The Order-Part 2

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4 days ago-Night Before the Rescue.

"You nervous Fred?" asked George as the twins gathered supplies together in their room. 

"Only for them," said Fred with a false bravado, knowing his brother was nervous and not wanting him to worry. That's how they always were. Fred looked out for George and George looked out for Fred.

"Yeah," said George. "I'm nervous too."

Tomorrow was the day. The manor was supposed to have fewer Deatheaters around and Voldemort was to be out of the country. 

They were finally going to go with Harry and Ron and the rest of the order to rescue Hermione.

While the mission had been deemed 'optional' for everyone, It didn't feel optional for Fred. Hermione was family, leaving her there to rot was NOT an option. He knew he wasn't the only one who felt that way.

"It will be alright though won't it?" asked George after a moment of silence had passed between them.

"Sure," said Fred with a sad smile. He patted his twin on the back. "It'll all be fine. It always is."


Three Day's ago-The Rescue

The chaos of the battle erupted once everyone was in the mansion. 

It had been easy to get to the mansion...

Too easy. 

The trap was lying in wait. 

Despite all the precautions taken for getting past the wards, someone had tripped a silent alarm crossing over the barrier and into the Malfoy estate.  

In the time that it took for them to cross from the woods on the outskirts of the property into the manor, there were dozens of Death eaters waiting for them.

In the chaos and the screams Fred and George were separated.


"Where is she?" Harry demanded of a death eater at wand point. 

Harry's voice was distinct though it was coming from Ron's body. The order had told Harry he couldn't go and so Harry had taken a polyjuice potion to look like Ron and come along with them anyways. 

Both twins knew of the little deceit, not that either of them had been surprised. There was no way that Harry wasn't tagging along on a rescue mission for his best friend. Harry and Ron hadn't bothered to tell them expressly what they were doing, but then Fred and George always did have an 'ear' for things. 

Some part of Fred's mind wondered just who his mother was babysitting back at order headquarters.

Neither Fred nor George would have given Harry up even if they had found out early enough to prevent Harry from coming along simply because they agreed and understood: Family was on the line. You didn't stand in the way of that.

"Where is she?" demanded the real Ron  shaking another death eater before punching him out.

Hearing that question, while trying to look for his brother distracted Fred for a mere moment.

That moment was enough. 

A hex hit Fred sending him backwards. 

In the chaos Ron and Harry, though so near to Fred, did not see him fall to the ground.


"She's not here," said Harry. "She's not here Ron."

"Then where the hell is she?" asked Ron.

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