Narcissa's Offer

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Nice long one today. Hope you enjoy.


"Miss Granger, its time you and I spoke...alone"

Hermione watched as what little colour had been in Draco's cheeks drained.

What could Narcissa Malfoy possibly have to say to her and why was Draco so concerned? His worry only added to her own. If he was so blanched at the thought of his mother speaking to her alone, what did that mean for her?

Hermione swallowed the last bite of her food.

"Okay..." she managed as if she had any kind of say in the matter.

"Good," said Narcissa haughtily. "Draco Darling you should rest," she looked at his face and frowned. "She'll be back in one piece, stop making that face."

It was a strange sounding order and Hermione could see the battle on Draco's face at Narcissa's dismissive tone and the entirety of their circumstance. He smiled at his mother after a moment as if nothing odd were going on.

"Yes, I think I will lay down," Draco went over to the bed and if Hermione was not mistaken she saw a slight limp in his movements.

He did just almost die, she told herself. He is allowed to have a slight limp.

Hermione reached down and itched her calf absently

Narcissa rose with all the grace of a queen and walked to the door.

"Well come along," she said to Hermione impatiently. 

Rising Hermione got up and walked hurriedly towards Narcissa sparing a glance back at Draco before the older woman closed the door behind her.

He gave her a look which she couldn't read, though the worry in his eyes was clear.


Narcissa led Hermione down a hallway to the west wing of the house and in a large well-appointed study. 

Once they were inside Narcissa locked the door and cast a spell of silence around the room then she turned to Hermione.

"Alright Miss Granger, I think it's high time that you and I talk."

Hermione tried to gauge the other woman's intentions and came away with nothing.

Narcissa was clearly very good at a game that Hermione had never been one to play: Masking her emotions and intentions.

"Okay," said Hermione, shaking a little. "What would you like to talk about?"

"My Son," said Narcissa and she moved around to the other side of the massive oak desk and folded her hands neatly looking over them at Hermione with sharp eyes.

Please don't take me away from him, the thought was quick and sharp through her mind and Hermione found it much harder to dismiss than expected.

"I would like to make you a deal," Narcissa said clasping her hands together emphatically while her tone remained utterly emotionless. 

"What?" Hermione balked. 

This woman would be a terror as a CEO in some high class business, Hermione shook inwardly. The calm cool edge of the woman opposite her was impossible to ignore.

"Sit," Narcissa gestured to a chair. 

Hermione was so numb with shock that she obeyed without thinking, which was probably a good thing considering the circumstance.

"I love my son," said Narcissa and she paused as if the next words were hard to say. "But what he did to you was wrong, and for my part in having it happen to you, you have my sincerest apology."

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