaths of Photographs
The Errand
Light and Warmth
Pulled back
Dreams and Nightmares
The Bath
Ear Muffs
The Couch
Time to Talk
Narcissa's Offer
Draco's Soul
In the Oasis
A Game of Cards
The Question
The Decision
The Goodbye
The Collapse
Deatheater's Bane
It continues...The final Part

The Sweet Taste of Dreams

2.9K 76 75
By MarissaWalkerWriter

Merry Christmas and happy yule. I hope everyone had a lovely day. Posting before bed for you all. Wishing you the best, I know this time is hard. Hopefully a nice chapter can help even  if its just a little. Much love.

Warning, steam ahead...


The wind in the oasis was soft and warm. 

Draco stood on the edge of the dock looking out over the water as the sunset glowed setting slowly in the distance colouring the sky in hues of orange and deep purple. Little white clouds floated catching all the colours so they looked like cotton candy in the air.

He breathed in deeply.

This was where he was meant to be, in his oasis, safe and warm and away from all the troubles of the world.

"Aren't you going to come in?" A familiar voice called to him startling Draco from his thoughts.

The voice had come from bellow him and Draco looked down at the bottom of the dock to see Hermione treading water just a few feet in front of him. 

Through the soft ripples of the crystal clear water he could see that she was clad in a soft white bikini with yellow daisies. It was sweet and sexy in an almost innocent way.

It still made his throat go dry.

"I don't have anything to wear," he answered back when he could find his voice.

"Sure you do," she said with a smile. "You're wearing swim trunks aren't you?" she laughed.

Draco looked down and found himself all at once wearing a pair of long blue board shorts. 

He had been fully clothed just a moment ago.

It's a dream, he realized and closed his eyes feeling a little wave of sadness like the ripples of the water beneath him they lapped at his soul.

"Are you coming in Draco?" she asked and splashed water up at him smiling.

He couldn't help smiling back.

Fuck it, he thought. I don't care if its a dream.

She was here and so that's where he wanted to be.

He would rather dream of her than anything else in the world.

"Jump in why don't you?" called Hermione with a wave of her arm. 

Draco smiled mischievously at her, wriggling his eyebrow. He took two gigantic steps and leaped into the water entering with a graceful dive just inches from where she had been treading water.

He heard her let out a little shriek just before he pierced the water, and if he was not mistaken a giggle had followed it.

 When he surfaced he whipped his hair around shaking the water off and looking at Hermione.

"Show off," she said with a wry smile and gave his shoulder a playful punch before wrapping her arms around his shoulders. She smiled and kissed him. Draco kissed her back.

He felt it, and yet it wasn't enough.

Suddenly they were on the couch in the tiny hut on his island. 

The fire was blazing behind them. Draco fisted his hands in her hair and kissed her, but he couldn't feel her there with him. He knew he was kissing her, and yet he couldn't taste her. He couldn't feel her lips-couldn't recreate in his sleeping mind how it felt to kiss her in real life...because nothing felt like the reality of her lips.

It was agony that he had her there with him without the feel her in his hands. The sensation of touched dampened to the point of torture, so that he felt as if he were holding her through fuzzy mittens.

"Please, just let me kiss you for real," he said softly with his eyes closed. When he opened them again the scene had changed and he was laying in his bed with Hermione looking up at him.

"Draco?" she said his name, her voice breathy as she blinked up at him.

Draco bent his head down and brushed his lips lightly across Hermione's.

This time it was like lightening had struck and Draco realized he was no longer dreaming. 

He pulled back.

Her eyes blinked closed and she snuggled closer.

The arms wrapped around him were Hermione's arms, causing a frisson of static across his skin at every single inch of contact.

The pillow, that pillow which he had placed like a safeguard between them was gone and he could feel every curve of her body pressed up close to his. 

Her legs were tangled with his, one hooked up and over his hip so that their lower halves were pressed close together. The heat was scotching. He was so hard it hurt.

She was everything, she was the only thing that mattered.

And he had just kissed her.

Reality sunk in.

Fear slammed through his chest,

What the fuck did I just do? Draco asked himself.

You just ruined everything, was his answer.

Only she hadn't yelled, or screamed, or hit him. 

Instead,  a small smile crossed her lips followed by a yawn, followed by her slumping back into the pillow limply.

Draco lay their utterly shell shocked. How could she just go back to sleep?


Draco ground his teeth together. He couldn't move for fear of disturbing her. 

He was happy she hadn't freaked out or punched him in the face. He had no idea WHY she hadn't freaked out and punched him in the face.

He wasn't about to push his luck and ask her.

Hermione shifted and Draco bit the inside of his cheek stifling a moan as she rubbed against him. Her warmth pressing against his aching cock. 

Draco's eyes rolled backwards and be blinked praying for control.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

She shifted again, making a little sound of contentment. 

Oh dear gawd, merlin's beard and for all the love of that which is good give me strength.

Draco squeezed his eyes tightly shut and clenched his fists to tight the bones ached from it. 

He wanted to respond. He wanted to grab her hips and grind against her more firmly. He wanted to wake her up and kiss her for real. Kiss her till he had the feel of her lips impressed upon his very soul. 

That brush of lips had sent electricity though him. He could only imagine what it would be like to kiss her the way he wanted to, to taste her mouth, her neck, her skin...all of her.

Physical heat began to increase between them as Draco's body went into overdrive from attraction and from holding back. 

Eventually, from the warmth Hermione rolled away from him giving Draco a moments sweet reprieve from the onslaught to his senses. 

Draco practically leaped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to escape the temptation, the feel of her the closeness the gaddamn danger of being in the same bed as her.

When he closed the door behind him he began to pace like a trapped tiger. 

He went over to the mirror.

"What the hell was that?" he demanded of his reflection.

You knew sleeping next to her wasn't a good idea.

You could have ruined everything,
he scolded himself. Do you want her to hate you?

But I didn't, he answered. 

And why was that? 

Draco began pacing again and then paused mid-stride.

Why hadn't she decked him or freaked out or lost it?

Their were two logical explanations:

Number one:  Either he had kissed Hermione and she hadn't minded.

Ha fat-chance, his darker side snarked.

Or... number two: She had been sleeping, just like he had thought he was. Her eyes had been open. She had said his name, but maybe...maybe she was dreaming too.

Then why did she say your name? A quiet voice asked.

What was she dreaming of?

It couldn't be him...

Why would she...

No, he shook his head.

Draco went over to the sink and splashed his face with water then looked at himself.

You're going out of your mind.

He took a deep breath and held it for several heartbeats before letting it back out again. 

He wanted to go back to bed. 

His arms ached to hold her again, but he couldn't; not like this. Draco looked down at the front of his Pajama pants. They were still severely tented. He needed to get back some of his control before he went back there to her.

It was going to be torture either way, but it was an impossible task in his current state.

Shucking off the pants Draco walked over to the shower and waved his hand starting the waterfall flow of water. He stepped under the cool spray hissing as the cool drops hit his heated flesh. 

His lips continued to tingle where they had touched hers.

His tongue darted out over his own lips to catch her taste.

Draco closed his eyes moaning in frustration and let the water flow over him. 

It was several moment until he realized that the coolness of the water wasn't dampening the fire raging inside him. His skin on his shoulders was cool to the point of almost shivering which made the heat of his arousal seem so much more intense.

Giving up on willing it away with his mind or the water Draco waved his hand and the temperature of the water rose to a much more pleasant level. Draco took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

There was another way to fix the problem.

He imagined Hermione standing there with him under the shower, her face covered in tiny droplets of water. 

He imagined her smiling, laughing., watched her hand go back to smooth her curly hair out of the way as the water began to soak through taming her wild curls. He imagined her hand reaching out towards him as she blinked at him. 

The fantasy froze and Draco opened his eyes staring blankly at the tile as the water traced little paths down to the floor.

What would is she like?  He wondered.

Would she know how to touch him?

Had she touched many men before?

Or would he be the first to have those delicate fingers wrap around him?

"Fuck," he groaned at that last thought. 

He knew it was archaic. He knew it was unfair to want to be the first; the primal side of his mind didn't care. The idea that he could be her first...her only. That second idea meant more to him-If he could be her only...

You'll never be her only.

Draco shook away the bitter thought.

You can imagine it though...a voice like temptation whispered.

Draco closed his eyes again and this time he imagined something he knew-something more innocent:

He imagined her lips.

He brought his hand to himself; wrapped his fingers around his shaft in a tight grip. 

He imagined her watching him. Imagined her eyes looking straight at him. In his mind he saw her pupils dilated, her eyes darken, her lips part and then she kissed him.

Draco came in a great shuddering convulsion his hips jerking forward as he found his climax to thoughts of the woman laying in his bed.


So...the shower...lots of steam coming from all that hot water eh?

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