Draco's Soul

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Happy Friday everyone! Nice long one for you today. 😊 Enjoy!


Every second that Hermione had been gone Draco's anxiety had gotten worse.

His mother's behavior, treating Granger well, was out of character and inconsistent with her pureblood elitist views and had Draco mentally climbing the walls with worry.

When she returned it took everything he had not to rush straight over to her and check for any sign of harm.

"Is everything alright?" he asked, his throat tight.

"Yes," Hermione walked forward to the center of the room and stopped so that she was standing just a few feet from Draco. She had a calmness about her which was mildly disconcerting. He searched her eyes.

"What did she want to talk to you about?" he asked wanting to close the distance between them, yet holding himself back.

"You," said Hermione. The didn't overly surprise Draco. "She just wanted to make sure that if the order wins I don't have you put in Azkaban for life."

"Oh..." Draco swallowed.

Because of what your mother thinks you did to Granger that night.

And for all the times you tortured her, his mind added.

You might still end up going to Azkaban when all this is done.

Hermione would vouch for him, he believed in his heart of hearts that she believed he was doing this for her. That didn't mean she would win out over the voices of Ron and Harry who would likely claim he had used Imperius on her.

Two members of the golden trio would be able to sway any court when claiming against one member who might have been compromised.

The thought of Azkaban made Draco shiver.

Bellatrix had told him stories.

He would rather die than go there.

And he would rather go there than live without Hermione.

If she would come see him...if she still cared...he would endure hell.

Hermione's expression changed at Draco's silence.

"I wouldn't," said Hermione taking one step closer. "You know that right?" Her voice was insistent as she sought confirmation from him.

Draco nodded mutely.

"Good," her shoulder immediately relaxed. "As long as you know." 

Hermione reached out and touched Draco's hand. Draco couldn't muster even the will to think about pulling away from her.

She blinked up at him and Draco looked down at her. 

Without thinking he leaned forward slightly, he caught himself half way through the action and paused on route to kiss her. Hermione didn't pull away, but she didn't move forward either she just tilted her head to the side looking at him quizzically. 

Draco pulled back.

"Do I have something on my face?" she asked.

Of course she wouldn't realize you were leaning in for a kiss, she has no idea how you feel about her.

A part of her has to know, his mind protested. Wasn't it obvious? He felt like it was painfully obvious. He felt like he was wearing a neon sign over his head screaming 'Hey, I'm in love with you.'

Don't do that, you've done a damn good job of keeping your feelings away from her. don't scare her away now. 

"No, you're fine," Draco changed the subject, drawing attention away from what had almost just happened before she had time to analyze.  "Your solution worked."

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