A Beautiful Surprise

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Nice long one this time around. Enjoy.


Hermione was still fast asleep when Draco returned from his oasis.

The sight of her laying there in his bed, her chaotic curls fanned out around her on his pillow shining in the morning light made his heart squeeze.

He let her sleep for another hour, taking the time to read for a little and enjoy the tranquility of having just the two of them together.

It won't be just the two of you for much longer, the voice in his head pointed out.

And who do you think she will prefer spending time with given the option?

Fred, the answer was Fred.

He wouldn't...couldn't blame her for picking the redhead over him.

"It will be enough just to make her happy," he whispered back and saw Hermione stir.

Draco set down his book and leaned forward to touch Hermione's shoulder gently and pull her the rest of the way out of sleep.


"Wake up sleepy head," a now familiar voice pulled Hermione from the warmth of sleep.

"I don't want to," she said curling into her covers. 

Hermione had slept through the strangest night: She had had some terrible dreams which seemed to stop before they fully took hold and she had dreamed Draco had kissed her. 

The kiss...despite being just a dream had felt so real...and so right. It still kind of made her uncomfortable how much she had wanted that kiss and how much she had enjoyed it.

What would Draco think of her if he knew she was having there kind of thoughts?

She buried her face in her pillow not wanting to think about it.

"You'll miss the surprise..." Draco said teasingly.

"Surprise?" Hermione sat bolt upright and her nose crashed off Draco's shoulder painfully. 

Why was he sitting so close?

"Owwww," she protested, rubbing her face, needing a distraction from how handsome he seemed this morning. There was something different about him.

He looked, refreshed, well slept.

It had been a while since she had seen him without bruises or dark circles under his eyes. She had almost forgotten that he was known around school for more than just being a pain...he was known for being devastatingly handsome.

You never saw him that way though, she reminded herself.

That's because he was an ass, she mentally answered back.

Yet, if she was being honest there had been the occasional time when she had noticed. Usually when some girl was blushing and fawning over him.

And you thought those girls were idiots for it, now look at you.

"I take it you like surprises then?" said Draco with a small chuckle, pulling her away from her thoughts

Hermione frowned. 

Why was he laughing at her? What was wrong with liking surprises? 

"It's not funny, that hurt," It did actually hurt a little...that wasn't why she was frowning though. 

"Oh poor thing, want me to kiss it better?" Draco teased in a voice she had never heard him use before.

Hermione froze for a moment at the joke.

Immediately her mind went straight back to the dream.

His words:

"I want to kiss you, let me kiss you."

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