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Draco stood silently in front of Hermione for a moment unable to handle the fact that she was acknowledging he cared and telling him that to her it did make things different.

But doe sit really? His mind taunted.

A static started screaming in his ears, this...her words...were too much for his brain to function clearly.

"Do you trust me?" he asked softly, over the buzz in his head. He wasn't sure where the question had come from and yet suddenly he was absolutely desperate to know the answer.

She hesitated for only the barest of moments before meeting his eyes squarely and nodding.

"Say it out loud please," he asked needing to hear the words.

"I trust you Draco, after everything..." she shook her head. "How could I not?"

Draco swallowed.

You should trust her too, the little voice inside him said.

No you shouldn't you stupid git, she's your enemy.

She was my enemy, that more gentle voice insisted.

They might be on different sides of the war, but at some point in the last two weeks he had started wanting not only for her to be safe but also for her and her friends to win the war.

It was the ultimate betrayal of everything he had been raised to believe and it was causing total chaos in his head and heart. Even though a part of him wished he wasn't in this situation Draco could no longer deny the fact that he genuinely wanted the order and the 'good guys' to win and put a permanent end to Voldemort.

If they win she will go back to be the with Weasel.

The thought turned Draco's stomach sour.

Did you forget that for a moment? His mind tormented. She will never be yours she will never love you.

Love...Draco shook his head dismissing the word. 

He didn't want her love. 

Her forgiveness maybe but not love. 

Love wasn't an option.

"Draco?" Hermione's voice cut through the inner dialogue that was tearing Draco to pieces in small increments. 

"Why do you call me that now?" he asked blinking at her and wondering how long he had been lost in his thoughts.


"Draco, instead of Malfoy? You've done it several times."

"Oh...I hadn't realized..." Draco watched a flush creep up into Hermione face and she pulled the torn edges of her shirt closer to her. 

For a moment he had almost forgotten where they were and what he had just done to her. 

He had torn her clothing in front of the Dark Lord and Greyback, dragged her up the stairs, scared her, made her believe that he was going to hurt her...

You also saved her, a gentle almost feminine voice said so softly it almost wasn't a thought.

Draco looked at her shirt and how she seemed so much smaller as she held it closed. 

"Let me fix that," Draco offered, changing tracks inside his head he lifted his wand and with a flick of the wrist repaired her shirt.

At least I can fix something small, make it a little bit better.

Left Behind 2: Illusions (A Dramione Romance)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora