By AngelMinnu

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The early morning sunlight was irritating me to open my eyes and as usual being lazy I was rubbing my eyes to... More

His Outburst
Poor Boy or Teacher?
Food Fight
My New Friends
His Stare
Rian and Jass
Sleepy Classes!
Sudden Gesture
Principal's Office😉
Leave me in Peace!!
Friends then??
My Hero
We are cool
Crush as my Friend😊
Best Friend?
Balloon Pillow😊
Negative Vibe
His past
Crowded thoughts
Dislike without reason
The Shopping
Surprise surprise!!
Biggest Idiot
Mom and Dad<3
The Party
Really a Poet? 😊
Sunday funday
Date Me!
Long Weekend
Wills will!
The secret
Stuttering Flio😉
I said yes btw😊
Get off
Little planning
Kidney Stones😉
Cuteness unlimited
Boring to best..?
Little sister
Revelation(Part 1)
Revelation(Part 2)
The most awaiting day
The proposal

Unexpected friend

6 1 7
By AngelMinnu

I was all ready and was waiting for Flio when I heard his car honking. I said a quick goodbye at mom and dad and left to his car where he was waiting with a smile which I think I hadn't seen on his face since I met him. I sat beside him but the frustration for not talking to me and also not attending my calls made me suppress the words from coming out of my mouth. He admired my look but I just ignored him most of the time and replied with just monosyllables. See the nerve of this guy! He is not even asking the reason for my odd behavior. I thought he would observe me but never once he diverted his attention from road while talking. When we reached the pub, I got out without even looking back. I entered and saw Wills talking to some guy. I made my way towards him but before that I found someone placing hand on my shoulder and when I turned to see, it was Flio. I sighed and walked towards Wills.

" Hey. Hope you are enjoying your company very well " I whispered in Wills's ears and smirked. He smacked my head and I just laughed out when he blushed red. I sat at the empty space beside Wills where the strange guy was seated and I ignored Flio. Then I found Joe and Iya were dancing on the floor not even sparing a glance at us.

" Do you think Joe is hiding something from us. I mean look at how he is looking at Iya " Wills said raising his brows and meanwhile Flio gave us a soft drink which I sipped looking at the couple. I just hummed and kept looking at them. When I was about to go to the dance floor Flio stopped me by holding my wrist and I gave him an irritated look.

" What happened Jassy? Why are you pissed off suddenly? I wanted to dance with you and you seem to be not interested to dance with me " he said with a sad tone and I rubbed my temples. I sighed heavily and looked at him who was looking at me with a puppy face.

" Fine. Come now and don't act like a toddler " I said and took hold of his hand and I must say he smiled as if I gave him his favorite candy after years. I rolled my eyes and started dancing. I was really enjoying without looking at Flio who was also doing the same as me. When I turned to the other side, I saw Simmy who was talking to a girl whose back was facing me. I kept looking at the girl and I felt like I know the girl even though I was not seeing her face. Her hair and her body posture were making me feel like I know her. I shook my head removing all the thoughts and turned back to see Flio coming near my face. I moved my face backwards while he gave me a weird look.

" I am going to the rest room. Will you be alright here? " he whispered and I released a heavy breath nodding.

What was I even thinking? I hit my forehead and smiled at my foolish thoughts.

I saw Wills talking to the same girl there and Simmy was happily conversing with them. When Wills saw me, he gestured me to come and I nodded. I slowly made my way to him but the girl was not there when I went near them. I shrugged not really interested in knowing the girl. When Flio came out of rest room he came straight towards me and Simmy went to call that girl who is his so-called cousin.

" You know that girl is cool who Simons introduced. I think he really admires her " Wills said and we again ordered drinks and Wills started with his stupid jokes. I was literally laughing my ass off and he was not stopping with his lame jokes.

" I would like you two to meet my cousin " said Simmy and moved aside and then when my eyes landed on that girl, the glass which I was holding was about to fall. I felt like the whole energy in my body reached zero and there was nothing which was supporting me. Not only me but she was also looking at me with wide eyes.

" Ella this is my friend Jassy and this is Fillano her boyfriend. And this is my cousin Daniella " said Simmy and Flio extended his hand to shake but she didn't return his gesture.

" Danny " that was the only word which escaped from my mouth and everyone including Danny looked at me with shock. My vision became blurred and I was completely focusing on her while everyone was trying to ask me something or the other. Few tears escaped my eyes and without any thought or preparation I just threw the glass I was holding and ran out from there and I can hear Flio shouting for me to stop.

I ran and ran and to be frank the dress I was wearing was not making me easy to run due to the cold breeze touching my bare skin. I just ignored all the feelings going through my body and ran without any destination. I was tired and I found that I ran far away from that place and I took deep breaths to calm my racing heart. With much difficulty I walked to a path which I was not aware and saw a tree under which there was a bench and sat on that holding my head in my hands.

" Why? Why this has to happen now when I was finally forgetting my past and trying to move on? I don't hold any grudges on her but the way she betrayed me is still fresh in my mind and I don't want to act like an immature person " I said to myself and kept chanting everything came to my mind randomly. I saw a shadow approaching me and I looked up and sighed when I found Flio standing there panting. He didn't utter a word but just sat beside and held onto my hand which was in my lap. That simple gesture made my heart melt and I hugged him tightly. I let all my tears to fall on his shirt and I was least bothered about the way I was spoiling his dress. He held me in his embrace for sometime while rubbing my back and I relaxed after sometime.

" Shall we leave now? I am on a verge of shivering due to this weather " he said while standing up and I nodded silently. We both walked together and I couldn't believe that I had run this far just to get out of the situation. I was stealing glances at him but he was looking ahead. I know I acted like a pervert by ignoring him earlier but here he is helping me out.

" I am sorry Flio " I said breaking the silence between us and he just nodded holding my cool hand and I felt warm after getting to hold his hand. When we were finally near his car, he opened the door of passenger seat and I hopped in. I was deeply immersed in my thought that I didn't realize that we already reached my home and Flio was shaking my shoulder. I gave him a gentle smile and made my way to the main door when I heard him coming towards me.

" I would like to come and bid bye to your parents. May I? " he asked innocently and I nodded with a smile. I took my spare key and opened the door but the lights were on and mom and dad were awake talking to someone on couch. I slowly made my way towards the couch and mom suddenly got up looking at me and dad too did the same in just a moment. I was confused with their behavior and they seem tensed.

" What's the matter dad? Everything alright? And who is it this time..... " my sentence halted when I saw the person sitting on the couch. She stood up from the couch and tried to approach me but I just showed my hand to stop and she stood there without moving.

" Atleast let her explain what she wanted to say darling. I know you are not ready to do it but some or the other day you have to cross path with her and I think you should solve whatever it is before avoiding her. Just give her a chance honey please " said mom and I felt tears pricking my eyes when I heard her. I shook my head and tried to tell something but I felt words were not escaping my throat as if someone was holding it trying to keep me mum.

" Dad I am going. I need some time alone " I said and turned around where Flio was already looking at me with curiosity but I went out of the door before he could question me. I made my way towards his car but he came after fifteen minutes and I was getting irritated with each passing second. I just wanted to sleep as if I didn't see her at all. As soon as Flio appeared I sat in the passenger seat and he placed a small bag in the back and started his car and I stared out the window the whole time.

When I entered his house, I sat on the couch in the living room while he disappeared somewhere. There were many things running in my mind but I just sat there without showing any emotions while holding my throbbing head in my hands. I don't know what to do with her, I mean we had been close sometime before but that doesn't mean I am going to talk to her all happily even after she had done something which no sane person could think about.

" Here take this " Flio extended a glass of water and I drank like I had come from a desert. He sat across me and kept looking at me and I know he was trying to study what was going in my head but I was not ready in any way to tell him what is it which made me run from her as soon as I saw her.

" Don't give me that look Flio please. I need to sleep for tonight and I am happy that you allowed to give me accommodation in your house. Thank you " I said without any expression yet again and he didn't reply. He just kept silent and stood up.

" Fine. If you are not comfortable to talk about it then I will not ask anything. Now, I would like to show the princess her room. This way " he said and I smiled at the way he attempted to make me smile. He showed me a room which was two rooms away from his room and I guess it must be the guest room since it was not decorated well like it was decorated in his bedroom or any other rooms I had seen in this house.

" Here change your clothes and sleep well. Don't think too much everything is going to be alright " he said and extended the bag which he placed in his car earlier. When I looked inside, I saw that there are my clothes inside and I thanked him. After bidding me good night he left and I took a quick shower and changed into my PJ's and laid on bed. I tossed and turned but I think sleep was miles away from me. I don't know whenever I tried to close my eyes the same old memories rushed and I was not able to be at peace thinking about the past.

It was already morning and I didn't even realize it. I took a bath and changed into my clothes which were in that bag. I was thankful that mom was thoughtful and packed me clothes while I just walked away not even thinking twice. I sighed and made my way towards kitchen where the old man was doing something. When he saw me, he gestured me to sit and he brought me coffee and breakfast. I thanked him and started to eat but I was not able to swallow it. A lump was forming in my throat as every day I would eat food made by mom and I missed it. I miss mom and dad and I feel so sorry for not listening to their words.

" Good morning. Hope you had a good sleep yesterday night " Flio said and sat across me and I found him wearing jogging clothes and there was sweat all over his body. I just nodded but I think he didn't buy my lie coz he scoffed and went towards his room. I just kept staring into space when Flio sat and started having his breakfast like a pig.

" I know you didn't sleep well Jassy. Your eyes speaks more than your mouth " he said and I sat dumbfounded there. He kept eating while looking at me occasionally and I can say he is pissed off that I didn't eat anything.

" Come I need to tell you something. We will sit outside and talk " he said and dragged me towards backyard where there was a table and chairs around it. He made me sit and looked at me with a smile and I looked at him confused.

" I met my little sister Sakina two days ago " he sad and I was still for a moment. He never mentioned me before about having a sister but now he says he has a sister. Oh god, how many shocks for a day! I thought.

There is prologue coming soon!! Be ready to know the real story😉 So two surprises in this chapter. Danny and Sakina...

What do you think might have happened between Danny and Jassy? (Do comment)

What about Flio's little sister and family...?

Till then...Bye😊

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